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Sue's new man

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
Hi Soon,
Now that Frank has had Sue, how do you think he will react around you since you indicated earlier that to begin with, Sue would not tell Frank that you were OK with her having sex with him. I don't think you two were best friend but still he know you and has helped you at your place and you have feed him as well. Look I know guys are guys and they can't resist pussy very easy at all no matter the circumstances, but I think he may act differently around you. Any plans to let him in on the arrangements soon?
Finally had some time. With the beautiful weather yesterday after the rainy Saturday, had no choice but to attack the yard with a vengence.... And, by yesterday, Sue had finally had enough sex (with me, at least!) to say she needed a night-off....

I read back over what I posted yesterday and I guess I was kinda wordy...

Anyway - Sue and I have been talking - obviously - a lot since last Thursday and I guess I should share some of that here.

First I just have to say that the effects of Sue having another guy are just incredible. I mean not that she was unhappy or anything - but the difference in her whole attitude towards everything seems to be a lot brighter since she got home on Thursday night. It's just kinda surprising that this has that much effect on her. I guess it could be physical, but it also seems to have a "mental" element to her attitude. She just seems to be on an "up" since then. And I guess, why not? I know it's great for her to feel that she's desireable and "wanted".

And I guess that leads into what we've been talking about. Namely, what is she thinking about Frank.

One thing that she shared was that it wasn't that Frank was so good in bed. In fact, she's said to me several times that I "don't have anything to worry about" in bed. But - in the same breath, she's also added that he was a LOT of fun to be with and that she definitely enjoyed herself a lot.

It does feel kinda weird to talk so casually about her enjoying another guy like that but it is what it is. She did say that she felt a little self-conscious with him at first (she added that she felt that especially when Frank admitted he'd never had a bare-pussy before!). Again, if it wasn't that I "knew" Frank, I'd be totally excited by this - but it still feels kind of weird that she was Frank's first bare pussy.

It was a bit awkward to first start talking about the sex they had together. It turned out to actually, as I'd described it, to be somewhat normal/calm sex and not some sort of crazy or frenzied sexual romp. She told me that he felt very normal in her - as I said he's not quite as big as me. When she didn't say it, I came out and asked her if she'd "cum with him" and she hesitated a bit and then calmly said "yes". I told her that it was okay - and even that I wanted her to. She smiled when I said that.

I did tell her that now that it was already a done-deal, that I had some second-thoughts about Frank. She seemed surprised and wanted to know why. At that point I had to own up to what I'd already posted here - that it felt a bit strange to know that there's a guy who's our friend, not more than 10 minutes or so away who's now been with her. She said I was being silly and that to her, this was no different than Don or Brad. But when I said that this time he's much closer to our social-circles and such, that she got a bit pensive and said that no matter that, I was still being silly.

So - I asked her - what she was thinking about Frank. And more so - how often! She giggled and said that it was tempting to have another guy available so close by. And I know that despite her saying "only kidding" that she had a bit of seriousness to her - but she said that in all honesty, she didn't want anything more than what she's had in the past - some fun maybe once a week or so. She actually hugged me and said that I was being silly if I was worried about Frank because he's so close-by - and this time she said to me "he's no Don in bed, if that's what you're worried about....". So that was a bit of a relief as I know Don could really rock her sometimes.

But back to what I was saying earlier about the effect this has had on her. She was horny both Friday and Saturday night - to the point where she actually asked me to go down on her for "a little more" on Saturday night. Last night, despite us not having sex (as I said, even she was finally fulfilled) she did say, and repeated again this morning, that she will be seeing Frank again on Thursday. I asked her if she was going to go out at night again with him or whether, since he could probably be home during the daytime, whether she'd maybe see him in the afternoon. She smiled at that and said that she'd/they'd already been talking about that.

I'm not sure if I posted here or just in a PM, that Frank WAS concerned about causing Sue to "stray from her marriage". She said that she told him that after more than 25 years together, that she was "curious" and that she told him she felt an attraction to him and that she felt safe with him. She said he replied that he surely didn't want to come between us (Sue and I) and that he didn't want her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with.

I guess before I close here for now that I'll share what she said about the actual sex with him. One is that she said she loved playing the role of being his "first mistress" and that he was totally thrilled when she told him she trusted him and that he didn't need to use a condom!!! She said he was almost not believing her at first as he said that it'd been a long time since he'd had sex without using one as that was the primary contraception that he and Joanne used. I joked with her that maybe that was the reason their marriage broke up! She giggled and said something about it being very obvious that he loved going bareback with her. I didn't get what she meant until she looked at me and said "he came so much that first time!". She said she did orgasm but more from the closeness and feeling she felt with him rather than his technique or anything like that.

