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Testing my wife's fidelity

  • Thread starterAnshu69
  • Start date
Awesome bro, don't leave us in the dark...tell us what happened at the party on the way to the party. Great story, love the suspense.
"Remind me to tell you something later."
It usually started like this; in the middle of a work session, one of the guys in the department will whisper a line like this to the others, and I will know instantaneously that it is not work related.
Usually the turn of the conversation will be along the lines, "So, what is it I am supposed to remind you to tell me about?"
"I can’t really say now because it hasn't happened yet, and I don't want to start a rumor."
"What's it about?"
"Well, the boss came to see me today, and I didn't know anything about it, but he asked me about someone here...but I can't really say what it's about, because it hasn't happened...ask me later."

As a senior guy at the firm, I tried my best to avoid indulging in these types of office gossip. Edward Benson was on the other hand of the guys who made himself a reputation of always being the first in the know. If one of guys hears or sees things that happen here at the office, he always fills everyone in. Sometimes, if they bring up some drama, Edward will give his piece of the story, and they all share what they know, and together, they come up with the whole story.

A few days after my trip to New York, I was in the boardroom with Edward catching up on the projects. For a couple of hours, we worked together on the analysis of a company we wanted to add to our portfolio. It is fascinating the way in which a company's secrets could be ******* by a proper analysis of their financials. We were interrupted by my secretary who dropped in to hand me a resume to look at. I had taken a quick glance at it and tucked the resume in my briefcase to have a thorough look later.

Without asking his eyes from his laptop, Edward said, “Whose legs are those? Never seen them before?“
“She's the new girl in accounts,” I told him.
“Always nice to have an attractive girl around the office, isn't it? “
“How does that matter?” I said.
“She doesn't give you a boner?” was his answer.
“Sadly, I don't think I'm her type. “ I said
“It doesn’t matter, does it? These gals see the workplace as their hunting ground.”
“How can you say for sure?”
“You have a sexual urge every minute. It's a physical certainty. It's hard-wired into our brain. You can't fight it. Why would you want to? Live a little. Ten years from now you'll need a forklift to get a hard on.”
“Is there anything you don't know?”
“Sweetie, you have no idea. My nickname around here is 411.”
“I bet you know more about what happens behind these doors than anybody.”
“If you think you can pump me for information're right.”

That was the opening I was looking for. Ever since that incident between Daniel and Emily, I knew that Edward probably knew more than anybody else on that matter. “So tell me, how long have you known about Emily and Daniel?“
Edward hesitated one moment, but immediately saw that I was serious.
"Not for sure but I guess it was from the beginning."
"How did you find out?"
"Emily told me."
“This is very weird. Women don’t tell these things to guys they know nothing about.”
Something about the look on Edward's face got to me. “I had a thing with her.”
“You are amazing…. I mean the two of you were a pair?”
“Not really, let’s say there was the beginning of a spark… until that bastard came along. Then she had eyes only for him.”
"How do you feel about that?" I asked.
"I don't mind."
"Bull shit. I bet it's driving you crazy," I said.

"Well, I guess it bothers me a little. Maybe I'm just jealous that she went to him without a thought about my feelings. I guess it’s every girl’s dream to be knocked up by her handsome boss," he said.

"I still can't believe that it happened so quickly like that.”

“Let me give you a scenario. She’s at the beach, and Brad Pitt approaches. He tries to lean in and kiss her. She would definitely resist, at first. But if he was persistent, she might give in a little bit just to see what it felt like.“

What Edward said made sense but I did not really believe it.

"You mean he came, he kissed her and she was all for him?"

"Yes, he kissed her at Christmas”

"Did you talk to Daniel? Why didn't you just tell Daniel to stay away?"

"Do you really think I could do that? If he was hitting on Sarah like that, what would you do?" Edward said.

My imagination ran riot and I surprised myself at how immediately I was turned on. It took an effort to speak but I managed to ask, "I would just tell Sarah that I don't like him hanging around her like that. I would tell her about his reputation. I know Sarah would understand that and would let Daniel know in no uncertain terms that she was not interested in him."

“See, what was between Emily and I, was not really serious. I wasn't threatened by Daniel because Emily told me everything. She was immediately attracted to Daniel and told me in graphic detail all about their flirtatious conversations which often crossed the line. I started to look forward to hearing about their conversations.”

"What exactly is his big appeal?"

