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Sue's new man

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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I thought I would have had time yesterday to post some more info here but between family and other stuff yesterday, it just never happened.

I guess I cut it short last time - I do remember Friday night for sure. But I guess I should finish about Thursday first.

She seems to like this position lately - with me standing next to the bed while she sucks me and I can play with her at the same time. I damn sure remember last Thursday because slipping my finger into her pussy was just incredible to feel. I know that was part of what drove us both crazy (she's told me she gets this chill up her spine when she knows what I can feel in her). I know that a moment later I got up on top of her and it always marvels me how she feels after she's been out with another guy. It is just soooo silky smooth and sooo hot and wet. And as usual, she was totally into accomodating me and teasing me!!!! She pulled her knees back for me and I just went at her.

I remember her telling me that I shouldn't worry about her that night - that I should just "enjoy" as she put it. There is something so erotic hearing her tell me that - that I should just use her as I want to. It obviously didn't take much for me to reach the edge. She was looking up at me and seemed to be enjoying me fulfilling my desires - she was smiling at me and she started to tease me at the very end when she saw me looking at her. I don't remember all that she said but I do remember hearing her say something about "Frank really enjoyed himself tonight - can you tell?". That was it for me and I let loose in her.

For every time that I am annoyed that she denies me on Wednesday, I am reminded on Thursday that it is so great that she does as the feeling of letting loose in her after waiting like that is just awesome.

I'll make the next part quick as I think people here are more interested in what's going on between Sue and Frank than they are with our sex together. But I can tell you that just like last week - it was Sue who was horny on both Friday and Saturday - and again, by Sunday, we were both exhausted - between 3 nights of sex and all the family stuff yesterday.

I will just say that Friday night, our daughter had gone over a friend's for the night and after finishing almost 2 bottles of wine, did Sue ever let loose. I swear this time with Frank is really setting her off. Maybe it's the early afternoon rendezvous as I know she'd sometimes been quite tired when she'd get home after being with Don. Or maybe it's that he's only 10-15 minutes across town. Or maybe, from some of what shes told me, that she feels like she's "helping him out". What ever, I haven't seen her this aroused even when she started seeing Don or Brad. But she was almost insatiable Friday night. At points I'd take a break and I'd get "Jim" out of her night-stand and she'd cum once or twice with my fingers helping her along and then I'd climb back on top of her. I did love having her up on top of me and playing with a finger in her butt - that made her scream (good thing our daughter was out).

At times I'd tease her - I'd ask her if she "wanted Frank again" and at other times I teased her that we should both do her together! But in the end, she wanted nothing more than to lay back and again, spread herself as wide open as she could and encourage me to take her as I wanted. It probably didn't matter what motions I did with her as no matter what, I knew that she'd cum just as I did - we just felt that close and together. She felt me going deeper and sure enough, she squealed at the end and I could feel her pussy trying to clutch at my cock through all the wetness from her and the lube we'd used earlier with the dildo. As I plunged into her that last time she wrapped her legs around me and held me as we both orgasmed almost simultaneously.

Saturday wasn't quite as physical but was nonetheless as equally draining and satisfying. Again, we teased each other to the very edge and then let the physical sensations between us do the rest. I can honestly say that by last night, I think I'd had just about enough sex and needed a recharge....

I'm going to end this post here and start a new one where I can share some of the stuff we've been talking about since last Thursday night as I didn't mention much of it here.
good to hear from you and glad sue and you had a good time over the weekend
and yes would like to hear what you all talked about her and frank update soon.
Ahh - finally some time to finish my thoughts here.

I've gone back and re-read some of what I've posted here over the past 2+ years and it's helped me put my thoughts and feelings better in order. I know I was a bit hung-up on Frank being so close by and such that it was bothering me. But I went back and re-read some of what's gone on in the past and I'm realizing that I have these apprehensions each time she starts seeing a new guy so maybe this is nothing more than that.

The thing that prompted that last statement was when Sue started telling me that she has the same feelings when she's with Frank as she did with Don and Brad, where she has this almost need to be naked when she's there. It sort of unnerved me at first but like I said, it's something she says she's felt with the others so I guess it's just how it is. Still, it was a turn-on to hear her tell me how Frank isn't totally comfortable with it - apparently he told Sue that Joanne rarely went around naked and as she said he put it - he "could never SEE her" - I knew what she was getting at and I have to say that the thought of her sitting there letting Frank see all of her is kind of funny thinking about him. She said he would stare and then turn away when she'd look at him. She said at one point she lay back and told him "go ahead - LOOK at me all you want". The thing that's totally crazy is that 3 years ago or more - she'd rarely even let me do that!

