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  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Groundhog Day

Well, I hope for you, and all the rest in the North East, that the 'prediction' is accurate this year, as I think you have suffered through a lot of 'crappy weather' these past few months.
Not much 'shadow' in AZ. this morning either.
Cheers, Harry
Well, she did go out both nights, Thursday and Friday. I was a bit surprised when I received a text message from her just after 7pm on Thursday that she was going to be home earlier than she'd thought, as she put it "nice to be out, but..." and apparently the aire was very much that these were just people going out after work for some drinks and nothing more than that.

I wound up staying late at work last night as I knew she was going out after work with the other group - the younger group so-to-speak - and then my daughter and I had some dinner together. It wasn't more than a moments conversation that mom was "out with people from work" before we went off into the social world of a teenager (shoot me now!). Sue had texted me about 8pm and said "fun night - be home later". Our daughter was engrossed in a school project when Sue came in just before 10pm.

I could tell from the look on her face that she'd enjoyed going out - and had obviously found it a better time than Thursday's crowd. She told me how it wasn't all younger people and how some people even had their spouses join them while others enjoyed being out without them. I joked with her whether she enjoyed "guy hunting" and she said in reply that "there's some possibilities". I asked her if Todd was there and she giggled "yeah, he's such a little kid". But there was this playfulness in her voice when she said that - I don't think she's interested in him - but I do think his attention to her is doing a lot to boost her ego!!!

One thing for sure - she was wicked horny when she got home - drinking and yes, she danced a bit - mainly with some of the other women (interesting how women will dance together...) and then with some of the guys who they cajoled out onto the dance floor (no Todd wasn't among them - I joking asked her that!). She was horny enough that when I pulled her aside in the kitchen and pulled her up against me the kisses turned very passionate and as our desires grew she let me unsnap her pants and run my hand inside them - I moved from holding her butt tightly against me to bringing it around to the front and gently running my finger up gently against her pussy lips. Not only were they swollen up but when I reached the bottom they were parted a bit (she'd moved her legs apart for me) and I could feel her wetness seeping out.

Making sure our daughter was engrossed in a Skype session with the girl she's working on this project with - I ran up to the bedroom after Sue to find her on the bed in just bra and panties waiting for me. She joked and teased me that "the guys got her hot and horny". And even though I knew nothing had happened, we played along with the fantasy. As I got her naked I commented about how wet she seemed and she giggled and said "I get to fantasize too you know!" and she joked how I get hard seeing sexy girls and how it's the same thing.

As we started fucking I asked her if she "fancied anyone" and then teased "Todd maybe?" she giggled back and said "noooo, he's just too young..." but for last night I pushed her and went with it and said at one point "if he's young he probably cums a lot!" and another time "he'd probably love learning from you". She played along but wasn't really into talking about Todd specifically. Instead she looked up at me mid-stroke and said "I thought about a one-night-stand" (or however she put it) and some other things like "just going for it", etc. Wow - I hadn't heard her say stuff like that in a long time but then thought that was pretty much what she'd done long ago in Boston that first time with Bill.

But soon the physical pleasure took over from the mental stimulation and I know we rocked back and forth for a while, fucking deeply, her on top and then us rolling over (trying to stay connected and giggling the whole time) as I moved back on top, before we both screamed out almost simultaneously again - me first letting loose in her and a split second later her following with an orgasm that left us both out of breath and even a bit sweaty!

Far2 - we haven't talked about specifics - I do know she'd like someone who wants her more than Frank did - and truly wants her sexually - so wherever that leads. I do know that when she did that with me - douching afterwards, that it was part of what she wanted mentally (and physically) to, as I now see it, to let her be where she where she wanted to be to see if she could have the kind of sexual experience she'd been seeking (which did occur and I think relieved her in some way that she was able to have what she wanted) and that I was okay with it, I think has given her the courage and confidence to turn things down/off with Frank.

More later.