“Emily told me he is a fabulous lover. She said she never dreamed that it was possible to be made to feel that way."

Later when I went back to my office, I tried to work but couldn't concentrate on anything. I don't know why I was so worked up trying to work through my thoughts. By four o'clock I could no longer concentrate on even the simplest of tasks so I decided to take the rest of the day off. I called Daniel and told him that I had some personal business to take care of and I was packed and on the road.
That evening, after having dinner, my wife Sarah and I, retreated into the living room, each finding something to occupy ourselves.

I sat in my recliner chair, rocking a little. There was a news program on the television in front of me, but I wasn't really watching it. Sarah was sitting on the sofa, next to the end table with the light on it, looking very focused on the book she was reading.

As we sat I looked at my wife, marveling at how beautiful she was. She remained the definitive vision of feminine beauty to me.

It started with her feet, one of her finer features. I loved the high curving arch of her delicate foot, that ascended to a slim ankle and above that the taper of her calf. Her hair was a shimmering shoulder length framing her delicate face.

Her torso, slim, but in perfect proportions, to the slightly smaller waist, and out again, slightly to her hips and her breasts that were large enough to attract attention, but small enough to remain firm. In almost every way, Sarah was a perfect wife. She had a sense of personal style that made me proud to be seen with her in public, and that style extended to our home, where her eye for decorating did marvels for our house.

Sarah seemed to 'feel' my stare, and she turned her face towards me and gave a little half-smile, and tilted her head, not speaking, but asking me: do you want to say something.

I looked at her for a moment, and finally said, "Tell me about the book. Is it anything like the cover?"
Sarah flushed. "I thought you were asleep?"
I laughed. "No, I'm not, was watching you as you read."
"Well, it's about a married couple. They're been married for a few years and the wife has an affair."
"What happens next? Does she fall in love with the guy, and leave her husband?"
"No, it's much more complicated than that. You have to read the book."
I brought her closer and kissed her. "So, are you planning on letting another guy seduce you?"
Sarah playfully pushed her hand against my chest. "Hey, mister, are you trying to tell me that we have a bad marriage?"
I paused, "No, I'm just wondering why the book turned you on so much."
"That's for me to know, and YOU to find out," giggled Sarah.
I grinned knowingly. "I think I know. Remember when I caught you staring at that guy at the party?"
Sarah flushed. "I wasn't staring."
"Well, you were eating him up with your eyes!" I teased her, laughing.
"I was not!"
"Sure. It turned you on so much you practically assaulted me when we got back to the room."
"Well, I remember you were pretty horny too."
"Maybe I was," I replied as threw off my briefs. "Pretend like I'm that guy."
Sarah giggled. "Yeah, you are so handsome" she playfully cooed.

Our lovemaking was more passionate than usual. Afterwards, I lay in the dark, thinking. Finally I asked, "Tell me the truth, the idea of posing for the calendar and have the guys leering at you did turn you on, didn't it?"

Sarah didn't answer straightaway, pretending to be asleep.

"Would it turn you on that your mates lust after me on the calendar?" she asked, after a long moment.

I closed my eyes and placed head back on the pillow as I answered, "Ohhhhh, yes that would be SO HOT!"

At this point Sarah appeared a little bit confused. She seemed a little bit hurt and betrayed by my answer, I guess.

"So you're telling me that you would like to see another man seduce me again?" asked Sarah, trying to be as specific as possible.

It was obvious by my wife's tone, that she was not overly pleased with me. I could tell she had some wrong ideas floating around in her mind, so I attempted to clarify them as good as he could.

"Oh baby, I would never actually allow some other guy to have his way with you! What happened with Shane was a big mistake, like we both know. You are the most important thing in the world to me. This is nothing more than fantasy talk. In my mind, this is hot as hell. In reality, it would end my world," I explained.

"Are you serious? Do you mean that?" asked Sarah, her voice rising a bit as she hoped what I was saying to her was actually true.

"Absolutely! I like the idea of you dressing real sexy and flaunting yourself in front of someone. I like the idea of someone else getting absolutely insane with horniness ...only to come to my arms. Now that is closer to something I could get into."

"Oh yeah? How would we go about doing something like that?" asked Sarah, suddenly curious by the idea.

Sarah was trying to play it as cool as she could but it was pretty much obvious she was intrigued turned on by the whole concept of flirting with someone else, with my complete consent!

"But tell me honestly, would it really turn you on if I sleep with some guy again?"

