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Denial part-2

Sadly, there's not much good news on the home health front. Not much change and unless he becomes more coherent and alert, he can't go off to a rehab center so things are in limbo right now.

On the sex front, last night as we were getting into it ourselves I asked nonchalantly about how things were with Robert about all of this. She said that he's been supportive and that he said he'd give her the space she needed and that he'd be there when she was ready to back to seeing him more. She confirmed that between our daughter being home and her dad's issues, that she didn't feel she was totally up to spending the night with him. But she did say that if things went better for the next week - and our daughter went up to her friends - that she would still want to maybe do so. She looked at me and said that she did still want to spend the night with him. I told her it was okay and that I understood and knew it was coming. It wasn't a totally sexual conversation, I knew she needed to feel my support and I even told her that I knew this was a difficult time for her. She said she wanted to feel close to me right now and even said that she's seen her brother-in-law being much more supportive and close with her sister, etc., and vice-versa for her brothers. I knew from how she was talking that she most definitely wanted to have sex with me last night - and indeed - she wanted me hugging her as she climaxed and then she relaxed and seemed to be more at ease with the rest of the time until we'd both cum again.

So, the plans for denying me have obviously been tossed as she said. I understand totally. I can feel the emotion in her when we have sex and she can finally reach the point where she gives into the orgasm and I can feel her body relax and then really enjoy - it's almost as if she's fighting the first one but then the floodgates open.

As we were going to sleep last night and we cuddled up she asked me if I understood why she wanted to spend the night with him. I wasn't totally sure so I asked her if she thought it might influence how he feels about her. She elbowed me a bit and said "nooo, it's not about him at all silly......" and she said she's pretty much given up on those desires with him (and I seemed to feel that she may now think that it was more her than him all along from some of the ways she's talked about how "smooth" he was with her and how she may have mistaken that) - but she said that it's something she wants to feel again and she said in a quiet voice that she misses that with Robert after she'd learned to enjoy them with Frank. She pushed back against me as she spooned up with me and said as she could feel my no longer limp cock against her back - she said "'This' is what I want to feel with him at least once - not having to run off afterwards" and she snuggled back against me and she seemed to just melt into her pillow.

It did turn me on to hear that and I'm sure my cock responded but I have to also say that at that moment, I also did not like the thought. As I've said in some PM's to other people here - I don't feel threatened by Robert and that maybe all along I've just never sensed the seriousness that I thought Sue wanted between them. But somehow last night lying there - knowing how emotional and, I guess, fragile, she seemed to be feeling - that I was sure I wanted her to share this kind of feeling with him. I'm sure that's why she's not running off to figure out how to do it this week - she must feel that same vulnerability so I'm hoping that's a part of why she's waiting too.
We were both pretty tired last night after the heat yesterday as well as just everything that's going on.
That's why I was surprised when Sue got changed for bed that she left her panties on as she pulled her night-shirt over her head.
She saw me looking when she pulled the shirt past her head and she smiled and said "I didn't say I wanted to stop altogether" and she giggled and said "I know this turns you on too" as she let the bottom of the shirt fall past her panties.

Same this morning as she came out of the bathroom already wearing clean panties for today. When she saw me looking at her she said that she wasn't going to see him today but that she hoped to maybe spend a little more time with him tomorrow "if that's okay with you?".

I smiled back and all I could think was that I was glad we weren't done with playing with this denial thing as it still has me quite horny to think about.
Our thought are with You. I know I speak for Everyone Here!!! As Far As Sue and You go. If either can grab a moment of joy and laughter. Go for it. Your both entitled to it. As I said before Its No One's place to judge You.

hope sue's dad is still doing good. but all of this sue has still found the time to still make thing's fun for you both enjoy the denial play she has started again today have fun.

and keep us posted.
Well, what a difference a day makes! Just as we are thinking denial is out for a while, it comes right back. I suspect Sue may switch again before the situation with her dad plays out. You will just have be ready. In the meantime it looks like Robert will benefit from some particularly uninhibited encounters as Sue tries to forget her troubles with passion. It looks like all plans are on ice at present. All you can really do is react to events as best you can. It could be a bumpy ride Steve!
Site down for 2 days! I hope it stays up.