And yes Harry - although Punxatawny Phil predicted an early spring, those are also the years that tend to bring the most snowfall between now and then - so mixed blessing!

when you and sue were going at it and she said about a one night stand or just going for it was she talking about todd or one of the other guys that was there.

sounds like sue had alot of fun on friday night when she was out and when she got home as well.

so has sue told you about the possibilites that were there on friday night.

did sue say if she was going to try to go on a date in the next week or so.

keep us posted.
Looks like you need a new hobby for Friday night now. Have you thought about going to the same place and just watching the lions circling round? I wonder how your Saturday night went. I suspect that Friday was simply a tension release for Sue whereas Sat would be planned... Do tell
That a great idea. While Your at it. You can throw a bucket of ice water on Sue.
Of course I didn't mean being obvious about it. A light disguise, sitting in the background, maybe without Sue‘s knowledge. I assumed Sue‘s work mates wouldn't know you. A dark busy club would be ok. A small light bar not at all. I just wondered how you felt about the possibilty.
As Sue is just starting out. Stay Home!!!!
What next?

Personally, I'm surprised at the 'infighting' here!
When Sue was just getting started in this, and Steve was 'gung-ho' at, "Getting-her-out-there," Custer was posting page after page of, "Recommended material" to read, while several others were pleading with him to, "take it easy", "Go slow" and "Don't rush her into this", 'just let it happen'.
Steve did decide on the 'don't rush her' policy, and it's worked so well that 'Custer' hasn't offered any 'links' or 'sites' for years.

Though I may have some trepidation for where this could eventually go, I also know from what Steve has written, that he & Sue have talked a lot. They have shared their fantasies with each other about 'what Sue wants', as well as Steve.

If Sue wanted Steve to come to the, 'after work parties', I'm sure she would invite him. (and he would go if he could) I'm just as sure that she would not show up with her, 'tits' and 'ass' hanging out for work-mates to see.

If you want to get a glimpse of Sue's attitude, during this transition period, it would be worth going back to Steve's thread called "While we're between lovers" STB, 10.31.2010 Post #42. This was the time after Don, when they were considering something less demanding. Steve and Sue had agree'd on some specific's that would serve to move things forward, while assuring safety and spontaneity.

Post #42 quote: “.....So, over the past few weeks, as I began to mention someone like Frank, as someone who could be a potential partner, and she's come to warm up to the idea. What I'm saying is that we are both of the same feeling that perhaps, going another route, with regards to cuckoldry, or "naughty wives," as Sue says it.

She (and I agree), is now, not looking for what she had with Brad & Don. That's why she said the Frank idea might be good, because it could be less scheduled, and more spontaneous. I suggested (and she agreed), that perhaps at least at first, she not let it be known that I know what's going on.

I was a bit disappointed at some points when we were talking about all of this, and I guess it showed so she asked me if I was concerned that she was warming to the idea of ‘a Frank,’ (let me clarify here, it's more the idea than the person). I told her that, that wasn't it at all, and then I let it out that, I was going to miss some of the demands that a (Don) would make on her / us.

Some of this was earlier today, and this afternoon, as we were having a glass of wine and relaxing after raking up the leaves. The wine loosened her up, and she sidled up to me on the couch, and we kissed, and she started to tease me a bit. It was not much later that she came out and said that, she didn't need, "Him" (meaning Don), to make demands on her, and to have her, in turn make them on me. Then she said, "You know, I did sort of like making you wait sometimes."

So, for me personally, I did like the experience, (during that week that she was Don’s and not mine). I mean that week still feels so strong to me that, even now it gives me the most erotic thrill, thinking about it. She knows that it turned me on, and she's okay with that. She's also made it clear that she doesn't want that sort of relationship the next time, and she's also made clear, That there will be a next time. She's admitted that she does miss, having sex with someone else.

So, the idea of someone local, that we feel okay about, seems to be the direction we're both thinking may be a good one to try. It might give us what we want and, dare say I say, a bit of a, ‘sexually demanding side,’ coming from Sue! What a total turn on to see this happening. Her wanting again." un-quote.

