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Sue and Robert

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
Well, it's been an interesting weekend for sure and right now I'm having some misgivings and ill-feelings thinking about things in the light of day.

I guess what I should start with is how Sue's been acting and feeling since the weekend. Maybe I'm not totally ready for the level of openness that she now seems to be comfortable with - but I'm trying not to show it and to be as supportive of her as I can be.

I'm sure what everyone wants to hear about is what we talked about after her announcement that she wants to start out going bareback with him (assuming he's healthy). What I guess I may have understated is some of our conversations before this past Friday where she was excited but not overly thrilled by having to use condoms with Robert. From the earlier times we talked about the condoms she has with her, I knew she wasn't looking forward to using them.

She emphasized that Robert asked her several times how I'm going to feel and be with them becoming sexually active together. She says that he's been careful to tell her that she needs to make sure I'm feeling good about everything if they start having sex. I asked her exactly what she's told him and I knew she was going to put her spin on it. It was kind of weird to hear her tell me that she's told him that we have sex maybe twice a month. She said she felt like she had to play it up a bit more that she would like more sex - and she also said that she told him that at times she isn't totally satisfied by my performance. She joked that this part was a bit of a stretch but then also reminded me that while our sex together is really great when we have the house to ourselves and she can feel like she can let go - but she also reminded me that at times she is somewhat frustrated by not being able to really let loose with me - so she felt this wasn't a total lie.

But what we really spent time talking about over the weekend was how I felt about everything in general. She specifically asked me whether I was going to be able to accept it if she really started to feel emotionally for Robert - basically asking me how I felt about the whole "full affair" thing. Needless to say, it led to a lot of open discussion - as I said, I wasn't totally ready for her openness. But she made it no secret that if I will be okay with it, that she would like to let herself go with him and not hold back. She emphasized that this really isn't going to be able to sustain itself for a long time - apparently he's said many times that he definitely wants to have kids of his own. While they haven't really talked themselves about what may happen - she says that he wants time to "decompress" from his marriage before he "gets serious" with someone again. But she left no doubt that he's gotten her very curious about him, very attracted to him and that "I definitely want to fuck him". She continued to tell me that she hoped she would find herself feeling the same as she had with her past lovers - to feel as comfortable and as intimate with him and to not have to hold herself back in any way. However, she also added that this time she wants to let herself feel an emotional attraction to him. I felt this stabbing inside me but absolutely remained calm on the outside when she even admitted to maybe wanting to feel in love with him.

I guess I should be getting more used to this but it is still such a shock to hear her speak like that - so openly. She teased me a bit but then asked me in more seriousness what I was thinking. I told her that now that it was a lot to take in all of a sudden and I immediately told her that I didn't want to chance anything happening to "us".

She moved next to me and held my hand and she said again what she'd said before - that she would promise to tell me everything that I wanted to hear or know about. Then all of a sudden, she looked at me and asked "are you okay that you've never met him before? Is that maybe part of it?" I didn't really know how to answer - it's not really part of it. But as I thought about it she kept talking and said that she thought that my not knowing Robert might make it easier for her to share things with me.

I finally told her that it wasn't that I didn't know him - and I even told her that it made me even more aroused by not knowing him - but it was that I was more concerned about not knowing what to expect and that I wasn't sure of how I would deal with it.

I think you have to understand where my head was at. We were both just talking openly and honestly. She asked me "is it because he's bigger than you?" and she giggled and immediately said "you and I are husband and wife and nothing can or will ever change it" and she added that just because she allows herself to let Robert into her heart a bit won't change that. She then said that she'd thought more about that conversation long ago with Phyllis about an affair and how she said that she should let go and let it happen - she looked at me and said that she thought it would help us too. She said stuff that made me see it a bit from her side - she wants to experience something new and "breathtaking" - not to take away from me, but "to add to us". She said that she's felt so alive and refreshed since she's allowed herself to go this far and she looked at me and asked how I thought we were doing.