Steve, Any news you can give us about Your Father-in-law?
I hope for good news.

Cheers, Harry
Harry and others, I wish there was better news but he's not getting better - or at least not quick enough.
They're now looking to move him to an whatever you want to call a care-facility where he'll be taken care of as he's still not totally there.
He looks like hell too, just too much for an old man I guess. He recognizes familiar faces but doesn't stay focused and when he does come back into focus he doesn't realize you've been there for a while. Sad.

Sue is literally at her wits end - they're discussing whether to authorize a DNR (do not resuscitate) order but even then, you can't be sure the nursing-home or whatever care facility will honor it. And then there's the whole estate planning that they never got to the last time around - so that's also pulling at her.

She DID go see Robert last night after work and stayed out a bit later - but it was immediately obvious on her face and her whole demeanor when she got home that she apparently needed to see him. She says she can just leave everything else behind when she's with him - something she can't do easily right now. I saw her wet panties in the hamper (couldn't resist looking after she changed when she got home). I admit it's a weird feeling knowing she went to him for this kind of escape for a while and to then come home to us. It's okay - but she's very non-sexual right now with me right now with all of this going on. From the moment she gets in the door she's been on the phone with first her sister and now her brother. I'm happy she's able to get away a bit - but admit that sometimes it irks me that that is what she wants/needs. Seeing her wet panties kind of got to me last night - that she's sharing that "up" moment with him and not me - but it's okay. She's already told me that later tonight she wants some time for "us" and said that we should return to our Wednesday ritual if I was ready tonight - the smile on my face gave it away.

Maybe later tonight we'll start to pick up where we'd left off - not sure how much more tears Sue can really shed right now about all of this.

Anyway - I hear her getting off the phone now so I"m going to run....

sorry to hear that he is not getting any better. and sound's like sue is doing ok with it with robbie's help at time's.

if you do go back to ypour wednesday night fun well enjoy it and .

and keep us posted.
Steve, Thanks for the update on Sue's Dad. Sorry that it's not good.

Quote Steve: "I admit it's a weird feeling knowing she went to him for this kind of escape for a while and to then come home to us. It's okay - but she's very non-sexual right now with me right now with all of this going on. From the moment she gets in the door she's been on the phone with first her sister and now her brother. I'm happy she's able to get away a bit - but admit that sometimes it irks me that that is what she wants/needs. ..... that she's sharing that "up" moment with him and not me"

Yes, I think I would feel like you about her not coming to you, bit then she did come to you last week, not only for herself, bit for you. She is thinking of you, and wanting to play tonight is something she knows you like.

Cheers, Harry
Appreciate how it must feel when Sue feels the need to see him like that. Maybe at a distance it's easier for us to see the other side. With Robert she can lose herself completely. With you, however well meaning, one tender kiss in the middle of passion could bring it all back.With him, he wants nothing but her body and she has to respond to that. Still, can't be easy. Although it still seems you will end up with a better deal than five straight weeks of denial!

Can only seeing it ending one way for her Dad. She'll need you then. Be strong.
Well, we did play around last night - she enjoyed talking, teasing and taunting me as I thoroughly enjoyed masturbating with her twice. I admit I was eager for it by the time 10pm came around and sure enough, by 10:15pm or so we were behind locked doors and were talking quite openly about most everything.

I should preface this by saying that she was a bit more relieved when the earlier phone calls had concluded that they're going to move her dad to a nursing-home type of place but that for now at least, until they get a firm diagnosis/prognosis on his mental state, that they aren't doing the DNR thing - I think that alleviated a lot of her concern that the next call she got could be that he's gone if the DNR was in place. So, when she was ready for fun last night she was in a much better place.

She teased me whether I still wanted her to deny me until we go away next month. She pulled her panties up tight against her pussy showing a nice camel-toe and then she asked me to tell her what I wanted. I hemmed and hawed until she coaxed me along saying "tell me - do you like thinking about it?" and other stuff. And as we talked around her question she started to ask me more in general - "what do you want baby? what turns you on the most?".

