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  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
SoonToBe said:
"This morning she woke up and is pretty certain she's getting one of those yeast-infection things.
That's going to sideline her for the next few days.
I just looked at her when she told me that and she asked "what?" and I said "it's been getting quite the use lately" and I giggled.
She punched my arm and said it wasn't funny."

Steve, Remember that she was also 'sore enough' Sunday night, that she told you, several times to, "Take it easy," so she had it then too. Yeast infection, could also be the beginning stage of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) Why hasn't this happened already with Robert?
It may be time to 'break the "agreement" that let her be 'private' about what they do. Do your research, but she may be having anal sex with Robert. Check out the following links.

A good antibacterial mouthwash for the man helps prevent Yeast and, UTI's

Cheers, Harry

Yeast infection: http://women.webmd.com/tc/vaginal-yeast-infections-topic-overview

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) :http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090725062843AAe6nzB

Anal Sex & U T I :http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/sexandrelationships/analsex.htm
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Harry2614 said:
Steve, Remember that she was also 'sore enough' Sunday night, that she told you, several times to, "Take it easy," so she had it then too. Yeast infection, could also be the beginning stage of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) Why hasn't this happened already with Robert?
It may be time to 'break the "agreement" that let her be 'private' about what they do. Do your research, but she may be having anal sex with Robert. Check out the following links.

A good antibacterial mouthwash for the man helps prevent Yeast and, UTI's

Cheers, Harry

Yeast infection: http://women.webmd.com/tc/vaginal-yeast-infections-topic-overview

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) :http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090725062843AAe6nzB

Anal Sex & U T I :http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/sexandrelationships/analsex.htm

Good advice Harry.

Steve It may be Time to Call a Truce Night. Have a Nice Meal. (NO Wine). Just Talk. See where the Two of You are at. And just what is happening. Health impacts both of You. What happens to One. Happens to the Other.
Me thinks many of you are making much out of what may also be related to other things.
As I've said, I don't post about everything in our lives which would also include her being on antibiotics recently due to a sinus situation.
She believes it to be a combination. And going back in time, it's not necessarily something that's transmitted between male/female - I'm sure Robert takes a shower somewhere in the 2 days between their times together. But 'nuff said as I'm not really interested in talking about the box of stuff she has in the bathroom.

Going back to Peak's questions from the weekend. I see what you're saying but I'm not sure that I wanted to pass up on the opportunity to enjoy feeling her as intimately as that - and when she added on that SHE wanted me to pull out, I can't explain it but it was something I wanted to do. I can't really explain how that made me feel - I loved what she wanted me to do. But I also think SHE wanted me to feel good on Fathers day and to let me have some - but not all of her.

I suppose there could be more to read into it so I'll give it some thought and post more on it later.
Yeast infections are very common but in Sue's case it may be caused by a combination of her antibiotics and her new habit of trying to keep Robert's cum inside her. The drugs kill the healthy vaginal bacteria and the prolonged dampness encourages the growth of the yeast normally kept in check by the bacteria. Ironically, if she douches after Robert sometimes and dries herself it may help. Try telling her that one!
peakmb said:

What is confusing me a little and it seems maybe Sue as well are the mixed signals you seem to be sending re Denial.

Your expectation going into last weekend was a blowjob, at best, maybe less.

On Friday, Sue arrived home late, sore, and satisfied but still asked if you were ok waiting. Hardly a Dom gesture, particularly after only one week denied, a position you have been in twice before already.

On Saturday your expected blowjob turns up, but surrounded by questions from Sue about whether you were still ok with her denial of you, and your assurances that you were not only ok but actually turned on by it.

Just one day later she then tests this be offering you her pussy, albeit restricted a little by no-cumming.

That allows her to tell herself she is not 'cheating' on Robert, but she was still excited enough by the action to come herself even though she said it was 'only for you'.

I can't blame you for accepting her offer but you can see how that may confuse her.

Sue wants the denial to fuel her fantasy of 'only for Robert' but she is enormously conflicted about its effect on you.

She can't help but think you are only going along with it for her sake. I'm not sure if the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Either way, it will be interesting to see how your angst and Sue's guilt develops into next weekend. She may think she has over-delivered this weekend so she can find some time with Robert next weekend, especially as you will be away with her the weekend after.

Can you read her mind, and which way would you really like it to be?

I am confused as well. Is it Robbie's pussy or not? If it is, then you should not be sleeping near it more than once a month.
SoonToBe said:
Me thinks many of you are making much out of what may also be related to other things.
As I've said, I don't post about everything in our lives which would also include her being on antibiotics recently due to a sinus situation.
She believes it to be a combination. And going back in time, it's not necessarily something that's transmitted between male/female - I'm sure Robert takes a shower somewhere in the 2 days between their times together. But 'nuff said as I'm not really interested in talking about the box of stuff she has in the bathroom.