I had to agree with her. These last few months now since really ending things with Frank, it's been amazing between us. Even our kids joke and tease us that we are like teenagers at times. She said that letting herself go with Robert would let her come to know herself even more and she said again how she would share everything with me and she looked at me and said "if you want, I'll share my emotions with you too? would you want to know?".

There have been many moments in the past where I've dreaded this thought - dreaded this idea - that she would perhaps fall in love with another guy. But at that moment yesterday when we talked about this - again, it's clearly a defining moment that says I am and I want to be a cuckold - but I actually told her that I thought it might be better if I did know and I asked her if she remembered what she'd also said to me? She knew immediately what I was referring to and she held my hand and promised me that if I ever had any concerns or misgivings that I brought to her, that she would hear me out and put the brakes on if it mattered.

When she said that I looked at her and I think I might have even had a bit of a tear in my eye - there was a look on her face as I said "then yes, I'd want to know" that suddenly made me feel as if it was something she'd maybe have wanted to have seen - and that she'd almost read my mind in terms of how I felt. As she hugged me she said she loved me and that she'd "share everything". I kissed her and said something to the effect of it turning me on that she wants this for herself and that I would try to be there for her, I felt her tighten her grip on my hand and she said that she would always be there for me.

I know it sort of seems anti-climactic. She was horny both days over the weekend and between the thoughts and such that were revealed in our conversations as well as what was in my head - damn if we didn't have some pretty awesome sex including some scratch marks on my back and telltale wet-spots all over our bed - enough that after our final almost simultaneous orgasm last night, we both collapsed in exhaustion. I was surprised at my energy level (not hers from how she's been lately) and performance but knew that was all I had. Of course her teasing certainly helped! She asked me how I thought she was going to feel after being with him and she "made" me answer - it was quite the turn on to tell her out loud how stretched and wet she's going to feel. She teased me about him being longer than me - that was an intense thing to hear and to know to be true - it was quite an erotic thought to wonder just how much further he'll be able to go into her (of course she does have a dildo that's bigger than me and I know she has no problem with it) - but at that moment - it was just intense to think about. Fortunately the awesome 'bout on Friday night (well, Saturday morning) and again Saturday night - kept me from cumming too quickly despite her ratcheted up intensity. But when she started to tell me how she wanted "it to be just right the first time he cums in me" - well - that was it - I don't even think I knew what happened it was like it was a subconscious thing - as soon as I heard that, I plunged into her and just exploded. She followed almost immediately and all I can remember for the next few minutes is us clutching each other and rocking back and forth - each movement of my cock inside her seemed electric! Her pussy would relax and then spasm tightly as each wave of her orgasm swept over her - the last few brought a flood of juices with them. And I confess - at that moment, even at that very moment of just having cum deep in her - the thought of "I hope Robert enjoys this when it's his turn" went through my head!!!!!

So - as I said, we lay there next to each other breathing deeply. Her hand was still holding mine when I rolled up onto my side and looked at her. She looked beautiful. I can't describe how she looks after she's cum - but there is just this softness to her - this glow about her - the smells - how beautiful her breasts look as she breathes in deeply. Sometimes I do think I'm crazy for sharing this with another guy - but then I look at her still hard nipples and then further down - that her legs are apart and her hips are spread - and I know she's just been fucked and - well, I want that moment for her as she wants it. If it's with another guy - it's okay with me.
I had to end that last post a bit prematurely as I had to take a call from work.

I know that many here are going to say all sorts of things about what I'm about to say here.

Yes, I was caught up in the intensity of the moment - but at the same time, I confess to wanting it - wanting to know - wanting to feel it.

I ran my hand over her body - she trembled a little as I approached her still spread legs and she moaned out loud when I toyed with her nipples. I moved up onto my elbow a bit more to see better as I ran my fingers down her thighs and then gently traced around her pussy-mound. It was still swollen a bit and a darker pink than it's norm. Her pussy-lips were still swollen and spread at the bottom and my finger easily snaked into her vagina. It felt so warm and as I pulled back, a big dribble followed - she breathed in as she felt it drip down towards the bed.