I thought about what others here have said - that I should be clearer with her about what turned me on. I was trying to think about what to say and how to say it as she leaned up against me and let me feel her breasts through her night-shirt against my arm and shoulder. Then she said something that she's never really said before or never really sank in with me but she said "it doesn't have to turn me on baby, I just like knowing what turns YOU on".

I still had my boxers on but had my shirt off and as she said that and more stuff like "you can tell me" but when she finally said something like "I won't think you're weird, not any more". And as she reached into my shorts and started to touch and stroke my cock - I guess I just started to talk to her. I told her that it turned me on like crazy that she had panties on - my cock was almost stiff when she started but as I said that and started to talk, it firmed up fully and she giggled a little. I told her that I loved knowing she had them on because she wanted her pussy to only be for Robert. She looked back at me and said "tell me more" and then she went back to stroking me while I looked up at the ceiling as I talked. For all the talking and other stuff we've done I still felt awkward looking at her saying what I was about to say - but I told her that for as much as it drove me crazy and making me want her - knowing that she only shared her pussy with Robert was something that seemed to touch me deeply (as I've described here before) and seemed to make me feel incredibly horny. Before she could say anything further I said that knowing she'd only have sex with him for the next month and that he'd be with her and yes, I said it, "that he'll have cum so much in you" that it really seemed to make me insanely horny to think about. She giggled back something about "I can tell" and emphasized how she felt my cock thicken and throb as I said that to her.

I told her it wasn't easy for me to accept but that it really turned me on. She looked up at me and said "enough that you'll be happy just jerking off instead of fucking me until we go away? ...... mmmmmm" - she said it as a question but more just asking me to confirm it rather than say no. I told her that when I thought about it while I was jerking-off that it always made me cum intensely. And with that she took my hand and said "show me". As I took over and started to stroke myself she said "tell me what you're thinking - what makes you cum?" and she slid down and lay sort of next to me so that we could both watch me.

And so - I told her. She encouraged me at first - I said a few things - about how it turns me on to think about her being naked with him. She cooed that she wanted me to tell her more - and that I should just talk as I had fun. So I did. It felt awkward at first but then I just went with it and pretty much narrated the scenes/visions I'd have if I was jerking off alone. I told her of how I liked to think of her giving herself to him. I told her that in my head when she spreads her legs for him, that she is telling him she is his and that her pussy is his too. She moaned many times as I talked but I didn't look at her as I just felt I'd have to stop talking if I did. I told her that having never seen Robert or them together that sometimes I let my imagination go and she giggled and said "I'll bet you do". I told her how I liked to think of her having her first orgasm as he went down on her and how she'd pull her legs back to let him lick her and how I imagined he had a very long tongue that would snake up inside her.

I told her how I liked to think of her being naked with him and she said "yeah, that's always turned you on" and I told her how I liked that she felt comfortable enough now with him to not feel like she couldn't be herself to which she giggled a "yeah" reply back.

My cock was rock hard - and I do mean rock hard as I told her that I liked thinking of her getting him undressed - and that from what she's said to me that I imagined him having a big hard cock "as you said .... bigger than mine" and she just sort of moaned a "uh huh" response in agreement. And I continued telling her how I envisioned her mouth being full as she tried to suck him. I told her I imagined he had big balls too and that she would get horny as she'd hold them and she cooed back "you're right, they are big".

Things were happening pretty quickly - alone I could make some of these thoughts and scenes linger in my head for as long as I wanted - but lying next to her it seemed like everything was going faster than usual. I felt a big orgasm was in the making. I told her how I loved thinking of her kneeling in front of him and how she might be playing with herself as she struggled to suck him. That brought an audible moan from her. She giggled when I told her how I envisioned him getting hornier and hornier fucking her mouth until he pushed her back on the bed.

"You hold your legs back for him and he can see how wet you are for him". She moaned out loud when I said that and I knew that I wouldn't be lasting much longer as I told her how horny I get when I think about him pushing his cock into her pussy and how ready and open she is waiting for it.

I think part of my arousal was from hearing her responses - her gentle moan as I described him pushing his cock into her - how her pussy lips would stretch around him - how wet he'd be as he pulled out of her.