"In fantasy, yes. For us to pretend it together, yes!" I replied.

"So, if I were to tell you that some guy made a pass at me, that'd get you hot?" asked Sarah.

"Again, as long as this is only fantasy. Who would be the lucky guy to enjoy my wife”

“What if the guy is your boss, Daniel?”

I felt a surge of adrenaline course through my veins as the realization that my beautiful wife was living out one of my favorite fantasies!

“I would never really want you to have sex with Daniel," I replied. "But if you wanted to -- right now, you could close your eyes and pretend like you are having sex with my boss Daniel! Tell me what you would want Daniel to do to you now."

Sarah let out a soft moan and replied, "Oh god Daniel, make love to me now!"

I simply could not believe my ears. This was just too hot! My wife had always been way too conservative for me to believe that she would participate in this perverted little fantasy.

This pushed me over the edge. But for that brief moment, we were both quite lost in the fantasy. That night was the one that broke down some major sexual barriers between Sarah and me. We began a whole new world of role-playing and fantasy sharing in the bedroom.
Ha ha. He has been on the right track all the time !! I see the road to cuckoldry. Nice anshu.
Fantastic piece of writing

Great work my friend... you kept me hooked from the very first posting.
Guys, I think we should all give this guy the credit he deserves.
You have us all on edge her bro, I still wanna know what happened at the party and in the car on the way to the party. Throw us a bone here!
Super story. When is it going to get updated...I agree with Paulie73, what happened on the way to the party. Was she at the party the whole time or did she go somewhere with Daniel and get dropped off at the party again? The suspense is killing me. Please don't let this story die out like this.
rickyny73 said:
Super story. When is it going to get updated...I agree with Paulie73, what happened on the way to the party. Was she at the party the whole time or did she go somewhere with Daniel and get dropped off at the party again? The suspense is killing me. Please don't let this story die out like this.

Thats what I love about this story, the suspense and the realism. I can totally see myself or my wife in a similar situation. I'm not all that into outrageous stories about a wife walking a bar and instantly getting screwed by ten guys, its just not that believable.
I woke up at daybreak the next morning because of an early appointment. I showered and was drying off as I walked into the bedroom. I smiled when I saw the recent pictures of Sarah on top of the dresser that were taken at a month ago for our anniversary party.

I picked up the stack of photos and started looking through them. I always had a hard time taking my eyes off her, she was so pretty. Her appearance had barely changed since I had first met her. She still wore her hair just past her shoulders, and took care of her body. I put the photos down and opened the top drawer of her dresser and picked up a black bra and sniffed the aroma of her favorite perfume.

Sarah was still fast asleep. I loved her long slim legs that seemed to go on forever and ever. Her sexy ankles and lovely feet always drove me crazy. Sarah hated it when I tried to play around and kiss her feet and ankles but it turned me on.

The next few days at work, I often found myself daydreaming. Just thinking about my wife with Daniel made me hard. I went into the bathroom to masturbate, and afterwards felt guilty knowing I might have trouble, but I couldn't resist.

However much I tried to separate fantasy from reality, I discovered that Sarah's and my fantasy-filled conversations turned me on; and the various possibilities entering my mind were erotic in the extreme.

But what was the thrill? After all, it wasn't a case of me getting excited over a new relationship with another woman. So why was I getting excited over a scenario in which Sarah might be seduced by another bloke who was my own boss?

I couldn't get my mind off Sarah and Daniel. I masturbated more than once fantasizing about them, and the next time Sarah and I made love, I came thinking of Daniel doing her.

With this new turn of events, Sarah and I found ourselves often discussing about Daniel and during our conversation she asked occasional questions about him.

“You certainly ask enough questions about him,” I told her once.

'No, of course, I don't ....'

“You fancy Daniel or something darling?”

“Come on…”

'He's quite good looking, isn't he? “

“Yeah you could say that..”

“But then again, I suppose looks aren't everything, are they?”

“Why, what do you mean?”

"There is something I heard about him," I added after a moment.

"What did you hear?"

"It was something about Daniel."

"Yes," she prodded.

"Well," I tried to sound flippant and off-hand but really didn't succeed.. "They sort-of said, well, they basically said he was .... "


'He has got a big cock.'

She was completely taken aback by the lewd directness just as I was more than a little surprised to experience a sudden thrill.

“And is that true?” she asked.

I was not expecting that comment and threw away a reactive answer that came out perhaps more sharply than I had intended.