I will say that writing this, I am having second thoughts but at the same time, I cannot deny how hard my cock is yet again.

I kissed her and said in a gentle voice "do you just want to be with him?". She didn't hear it or it didn't necessarily register until a moment later she turned to me with her eyes now wide open and she said in an equally gentle, almost uncertain voice "do you mean that?".

I can already hear the range of comments that I'm going to get but again, at that moment - and even now - I want it for her.

She sort of cleared her throat and asked me "are you sure? I wasn't going to ask you ..... at least not yet". And so, for the next few minutes, as more of my cum dribbled out of her we talked. She held my hand even more tightly and said that she thought it had helped her when she was with Frank, whether it was just in her head or whether it was chemical/hormonal. That was when I asked her what she meant by "not yet". She looked up at me and said that she wanted to wait to be sure and then said that if she did fall for him, that she would want to be exclusive with him. She immediately said that "we talked about this a long time ago.... it wouldn't be forever...." and she continued talking for a bit more until she looked at me with eyes that were now huge and said "do you mean starting now?!" I held her and said that I wasn't sure that I wanted that to have been the last time we had sex for a long time but - and I hesitated when I said it - I told her that if it was something she wanted after Friday, that we could talk about it.

I cannot tell you the look on her face - appreciation? I guess, maybe, but that's not a strong enough word to describe how almost indebted she looked at that moment. She kissed me and as she did, she reached down and grabbed my cock and said in this semi-teasing voice that she'd make "sure he's always taken care of".

I half-way expected the panties to re-appear this morning - but they did not.

I suppose in a way I've wanted this for her for a long time. What's really the turn-on though - as I've said all along - it's knowing she wants this for herself. Robert isn't pushing her for anything - what she's saying/doing/wanting - it is just so intense to know she wants it for herself. I know there's a lot at risk here - but sharing this kind of excitement with her, it's almost addicting.

Yes. I am a cuckold.
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I just had to post more of my thoughts.
I know, it's crazy to think of what I've done - in a way, essentially giving her away.

Maybe this is the ultimate goal of being a cuckold - to have her get her sexual pleasure from another guy. It's weird to think that after almost 30 years together, that I would want to experience this - but at the same time, after so long, is it so crazy to want to experience something so different? All I can say is that I do get a profound sense of satisfaction - different from a deep orgasm in her pussy - but perhaps equally or maybe even more satisfying - from knowing she is experiencing this because she wants to.

Yes, it scares the heck out of me what I may have put into motion. When I focus on the short-term - I know that, perhaps, sometime after this Friday - assuming it even happens on Friday - but in the short term - the idea that sometime after Friday that Sue may tell me that it may be the last time we have sex for a while. I just cannot put into words the kind of arousal I feel when I think of how she might say that to me and what it might mean.

And yet - after the last few weeks - indeed the last few months - I think I am ready to try it out. The way we are together lately, I feel very confident and it almost feels like it is supposed to happen. We've never believed in forcing situations to happen, and at the same time, we've both felt that when circumstances are as they are - that opportunities are meant to be explored. I wouldn't have said I was ready for this last year at this time. And I'm not fully sure I'm ready for it now - but the situation is upon us and I feel confident enough to say yes at this time. I am sure there are going to be many times when I will be sorry about this - but at the same time, if it is important enough to Sue, then hopefully she'll keep to what she's said and will keep me from going berserk. Yes - clearly our Wednesday routine will resume and I'll admit now that I have missed them - they were times when I felt very connected with her and felt that I had her attention and desire for my pleasure, in whatever form.