I guess I should add that they're not getting together this week. All Sue said was that Frank was busy this week. I joked with her whether she wanted to see him on a different day and she said that apparently he is totally not used to having sex on a regular, or even frequent basis! She explained that at one point she joked with him that maybe she'd stop in and surprise him - and his response was that she was "enough for him at once a week". I was surprised to say the least - a just separated guy being content with just once (well, twice but both in one night) is enough. All she would say was that apparently this is more sex in the past 2 weeks than he'd had in the past 2 months when he was with Joanne! She then told me that she didn't even think they were doing it even once a month towards the end.

That led to us joking about him and how much he must be enjoying his time with Sue and she said that again he commented on how long it had been since he didn't have to use a condom and she said that he seemed totally surprised when she said something like she wouldn't have it any other way. He doesn't seem to be very comfortable talking about sex stuff - no wonder from his life with Joanne. Sue said he seemed surprised that she would want him to cum in her as he said a few times that Joanne apparently HATED him cumming in her. Apparently it was too much of a mess for her - and apparently he was amazed when Sue said what she did...

We did talk about some more serious stuff. I asked her if she thought he might be getting any weird ideas and she said "no, quite the opposite" - apparently he's all concerned about even seeing her weekly - apparently he's concerned for her - her reputation, rumors, worrying about me, etc. She was giggling when she told me all of that - how cute he was at how concerned he was.

I need to run now but there is a bit more to share that I'd like to get off my chest later...
Now of course we talked about a lot of other stuff and one of the things I wanted to be clear about was how she felt about Frank. She laughed at me when I said that and she said that while Frank is a nice guy, he's got a lot of issues that he needs to work through including this separation/divorce from Joanne as well as all this other stuff. As she put it "he has a lot of baggage!". When she saw that didn't really answer my question she looked at me and said he was just a fun guy and that she couldn't even see herself really falling for him "certainly not like I felt with Brad" and later she said that she also doesn't feel as though Frank is nearly as controlling as Don turned out to be. In fact, she said pretty much what I thought would be the situation based on what I knew about Frank - that he's just happy to have some good sex once a week or so.

I did ask her the question that I think a lot of people who read this may ask, and it's one I wanted to know too. Whether this thing with Frank is enough to satisfy her desires? She was quiet for a moment and then said that "for now it's nice" and then I kind of asked/said to her "you wish he was just a bit more" and I left it at that and she nodded and said, a bit meekly, "yeah". I held her and I told her that it was okay with me. I wished I would have said more but I think from how I hugged her that she knew what I was trying to say. I think she would like it if Frank was just a little more aggressive, maybe a little more physical, and maybe a little more controlling as I think she may herself even be surprised that she wants that.

With the spring/summer weather approaching now, flex-time has kicked into gear where Sue works so her taking off a bit early on Thursday's isn't at all an issue, especially when she's only 15 minutes from home. So that part works for us pretty well.

Before I go for some dinner I will say that it did come up - I did ask her about the whole "panty thing" on Wednesdays. She looked at me and asked me if it turned me on. I nodded yes and she said again that she was surprised too at how much the symbolism of it seemed to turn her on. I asked her why she never did it before she started with Frank and she said that she just "needed a reason" and that she now found it exciting to "tease me in actions and not just words" and that she thought it was good that I have a bit of time without seeing her. I asked her if it turned her on at all or if it was just how I responded and she giggled and said that it also helps keep her own hands and fingers away and she said that knowing that was a bit of a turn on for her - I guess sort of like a female chastity belt. Kind of erotic thinking that she's keeping herself for him even if he doesn't know it!

Anyway - time for dinner and to get the grill lit....
You are a remarkable couple. Thanks for the update.
STB. I must agree with Shidave there.

One question, does Frank have anyone at all that he can confide in, apart from Sue now. He clearly can't talk to you yet but someone else close to him might notice that he seems, less frustrated, than he did and ask him. The urge to say something to another human being may become overwhelming as he emerges from his marriage woes. I think the time may come when you confide in him that you know, if only to release that pressure. Perhaps not just yet though.
Shidave - just remember, I don't post all the day-to-day mundane argument type crap that goes on in every house. For example, part of the stress on yesterday was that we had a problem getting the flowers Sue wanted for her parents and it was "my fault" because I hadn't gone out on Saturday like she'd asked.

But at this point I know we are both pretty open with each other about all of this.
Stb most couples get ONLY the mundane crap in their marriage. Some of the time they may have some "nice" and rarely they do have some fun. More and more I am thinking that if couples would be open with each other like you are and let themselves go sometimes, their marriages would be healthier.
Do you think that Sue will need to find another man, other than, or in addition to Frank, that is more aggressive, like Don was? It sounds like the Alpha personality is a turn-on for her.
I think you mentioned, back when Frank was being 'considered' that you had seen him in the showers [or] at the urinal somewhere. and had an evaluation of his penis size. Does that memory help you image him having sex with Sue while she is with him and when she is telling you about their time together?
Cheers, Harry
Shidave - I would dare say that Sue would now agree with me that most people put too much emphasis on the whole monogamy thing within a marriage. I mean even going way back to when Sue and I first got together we had long talked that sometimes "things happen" when you don't expect them to - and it was our way of saying to each other that infidelity wasn't going to be the end of our marriage. But now, I mean once I/we get past the whole first-time jitters, it really doesn't bother me to think/know of her having sex with another person. I think experiencing it has reinforced for both of us that there is so much more to a relationship than sexual exclusivity.