Yes, obviously, you don't post everything, Therefore it's likely that we'll assume things that aren't, because in our minds, and in our thinking, we are concerned with you, your happiness and your health.

You are the man we know, because you are the one writing this blog. All we know of Sue's intentions, is what you tell us.

All you know about Robert, is what Sue tells you, and all we know about Robert, is then 3rd. hand, so who would we consider the "unknown," and therefore the first to suspect, if anything went wrong.

Steve, we do care!!!

BTW, drinking wine while on antibiotics wont help get rid of the yeast infection.

Cheers, Harry
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SoonToBe said:
Well - this evening she was definitely seeing him. I came home and got dinner ready and she came in just after 6:30pm with the most dreamy look on her face.

my mind filled with the thoughts of what she'd been doing

it's certainly keeping me quite horny.

Ask Robbie what he is doing with his pussy. He may tell you if you wash his car.
SoonToBe said:
Unless she's acting (in which case she should win an Oscar) I have to believe her when she tells me that she feels that the sex we've been having on "our weekends" has been excellent.

She even used the words "surprisingly good" and said that she hasn't been able to cum that hard or that much with me unless we've gone away or been alone for a few days.

I told her that I felt the same way - that it seemed weird that the less we have it, the more intense it is.

She smiled and said that she too hadn't felt this type of desire or even need to feel sexual with me like this in a long time - and she added that she hasn't been able to orgasm as deeply with me in the past as she has this past weekend and back on Memorial Day weekend.

With that as a starting point, I felt very comfortable opening up with her. I told her how hesitant I was about starting all of this but that over the past month I'd become more sure that this REALLY DID turn me on.

I told her that I find myself incredibly turned on when I thought that (at that point) we'd only had sex 4 or 5 times in the past month and I think my voice cracked a little when I said that I knew she'd been with him like 10 or 11 times.

She held my hand tightly and said that it wasn't the amount that was important, but more what it MEANT FOR US and that she loved me, maybe now more than ever (her words).

I didn't say it then but it also was in my mind that he probably came in her TWICE most if not all of those times.

She said that she FELT LIKE a teenager again when she was with him and giggled that he's as horny as one too.

I again asked her if this was her way of saying she wanted to see MORE of him - and she giggled and said that it was actually the opposite and she said something like "I need a BREAK too sometimes" and patted her pussy.

..she asked me if it bothered me that he came so much in her and it led to her telling me about how SHE FEELS afterwards and how sexual it makes her feel to be able to still FEEL HIS SEMEN in her the NEXT DAY or after that.

she admitted that constantly feeling his stuff (sperm) still in her makes her horny and makes her want him all over again.

I asked her if she liked....... or didn't like...... me going down on her after they'd been together and she said that she loves it when she's in the mood for it ........but also admitted that sometimes she just wanted to enjoy that feeling ....just herself afterwards.

Eventually this came back to her again asking me if it bothered me that he cums so much inside her?

I told her that it did turn me on a LOT to know that she was almost.... ALWAYS wet from him.

She didn't mention (and I didn't ask) but the thought of her body ABSORBING all of his stuff was on my mind.

I told her what I've said here many times - that the thought of not having sex with her..... while knowing she is having sex with her lover....... is just incredibly overpowering for me.

I asked her how she's going to feel only having sex with Robert for all this time. She came close to me and held my hand and said that she hasn't felt this turned on ..... and aroused ....in so long that she just feels that she wants to do it and "see what happens" ....and she reminded me that's what we'd AGREED to - that we would do this as long as it was still working for BOTH of us.

She reached down and felt my hard cock and said "I guess it's working for you!".

that's when she said that she was hoping that letting me have fun with her ....some of the time...... would make it easier for me and make us feel more connected.

But she also added that "there are times" ..........when she just wants to....... "enjoy feeling him for longer".

I don't mind masturbating more ........now since we don't have sex all that much.

..she says that when she thinks about it - that I cum MORE now from masturbating than having sex with her

I had to admit that I did miss fucking her - feeling her pussy - and she said she did miss that with me too - but that she knows that OVERALL, she is FAR MORE TURNED ON by all of what we're doing together... (and apart).... than she has probably EVER BEEN.

She thought...... and was right........ that after Saturday night, that I might need/want some teasing and taunting - and she let it out when we got down to business.

She told me how I'd better enjoy her now because I will be WAITING for a longer time.