'How the fuck should I know?'

Her face turned red. "I just thought you might know," she said.

"How should I know?" I refused to divulge anything.

"I mean sometimes guys talk about that sort of thing?"

There was an uneasy silence and I found myself trembling with sudden excited anticipation. Truth was, I had heard about it. But I wasn't about to tell Sarah.

"Do you think I go around looking at other guy's dicks while in the boardroom?" I asked.

"Never mind then," she said, appearing annoyed.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. For what reason, I didn't know! That happened a lot, I noticed. I often found myself apologizing for things I didn't understand.

Although I'd not actually seen Daniel's cock, I suspected it was pretty much larger than average. But I wasn't about to tell Sarah that. But I couldn't help noticing an air of sexual anticipation creeping in talking about another guy like that with my wife. I was intrigued to see how far she'd go with this new found interest and teased her.

'I don't reckon you want to know so much about his performance at work as the size of his cock! You really are quite a naughty little girl, aren't you?'

'No, not at all' she responded a little too quickly. After another brief silence while she gauged my reaction she added, 'Although, thinking about it… yeah, it is quite a nice thought I suppose.'

'Well darling, as I said before, I've never seen it. Sorry to disappoint you but I'll enquire if you like. Perhaps you'd like me to ask him 'Please Daniel, can Sarah have a photo of your cock? She wants to know how big it is'. How would that do?'

She realized I was teasing. There was a sudden air of anticipation between us and a further silence ensued. But her imagination was at an end on the particular topic of Daniel's unknown penile dimensions; and she refused to answer any more of my questions. Yet the seeds of fantasy had now been sown in my mind and I found them exciting.

I occasionally visualized the look on Sarah's face when she first discovered what he had to offer and it would make me unbelievably horny. Presumably there was no smoke without fire and he must have been fairly well endowed, or the others wouldn't have talked about it. Out of wickedness I even made up a story and told her that I'd been holding out on her and that yes, I had actually seen it. Yes, it was the most super cock ever, it was bloody big and she'd love it too. She knew I was fooling yet she appeared sufficiently interested in the game to play along, saying things like, 'God darling, really? Is it honestly that big?'

Sometimes she'd whisper suggestions in my ear. The thoughts went on and it didn't take long for my wife to discover just how much she could excite me by talking about it. During such games she would frequently ask whether I would really mind if she did try to have it off with him, as if confirming that it really might be on the cards.
Things at work were progressing fast, in two and a half weeks we had finished most of the project. All of the other project managers had collaborated so I told them we should plan a get together after we close out the project.

On Wednesday we went out to a local joint for an inexpensive lunch with five of the guys. Some time during lunch, one of the guys, Gary, asked about the girls. It took me a minute to realize he was talking about Emily.

It's no secret that sometimes there happens to be discrete affairs between members of staff. But Gary wasn't the discrete type.

"I heard Daniel is nailing that little bombshell," Gary said. "They said the two are staying after work every night, fucking their brains out."

"How does she do it? She acts like the faithful wife. Won't look at another man, she says."

"Another cock tease wife, maybe," Gary said.

"Maybe her mouth says she's married. But her body doesn't know it. “

I did not quite like the turn the conversation was taking. I knew I needed to have a serious talk with Emily. As a matter of fact, I helped Emily get a job in our office at Intermedia.

Looking back on it now, I have to say that I only have myself to blame. Emily called me and asked if there were any secretarial jobs open in the place where I worked. As it happened, there was an opening. I offered to set up an appointment for her. I put in a good word for her at the office.

She and I got together a few times after that. Our relationship remained entirely platonic, she side-stepped everything that could be remotely sexual relationship, but. She mentioned a few times that she was determined to be faithful to her husband.

“My husband gets jealous every time another man looks at me."

I now remember that after she'd been at work a couple of weeks, we got together for a drink. That day she looked worried. "Do you hear any rumors about me at the office?" she asked.

"No, not at all," I said. "I mean, a couple of guys talking about what a looker you are, that sort of thing."

"Well, you've got a horny bunch of guys up there. Not a day passes that I don't get hit on. And apparently some of the girls have been getting jealous. One of them has been saying I've been fooling around. You should know that I don't fool around. I just won't cheat on my husband, you know that. So don't believe any rumors you might hear. They're just jealousy - female envy or maybe male bragging. Maybe they don't believe a woman can be faithful, I don't know."