Well, it may not make sense on paper but it feels right in my head.

well what every path you and sue take i hope it is a fun and happy one for you both. i just hope also that you both keep your eye's wide open while you are doing this. and yes you are right it is going to be playing with fire so do not get burned.

stay true to each other and make sure you both talk it out and you both are on the same page with it all. and enjoy and have fun and keep us posted.

all i am saying is make sure that you both do as you said you would. and do not give in to it all make sure to keep it in check.
so i do understand that you want sue to have a full affair with robert now and you want sue to fall in love with him so you can see how it feels i do know where you. are comming from but also you need to keep an eye open for any red flag's and take care of them if and when they come up.

all i am saying is enjoy this and let her have her fun. but don't end up like i did and lose the whole thing becouse i did not keep my eye's open to what was happening with her and him.
I want generally for this to be a very supportive post for what you're embarking upon. I predict that the sexual exclusivity part, and the denial part, will turn out to be much less difficult for you than the impact of their emotional connection (if a full-throated one actually develops). Even if she tells you "everything," she can't really tell you EVERY thing, because so much of what's between people in love is unspoken and not easily expressed -- or shared with you -- in words.

I know you can only give us snippets of what's said between you and Sue, but I would hope that you're discussing the importance of keeping YOUR relationship the primary one, unshakeable and unbreakable.

Personally, I believe that as soon as it can be done, Robert needs to know she's doing this for you, not just for her, and that as the well-loved cuckold, you are her chief and primary concern. (Even when, sexually, she belongs to HIM, not you). I think full and complete honesty with all concerned is really important. Just my thoughts.

All that said, you're in for one helluva cuckold thrill ride, and all of us wish you both well! Um, all three of you, I mean.
Steve You bought the ticket. You got on the the ride. You got on Eyes wide open. Funny thing Steve. This isn't Your First Ride!!!! What is it Your Third? Fourth Ride? You know How fast it goes. Every high point. Every low point. I seem to remember telling You. Enjoy the High Points. But You can't have them without the Lows. Its part of being a Cuckold. (Your A Cuckold) You love the Thrill. Remember the Movie Apocalypse Now. Well Your going up river. You and Sue (Safe, Vanilla). But like Chef You wanted mango's. SO. You Got Off The Boat!!!!! As Chef Said "DON'T GET OFF THE BOAT!!!!"
Yeah Will - I know. And I know that I've gone back on things I've said in the past how I would or wouldn't do this or that.

But at the same time - knowing it's what she wants is such a turn-on and such a feeling of satisfaction knowing I'm okay giving her the opportunity. Even now, I'm wicked horny thinking about it. I know that there are going to be times - probably many of them - when I will regret or hate having made this decision. But at the same time, I can't explain how much I want to experience this.

Cocu - perhaps I didn't state it strongly enough, but had I not felt the concern and the love from her, that I couldn't and wouldn't have said okay to it. I know it's not what she'd ever envisioned for us either, at least not from what she's shared with me over the years - and yet, for as crazy as it is for me to say okay to it - at the same time, it's what she's now able to admit to - that she would like it too. So, again with the coincidence and totally spontaneous circumstances - I just feel like it was the right thing to do.
SoonToBe said:
Yeah Will - I know. And I know that I've gone back on things I've said in the past how I would or wouldn't do this or that.

But at the same time - knowing it's what she wants is such a turn-on and such a feeling of satisfaction knowing I'm okay giving her the opportunity. Even now, I'm wicked horny thinking about it. I know that there are going to be times - probably many of them - when I will regret or hate having made this decision. But at the same time, I can't explain how much I want to experience this.

Steve I'm happy to hear You say this. I have been the Other Man in a number of Cuckold Relationships. Cuckolds do it for many reasons. I know Your telling the truth. I have heard those same words many times before. From others just like You. All torn in their feelings. On one hand. On Top Of The World. On the other. In The Depths Of Hell. I had one Guy tell Me The High Point of His Week. Was getting his wife ready to go out with Me. Then sitting home waiting. Then going to bed with her and reliving the date like You do with Sue.