She did tease me that "maybe we'll work something out for Fathers day - maybe you can pull out of me or something?" and she giggled. Damn that really hit me..............(like a sledgehammer?)

This is hot, sexy and erotic - and reveals so clearly that it is HOW YOU FEEL about something that is most important.
I had forgotten that she'd said that about Fathers Day until Saraha repeated it above - and also edited my earlier post to, I see, emphasize certain aspects a bit more including some creative capitalization. So, perhaps not such a surprise after all - unless, like me, you get caught up in the moment....

From my perspective - I think she's conflicted in wanting to deny me and let herself go with it - and with being concerned that we'll either be more distant with each other or that it'll affect us if she doesn't feel that "we" are just there whenever she wants that reassurance physically as well as verbally. At least that's what I think. If I'd have said no to her or not taken her up on the offer - the feeling I had was that she'd maybe wonder about whether I wanted her to continue since - again - in my head - that this IS what I've wanted to do and feel with her.

I'm not sure I'm thinking that she's got this conflict on the side of her thinking she's cheating on him with me though. I don't see that type of thing with her. Maybe I don't see it - but she is totally getting off on that he WANTS her. That she'll go there and, as I said above, feel like a teenager for a while spending the afternoon having sex with your boyfriend. Something she couldn't do easily - as frequently - with me at home. I don't her her talking about him in an emotional sense much in the past week or so, she hasn't talked much about him but I don't think I hear that type of desire in her voice - or perhaps she's accepted that it'll move slower if it happens.

I am curious to see what happens between them as others noted, she's mentioned him asking about us more. Maybe it's some sort of reassurance thing again she's doing for me to justify it to herself as to make or keep me comfortable with whats going on. Or, yes, it could be more sinister in a way where he may be opting for more control perhaps? It is true, she has teased me a bit now about it being "Robbies pussy" at times, so perhaps there is a truth to this.

Peak - you did echo what I've been feeling all along - that this is a balance between her emerging desires that she's still maybe not fully accepting - and her knowledge of my arousal at it all - and maybe neither of us really knowing where it is between the two. But then again, when I think about it more, does it matter? As long as it's somewhere in between. It may also not be a static thing - as I'm writing this I'm thinking it may also be a fluid thing where it changes back and forth.

It is true above that Saraha did find the thoughts that may best state things. And, as I'm reading what's been posted just above, I'm also thinking that Sue herself may lose track of exactly where she's been and how she, at times, wavers back and forth.

I think Peak's summary of the potential cause of Sue's current problem is perhaps most accurate. I recall back when she used to use her diaphragm, that when we went for several times in a row and several days in a row - such as on vacation - that she would undoubtedly come down with some sort of disturbance down there - I was actually chuckling about the suggestion that she dries out a bit - as that was what I noticed most with her on Sunday - was just how wet she was, especially compared to us having to use lubricants not all that long ago.

well it is wednesday again so whenyou and sue have your fun tonight and. your talk hopefuly some of what is going on will come to light.
and you both can talk about it then.
so have fun and enjoy tonight .
keep us posted.
ps we all on here care and think that there is more to this story than you are beeing told right now. good luck and hang in there. thing's are about to change good or bad i guess you will have to go with. the flow for now to see where it takes you and sue. i do think sue does have some idea where it is going with her and robbie. and maybe she will tell you about it to night.
Steve do you think Sue will ever want you to be together with Robbie as you were with Frank on occasion?
perhaps she could deny you in front of Robbie but in a way that works for the two of you.
PAC - I think it's much more that Robert isn't interested in that sort of thing. I think, in a way, it may bother him that she's married - I'm thinking that is partly behind his regular questions and his concern for our relationship. That said, I do think he's becoming more attached to Sue - not emotionally, but certainly physically in that Sue seems to be more physically drained at times when she comes home - which I think may also account for her accepting that sometimes, like tonight, it doesn't work out for them to get together. I joked with her earlier that Robert will be stuck with his right hand tonight as I am - that brought a smile to her face and even a giggle. Despite her accepting the situation, I think she's annoyed with it too. She assures me it's "just a yeast thing" and that she should be back to normal by Friday (she got the 3-day stuff if anyone's interested) and pretty much made it clear that she WILL be seeing him on Friday.

So - as I said yesterday - I really think she almost needs my reassurance in order for her to feel comfortable about what she's doing. I know at times it seems like she wants to exert control - and comes very close to being a true dominant in our relationship - but at other times, I still feel that she needs the reassurance that I want her to be that way - which is where I think a lot of people here are seeing questions.