Sadly, what didn't materialize with Frank, was the 'Sexually demanding part', which after Don was a factor Sue really wanted.

I think some seem to forget that Sue and Steve are, 'in this together' It is to fulfill both their need's, Not just Sue's It would not work any other way.

I have to wonder: What will become of the friendship with Frank, if Sue totally stops seeing him when she finds what she's looking for?

Cheers, Harry
Hey all - not really that much more to share.

Peak - I wouldn't really feel comfortable spying on her and yes, I do know some of her work-mates so that could be awkward having one of them say "hey - why is your husband sitting way over there?". Besides - as Harry appropriately quoted from the past - I really don't want to be the one to push her one way or another or to someone or another.

I think this has all worked for both of us because we have let it happen somewhat naturally, in that neither of us felt we had to push for something to happen.

We did talk about her comment on a one-night-stand. She said that she just wanted to hear that I wouldn't flip out or be all crazy if she did something like that. I told her that it was hot to think about and asked her why? She said that she'd thought that if things didn't work out dating-wise that maybe she'd just drink a little too much and let things get carried-away. She said it might be a way for her to break out of the mold with Frank and as she put it, to "get out of the rut". I cautioned her that she needed to be careful if she did it with someone from work - and she replied that she could always "blame it on the alcohol".

It was weird hearing her talk about it as if she might be planning it - and I asked her "is there someone you want?" and she said back (and I believe her) that there wasn't anyone she fancied and then added "yet". She then said that she'd considered it as an alternative if the whole dating-thing didn't work out. I can't explain the conversation fully - but it seemed like she was saying that might be how she could maybe hook-up with someone else who was married. At least that's the way it came across to me.

We did have a heck of a time on Saturday night. All of that talk about one-night-stands did get us horny. Sue wanted to go out drinking and dancing somewhere and she even teased me that if it were warmer out that she'd go out in just a skirt without panties - I joked back with her that she should save that for the springtime!!!

Otherwise - I think Harry's summary and recollection is accurate. Had Frank had a bit of the sexual-demanding side that Don had, it might have been different. So that is one thing for sure for the future - that if she does find the next guy for the longer-term, that he will probably be one to push her buttons a bit more.

I will say that she's mentioned this lawyer that they're using for her parents estate-planning and soon-to-be move into an assisted-living place. She's said on several occasions how "hunky" he is. I haven't yet joked or suggested it yet but perhaps she'd go for a one-night-stand with him?! I'm not totally sure I want her getting involved with a lawyer but maybe as a way to make a break with Frank?

Regarding our friendship, or perhaps more appropriately, our acquaintanceship with Frank - out paths don't really cross much in the wintertime - but come spring, I'm sure we'll see him or encounter him more frequently. I did ask her what he's thinking and she said that he sent her an Email asking her to come by this week (Thursday) so they can talk - so apparently he's finally realizing that something up/changing.

Lastly - Sue wasn't planning on going out every Friday - at least not to start with. She wants it to be a more subtle thing - she's thinking of joining them every 3-4 weeks for now and making sure she's comfortable with the crowd and all of that. I told her simply "whatever you're comfortable with".
I am sure that if she shares her thoughts openly with Frank along with you, Frank will definitely indulge. So why don't both of you and sit long with him to clarify issues. This is probably the time as he is asking for a talk

I agree with Raks that it would be good for Sue & you both to go over to Frank's whether this Thursday or another time.
As you mentioned earlier, you did want to go with her to Frank's one more time anyway.
It would be good to get his feelings on the 'friendship' issue, as well as all the rest. It may reveal why he has not been as 'wanting' of Sue as she has wanted.

