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New and Need Some Advice

  • Thread startermelscuck
  • Start date
Curious Observer said:
And Buggalee is right; he's showing a bit of care for you, even though he seems a total tampon licker. ;)

Oh you Brits and your colloquialisms. Tampon licker = righteous dude. I learned that one from watching Benny Hill ;)
Buggalee said:
Oh you Brits and your colloquialisms. Tampon licker = righteous dude. I learned that one from watching Benny Hill ;)

You shouldn't laugh too much. There exist 'seat sniffers' in this country who covertly go around sniffing seats on trains, waiting rooms, public places, wherever they can, really. And no, I am not joking.

(And I'm sure you don't lick tampons, by the way. Unless you do, and your partner doesn't mind, in which case... well, you know the drill.)
Go die in your own hell for all I care.

You know, that's about the 3rd or 4th time you spewed some nasty sentiment towards me. I've been to England a couple times and let me tell you, I found it to be a dirty, wet, miserable little country. Most of the English people I ran into weren't very friendly and some were downright rude. Sort of like you. It got me to thinking that if it hadn't been for my country and people like my father (who fought in WWII), you arrogant Brits would be eating Sauerbraten and singing "Deutschland uber alles."

One thing I do thank England for is the Beatles. Apart from the Stones and some other great bands, the Beatles were one of the few good things to come out of Great Britain in the last 50 years. John Lennon after leaving the Beatles once wrote "Instant Karma's gonna get you, Gonna knock you right on the head." I hope it does in your case asswipe (a term of endearment here in the States).

I still think that Mel's kids are a part of your perversion, even though you're - apparently - entirely proper with them. The whole situation is still wrong and sick, sick, sick.

What the fuck does this mean, exactly? Mel's kids-my stepchildren, actually, fuckhead (a term of affection here in the USA)-have nothing do with my sex life or Mel's. The only thing I have left to say on this topic is Instant Karma's gonna get you, Gonna knock you off your feet.

Let me ask you something Limey (an American colloquialism for Brits) , you have already told us that you don't actually engage in the cuck lifestyle. It's just some twisted fantasy that you like to-apparently-jack off your limp little noodle to. You have insulted more than me during your brief stay in this Forum. So, you've never actually engaged in the lifestyle and yet you want to give out all sort of advice. Why would anyone give a fuck what you have to say, here? It's sort of like, when you're sick, not going to a doctor for help but going to an actor who plays a doctor. Get my point.

I truly don't give a rat's ass what you think of my life or my choices. But, I'm done listening to your fucking shitty little comments without throwing a little back at you. Are you even married, Curious? I mean really married to a real wife, not a fantasy one. How about kids, do you have any of those (again, real ones, not fake ones like your cuck wannabe fantasies). You love them? Well, I love my kids. I've fed them, changed them, played with them, hugged them and taken care of them since they were babies. To them, they know me as "Daddy" and I refer to them as my "Daughters." My bond with them has not a fucking thing to do with Mel and my kinks. Get it?

As to a nice normal woman. Have you read anything that I have written, here? I have had many, many nice, normal, pretty women in my life. Probably had more women by the time I was 21 than you've had your whole life. I didn't want a nice, normal relationship/marriage where I got to fuck my wife/girlfriend in the missionary position 3 times a week.

Do you understand what a cuckold is? It is someone whose wife cheats on him. The wife fucks other guys. Am I going to fast for you, here. On top of it, the husband (in this case, me) likes that-is turned on by it.

You don't like my choices, don't like what I'm doing-fair enough. Make whatever comments you want but I'm sick of the fucking shitty ass "wishes" on your part for my life to end terribly and my step children are out of bounds. Got it? Good.

Instant Karma's gonna get you,
Gonna look you right in the face,
Better get yourself together darlin',
Join the human race,
How in the world you gonna see,
Laughin' at fools like me,
Who on earth d'you think you are

You made me laugh earlier but now Curious has me pissed off. Before you comment on my life, why not read the whole thread?

Find yourself a normal woman

I've found, dated and fucked 100s of them. They bored me to no end, after the "newness" of the dating wore off.

But something was a little bit wrong about melscuck from the get-go. Forty-five and never been married,

First off, I'm 45 now and I've been married for a couple years. I could have been married to 50 different women in my life. I didn't want to be married-didn't want a "normal" marriage. Maybe I should be like (apparently) many of the people on this Forum, marry a woman and live a nice vanilla routine life while I spend my days and nights jacking off to and making up cuckold stories where the big black bull comes and fucks my loving little wife. WTF?

I'm a wealthy, successful, good looking, intelligent doctor. I really have no problem, now, getting women to flirt with me and proposition me. In fact, before I got married I used to play little games to see just how quickly I could get any given woman on her knees, sucking my cock. My record, by the way, was 26 minutes. Met her at a restaurant and had her sucking my joint, in my Benz, 26 minutes after meeting her.

You still have a chance at a real life. Do it or stay and waste your life. It's up to you.

I appreciate everything you're saying and I understand where you're coming from. I didn't want a routine, vanilla life and I still don't. I do want more children. They are one of the only things in life that give me pure joy. They also give me a sense of purpose that I sometimes lack even in my occupation. Don't get me wrong, being a doc is great but hard work (emotionally, mentally and, believe it or not, physically). I have never been very good at putting a wall up and not getting emotionally involved in my patients well-being. Maybe, that's one of the reasons I've had such success. Still, raising and caring for kids is unlike anything I've ever experienced. So, I do want more.

I know you don't want to leave the girls, but you'd actually be doing them a favor in the long run.

