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Her latest thoughts

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Cuck-Rick said:
"I think Peak and the others who predict that Sue doesn't have much more time with Robert are right.
I think before it comes to an end, Sue should arrange another weekend in Atlantic City with her, "College Girlfriends". It would make a great end to their relationship."

Well, Rick, Sorry, but it Don't look like Sue and Robert going to the Jersey shore will happen anytime soon. What was damaged by the hurricane and rebuilt, is now burnt down. besides, with Robert beginning his quest for a sexy princess to incubate the children of his desire, he just may not be in the mood for that kind of "fun" with Sue.

Cheers, Harry
Cuck-Rick said:
Wow! most of us have been expecting Sue & Robert to go their separate ways soon, but when I read Steve's post # 50 from yesterday I couldn't help feeling bad for Sue. The ending of a relationship has got to hurt some, even if she knew they were only temporary fuck buddies from the beginning.

It is now quite clear that the relationship between Sue and Robert is on borrowed time. Reading many recent postings one begins to feel a dark atmosphere developing around Sue, full of painful emotions like hurt, disappointment, regret, self-doubt, loss of sexual self-esteem and even anger.

As Robert begins his search for "Mrs. Right" most here, including myself assume that : A) Sue will continue to see Robert and remain intimate with him (with or without using condoms) until their very last time together. B) At the end of the relationship Sue will suffer some degree of emotional devastation (perhaps leaning toward the severe end of the scale) and will need support/assistance/help from others (especially Steve) and (worse case scenario) may even suffer a bout of Depression which would threaten to put her "Dating Life" on hold for some significant period of time.

Why does this have to be though?? Since Robert has obviously began his search for future happiness as this note is being written, why can Sue not follow suit and begin a search of her own for her next "Love Interest". Why does she/should she have to wait until the "Fat Lady" sings (SORRY, absolutely no intention on my part to offend any obese persons who may be following the thread) to begin looking for her next relationship??

Whatever the process will be (and obviously that is to be discussed/planned between Sue/Steve) to secure her next Lover, why can't/doesn't she start it immediately?? If it's Craig's List why not put out an ad soon. If it's to be someone at work or perhaps by chance in a Bar or Lounge why not start putting out the signals now.

If she happens to meet someone nice/suitable right away why could she not be involved with two Lovers for a brief period of time, knowing that her time with Robert is measured.

What a challenge a situation like this could present as well. Definitely pushing the envelope and taking things to yet another new level. And again, especially since Sue continues to "come into her own" in terms of her sexuality/desires/power.

Also as others have posted, Robert may likely have to meet a number of Frogs before he experiences a success. The same situation may be in store for Sue as well. Again, what a terrific challenge a process like this could pose for her as well as Steve, especially if the process involved a few, or several, One-Nighters, where supper, drinks, and perhaps much more were involved in her quest!!!
I agree with your thinking, cscguy! Sue should be giving some consideration on starting her search for her next lover or lovers and not waiting as I feel she will be a bit devastated when her and Robert part... T.
Re: the topic at hand: Sue and, 'looking for a new lover'. Sue has already indicated that she will, “stay with Robert,” during this ‘transition.' Maybe even helping him in his selection.
Steve has pointed out that Sue is not likely to involve herself with another ‘relationship,’ this close to the coming Holidays, (thanksgiving & Christmas) with much preparation and family gatherings. Also Steve & Sue have a planned, ‘getaway’ for Birthday/Anniversary in October.
So the next three months will have personal and family events that will likely ‘preempt’ any new relationships.

Likely, Sue’s trysts with Robert, will be less frequent, (like maybe once a week), to give him ‘space’ & time to explore “Other relationships/romance” to find the right woman to give him his desired offspring.

Steve & Sue have come to the point where they both can be ‘flexible’ with this ‘lifestyle.’ Using condoms in place of denial, playing ‘fantasy games’ and being so, ‘open and honest’ with each other, that they can fully enjoy the interplay and resulting sex whether Sue has a ‘lover’ or not. For the short term at least.

Cheers, Harry
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Have you ever noticed that whenever Steve hasn't posted for a while, we all tend to play 'next move roulette'. Spot the trend, the next thing. By process of sheer numbers we are even sometimes almost right. I hope Steve can see it as the harmless fun it is. However, looking back, we all ignore the effect that influences so much around us all the time and which we never predict on an individual basis. Pure random chance. Sue could meet someone who she finds attractive next week in the supermarket. Not intending to at all. Anything can happen. Of course, that's what makes real life so interesting.