The next time we talked, I asked Emily if she had met Daniel. "That creep!" she said. "He thinks he's God's gift to women. I can't stand him." That was then. But, now more than ever, it seemed that Daniel could get any woman he wanted, married or single, it didn't seem to make any difference. Whatever he had, it worked like magic on women.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, I was getting ready to go home and proposed to drop Emily to her place. I just drove grimly in silence until on a B road, I pulled into a deserted lay-by and stopped. Emily had not spoken a word since I pulled her from the house but now, without looking at me she said quietly, "You know, don't you?"


"I don't know," she said turning to look at me with helpless eyes.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

"Right from when I first met Daniel, it was very easy to see why he was so successful with women but I thought he was not my type. There was never anything between us except when for the first time I got the feeling that he was building up to make a pass at me. For those few weeks I got very agitated whenever I was in his company but I convinced myself that I had imagined it. But at last year’s Christmas party when we kissed. I knew I had been waiting for that to happen. When he let me go, I hurried to the ladies room. I was shaking and unsteady on my feet. I gripped the counter and took deep breaths to try to calm myself. My entire body was tingling, on fire. I felt a mix of emotions. I was angry, embarrassed, outraged, and humiliated, all at the same time.

I was also aroused. Daniel oozed confidence and charisma. I wasn't used to that. My husband is loving and sweet. But he isn't a man's man like Daniel. I scorned myself for thinking that. I felt I was betraying my husband.

After that I was scared of being alone with Daniel ever again. If he came into a room where I was by myself, I immediately got up and left and I used to find something to do.”

I listened at her, unsure whether I should feel sympathy or anger or plain indifference.

Emily just wanted to talk it out, “For the last few weeks although everything seemed to be the same on the surface, there has been this undercurrent - I didn't know if Daniel was aware of it too or whether the whole thing was in my mind. Three weeks ago I was helping with the paper work when I get some papers from the boardroom. As soon as I set off I knew that I had done a stupid thing. All the way down I was on edge, always looking behind, intending to hide if I saw him coming. Coming back was even worse because at any minute I expected him to step out in front of me. When I got back to the office I was trembling all over. It was all so crazy because Daniel was not even around."

Emily shook her head ruefully. "After that I had a stern word with myself."

"Why didn't you mention it me? I could have protected you from him." I finally said.

"How could I? Imagine how you would have reacted if I had told you about the effect he had on me. I thought that I could handle it myself. That is when I was really lost. There was the temptation of having him in the office and the opportunity of being with him. At that point, I believed it was for only one time. I thought, "Just once, to see how it would feel, only one fabulous dream. Since then I've been cheating my husband every day. Did you know?"

I shook my head without saying anything. After a long pause Emily went on. "The girls around the office said Daniel was gorgeous, and they are right. But that's not why I was attracted to him, or at least not the only reason. The way Daniel put his hand on me, like he owned me. His take charge personality. The commanding way he spoke to me. For a moment, I allowed myself to imagine what it would be like in bed with me. Would he dominate me? Make me do things ..."

The thought made me shudder. For a moment I was lost in imagination to the erotic thought of Sarah impaled on Daniel, with her legs wrapped around his back. My imagination ran riot and I surprised myself at how immediately I was turned on; just the same as when Sarah and I fantasized together in bed.

Immediately after I had left Emily and was driving home, my mind once more wondered about the situation. But it was Sarah I kept thinking about. She had looked incredible in that dress the other night at Dyson’s. Maybe in the years of our marriage I had forgotten how sexy and pretty my wife was.

"No need to worry," Daniel had said to me as he waved us away. "I'll keep your wife company."

I could almost hear Sarah telling me with trepidation in her voice.
"I need to tell you something… that night ... while we were going to the party, Daniel made a pass at me."

Sarah would then describing how Daniel had kissed and fondled her, how he groped her tits, and reached under her dress.

I had now parked my car just outside the house just as images of Daniel's mouth covering Sarah's flooded my mind, and his hand under her skirt, his hand pushing against her thigh.

Sarah moaned and arched back, as Daniel reached her panties and was fingering her. She writhed as Daniel played with her. Her body tensed as she had an orgasm from Daniel's finger fucking, at the same time as I convulsed and shot my load.
Hey man he is going to make it with Daniel and his wife; he wants them to fuck he needs them to fuck he has to watch them fuck.
Awesome, please do continue...can't wait to find out more.
I come here daily to check whether you have posted or not ... this story just keeps getting better and better.
Earlier that day I had stopped into a shop on the way into to get Sarah a little gift. We were going to a friend's wedding.