Not so sure of that. From what I've told you about Mel, would you trust that she could financially and emotionally provide for the girls?
duke9555 said:

Well, Duke, you know it's a fucked up day when one of your posts makes the most sense to me.:)

Duke, I haven't lost my temper in 40 years; but, Pilgrim, these posters have caused a lot of trouble this morning; might have got somebody killed; and somebody oughta belt them in the mouth. But I won't. I won't. The hell I won't!:cool:

By the way, "your" girl has a hot fucking body in that picture.
melscuck said:
Well, Duke, you know it's a fucked up day when one of your posts makes the most sense to me.:)

Duke, I haven't lost my temper in 40 years; but, Pilgrim, these posters have caused a lot of trouble this morning; might have got somebody killed; and somebody oughta belt them in the mouth. But I won't. I won't. The hell I won't!:cool:

By the way, "your" girl has a hot fucking body in that picture.


thank you 4 ur support
Dukegal55.jpg..........another one of Syndee Belle black cock slut extraordinaire :cool:
melscuck, sorry for the advice without having read the whole deal. I see that things are quite different than I thought. I'm not sure why Curious thinks your devotion to the girls is odd, but then again, as we know, I haven't read the whole thread. I just don't have the time.

Mel can't care for the kids well, that's true. I guess there are no easy answers. But in general it's hard to find answers for a guy who doesn't want a normal woman and doesn't want his own kids. I wish you the best and hope you can find some peace of mind.
I'm not sure why Curious thinks your devotion to the girls is odd, but then again, as we know, I haven't read the whole thread. I just don't have the time.

Neither do I but it's obvious that it pissed me off (along with his other shitty little comments).

I guess there are no easy answers. But in general it's hard to find answers for a guy who doesn't want a normal woman and doesn't want his own kids. I wish you the best and hope you can find some peace of mind.

No, unfortunately, no easy answers. But, I do want my own kids and if I had to bet right now, I'd bet Mel is pregnant with my child. Something tells me she is and it's mine. I think that I/we will have no choice but to find some peace of mind or at least a livable middle ground.

And, I do appreciate all constructive comments and advice, so thanks for yours.
duke9555 said:

that Duke was a draft dodger in ww2 :mad:

OK, how about this Duke?


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A little unsatisfied with Uncle Duke, I did remember a Duke who, while not fighting in WW2, did actually serve in the Marines (on TV, not in real life). His name, Cpl. Duke Slater. He didn't have to go to war but he did endure some hardships like Sgt. Carter's yelling and Gomer's bumbling and, worst of all, as seen in this photo, Lou Ann Poovie's singing.


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@Duke-great tune but I'm partial to "Take the A Train." He was a genius!

Bryan was again nowhere to be found this weekend. Saturday it was hot and humid here and Mel, the girls and I went to the Swim Club then out to dinner. Mel's bitchy side has been noticeably absent, still. I feel like I'm in some weird dream, lately. Our relationship is not like this.

By the time we got to bed, Saturday, we were both tired. She stretched her feet near my legs and requested a foot massage. I did and that led to my typical foot, leg, ass worship. She was very wet and we had a nice, somewhat, rough half hour of sex. She rode me until she came then fell on her back and let me finish in the missionary position.

After, as we lay there, I finally asked "Mel, what's going on, here?" She looked at me and with a lot of confusion and honesty said, "I don't know." I asked where Bryan was and she said something like "you chased him away." I didn't understand. She wanted to know if I was unhappy. I told her I wasn't and that I was happy, just confused. She asked about what and now I said, "I don't know-this, us."

She rubbed my arm and said, "We're going to have a baby-" but before she could finish I asked her how she knew. She told me she just did. She said if she wasn't pregnant now, she would be soon. She also said that it couldn't be Bryan's child as the one night they were "together," she made him wear a condom.

She told me that she didn't want to have another child with him as long as we were together. She said it would be too embarrassing for me, her and the girls. She then said that she wanted our marriage to stay intact, she wanted to stay together. She told me that I was a good husband, man and father.

I didn't have to say anything, she knew what I was thinking. "I know, it's very confusing, like I said, I don't know what's going on."

I was content to let things stand there. I had/have no more answers than she does. If she's playing a game, I don't know what the payoff could possible be. I have spent the last couple of days trying to think about what she really asks of me, financially, as if maybe this was all about money. The truth is, she doesn't spend money foolishly, she doesn't ask me for expensive things. Actually, she things that I overspend on certain things for her and the kids (she loves where we go on vacation, but she thinks I'm crazy to spend what I spend for it).

I have also thought about if she is pregnant, what happens to our little "sex games." Do they disappear? Do we become a normal married couple? Would I be happy with that? I think it would be incredibly ironic if that is what happened as I avoided getting married and settling down with the women that I was in love with-huge irony if I end up "settling down" with a woman that I married but wasn't in love with.

It's funny because the lines all seem blurred with her now. I do have feelings for her, I am emotionally involved. Is it love? That's the question. Sometimes, I think it is. Sometimes, I feel it. I guess I wonder if it's possible that while all this shit went on with us if I really did grow to love her. Sexually, she'll always excite me. Sex is not the problem. Marriage may be the problem but somehow we've made it work thus far.

All things to think about.
Ellington didn't author Take the A Train
melscuck said:
Yes, Gomer, I'm aware of that. Elvis didn't "author" "Suspicious Minds" but he sure sang the hell out of it and made it his own. Sinatra didn't write "My Way" but-you get the point.

Ellington owned "Take the A Train."

Witness the magic:

Duke Ellington: Take The "A" Train - YouTube


Elvis didn't write songs neither did Frank
BUT Ellington did .....and is often mistakenly credited
with authorship of "A Train" :p

carry on son :cool:
  • #100
carry on son

As you have probably figured out, I can be a little erratic. So, you can actually tell me in the future to "carry on my wayward son." I'd like that.:D

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