Otherwise, my bet is on number 17!
Wow - so many interesting posts. Peak has an interesting point - that Sue's "next lover" could literally be anywhere. I guess what really needs to happen is for Sue to open her eyes to the possibilities. I'm intrigued by CSC's post in that, other than long ago, Sue's never, or never had to check out multiple guys to find her next lover. So, in that sense, even I'm intrigued if she would embrace truly dating and checking out a number of different guys - maybe a few "one night stands" - until she selects her next partner? But then, as Harry suggests - is she likely to do/start this now? I don't know. But the fact is that until things take a further downturn with Robert, that there's not really a reason to bring up this whole discussion.

I'm going to say that this change in Robert seems to have given Sue a bit of a different outlook. It's obvious that the sex between them is still pretty darn good - at least that's the way it seems to me both from how she seems to be acting/behaving - but also from what I can actually "see" - I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there's perhaps even a bit more physical going on, but at the same time, I think there's less mentally going on. I say that from 2 directions - one is that the things she's sharing with me about when they're together seems to be less, if you'll call it 'philosophical' and more on just a purely sexual-fun kind of thing. But the other thing is that there's been a definite uptick in the emotional and physical connection I feel with her. I'm going to say that the condom thing - her desire for me to use them - now that that's both out in the open and something that I've/we've accepted as our new (hopefully) temporary "norm" - that she's really seeming to get into sex with me a bit more.

Anyway - I hope to have more time to post later but thought I'd add these thoughts for now.

has sue texted or talked to robert yet. after his friday date is sue going to see him on monday night.

nope you and sue had a great weekend.

keep us posted.
Dana - no - as far as I know Sue didn't talk to Robert after Friday night but I expect that she will talk to him today somehow - maybe just via innocuous email at work, they know how to keep things discrete.

And no - apparently further exemplifying the changes in their relationship, she isn't seeing him tonight - and has already said that she may be moving to "just Tuesdays and Thursdays" with him. She said she wasn't sure - but again, reading between the lines, it's clear that there's been a marked change in how she feels towards him, mainly since the announcement of his date last Friday. Sue continues to say she's happy for him and all of that, but underneath there's a definite somberness to things. I did tell her over this weekend that "things had to change eventually" and again she expressed that she'd just started to feel these new sexual desires and an ability to be open to them and that she feels she's, in a way, losing the relationship that she feels has led her here. I countered that there's no reason to shut it down so fast - and she giggled that she has no intention of that and joked that she was going to "ride this till it ends" and I knew she meant that in more ways than one!

Friday night though, I knew it was on her mind that he was out with another woman. I did console her and say that I was sure that it'd be a while before and IF they were going to get intimate with each other. She giggled and said that she was sure of that, that he would most likely romance and seduce his next partner much the way he did with Sue - and that she even said that he'd only go to bed with her if it was something that felt right (like it did with Sue). But I could tell her mind was still on him as we found some time for ourselves to have our own fun.

She did let me go down on her including spreading her legs and "going inside" this time. In my mind I'm thinking she did it to "get back" at Robert in a way - but it didn't matter to me. I knew that I was finally getting to spread her legs and lick and taste her most sexy places. Yes, I could still taste the bitterness of his cum that remained in her - but it was quite the turn-on to do so and I loved how the both of them tasted together as she allowed me to bring her to orgasm orally before I'd even gotten fully undressed. She moaned when we kissed and I told her that her pussy still tasted like her lover - that did get her hornier for sure and she did finally warm up and after some more kissing and fingering and licking - she was starting to ask and then almost beg me to fuck her with her saying that she "needed it so bad".

I don't even pause or think to ask her otherwise these days - I can just tell from the beaming look on her face as I reach for the box of condoms and put one on for her. I do miss feeling her pussy - that's becoming something that I feel more pointedly these days - that I'm not getting to feel the tenderness of her sweet pussy with my cock directly - but at the same time - there is just no way to deny how incredibly horny I get when I see the look on her face as I roll the condom onto my cock. And as I said - even with it on, whereas I used to sometimes shrivel up or shrink a bit, now, if anything - my cock seems to grow harder as I pull it into place. Something even she's noticed!