"Look what I brought you," I said as I walked into the bedroom, holding a small box.

"What is it?" she said excitedly as she tore off the ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a pair of earrings. "Oh ... ah ... they're nice."

"Why don't you wear them tonight?"

"Well ...." Sarah normally liked to choose her own jewelry.

"Come on, you'll look great in them."

"Well, okay," Sarah agreed, somewhat reluctantly.

I just watched her surreptitiously as she got dressed. She put on her bra, a lacy sheer push-up bra that matched her Victoria Secret panties. Next Sarah sat on the edge of the bed and applied cream up her legs. I wondered if she was aware that I was watching her. Sarah didn't seem to acknowledge my presence in the bedroom. When she had applied on both her legs, she got off the bed and walked to her closet. I would have been very surprised if she was dressing that sexy only for me. I wondered if not me then for whom?

With this thought running through my head I got an erection as I watched Sarah walking away from me. She disappeared into her closet and came out a minute later with her black cocktail dress already halfway on. She walked into the bathroom as she pulled the dress the rest of the way down. Then she sat in front of the mirror and checked her makeup, and then brushed her hair.

When Sarah came out of the bathroom, I asked her if she was ready to go.

"I'm ready," she said.

"You look really hot," I said. "You are going to melt someone's heart tonight."

Sarah turned to go out the door and said, "Yours, I hope."

I wondered if she meant to melt my heart or break it.

On the drive over, and during the wedding ceremony, I couldn't help staring at Sarah, running my fingers over her back. Sarah seemed to enjoy the attention she was getting.

As we walked into the big room were the party was being held Sarah slipped her arm through mine and leaned close to me. The room was nicely decorated and there were several tables around the outside of the room. There was a band set up at one end of the room with an area for dancing. At the other end of the room they had set up the buffet and next to that an open bar.

When I got back to the other side of the room the band had started to play and a man approach Sarah and asked her to dance. She very nicely but firmly turned him down and then grabbed my arm and dragged me out to the dance floor before I had a chance to sit.

The song ended and I started to move back toward the table where Sarah had been sitting when the band started playing a slow song. Sarah pulled me back onto the dance floor and was holding me close to her. As we danced, I whispered into her ear.

"This guy can't keep his eyes off you."

"Who?" Sarah asked, looking a little shocked.

"To your right."

Sarah glanced over, trying not to be obvious.

"He got here late. He has been staring at you ever since he got here."

Sarah blushed. "You're crazy."

"No, I'm not. You look incredible tonight. “

Sarah blushed again, but this time with a smile.

I smiled mischievously. "Why don't you walk around a little?"

Sarah was surprised. "By myself? Here?"

"Sure, it's a big house. You could mingle, look around while I get a smoke and some fresh air."

When I looked up at her I could see something in her eyes that made me feel sick.

"Don't do it," she said.

"Don't do what?"

"You know what I am talking about. You know I am not stupid. I know what's going on here. Stop it now."

"I have to go to the men's room," I said as I led her back to our table, and then quickly disappeared. Sarah was left by herself. She surreptitiously glanced around the bar. The guy was still looking at her!

He was really good looking. In fact he looked slightly like Daniel. Thinking of Daniel, immediately made me feel a tingle in my groin.

A guy approached and asked Sarah to dance, or buy her a drink, but she politely declined. She finished her apple juice and reached into her purse, but a man put his hand over hers. "I'll get that," he said as he handed a note to the bartender. Sarah looked over and saw the guy smiling at her. He was the same one who looked like Daniel.

His eyes were running up and down her body, and that made Sarah blush. The man held out his hand. Sarah took his hand. "I'm Sarah. Thanks for the drink."

"Sure," he said his eyes still roaming over her body. "So, are you here with someone?"

"No ... um ... my hubby just went out for a smoke."

He smiled. "Good." A slow song began. He held out his hand again. "This is my favorite song. Would you like to dance?"

Sarah smile nervously and nodded. She gulped the rest of her drink, and slid off the stool. The guy led her to the crowded dance floor, and then wrapped her arms around her. They slowly danced to the music. Sarah was beginning to relax. It seems she was actually beginning to enjoy herself.

Finally the music changed to a fast song, and Sarah seemed to awaken from a daze. She was a bit disoriented. Somehow the guy had maneuvered her into a dark corner of the bar.