It would be an opportunity for 'one last fling' All 3 of you. And to thank Frank for all he has done for Sue.
Cheers, Harry
Why prolong the agony? What everyone seems to be suggesting is the very core of the problem with Frank. You and Sue chasing Him down. Frank knows there is something wrong. Has He tried to talk to Sue? Find out Just What is Wrong? My, He's only been screwing Her for how long? My Heart Really Goes Out to Sue on This. Why should She have to lower Herself to someone who thinks so little of Her??? Frank has invested very little in this relationship. I have said this so many times. My god, he hit the lottery with Sue. And What Did He Do With It???? He Pissed It Away!!!!
I don't think a meeting with Frank should be seen as demeaning in any way. You have both known what he is like for months now and that hasn't stopped Sue using him. If it is to end now, you really need to do it cleanly and amicably. Frank could be a bad enemy if you turn him. Its not worth the risk. Besides, he might be worth the odd booty call! A clean ending for him will leave his confidence intact and enable him to move on.
Thanks for the agreeing attitude, Peak.
Yes, Sue and Frank have been lovers for (it would, I think, be 2years in April) so explaining the situation and thanking him for his service is the right thing to do. Besides, Sue does like having sex with him, and apparently he does with her, just not in a demanding way. That's not bad in the 'normal' world of sexual relations.

People view sexual infidelity very personally. Sue wanting Frank to "want her more" could mean to him, that she wants him to "take her away from Steve" which he has said he would 'never do'.
Cheers, Harry
peakmb said:
I don't think a meeting with Frank should be seen as demeaning in any way. You have both known what he is like for months now and that hasn't stopped Sue using him. If it is to end now, you really need to do it cleanly and amicably. Frank could be a bad enemy if you turn him. Its not worth the risk. Besides, he might be worth the odd booty call! A clean ending for him will leave his confidence intact and enable him to move on.

I do look at it as demeaning. I guess I view Sue much more Highly.
I admit I judge Frank very harshly. I knew there was something wrong with this guy months ago. I saw a guy put little into a relationship. And get the Very Max out of it. Now its over. And He might be pissed???? Oh Please!!!

An Enemy??? If Sue Where My Wife, I'd show Frank an Ememy. (Talk about a guy who gets a free lunch. Then wants to stay for supper!!!)

As far as His confidence. He's a Big Boy. Did He expect this to go on forever?
You want to play this game, Your going to bleed at some point. It just the way it is. I would refer anyone to the upper left hand side of the screen. to the logo. "Love Hurts" Frank Its Time To Move On.
Meeting w/ Frank?

Again, I should add (as I did a couple posts back), that it is Sue's decision, Not ours, on how to deal with the, 'Frank situation'. It is, after all, Sue that he has been fucking, and although it has certainly been with Steve's blessings, it has become primarily an, 'extramarital relationship' between Sue and frank, which did, for most of her time with him, fulfill both their fantasies, and likely Frank's as well.

We can (and have), advise Steve on what he should do, and what he should suggest that Sue tell Frank. Steve will filter what we write and decide, as he has all through the (4) years so far, and tell Sue how he feels. But ultimately, it will be Sue's decision at this point, Not ours. Period!

Cheers, Harry
Harry2614 said:
Again, I should add (as I did a couple posts back), that it is Sue's decision, Not ours, on how to deal with the, 'Frank situation'. It is, after all, Sue that he has been fucking, and although it has certainly been with Steve's blessings, it has become primarily an, 'extramarital relationship' between Sue and frank, which did, for most of her time with him, fulfill both their fantasies, and likely Frank's as well.

We can (and have), advise Steve on what he should do, and what he should suggest that Sue tell Frank. Steve will filter what we write and decide, as he has all through the (4) years so far, and tell Sue how he feels. But ultimately, it will be Sue's decision at this point, Not ours. Period!

Cheers, Harry

I agree with You Harry. It is all up to Sue. Like I said I judge Frank very harshly. He was handed something. Something Most of Us here have to work very hard to get and keep. I guess ( I don't know why) I view him as being less of a MAN now thats its comming to an end. He should have seen this. Frank Your Playing In The Major's Now!!! Your not in Jr. High. Free Lunch, Stay For Supper!!! And I know its just Me. We come to the end. make a clean break and be done with it. You never get the bleeding to stop by picking at the scab. Frank is a Loser. He didn't treat Sue Well. She was entitled to Far Better. Is there Anyone Who Disagree's with this.?
I think Frank's main sin is that he put friendship above pussy. I think Steve and Sue both knew that deep down when they agreed he would make a good affair partner for Sue, because he was safe and just coming out of a bad marriage getting his guts torn out. Frank was their friend first.