When I told her that it turned me on to think that some of that wetness might be from him from the day before she moaned out loud and said "does that turn you on to think about?". I know it sort of derailed my fantasy - but not really - so I answered her and said that it made me crazy horny to think about that and she giggled "it's true you know" and that was my turn to moan back that it drove me crazy to think of her feeling his stuff in her like that.
She encouraged me on and as I told her how I'd think of her lying back and him spreading her apart so he could fuck her deep. "Tell me baby" was all she said. I was looking at her but she might have been rubbing herself but I couldn't pay attention to it. I knew I was close when I felt my body start to tense up as I shared how I liked to think of her orgasming under him and how she'd arch her back and push herself up towards him. I think I started to cum even before I said how I always cum when I think about him pushing deep into her and how he'd grunt as he'd cum deep in her. All I know is that by the time I got the last of those words out - a split second later an intense gush of cum spurted out of my cock followed by several others - all of which brought forth an "ooooh baby" from her as she reached out to continue stroking my now softening cock.

It was good that I didn't look at her the whole time or I might have felt self-conscious (or maybe a bit more than normal) at just how I'd cum and at what thoughts - but she didn't care - she just ooohed and I actually her lick at some of the cum that was on my stomach. I knew what I hoped and it was correct when she slurped up the rest of my cum and then came up to my lips and kissed me and shared it with me. We kissed for a few minutes and when she pulled back from me she said "see, that wasn't so bad, was it?!" with this crazy smile on her face. She leaned down and kissed me again and said "I liked hearing all of that .... turned me on too" and then she said "see - none of that was so weird .... you should tell me more.....".

I was surprised when I saw that maybe 20 minutes had gone by in total!!!! We lay there together for a little while and she said "it's okay that this stuff turns you on you know .... I like hearing it from you". And sure enough a little while later she rolled over towards me and said "so - it turns you on to think about my pussy being for Robbie only?".

I groaned back a yes and we both started to talk more. She said it turned her on to think that way - and she admitted that for her, knowing it's mainly sexual (that the "affair" didn't happen the way she'd thought) has become something she's also thought about. She said that in the past that it'd been that she did it for him but that now with the realization that this is mainly a sexual relationship with Robert, that it's her that enjoyed playing like this. She looked at me and said that it turned her on to know that when she felt her pussy being wet - that it was from him and not me. She also said that seeing me masturbate and that I wanted to do it - in her head, instead of fucking - that it seemed to turn her on even more than in the past when she watches me cum. And she said again what she'd said in the past "knowing it's not going in me turns me on". She snuggled up next to me and said that if I let her know more that I masturbate to these thoughts - that it makes it easier for her to do it for me. "When I think of you wanting to jerk off like this and that it's turning you on to not cum in me - it really gets me horny baby". She said that she feels so sexual and so aware when she can feel and know that only Robert cums in her and that at times it really turns her on to know she wants it that way.

I told her that I loved knowing she was feeling this way and that she was letting herself feel this way. She giggled back that it hasn't been easy but that because I've been so steadfast with it, that she's now accepting that this stuff turns her on too and that she doesn't always need her lover to ask or insist on it. I told her that it turned me on to see her like this.

It seemed like she too felt more at ease talking - she even said at one point that all the stuff going on with her dad has made her realize how important we are to each other and I think now that maybe how we are is putting her more at ease with everything. Sometimes I think she - like others here - view the stuff we're doing sexually as somehow affecting our marriage or relationship - and I think she's figuring it out (as I already know having gone through my own family issues many years ago) that it's more than her pussy that keeps me with her just as it's more than my cock that keeps her with me.

It was quiet for a moment before she said out almost out of nowhere "that's why I want to spend the night with him you know?". I went "huh?" and she said "it's because I want to!". And she rolled over to me and said that in the past, she'd done it mainly at the urging of her guy. She held my hand and said "I hope it's okay to tell you that I want to spend the night with him because I want to". I told her that she'd already told me that - that she "didn't want to have to run off or lose the mood". She giggled and said "yeah, that's true" but then added that "it's something I want to do too" - and she said it as if she'd been maybe trying to say it but never had the courage. I told her "it's okay" and she said "thanks, it was hard to say" and she proceeded to tell me that she wanted to feel his arms around her as she fell asleep. And yes - she admitted that she too wanted to wake up next to him and maybe have sex right then in the morning and for them to both then get up and maybe shower together. She started out kind of hesitantly saying it but after a few minutes - and maybe the smile on my face or the hardon that grew below - by the time she told me about getting dressed together for the day - she was saying it with ease. I held her hand tightly back and told her that I loved her and that I loved seeing her like this - how it reminded me so much of how she was when we first got together. She smiled at that and looked straight at me and said "I love you so much" and then she pulled me into a very deep and passionate kiss at the end of which she said "it's just sex you know" and that made me smile and I said "I know, I think that's why I'm more comfortable with it".