"Thanks for the dance, but I should be going," she said.

"I'd love to get to know you better," he said.

"Maybe, but not tonight. I think I'd better go," Sarah said. "Thank you for the drink," she added, then went back to her table.

"What took you so long?" Sarah asked when I later joined her.

"I wanted to watch. See what'd happen. "

"What would happen?!!!!"

I didn't answer. Sarah seemed to read my mind, and her tone softened. "So --- did I really put on a good show tonight?"

I pulled her towards me. "You were incredible! I can't tell you how sexy it looked, with his hands on you, exploring you." I kissed her, and then whispered wickedly into her ear, "You could've let him lead you to a dark corner."

Sarah pushed me away, pretending to be angry.

"Yeah right," Sarah said with mock scorn.

"Come on, admit it, this guy turned you on."

This time she was serious. "No, David, I don’t like you leaving me alone at places like this."

I continued to slyly smile. "You can't tell me you don't get excited when guys come to flirt with you."

"Stop it now, David," Sarah said, a bit frustrated.

"Okay, okay," I said quickly, not wanting to ruin the moment. "You were so good tonight," I said, brushing my lips to her cheeks.

That night I stayed awake in bed, remembering how this guy had so boldly tried to pick up my wife. I replayed in my mind the scene. I had been surprised at how far Sarah had let him go. Letting him pay for her drink, then agreeing to dance with him. Letting him hold her and run his hand up her back. Clearly he had gotten to her. The thought of another man arousing my wife made me dizzy with excitement. I remembered how sexy Sarah had looked. "He wanted to fuck her. Penetrate her married pussy with his big cock."

Would Sarah actually make my fantasy come true, and sleep with another man? Why did I fantasize about Sarah with another man? I recognized my wife's beauty. I knew Sarah turned heads wherever she went. I knew men lusted after her. Why, then, would I desire to see Sarah with another man? Why would I want to share my wife's body with another man?

From that time onwards I found myself gradually realizing that I wanted to see my boss manage to have his way with my gorgeous wife. The fascination grew from this and I found the fantasy provoked an immediate erection whenever it came to mind.

Setting aside my outward nonchalance at inner fears therefore, the truth was that I found myself warming to the turn our increasingly lusty conversations were taking. Over the ensuing few weeks, I secretly began to realize how I might really react if she actually did set aside her inherent shyness and pluck up the nerve and let Daniel has his way with her.

Would Sarah have the confidence to follow through her obvious lust though? In those circumstances the possibility of lust overcoming shy reticence brought an even stronger eroticism to the situation and I found myself visualizing her gradual surrender to seduction.

What would be the look on her face if he took off her top and put his mouth round those sexy nipples of hers? I found that a real turn on and became desperately keen for it to happen.

But would she let him get that far, or had she filed away her thoughts as a not-to-be-indulged fantasy. If so, would she turn him down at his first approach?

Yet the usual fears and apprehensions discouraged me from allowing the fantasy to be tested for some time. I didn't want him to try it on unless she also was sufficiently stimulated by the thought of being seduced by him. I didn't want either of them to know that I entertained any possibility of his seducing her. I felt that any liaison should appear accidental.
I had been working at Intermedia for about six years now, it was a company that had lots of exciting projects with some talented people doing the sorts of work that interested me. My career path hadn't exactly gone to plan since I graduated. Maybe it is the fact that I was ambitious, or that I had a firm belief in the integrity of my ideas that wouldn't allow me to easily compromise. I was starting to feel for the first time in my working life that I belonged somewhere. It was a good feeling.

This Friday however, as I stared at my PC monitor watching the numbers across that were not adding up, I was beginning to feel frustrated. I had added this spreadsheet up more times than I could count and I was still missing revenue.

It was 7pm, the office was silent and the lights were dim. There was only me and a couple of guys left in the building. I looked at the screen again. I had to get this report right by tomorrow morning.

I shook my head at the screen; I doubted it but if I looked at that flickering monitor any longer I would end up finding a solution.

Just then the door opened and I was startled to see Daniel.

"You still here, David?" he said.

"Yep, still here." I answered. I could hear the tiredness in my voice. I hope he missed it; the man was super human. He was here before me in the morning and left after me at night. He would not understand tiredness and that would be another thing he had better than me.

"I'm fine Daniel. Just having a small problem with the quarterly report but nothing I can't work out by tomorrow."