Harry - only time will tell about Frank. I definitely picked up on her uncertainty about him being able to, I guess, give her what she wants in a lover. I suspect she'll give it some time to see if, when he calms down and isn't quite so nervous, whether he becomes more aggressive/physical with her.

To answer your question - yes - I guess, having seen Frank's "equipment" in the past does help me visualize them together. It does add a certain sense of reality to it all, knowing who (and what) she's having sex with. I might say that in a way, having seen him in the past and not actually seeing the two of them together is a bit of a different feeling and experience. I know, especially when I re-read some of my earlier posts, that the first times I saw her with Brad and then Don, that it wasn't easy for me. Re-reading some of what I'd posted - I definitely re-lived some of the anxieties I'd felt - and in some way, this time it is easier not seeing them - but at the same time knowing. Not sure if I can explain it any better. So yes, when she tells me how he feels or what he did, I can't help but visualize it mentally and it is quite a turn-on.

As I said, they are not getting together this week, apparently he's got something going on this Thursday night - but if I know Sue, she'll find a way to see him - if not on Friday then I might even expect her to find a way to go by his place over the weekend. Just a feeling I have - she seems to have begun to enjoy a regular schedule and I think it's going to maybe even bother her when Thursday comes around!..

More later.
"As I said, they are not getting together this week, apparently he's got something going on this Thursday night - but if I know Sue, she'll find a way to see him - if not on Friday then I might even expect her to find a way to go by his place over the weekend. Just a feeling I have - she seems to have begun to enjoy a regular schedule and I think it's going to maybe even bother her when Thursday comes"

You know your wife Stb! From what I've been reading, she needs this extra excitement, whether it is the teasing the extra sex or just having another guy regular; so she will probably try to mould Frank to how she wants him and how often she wants him. I don't think she will be satisfied with meeting him "once in a while".

Do you think that there may be a likelihood of her having two "boyfriends" should the opportunity arise?
Well, despite not planning on seeing Frank this Thursday - she kept true to her denying me on Wednesdays. She made quite a point, this morning as she came out of the bathroom in just panties, of saying that "Wednesdays are not for you". She even teased me that "maybe you'll have to wait until after I see Frank next". I was speechless and the camel-toe in the panties she had on this morning only made it worse! It is so hot to see her doing this stuff now because SHE wants to. I later did ask her if she was serious and she looked at me and said "noooo... unless you wanted it.....". I told her no, that I was going to need her by Thursday and she just giggled and said "so, it's a date then".

Shidave - for as horny as Sue seems to be these days, I can't say that I see her ever balancing more than one other guy. I think our lives are a bit too busy to fit that in, and I don't know that she's there mentally for that either.
Hey Duke - always happy you're here.

I suspect she did this just to tease me but this morning she came out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around her waist (apparently breasts are okay to see) and was futzing around in her underwear drawer. She picked out a pair and seemed to be about to do her usual routine of dropping the towel and slipping on her panties - but this morning she looked up at me in the mirror and said "ooops - you don't get that yet" and then she went into the bathroom and came back out with the panties on. She looked at me and giggled at the huge hard-on she could see in my boxers as I just stood there looking at and she gently patted her pussy through her panties and said, to it, "later tonight I'll let him have you again" and she looked up at me and smiled and continued to get dressed.

I think in some ways, knowing it's not something Frank asked her to do but something she is seeming to like to do herself - it seems like it's almost more exciting to me.
Frank or no Frank, you guys are having a ball. This is how couples should play. Enjoy, but please continue to inform us.
gr8 2 c such coquettish-ness from a 50 yr old lady
and frisky too .....i'd be rollin over to catch a few more
Just a quick update - well, first, no relenting on the panty-covered-pussy situation yet. Actually she pranced around in just her panties and bra while getting changed and shared with me that - just as I'd suspected - that she would like to go see him on Saturday sometime. She teased me that I'd "better get her tonight" or I'll have to wait until Saturday! And damn if that didn't get me all turned on - and I am sure she knew it!!!

But what did come out was that she and Frank swapped Emails more today. She assured me that they are not all hot-and-heavy Emails - but that he owned up to having to go do something with Joanne tonight and that - according to Sue - that he didn't want to tell her that because he didn't want her to think if he was still hoping to reconcile with her. She said he assured her that he has no interest in that .
Hey, if Frank is more or less apologising to sue about a meeting with Joanne, then maybe he sees Sue as more than a casual lover and more of a permanent "girlfriend". good or bad?

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