I did tease her and joked as I pulled one out of the box that "who know, maybe you'll be taking these with you again" and she smiled and said "you might be right" - so to everyone who's wondering if she's thinking beyond Robert - it's apparent that she is. She even commented on "how nice these feel for both of us" referring to the type of condoms we're using. Even now typing this I can't help but feel horny about it all - that she's giving me all the pleasure I can have but denying me the one final moment of letting me cum in her.

We didn't really get too much into teasing or other stuff on Friday night. Instead when I pushed into her that first time she reached up and pulled me close and for a little while, we shared a very intense, deep close fuck. She held her own legs back and apart as she wanted me to hug her and hold her tight as we fucked deeply. She told me how good I felt inside her and I, in turn, told her how great she felt. As she was really getting into it I told her how turned on I was feeling how wet and open she was and she giggled back and said that Robert had "done me good".

I didn't tell her just then (but did over the weekend) but her pussy DOES feel different - maybe it's because he'd "done her good" the night before - but it's something I've taken note of in the past few weeks/months. When she gets really horny and turned on - her pussy opens up so deep now and once she's really warmed up, it even surprises me how deep and slick and open she feels now. It is such an intense thought that her lover may have stretched her out and that I can now feel it. I'm going to say that it even brings back some distant memories of when we first started dating that I can vaguely remember thinking to myself about how other guys had been in her and that was why she felt as she did.

Other than what was in my head, we didn't really talk too much while we were busy - instead it became much more grunting and moaning, and that soon yielded to squishing and sloshing in her pussy as I plunged in/out of her. We did start out in this close loving fashion, after a short while we clearly moved into what is Sue's favorite position - for me to hold her legs back around my arms and spread her wide - so that we can both look down and see my condom covered cock plunging into her. I'm not sure what was in her head but I know what was in mine - that I felt the need to fuck her even harder and deeper as I knew I needed to cum soon. I didn't matter - a few minutes later I heard and felt her start to cum and that pulled me right over the edge and I thrust into her as hard and deep as I could as I came and came.

We lay together for a while until I lifted up off her and she held me in place with her legs as she got up on her elbows and she then let me go and pull out as she eagerly watched. I swear she almost seemed to cum again as I pulled out and she held my cock and began to pull the condom off and she had this huge smile on her face as she squeezed the tip full of my cum. The look on her face said it all - that she loved me not cumming in her. I admit it gave me an awesome feeling seeing the look on her face. As she put the used condom on the nightstand she reached up and pulled me down against her (careful to not let my cock slip back into her though) and she hugged me deeply and we kissed and lay there for a while just holding each other.
We didn't do much on Saturday - some friends came by and we enjoyed the nice weather and that was pretty much it.
But last night - well, again, we broke some new ground....

Our daughter went over a girlfriends house to work on a project due for school this week and that left Sue and I home alone with some free time on our hands.

I won't go into great details on all of the afternoon or the fun we had - she again let me go down on her and this time didn't limit me and even encouraged me to spread her open and enjoy all of her with my fingers and tongue.

What I wanted to share was that she looked at me and asked me if I wanted to "have some fun". I was all ears and she said that we "could have some fun with some fantasy stuff baby". I was ready and asked her what she was thinking about and she giggled (we'd had some wine which surely loosened her up) and said "mmmm, I've been thinking....". I pushed her for what she'd been thinking about and she said "remember, this is all in fun - like the other stuff we played with...." (which I knew to be when we played with the pregnancy stuff). I told her "of course!". She giggled and slid up next to me and said "give me one of my toys and some lubricant" - I turned and reached over into her nightstand and picked out 'Jim' (her gel-dildo) and some lubricant and gave it to her. I watched as she squeezed the lube all over the dildo and she proceeded to rub it up and down between her pussy lips and then as I watched, she looked up, saw me watching and smiled as she tipped it back and pushed it into her now spread pussy. As she started to fuck herself with it she looked back at me with this almost glazed look in her eye and said "let me have some fun for a little bit ..... mmmmmm ...... and then we can have some fun and pretend that lots of guys had me already" - and as she said that she pulled the dildo out and applied even more lube to it and then plunged it back in.

As she fucked herself through one orgasm and towards another she said "come on baby - let me suck you while Jim is fucking me". I put one knee on the bed and stood next to the bed as she pulled my cock in her mouth with one hand and she continued to fuck herself with the other. She moaned to me "ohhhh, 2 guys at once" as she really seemed to get into it and closed her eyes.