If she wanted to see him every day, she could - she knows I'd probably never say no. And I think that a part of her would like to let go of the reins and let the horses just run wild. We've come this far - so I know that in time, she will eventually give in and, if you will, "believe me" that I want her to do what she wants and that I want to experience it with her. But I still think we have time for that - I think that me not ever meeting Robert is helping her because it truly is something she's doing and only she is sharing it with me. I think that Frank was friendly with us made it awkward for either of them to truly let themselves go. Frank was never aggressive enough - maybe because of the friendships - and yes, she may have gone away with him several times - but it never went beyond that - when their weekend or trip was over - it didn't mark an escalation or growth between them - it just became another time shared.

I don't know that Robert is the guy that she's going to let loose with. I'm laughing to myself in thinking that with how shes become much more self-aware now, that someone forceful like Don was with her - is who is going to bring her over the edge sexually and let her run wild. She doesn't talk about escalating things with Robert and I'd surely have thought that there would be some sort of other changes between them other than frequency that would happen but - of course - the summer is young.

Speaking of Summer - our daughter did tell us that she has worked it out with her girlfriend and that she'll be going to Maine for the last 2 weeks of July - the week of the 14th and the week of the 21st. We just talked about his for the first time earlier tonight when our daughter came home with this news after school today (which ends on Friday for the summer). Sue had a gleam in her eye so I suspect that when we enjoy our ritual time later tonight, that she'll share what led to that gleam, I'm sure. So - if something more is going to happen between them - that's when it'll start.

I'll bid adieu for now.
Steve, I believe with Robert it will go one of two ways. Either he does want a child or he will pursue Sue but if so very slowly possibly waiting to make the final push after the daughter reaches 18 give or take . In the interim he may work to grow Sue's love as she has already communicated her earlier intent to him when this begun. By inquiring of your relationship he is checking the status and gaining knowledge to be used for later advantage remembering he is in some sort of management role. Remember many leaders play long ball and are very careful when it comes time to make a move.

The other inquiry is making sure your relationship stays strong because he may give up if Sue is unable to conceive so he is covering both sides.

Go on vacation for a week just you and Sue. This will be akin to checking the oil or will most probably reveal if emotion or love on his part has taken hold. If so he may appear alittle withdrawn which is a wise move on his part.

Play the game Steve but occasionally check the oil on your terms. This way you can play both sides and see potential trouble ahead.
Looking ahead, true empty nest with both kids truly out of the home creates it's own struggles in most all marriages. In can create first or second time "life crisis" and people can and do make life changing decisions which typically cannot be foreseen until the actual emptiness of the home creates depression followed by a reassessment at times.

Most typical role playing long term marriages are built around the foundation of the children. Couples typically look forward to getting them out but need to start building their own foundation with each before the chicks fly the coop.

Not predicting here but wanted you to ponder these points in your calculus so to speak.

Thank you for sharing your life journey with all who reads your tale.
You know Steve I don't understand. Just what is so hard to grasp by others??? Sue Dom's You. She is still learning her way. Hell Your still coming to grips with the fact Your a Sub. But Sue is also a Sub to Other More Dom Men. She's a Switch!!! Yes She's going easy with You. She's Feeling Her way, So To Speak. She is still learning. She's trying to give You what you need. But She also has needs that have to taken care of.

Sorry Fellow Readers Novice Dom Sue is not going to fall into this Roll overnight!!!!!
This whole sub/dom/switch is a funny and simplistic way of looking at human relationships - so black & white (pun intended!) :)


hope all went well last night. can't wait to hear all about it.

and yes sue is a dom to stb and she has it down very well. if stb has posted as she tell's him all about them.

now i do think that sue has what she want's right now. and i think she know's where and what she want's in the future and it so far look's like it is and will be robert for a long while to come. becouse he push's all of her button's for her.

it look's like that she has been looking for robert all a long. and it just took this long to get to him he had to fix all of the trouble he had with his marriage. so he and sue could get togather.

also stb now that your daughter has got all of her trip worked out now and told you both. has sue asked or told you that she is going to spend the night with robert. or is she looking to try and spend more night's with him like a weekend. or a whole week with him while your daughter and son are both away from the house.

and yes i do think that thing's will change with them when sue does stay with him one night or a week with him. the thing is could you handle it if sue spent a week with him in july right after you and sue came back from your time away togather.

and why do you think that robert only want's to cum in sue pussy right now. and not like most men and want a blowjob. can you answer that one for us. i do think that after your time away that robert will reclam sue and he will want more control of her as well to. becouse if i read it right he is starting to do what he said that. he did not want to do and that is fall for sue.

so stb what do you think and thank's for posting so we can read it.

keep us posted.
hiki said:
This whole sub/dom/switch is a funny and simplistic way of looking at human relationships - so black & white (pun intended!) :)


If You say so.

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