"Let's take a look at the report together and see what the problem is." He patted my arm and motioned to the screen. This concerned understanding made me nervous.

I nodded and moved brought up the report that was causing all my problems. I was very aware of him standing directly behind me, watching my every move.

"It's the inventory sold out vs. the sales reported, I just can't make it match." I pointed to the screen as I spoke.
Daniel leaned in closer to look at the screen. He took the mouse and highlighted the sum at the bottom of the column of numbers. "I can see where all the problems have been coming from. These figures have been averaged and rounded off, what is more an estimate of the relative risk figures, not a definitive indicator of risks for the specific project. “
I could see it too. "You're right, I see what you mean now. Sorry about that, Daniel," I said.

"Don't worry, I will fix it as you suggest."

"Good," he said. He got up to leave the room, but then he paused at the door.

"Things seem ok now at the office, right?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, everything seems to have fallen into place now and there won’t be any more complaints with clients."

"Great." Daniel said. "How did your meeting go today?"

Relieved to talk business, I spent a few minutes describing the day long meeting at their office. The purpose of the meeting was to close a big deal for a client.

"In our business, if you want to close deals and get ahead, you have to charm her off her feet. You know how to flirt with women, don't you, David?"

"I'm married, so the only woman I flirt with is my wife," I said.

"You're right, what sane man would settle for another woman when he had someone like Sarah to come home to? “ he said as he spotted a photograph of Sarah on the table. It was of a shot in a kind of soft focus that gave her a dreamlike effect. Sarah looked magnificent, like a goddess.

"Stunning, isn't she?" he finally said.

"Er, yes," I said, "she's a very attractive person."

We were both looking at the picture. I felt impolite to turn away, but somehow also improper to be studying this somewhat intimate portrait of my wife with my boss.

"Yeah, but sexy, wouldn't you say?"

I knew this was a vicious mind game, bating me into saying my wife is a sexy babe. I knew I had to play straight and try to move the conversation back to work.

"She is attractive, yes."

"Don't you find her hot?"

This was getting exciting. I just knew this was going to end badly, but I wanted to keep it going.

"I'm sorry but I don't think it’s for to make that kind of judgment about my wife, after all she’s my wife."

"Well, what if she wasn't your wife? What if she was just someone you met on the street? Would you think she was sexy then?"

Damn it, he just wasn't going to let go of this.

"Well," I said, taking a deep breath, "if you're speaking hypothetically, then yes, she is sexy."

"Hmm, I thought so - I would myself!" he said, with a little chuckle that seemed to invite me to join him in a little male camaraderie as we discussed the virtues of the female form. This was starting to get a little on the weird side. "I am attracted to your wife ," he said.

I was shocked at his words. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

Daniel's tone became serious. "I said I am attracted to your wife. Really attracted."

"What do you mean?" I asked, knowing how stupid I must sound. "So ... you'd want to sleep with Sarah?"

"It's okay David," he said, still smiling. "Hey man, it doesn't have to be that way. No need to worry, I'm cool. What I'm saying is ... look, Sarah's a gorgeous woman. She's very nice looking, and she probably turns heads now and then. And I'm attracted to your wife. Any man will."

I was momentarily speechless. Sarah was really a great looking woman. But how could he know? Unless, of course, he happened to see her without a bra! I wondered if he might have seen her naked or something. I knew that thought was far-fetched. Still, it made me wonder. The thought of Daniel seeing my wife naked gave me a rush.

"Would you get jealous? Your wife having sex with another man?"

I thought a moment, thinking about what to say. I knew Daniel might be using me to get into Sarah's pants. But then, isn't that what I wanted, to see Sarah sleep with Daniel?

Daniel laughed. "Hey, man, I'm teasing you. It's cool. Like I said before, when I get married I hope I'm as lucky as you, to have a lovely wife like Sarah."

I felt awkward around Daniel.

"Everything is fine with Sarah?"

I hesitated, suspecting Daniel's intentions. "Yeah, everything is ok, thanks for asking."

Daniel shrugged. "That's cool. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for both of you."

And then he walked out.
Wow Anshu, you keep me hanging... I love it. Keep it up :) Can't wait for the next installment.
Keep it comming dude. I like the way this is headed.
Looks like Sarah and Daniel are getting closer...Can't wait for the next chapter.
  • #100
Mate, waiting for your updates ... keep then coming please...

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