I felt her cum again beneath me as she continued to suck at me - but I could tell as she came that she seemed to stop moving her head and just let my cock lie in her mouth. What really turned me on was that after she came again lying beneath me - that she pulled the dildo out and again applied more lube to it and pushed it back in. As she did she took my cock out of her mouth and moaned up at me "oh god - another guy" - and as I watched, she again started to rapidly fuck herself with the dildo until a short while later she again began to approach another orgasm. I could hear and feel her moaning on my cock as I watched proudly as she really fucked the heck out of her pussy. I went to help her out but she pushed my hand away and moaned back to me "let them finish with me and then it can be your turn". Holy crap - she had me rock hard at all of this and she was moaning away as she felt how hard my cock was.

I was really getting horny and I knew she could tell - she had to be tasting all of the pre-cum that was seeping out of my cock. I watched her pull her own knees back as she plunged the dildo in again and again and I knew that all of the wetness that I saw wasn't just from the lubricant!

Finally - she pushed the dildo in really deep and she must have had an intense orgasm because her back arched and as she stopped sucking me for a moment her whole body shook a little bit. She rested her feet back on the bed and pulled me out of your mouth and said "I think they're all done for now baby - do you want your turn?". I felt like a kid in a candy shop as I eagerly nodded and moaned "uh huh" - as I moved around the bed to get in position she reached over and handed me a condom and she looked up at me and said "you know baby, bare is only for my lovers". Oh man did that get my cock to throbbing!!! I almost couldn't focus on putting the condom on as I was just so horny by then. She was eagerly watching me and as I rolled it down onto my cock she cooed "okay baby - now you can have your fun" and as I rubbed the tip of my latex covered cock around her now open vagina and as I pushed it gently into her she said "come on baby, see what they did to me".

As I pushed into her I could feel that her pussy was now gaping open and was slick and smooth inside. Each time I pushed fully into her, her pussy would squelch and squish loudly. She moaned back at me and said "oh god, they fucked me so much...." and I replied back "yeah baby, you're so full, they all came in you". That really got her going even more and I slammed into her deeply as she started to moan away. I kept it up with her and told her how sexy it was that she'd let all these guys fuck her and she moaned back that she loved "all of their cum....".

It was easier for me to get into this fantasy/role-playing with her than the pregnancy thing. I don't know why but it just seemed to be easier for me to extol on how sexy she was after she'd been pretend-gang-banged than it was for me to openly fantasize about her getting pregnant from Robert.

I was really getting into it - and I was able to vocalize it with her too. I told her how sexy she looked as each guy fucked her and I told her how it turned me on to hear the moan as they came in her. She squealed back that she loved "feeling their cum dripping as you fuck it out of me!". I even got a bit graphic and slutty with her and I told her that "your cunt feels so sloppy and open". She bucked and moaned deeply as I said that to her and she got into it and said that she loved feeling each guy take their turn. I told her to look down and to "look at your pussy all messy baby" - and sure enough - she was swollen and the cleft where my cock was buried in her was reddened and glistening.

She grunted back and asked me "did you keep track of the guys?" and I moaned back that I "thought that 5 guys had fucked her". That brought about another deep moan from her and I felt her arch her back upwards towards me as I guess another orgasm rolled over her. I kept on talking to her and I just kept up the explicitness - I told her "your cunt feels good with all that cum in you" and she moaned back that I should enjoy her - and as she said that she pulled her legs back even more for me and told me "they were so big in me ...... I came so many times already" and I looked back down at her and said "I think you have at least one more time coming!!!" She giggled and wrapped her legs around me and said "come on baby - you love that those other guys came in me" and a second later she looked up at me and I guess she realized I'd need a bit more stimulation as she said "some day baby you can feel me again and cum in me again" and she continued "but for now baby - oh god do I want you to fill up that rubber in me!". I told her that I could feel how wet she felt and she teased me a bit more and said "aww baby, I'm sorry but my pussy is just for my lovers to feel bare - you know that, right?". I knew that was a bit more reality than fantasy but I played along and said "yeah baby, I know that, it turns me on that I have to wait for that with you". She got up on her elbows and I guess she was ready for me to cum as she said "come on baby - fill up that condom for me baby". It was the way she said it - so sexy and to-the-point - I moaned back and told her the truth "it drive me crazy that I don't get to feel you" and she cooed back "yeah baby, but all those other guys got to....". I pushed back into her deeply one last time and her pussy let out the most erotic squishing sound and she moaned loudly "oh god, again....." and that was it - I really felt her body shake and tremble beneath me as she moaned "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me over and over....". I let the images in my head push me over and a second later I blasted out into the condom and collapsed against her as we both struggled to catch our breaths.