great update and glad her dad is still doing well. and that they are puting him in a home so he can get the care he need's. right now.

sound's like you and sue are going back to the denial part. till you go away next mo. also has sue told you when she would now like to try and stay with robert.

and is she going to try and see him more now like. everyday or still everyother day as before.

keep us posted.

are pray's and best wish's are with you and sue for her dad. to get well soon.
I had to end the post earlier but wanted to at least close it out properly. Thanks Dana and everyone for the kind thoughts and well wishes. But as Peak alluded to - it's probably going to be a downhill ride from here unfortunately.

But back to last night for a bit - I looked at Sue after we'd been talking for a little bit and I said to her "you know, I want you to do this stuff - for as crazy as it all sounds - I want to see how this all feels" and I told her that the jealousy I feel at times is so outweighed by the arousal - and I made her giggle when I said that it makes me want her even more that it's worth the wait for the intense passion I've felt from her when it's been "our turn". She admitted that she's surprised with herself at what she's finding interests her.

It was one of those evenings when I could tell she'd been able to relax a lot more than she has been at home. It certainly made it easier to talk to her. She giggled and teased me that "so, it turns you on to know I"m almost always wet from being with him?" It took me a minute to realize that she wanted to watch me again until she kept it up for a few more minutes. I do love the look on her face when she sees my cock is at full-mast - I can almost always hear her inhale deeply and then gently moan almost involuntarily.

She told me that she was going to see him tomorrow (Friday) night and that she was going to be late getting home - probably not till 11pm or later - and I recalled that she'd told our daughter she was going out after work. She later told me that she and Robert were going to meet out with the other people from work and then go to his place by about 8pm and she was quite open with me about "wanting some time with him". As I started to get into jerking off the second time she leaned over to me and asked me if I wanted her to play up her "desires" with Robert. I asked her what she meant and she asked me if it turned me on for her to be more vocal or more open about it with me and to play it up a bit. I groaned back that I thought it might be hot for her to do that and she giggled and said "okay" - so I do not totally know what this will mean later tomorrow night - but tonight so far, she's been on the phone for a while now.

But back to last night - she told me "I want to fuck him again" and she teased me with how good he feels and how big he is. I didnt need that much teasing really - some of what she'd opened up about was starting to hit me - that she's beginning to accept that she may have to act on her own desires instead of finding a guy who will bring her along and discover them with her. When she went back to talking very sexily with me about how she wants to lie next to him after they've fucked and for her to "be with him all night" - she could obviously see it was something that turned me on from how my hand began to respond.

I suppose I should add that the same decision that gave Sue some comfort is also what led to our daughter deciding to go off next week and join her friend at their vacation place. When Sue explained that there should be time for her to come home if something bad happened that she seemed to be more relaxed and that he's a bit more stable. So that's what's now fueled Sue's desire to spend a night with him next week sometime. The thing that we didn't talk about is when - I'm half turned on and half scared to think that she might do this on a work-night and that'd mean getting up with him in the morning and getting ready to go into work together. A part of me is thinking that's maybe too much - but on the other hand - the thought does excite me a bit to think of them - to think of her. I think I'd maybe have to meet her for lunch somehow that day - it'll drive me crazy to wait till she gets home to see her again - only this time in a different work-outfit than she'd left in. Damn, my cock is hard now....

Anyway - all this talk last night got me good and hard and sure enough, when she started to tell me about how she wants to fuck him - and then hearing her saying how she wanted to see me cum and to know that it's not in her - that was it - man did I spew all over my stomach and chest. She didnt' lick it off me this time - instead she took her time collecting it all and then dribbling it into my mouth from her fingers - but we did kiss and snowball at the end and I know that really turned her on.