Sue's desires have evolved greatly recently. She may have had the thoughts in her head but only in the past few months has she felt safe in revealing those thoughts to her husband. Steve is in the complete know on things. So if Steve didn't know Sue's desires until she told him, how in the world would Frank have been able to tell what she was seeking? Hell, even Sue herself wasn't sure of her own desires for most of this time.

I agree that Sue should and will get the chance to experience her desires and she has Steve at home who will bend over backwards to help her get that. Frank is not a bull. He is just an average guy who has been lucky to enjoy Sue for the past couple of years. I begrudge the guy nothing. Especially since he was who Sue wanted until recently.

I have reservations if a true bull is going to be an exact fit for Sue. From what I am reading of Steve's accounts, Sue wants a guy who will give a shit if she even fucks him this week and one who presses her to be together more often. According to Steve, Sue wants to persue the cheating wife angle this time. This will be a new dynamic since Steve won't be seeing the sex Sue has with her lover. Sue will have to manage Steve and make sure his cuckolding desires are being met. Sue will find it difficult to submit completely to a bull while maintaining a happy balance with Steve. I think Sue is really looking for a guy to fall for her as much as she does him.

Don had much the same disdain for Steve as is being shown in alot of these posts towards Frank. My question to everyone ( except Steve of course) is this, if you think so little of Frank, for not being something he never pretended to be, what must you be thinking of our friend Steve?
  • #100
Jaxunman said:
I think Frank's main sin is that he put friendship above pussy. I think Steve and Sue both knew that deep down when they agreed he would make a good affair partner for Sue, because he was safe and just coming out of a bad marriage getting his guts torn out. Frank was their friend first.

Sue's desires have evolved greatly recently. She may have had the thoughts in her head but only in the past few months has she felt safe in revealing those thoughts to her husband. Steve is in the complete know on things. So if Steve didn't know Sue's desires until she told him, how in the world would Frank have been able to tell what she was seeking? Hell, even Sue herself wasn't sure of her own desires for most of this time.

I agree that Sue should and will get the chance to experience her desires and she has Steve at home who will bend over backwards to help her get that. Frank is not a bull. He is just an average guy who has been lucky to enjoy Sue for the past couple of years. I begrudge the guy nothing. Especially since he was who Sue wanted until recently.

I have reservations if a true bull is going to be an exact fit for Sue. From what I am reading of Steve's accounts, Sue wants a guy who will give a shit if she even fucks him this week and one who presses her to be together more often. According to Steve, Sue wants to persue the cheating wife angle this time. This will be a new dynamic since Steve won't be seeing the sex Sue has with her lover. Sue will have to manage Steve and make sure his cuckolding desires are being met. Sue will find it difficult to submit completely to a bull while maintaining a happy balance with Steve. I think Sue is really looking for a guy to fall for her as much as she does him.

Don had much the same disdain for Steve as is being shown in alot of these posts towards Frank. My question to everyone ( except Steve of course) is this, if you think so little of Frank, for not being something he never pretended to be, what must you be thinking of our friend Steve?

You have some very good insights.

Yes Frank was a friend. But He sure took the pussy. Every chance He could. Provided He didn't have to do anything for it. If a He had such morals being such a good Friend. He never would have taken the pussy.

The rest I agree with You.

But I have No disdain for Steve or other Cuckold I have meet like Him. They are What they are. My impression of Steve from His writting is He is a Cuckold who is also a Submissive. To have distain would not only be a big mistake. I look at it as being stupid. We all have a certain makeup. Why would I have distain for someone with brown eyes? How could I be what I am without the Steve's of the World? One cannot be without the other.

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