What I really want to see now, other than how it goes this week, is what Sue will do this week. I know that Frank surely hasn't (and probably won't) made any requests or demands of her in any way, so what I want to see is what SHE wants. I am totally horny sitting here thinking of her doing the panty/denial thing with me as something she wants for herself this time. I think last week she did it for me - but I got a sense that she too appreciated what the short period of abstention did for her!

So - to answer the other questions....

Loadman - yes, my pipes are quite cleared out now. 3 nights in a row of deeply satisfying sex surely does it.

Jax - I love the moments when she comes home and there is that brief period of awkwardness between us. As I said, it feels totally like being on a first-date long ago. The uncertainty of what you'll find as you undress your lover and the excitement of sharing and enjoying what you do find.

Cleaner - at this point, Sue, and I agree, wants to keep this on the QT and not tell Frank that I know about things that are happening. I will say that it will be interesting when he and I see each other next. Even now, sitting here writing this, I have this incredibly deep sexual arousal when I think about Frank having experienced sex with Sue - and when I think about him truly "feeling" her cum with him, it's such an intense turn on thinking about her pussy clutching at his cock and him knowing how she feels at that moment.....

Gotta run.
great update hope things stay good with you and frank let us know how it goes with him and her on thursday we all can hope it goes well keep us updated on everything.
Safe Guy

Mr Soon, thanks for the update. Would I be correct in thinking Sue and Frank would have to go out of the area to have some social fun or a night on the town? You mentioned the same social circles and him living in the same community. Seems a nice fellow, at least for now.
WOW! ... Here you go again!! This is going to be another very fun and interesting thread. In the time since Don, You and Sue have had time to set things up so that there will be little danger with your marriage. I think you have used that time wisely. This looks to be a different kind of "situation" for you both. 1. Frank is close by so it will be easier for Sue to have 'time' with him without neglecting you or the family. 2. Sue has said that Frank is not the kind of man she is likely to get into a 'serious' relationship with. 3. Frank's penis size and skill will not be a threat to you.
I think after some time together, Frank could be easily be introduced into a 3-way including you, since you are already friends and he has spent time at your house working together. Actually, if you invited him over more, for dinner or some project, it could be a good way to introduce him to the fact that you already know and are OK with him fucking Sue. If he invites you both over for dinner, or 'out to dinner' be sure to accept his kind offer.
Cheers, Harry
Thanks for the update Stb. It would appear that Sue is doing this for Sue. She seems to need the excitement of having a lover and she is almost "high" from the experience. It also gives her opportunities to tease you, her husband and keep you sexually highly strung. Enjoy.
great post

I loved what I have read so far. I hope that there is a lot more to come. I am hard and dripping at the thought of all this.
I would so much love to live through this myself.
It's been a crazy week including yesterday and hopefully today will go by quickly as Sue and I have a "date" for later tonight.

Yes, she's seeing Frank again today - this afternoon this time. Apparently she liked my suggestion and he liked "her idea".

But I guess I should go back to earlier this week and kind of share what's been going on. Monday seems so long ago given how crazy things have been between work and elsewhere. I had thought we might have some fun on Monday night but time/schedules and general tiredness weren't conducive. She did encourage me to "go have a good time" but I decided to wait as I had a feeling it would be worth it to wait for Tuesday. And it was!!

We did talk a bunch - but what didn't come up, probably because I didn't want to ask it, was what Sue was thinking for her and I. Tuesday night was when it did come up. I knew we were both horny and she made no secret that she wanted time later that night for us. And sure enough, later that night she said she liked her "night off before going out". What totally turned me on was when she said that she also liked the idea of being "off limits" to her. That wasn't exactly what she said but I knew that yesterday and again this morning, that she was going to deny me all access to her. The thing about it was that she came out and asked me if I was okay with that.

I guess looking back, it may have been a pivotal moment. It led to a short discussion where I asked her why she was going to do it. I told her that I knew in the past that Don had wanted her to do that and pretty much came out and asked her if it was something that Frank had asked or said anything about? She giggled and said that Frank was just so thrilled to have some sex that he wouldn't ask for anything right now. And that finally led to us talking about what SHE wanted and what SHE was enjoying.