As I said before I don't mean to sound hard. So did You Miss Me????
Cocu - perhaps I didn't state it strongly enough, but had I not felt the concern and the love from her, that I couldn't and wouldn't have said okay to it. I know it's not what she'd ever envisioned for us either, at least not from what she's shared with me over the years - and yet, for as crazy as it is for me to say okay to it - at the same time, it's what she's now able to admit to - that she would like it too. So, again with the coincidence and totally spontaneous circumstances - I just feel like it was the right thing to do.

Please don't misunderstand, I'm not saying it wasn't or isn't the right thing to do to agree to her having a real affair -- I totally get it and like all your other faithful readers just thinking about it gives ME a thrill too. I guess what I'm saying is that if she really "falls in love," then it's sometimes hard for everyone to remember these pre-affair commitments. My two cents are that I think the possibilities of avoiding problems a little down the road are enhanced if he understands, as soon as it makes sense to bring him into it, that yours is the primary relationship, that you and Sue get off on the cuckolding thing, and that his and her relationship is the fun one. It's all well and good to think that there's not a long term future for them as a couple because he wants kids someday, but that's not really that much of a brake if they both really fall hard for each other.

I just think that if Sue is really going to have a deep and meaningful emotional relationship with this guy, he needs to know where things really stand, and i always think complete honesty for all involved works best. i know these things aren't so black and white, and as I said, I'm all for what's happening here as you enter cuckold heaven, I'm just making an observation to increase the chances of avoiding cuckold hell.
Before she gets home - I can only add / reinforce the comments he has made about me already and his desire to see that I am "satisfied". He's expressed to Sue a desire to keep the balance good in what's going on and to keep her and my relationship happy.

This is also a big part of what is turning me on by all of this - knowing it's her that is desiring all of this right now.

She'll be home soon - gotta run.
Steve, I guess you expect to read a lot from me about what seems to be forthcoming between Sue and Robert.

But NO! After reading all that you have posted today, It is quite clear where you want this to go, and until their affair is consummated, there is little to speculate on.

Sue has already "set you up" for the possibility of a "full blown affair" by telling you of the long ago advise of 'Phyllis'. It has been a part of her desire since Frank took her on the trip to Charlotte. Remembering the advice from the past, has only justified that she really wants it.

Your capitulation to letting her have an exclusive affair, has been expected by me for as long as you have been intrigued by the story of Rick & Brenda. It only needed the emotional setting that she seems to already have with Robert.

I wanted rather to comment on your following quote:
SoonToBe said:
"She emphasized that Robert asked her several times, how I'm going to feel, and be, with them becoming sexually active. She says that he's been careful to tell her that she needs to make sure I'm feeling good about everything, if they start having sex. I asked her exactly what she's told him, and I knew she was going to put her spin on it. It was kind of weird to hear her tell me that she's told him that we have sex maybe twice a month. She said she felt like she had to play it up a bit more that she would like more sex, and she also said that she told him that at times she isn't totally satisfied by my performance. She joked that this part was a bit of a stretch but reminded me that while our sex together is really great when we have the house to ourselves and she can feel like she can let go, she reminded me that, at times, she is frustrated by not being able to really let loose with me, so she felt this wasn't a total lie."

So as I said to you sometime earlier, She has to feel that there is a 'modicum of truth' in what she tells Robert, (and even what she herself believes) to justify what she is about to do with him. She honestly wants an emotional, as well as sexual affair, and also wants to be honest in preparing for it. Her desire for an exclusive affair, also explains why she told him "Maybe twice a month." She wont be lying to him then when it really is true.

Cheers, Harry
Hopefully she will let you see her pussy once she starts denying you access? Sue loves to watch you cum and feed you. It will be different but you will love it. My guess is that she will be really naughty with you as her horniness will he off the charts if she gets Robert routinely. I always thought it would be interesting to know that Robert will be feeling parts of Sue you haven't. And as a final thought, good for you and sue being open enough let her be exclusive, those times when you are allowed in Robert's pussy will be extra special! Enjoy!
I agree with Far2, is interesting to note that, unlike before, Sue wants to feel love and emotion with a man who is bringing more cock to the bed than Steve is. I think more importantly, Sue is about to experience things sexually with Robert that she hasn't with Steve. Sue will be soon experiencing things on a routine basis that cannot be recreated by Steve.