As I rolled off her afterwards she rolled onto her side next to me and we both, almost at the same time said "wow". She giggled at the condom now barely hanging onto the end of my softened cock and as she picked it up and held it in her hand she said to me "wow - that's a LOT of cum for you!". I looked at the condom and even I had to agree. She looked up at my face, moved over towards me, kissed me and then, while she was still up close to me she looked me right in the eye and said "thank you, that was really intense".
!Yes! That's what I meant by:
Harry2614 said:
"Steve & Sue have come to the point where they both can be ‘flexible’ with this ‘lifestyle.’ Using condoms in place of denial, playing ‘fantasy games’ and being so, ‘open and honest’ with each other, that they can fully enjoy the interplay and resulting sex whether Sue has a ‘lover’ or not. For the short term at least."

And Sue should give YOU most of the credit for her, "Letting go," and allowing herself to 'play' these 'Fantasy games'.
Sure, I suppose she did play some with Robert as well, (I think this is the kind of stuff his X-Wife didn't like) But YOU have been encouraging her to "open-up," and "let Go," for lo, the past 6 years, if not more.

So, Yes, It would be an additional "turn-on" for Sue to 'always have a lover.' BUT, she does just as good a job of, "turning you both on all by herself" As you well know!!! Quite enjoyable reading too, BTW.

Cheers, Harry
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Harry - even more enjoyable to have done it with her. I think I left out a few things in my haste to try to get my thoughts down. It's VERY enlightening to let things just flow like this and for neither of us to feel we need to hold back. I'm actually a bit surprised - pleased for sure - but a little surprised at just how open and explicit she can be. I never thought I'd hear her share a fantasy of hers about being gang-banged like that - much less that she'd "act it out" as she did. I admit that it surely makes me curious if any of this falls within her range of something she'd consider. I'd never ask that though, I understand her that much to know that right now, this stays in the bedroom - and if it ever does come out, well, that would be something she'd have to initiate.

I will say this - she knows me well, including the stuff that I'd kept to myself in the past - but more so, she knows how to tease me with it. It is truly a unique feeling to feel more in love with her and certainly more aroused about her than ever before (well, except those first few years!!).

She's busy with some stuff for work and I'm actually off to exercise in our basement mini-gym (a stationary bike and an inclined-plane exerciser).

sound's like you and sue had agreat weekend togather.

has sue gone and seen robert yet this week. and if so how did it go.

and it is wednesday again are you and sue going to do your normal for tonight. or do you and her have somthing else in the work's.

keep us posted.
I wonder if Robert has shared anything of his methods of obtaining a new partner with Sue? I have no idea of the size of the area you live in. Are there known pick up places? Would Sue be recognised in them if she went? Have you thought of going together and the splitting up for a time, leaving Sue at the bar? Robert seems to have got his Mojo back after his long dry spell before Sue. What you think of him and Sue doing the bar visit trick together and hunting for new partners with each other? New variation. Especially if cucky stayed at home knowing it was happening! Do you have any secret fantasies about it? It's going to happen some way. Maybe soon as well.

Of course if Sue did pick anyone up this way, it would be bad form to have any cum in her. Which may leave you using condoms for quite a bit longer yet. ..
It has just been a crazy week - I've had to go into the office most every day and have been stuck there much later due to problems we are working through on our system. It worked out well for Tuesday night as I actually got home after Sue did and it was very erotic realizing, on my drive home, that she'd have been home already from being with Robert. I admit that was the thought in the forefront of my mind as I came in and hugged/kissed her as we normally do when one of us comes home. She'd cleaned up and changed but I still just knew that she'd been with him earlier. I was pretty wiped out and tired and to be honest - I more enjoyed the knowledge of it in my head than talked about it for the rest of the night. Sitting next to her watching TV and my knowing she was undoubtedly still wet from him earlier - as she'd shift around next to me it continually crossed my mind what she must be feeling.