And it's now day 4 of her back to panties - and it's all quite a bit - even after last night, I'm still kind of hard and aroused today.

Anyway - that's all for now.
Three posts that show you have moved onto a higher plane with Sue. It was brave to be so honest. You almost knew how she would react. But almost isn't certain and that is what was brave. To say all those things you have been telling us for months but only now fully telling Sue. It's clear from the reaction you got, you made the right decision. Well done. There is always the chance it may turn round and bite you in the ass as she does something for herself that you haven't anticipated but that is probably a small and maybe interesting price to pay.

I think the closeness of her thinking to mortality helps her in thinking about other things. Worries about how you or Robert might react become smaller issues when stacked against what might happen to her father, and when. It probably just helps her to deal with her sex life easier, and in immersing herself in it (as with the overnight) also helps her cope better, in some small way, with her father's passing. In this every small benefit helps, cumulatively they become a big benefit, although as ever, time needs to pass.

Have fun in the next four weeks. I suspect Sue may turn the heat up on the teasing now she knows just how much it really turns you on. You may need that holiday when it finally comes.
Thanks Peak.
It wasn't easy saying all of that - but I know it also wasn't easy - at least not at first for her to openly talk about it or open up about herself.
She did ask me last night if I wanted to "do it" when we were on our way to bed - at first I thought she wanted to have sex but then realized she wanted to know if I was horny enough to masturbate. I said to her that normally I'd go find some story or porn on the computer but that if she wanted, I was sure I could handle it without. She smiled and said "I like knowing you do it". Sure enough when we got in bed I did find myself a little horny - surprising after Wednesday night. She had a book she was reading and instead, encouraged me to "get a magazine" (Penthouse Letters in our closet) and have fun. And so I did. She giggled at me with the magazine balanced with one hand while I gently stroked with the other and I am sure I saw her looking out over the top of her Kindle to sneak a peek.

turned out I was horny. I opened up to a wife-watching story about a wife at a party who succumbs to another guy. She didn't seem interested until a little bit later I put the magazine down and got down to business. At that she put the Kindle down and openly watched me as I got closer to cumming. She whispered that maybe I should think about her 'tomorrow night' (meaning Friday night) and how wet she'll be when she gets home. That did it - I was almost there as it was and sure enough - as she said that and more - I started to spurt. Granted it wasnt a huge load like the first on Wednesday night but it felt awesome to let it go including hearing her softly moaning next to me as I coaxed more out of my cock. She again sidled up to me and said how horny it was that I didn't cum in her and that she loved watching me. She again helped me clean up afterwards and again shared a snowball kiss with me afterwards followed by a hug and an "I love you".

This morning with her prancing around in just her panties she commented on feeling so up. She made no secret about taking some extra clothes - panties, a top and jeans, with her when she left for work and reminded me that she'd be late.

That's all for now but I'm sure I'll have time on my hands later on. Things seem to be in a different place today - she seems to have some less weight on her shoulders so to say.

Gotta head into work.
Well - this is unexpected but our daughter just left to spend the night at a girlfriends house after going to the mall - sounds perfect for a teenager...

Leaving me here alone while Sue is at present, out with her workmates and Robert.

Not much more to share for now other than I'm sure I'll be hornier and hornier as the night progresses although I doubt my cock will follow-suit as I can say I feel "well drained" right now and other than a faint throb, it's far from hard....
She already packed extra clothes this morning. Does this mean she will 'stay all night' with Robert tonight? Now that the daughter will be also 'be syaying all night? Or was that too short a notice for Sue to plan, and the extra clothes are for the "after work party'?

Cheers, Harry?
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Harry, I suppose anything is possible - it's 10pm now and I haven't heard from her yet.

Doubtful, but you never know - but unless our daughter checked in with Sue, she may not yet know that our daughter isn't home tonight.

Watching the clock....

hope dad is still doing good. well it is after eleven now and have you heard from sue as of yet that she is on her way home.
do you think that sue will let you play with her when she get's home tonight. if she does not opt to stay the night with him now and if so she may want. to stay again why your daughter is away has sue said that she would like to see him everyday. next week.

keep us posted.

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