There have been many moments in the past where I've dreaded this thought - dreaded this idea - that she would perhaps fall in love with another guy. But at that moment yesterday when we talked about this - again, it's clearly a defining moment that says I am and I want to be a cuckold - but I actually told her that I thought it might be better if I did know and I asked her if she remembered what she'd also said to me? She knew immediately what I was referring to and she held my hand and promised me that if I ever had any concerns or misgivings that I brought to her, that she would hear me out and put the brakes on if it mattered.

The above from Steve is very telling. It clearly shows that Sue, and Sue alone, will be deciding what constitutes a valid concern regarding her affair with Robert. Getting Steve to surrender power to her is vital in achieving what she is wanting. Sue wants the control and freedom to venture out on her own. She wants to have mind blowing sex with a man she feels free to fall in love with. She wants to feel sexy, wanted, desired and cared about by a man other than her husband. She simply wants this for herself and not trying to be cruel. This was something that was impossible with Frank due to his friendship with Steve. Sue wants all this while basically putting her normal life on auto pilot.

Steve will allow Sue this no matter how much it rips his guts out. Sue will never know if Steve ever has regrets because he will bury his feelings out of sight and revel in whatever little attention Sue throws his way. I think Sue has always wanted what she is about to embark on. I think only in the past few months has Sue finally understood she could actually have it all. I think that realization is what finally made her want to end things with Frank so she could pursue her ideal. I think a light went on in Sue's head months ago. Get ready for Sue to begin taking major strides in exploring her desires on her own terms. While Steve will be getting to experience some of his desires, where does everyone think Sue's mind will really be while she is making love with Robert and his huge cock?
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After reading your post again Stb, I have to say I am proud of you for offering up your denial like you you did. She was planning it all along and you finally gave her the peace of mind to be free with her decision to make it happen the way she dreamed. I think you will be very happy with the decision to give her that gift versus making her ask you down the road. Sweet torture you lucky cucky!
Jaxunman said:
".....Getting Steve to surrender power to her is vital in achieving what she is wanting. Sue wants the control, and freedom to venture out on her own. She wants to have mind blowing sex with a man she feels free to fall in love with. She wants to feel sexy, wanted, desired and, lovingly cared about, by a man other than her husband. She simply wants this for herself and not trying to be cruel to Steve. This was something that was impossible with Frank due to his friendship with Steve. Sue wants all this while basically putting her normal life on auto pilot.

Steve will allow Sue this no matter how much it rips his Heart out. Sue will never know if Steve ever has regrets, because he will bury his feelings out of sight, 'Bathe in Cuckold angst' and revel in whatever little attention Sue throws his way. I think Sue has always wanted what she is about to embark on. I think only in the past few months has Sue finally understood she could actually have it all. I think that realization is what finally made her want to end things with Frank so she could pursue her ideal. I think a light went on in Sue's head months ago. Get ready for Sue to begin taking major strides in exploring her desires on her own terms. While Steve will be getting to experience some of his desires, where does everyone think Sue's mind will really be while she is making love with Robert and his huge cock?"

Jax, Yes I certainly agree with you. You have expressed it well. She has already shown when she had a week with Don, and 10 days with Frank, where her mind will be during her "exclusive times" with Robert. It certainly won't be with Steve. He might as well take a month off and "go hunting."

Sue has indicated that there will be an "end point" with Robert. But they haven't consummated there relationship yet. When they do, and if they have the "mind blowing sex" Sue expects, all bets will be off as to where this can go, or for how long, for that matter.

Be very observant, Steve. A woman so totally involved emotionally, and totally in love and loved, (by another man) as she appears ready to be, cannot even find the brake, let alone want to push it!!

Cheers, Harry

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