I did share all of that last night with her. She giggled at the little things that I think of that turn me on and she was even surprised by how erotic some of my thoughts were - I think it surprised her that they were all explicit porn-like. We had a nice dinner and retired to our bedroom sometime before 10:30pm at which point she knelt next to me and we talked about a bunch of stuff, some that I already shared - others that made me laugh. She did find out how his date went last Friday - she seemed up about sharing it with me. Apparently it went well and he is planning on seeing her this Friday too. I asked Sue how she felt about this and she seemed genuinely supportive of him - she said several times that it's what "he needs". When she heard that he was seeing her again she says she warned him to go slow with her sexually and told him that he's "pretty big" and to be careful. She giggled and said that he thought she was joking at first until she had to tell him that he's amongst the bigger guys she's been with in her life - he was *******. She said that they talked for a few minutes and she, at one point, asked him if he'd ever had any relationships go south once the sex began in them. Apparently he'd never realized or connected that maybe he was too big for them - or hadn't paid enough attention to that?! That made me laugh for sure (and secretly made me feel good as Sue says that I'm pretty big - but I've always been concerned about making sure my partner enjoyed things so it always worked out) as I'd never had that happen.

But we both knew what we wanted last night. She said she genuinely wanted to just watch me last night - and of course, to make sure I was turned on too! She sidled up to me as she slid her hands down my body and into my pants how horny it makes her to watch me and how she loves seeing me cumming and the pleasure on my face. As I've now long said here, I now love to masturbate for her and last night was no exception. She started stroking me and was all smiles as I got hard really quickly. She cooed and teased me whether it turned me on "to know I was wet all night from him?" I took over stroking as I told her that it always turns me on that she fucks other guys - actually what I said was that "it always turns me on that you share your pussy with him". She moaned back at me and kept on escalating the conversation. She told me how she "always feels sexy" knowing what we are doing together and that she understand how it turns me on to always know that this is going on between us - and she emphasized again at how horny she feels knowing her pussy almost always feels slippery and that it's only from him and not from me.

I think she knows that between us when we're alone that a little bit of, I guess, humiliation - is arousing to me. She teased me at times that "you'll get to feel me again one day" and at other times she extolled about how horny she is when she sees me take off "your condom and it's full of your cum that isn't in me". Just the way she said it left me no doubt that this has become something that really seems to turn her on to think about. And at other points until I came violently - she came back to it several times including at one point telling me that "he's cum in me like 30 or 40 times since you have". I know she saw me have to stop stroking at that moment to control and hold back my orgasm. What I can't really convey adequately is just how horny I felt at that moment - knowing I was about to spew all over and knowing why - from what she was teasing me about. It wasn't just her, I answered her honestly that it turned me on too - and that only made me want to cum even more. But it was when she slid up to my neck and kissed my shoulder and neck gently and started to coo in my ear that she wanted to see it - and she said it with more and more intent each time as she said "come on baby, let me see all your cum". I don't recall exactly what she said but it was something about it not going in her again that set me off. I moaned loudly and felt it release and felt spurt after spurt land on my stomach and drip down my hand. But what really turned me on was realizing as I came down that she was rubbing her legs together quite hard and that as quietly as she could she was cumming herself.

Sometimes I'll feel a little embarassed afterwards - either from just what I did, masturbated and came in front of her - or from what we'd talked/teased about. But not last night - I just lay back afterwards and I felt her lean onto my chest as we both caught our breath. Sometimes it can feel weird lying there covered with a load of cum - but not last night. As she lay on my chest and caught her breath I could feel her finger playing with my cum - tracing it all over my stomach and then her pushing it all towards my navel. I don't need to say how erotic that felt - or that I was looking forward to what I knew was coming next.

Have to end this here for now - but also wanted to share that she's again seeing him - quickly - she said, this evening after work. She giggled and said that she "didn't want him to be too horny for his date tomorrow night (friday) with his new lady".
Peak - had a few minutes to answer your questions, or try to....

I'm not sure that he's shared where he's trolling for women - there are some definite pick-up places like bars in some of the nicer hotels in the area. There are number of places not far like Fridays and the like all that generate quite a bit of after-work business. Plus there are some more resort-y areas nearby that have a different kinds of bars/clubs - a jazz club, etc.

I honestly don't picture Sue ever being comfortable sitting at a bar alone waiting to be hit-on/picked-up. I just can't see it happening as the way she'd want to meet her next partner - the only exception being a vacation/drunken-induced one-night-stand kind of thing - and even then, I don't think she'd see that as a good way to find someone with whom she would, possibly/eventually, be as open and introspective as she is with Robert.