She admitted to me, finally, that it turned HER on to tease me like she did last week. She looked at me and sort of asked/said to me - don't you like it when I do that? And it was my turn to open up and say that YES, it did turn me on but I also added that knowing SHE found it a turn-on was also a big part of my arousal. So - it was finally out in the open.

That conversation continued into yesterday too - more about that in a minute. But that conversation also led both of us to be incredibly horny on Tuesday night which led to both more teasing as well as some intense sexual release. One of the things she said to me several times that totally turned me on was her saying "you like knowing Frank is going to have me next". After we'd just had spectacular, almost simultaneous orgasms we lay there next to each other catching our breath and laughing about how much fun it'd been. That was when she got up on her elbows and looked at me and motioned her head and eyes from me down towards her pussy. When I saw what she was implying I joked "awww, do you want more?...." and she said, calmly, "I thought you might want a little more before I put it (meaning her pussy) away till Thursday!".

I cannot tell you how incredible it was to hear her say that. Plus the earlier discussion - I was just totally in awe at how much she's changed and how openly she was able to finally admit her desires.

She didn't have to ask a second time. Unlike others here, I do NOT lose my desire to go down on her after we've had sex. If anything, I might even say I like it more then as it is something that extends our intimacy. And I'd just say that since I'd abstained on Monday - it was quite delectable going down on her on her and she responded by encouraging me with more teasing about "getting it all" and even adding in "getting it clean for Frank".

Maybe the moment that sticks with me most and turns on the cuckold in me the most was when we were done, finally and after we'd cleaned up a bit more with a washcloth that she looked up at me and said "say goodbye" and as I watched, she pulled up her panties. Even now the symbolism in that act is just turning me on incredibly.

Waking up yesterday I only got a glimpse of her pussy as she dried off after her shower and she chastised me for "peeking where I'm not supposed to be" and then pulled her panties up under the towel wrapped around her waist. But at least her tits were out in the open....

Last night we talked more since we weren't having sex. I asked her about how hot-and-heavy her email exchange is with Frank. She giggled and reminded me that she's not big on email and that it isn't anything for me to worry about and that all they've done is talk about how much fun they had and about scheduling their time today. I had to ask whether she felt Frank had any designs on her or whether she felt he might want too much from her, etc. She put me at ease when she said that he's not sure what he wants but that he knows that she can't be "his future" and that, so far, at least, that this is just something fun they both want.

It was hot to hear her telling me that she wants to have sex with him today, this afternoon to be specific. Dare I say it almost seemed to seem like a "normal" conversation.

I reminded her again of my concerns and she pooh-poohed them and said again that they were just having fun together and didn't expect anything more. Jon asked if they'd ever go out on a "date" or something like that - and as of now, that is NOT in the cards as neither of them want to be the subject of neighborhood/town gossip. Plus, she's said that Frank doesn't want that sort of thing right now in his post-separation state.

Harry - I am hoping there will be an invitation for both of us to get together, or we may invite him over. After all we need to perpetuate the deception. Plus, it is definitely something I want to experience as a cuckold - I want to see how it feels to be around another guy who thinks I don't know he's fucking Sue. I just want to see how that feels - see where my mind goes, etc.

But for right now, I'm eagerly thinking about her leaving work early this afternoon and them enjoying both the nice weather and then some....

More later.
sounds good glad sue and frank and you are getting along so well keep us posted on how it goes today and tonight.
Well, it's about 3:15pm and Sue just called me and checked in. I think she wanted to hear me say I was good with her plan to leave work soon. I will say that it felt good to say "yeah - go have fun" although now I'm sitting here thinking of her going off to see him on this beautiful afternoon and I'm getting that cuckold angst that I both love/hate. And, being wicked horny on top of it all.

I also found out that our daughter won't be home for dinner - so I suspect we'll be eating rather late tonight (dinner that is!!!!). I got the distinct feeling from our short conversation that Sue may be as eager to get home to me as she seems to be to go see Frank. I know I've told her that since last weeks fun, that I realized how much I missed "re-claiming" her when she gets home.

So, now for the rest of the afternoon I get to play in my mind what they're "probably doing". It's such a crazy feeling knowing she's off with Frank.
Having yours and Sues thoughts and desires out in the open is a wonderful thing for your marriage. It is reassuring that she is eager to get home. I wonder how Frank will react when he finally discovers that he has been used.
Shidave - I'm not sure I see Frank "being used" here. If anyone, it's Sue who's being used. LOL

But seriously, it's something we're talking about as neither of us want this to be something we regret (Frank being closer than others) so I think Sue will be careful to keep Frank thinking this is just between them and for Frank to maybe think this is something that he needs to be careful about too...
Stb, it depends how he looks at it. he is certainly getting his rewards for his use. So far you are both aware and handling it well.
I am dying right now.

She got home about 6:30pm and the passion in the kiss she gave me confirmed how she'd spent her afternoon.

The thing is - our daughter is home and is due to go to the mall with a friend at 7:30pm so I am sitting here rock hard waiting another 15 minutes.

I went into the bedroom when Sue got home and got changed. She kept her panties ON and teased me with the wet-spot in them and said "you have to wait a little longer". I told her I just wanted a little feel and she said, playfully, "no you have to wait". I am sure if I pushed she would have let me but damn - the way she said it - I let her be.

All through dinner for the last half-hour all I could think of was her sitting there with Frank's cum still in her! She's in the kitchen putting the dishes away - I had to get away from her or I thought I'd drag her off.
soon to be
sounds like she had a good time with frank
and let us know how everything went today and tonight.
Looking forward to the update Stb. Enjoy. I know that Sue is having a ball, in fact she is having two pairs of balls.
Hey all - had some time before round #2 tonight. It is quite funny to see just how horny Sue is tonight. Even she can't wait for our daughter to get off to bed. So, I'm whiling away the next 30 minutes or so waiting for her. Of course I'm not quite as horny as she seems to be as last night was quite awesome.

Our daughter was picked up on schedule at 7:30pm and I don't think her friends had even pulled out of the driveway before I had pulled her down to me on the couch and got our evening started. She teased me quite a bit - asking me if I was sure I was ready for her and her telling me, several times, how she'd spent the afternoon in Franks bed and how he'd spent the afternoon "in her". Needless to say, her teasing brought me quickly up to her level of horny and we were soon upstairs in bed.

It was awesome not having to wait till later in the night to have her like we are tonight - and it was equally awesome with both of us able to be as loud and vocal as we wanted.

I'd like to say that there was some sort of erotic or sexy strip-tease but our mutual horniness got the best of us and both of us stripped down - well, at least I did. She lay there on the bed with her panties still on - giggling at my stiff cock that was bobbing up and down on its own. She teased me that maybe she's still "off limits" or that maybe she "doesn't want to share tonight". She knew what she was doing - it was obvious from how horny I was and how visible it was.

I lay down next to her and she turned to me and we started to kiss and I ran my hands all over her. She took my cock in her left hand and gently started to stroke me - teasing me and telling me how much it felt like I needed her.

As I felt her all over - it turned me on to no end that she was still lying there with her panties on. Her stiff nipples and her breathing gave it away that she was totally horny but for those few minutes, wow, it was totally intense.

Knowing that Frank had her breasts in his mouth earlier only made me want to suck them and feel her excitement again. As I leaned down to do so, she put one of my hands just above her panties and made it clear that she was now ready for me to feel her.

I know if she was sucking my cock that I would have cum instantaneously from how she felt under my fingers. Her pussy felt swollen and hot. I started at the bottom and ran my finger up her cleft and her pussy lips spread apart on their own and I could feel the wetness seeping out from where Frank had obviously been. I know I've felt her like this many times before but it was as exciting last night as ever. It always marvels me knowing Frank had enjoyed her and that I could still feel it - both her and him.

Well, needless to say, I didn't wait much longer and I pulled her panties off a moment later. Of course she helped by lifting her butt and when I pulled them off her last ankle she lay back with her legs spread.

She told me later on that she had almost no inhibitions with Frank earlier - that she very much felt the same as she had with Don and Brad - that she almost needed to be naked with him. I laughed at her and joked with her about why she doesn't feel that need with me. But I have to say that hearing her say it again was as much a turn-on as ever.

I was going to climb right on top of her but instead she motioned me to stand next to the bed and she got up on one elbow and started to suck me. At the same time she spread her legs apart and encouraged me (as if she needed to) to feel her as she sucked me. I know she wanted to feel my reaction as I slipped my finger into her. And I didn't disappoint her!

But both of our desires were a bit too much and a minute later I climbed on top of her.

And it is now 10:20 and it is time!!!! So - I'll just have to finish this off later.

Seems to get better & better for Sue...and Frank; I mean he spent the afternoon in your wife!! Wow! Would love the hear of more details if poss, Stb. Glad that you also are enjoying.

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