But I think you're maybe asking if the 2 of them or somehow her and I and indirectly Robert could ever all hunt together - not sure of that.

My guess is that as things fade with Robert - which could be sooner than even I thought if he becomes sexually active with his new date, my thoughts are that he's going to possibly forego Thursdays with Sue to have Fridays for him and his new paramour. But my guess is that as things fade - yes, it's going to bother Sue and even hurt a bit when the reality of it all sets in - but that after that, or maybe even while it's happening - as others here have said, women have a way of acting to signal they're "available" - not sure what it is, maybe it's just a lingering as she returns a stare at another guy - but whatever it is, I'm sure she'll see what that response is. So far, she's been lucky in terms of who and where she's met guys - I think Robert may be a little to close to home in terms of working at the same company. My thinking is that if that doesn't pan out - that we discussed her maybe taking some adult-ed classes or taking some classes at our local community college. Both of those are what she's talked about doing anyway - especially after our daughter goes off to college next year - and both would offer her a lot of opportunity to find other guys.

And to your last comment Peak - I have already begun to accept that my future, at least what I can see, may not include cumming in her until she gets past this phase/desire she's feeling. I do think at some point she'll miss the feelings she's enjoying now and will relent and will want me to resume cumming in her, I'm not sure how the timing will work in terms of Robert or whoever may be next.

And then, on the other hand, she's revealed a lot of stuff - she says they're fantasies - but I am also clear that they are fantasies now, but that doesn't mean anything for the future. The way she talks some of the times we're getting into it does give me pause for thought - after all she did at one point fondly remember being promiscuous in the past too. Nothing would surprise me though - I am actually going to say that I kind of want to speed all this up and see what happens next for us. lol....
Well, it's 4:30pm and she's either on her way or maybe even already there at Roberts place.

Is it weird that I feel happy knowing what she's doing? I'm horny sitting here thinking of her.
Thank you for the full response. I must have read too many stories to be thinking that way. Of course Sue is looking for something to last a bit longer than a few days. I do wonder where Robert went fishing though.

At one stage, I think I would have thought about you tonight and said, 'I feel your pain'. Or at least understand it. Now, I'm not sure pain is the right word at all. I'm sure angst is a better word, but I think there is a bit of pride (of Sue) in there for you. A bit of pleasure in there. And also a sense that, for the moment, this is what is 'right'. So No, not weird at all. Maybe others who knew no back story would judge you that way, but I would judge them as narrow minded. Obsessed with a 'normal' to which no one conforms, and never will. I don't think I have ever met anyone who, when you got to know them, was 'normal'. Which means you can never be 'weird'. Or if you are, we all are.

Last week, Friday was a shock to Sue's system. This week she will be expecting it. It could be that the whole process starts your weekend off a day early. Something inside her will want some validation of her desirability tomorrow. There could be benefits for you yet .... Hopefully.
As with last week, she was a bit less "up" when she came home than in the past - she shared that they'd talked about "his date" (now) tonight. Apparently he "likes" this new girl which, obviously, gave Sue a bit of distress even though she was nothing but supportive of him.

Peak - I don't think Sue asked where they met or if she did, she didn't share it with me. There are lots of opportunities though when you think about it. Even I've caught the sly stare at times from other women so it's true what Will and others have said - that all you need to do is look around.

She did say that the girl he's dating is younger than him - which Sue shared that she thought would be good for him if he's looking to have kids one day. I joked with her that one day she may have some competition for time with him. She seemed a bit quiet about that as I think it is weighing on her more than she is letting on.

That said, she did say she had a wonderful time and I told her that was obvious. She asked me what that meant and I simply told her that it's obvious from how she looks, how she walks, how she carries herself and how she talks - that the sex was very good. She seemed almost embarassed for a bit until I told her that I think it's really sexy to know why she looks that way. That brought this sexy smile to her face and she moved closer to me, hugged me and gave me a kiss. As we stood close to each other and talked I asked her casually "are you all messy from him right now?" she kissed me and smiled and said "yes baby".

I wasn't totally sure on what we might be doing last night before she came home but after our talk and such it became clear that she didn't want to do anything last night. But this morning - on her way out to work - she did give me a passionate kiss and said "I need you tonight baby". I pulled her close and she giggled as she felt my hardening cock and she said "seems like you want it too".

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