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The Real Story I Have To Tell -1

  • Thread starterdevavu2009
  • Start date

Aaron's house is clean and modest, a smallish three bedroom in an older neighborhood with tree lined streets and lots of old tropical foliage. I brought in all four of Annie's bags. In his bedroom was the same picture of the two of them kissing on the beach that Annie has in her bedroom at home. I noticed several other pictures of her as well, in the living room on the mantle of the fireplace; in the kitchen. She is prominently displayed.

I saw a picture of Aaron's late wife - it must have been taken 25 years ago. She was attractive, standing with her two sons in front of a high hedge.

I didn't have time to unpack our bags because Aaron said we had to get to the restaurant. We arrived at the place in about 15 minutes. It was a quaint little seafood place in a trendy section of town.
Aaron's friends were apparently waiting for us, and already had been seated at a table. His friend's names were John and Renee, and it was obvious they had already met Annie.

"It's great to see you again," Renee said as she hugged my wife. "What'd Aaron win the lottery or something?" John joked. "How'd he ever luck into a classy gal like you!"

They all laughed. It was uncomfortable for me, but I laughed too. My smile was plastic. What did they know about us? Anything? Everything? What or who did they think I was?

As dinner progressed, it didn't seem to matter. Anytime either of them got close to asking about me, the conversation was miraculously steered elsewhere by either Annie or Aaron. And they were very nice, down to earth, respectful people. I found myself liking them. It turns out, John is Aaron's best friend. And both he and his wife knew exactly who I was. I found this out later in the weekend.

As nice as they were, I was relieved when dinner ended and we parted ways. Before they said goodbye, Renee said they were having a cookout on Labor Day, and invited us over. Aaron looked at Annie and said, "Sure. Sounds great. What do you want us to bring?"

"Beer and bathing suits."

It was a date.
After Dinner

Aaron and Annie entered the back seat of my car, and I drove. "Which way?" I asked.

"Go left," Aaron replied. "We have one more stop."

I drove about a half a mile, and Aaron directed me to park in a public lot. We got out and walked several blocks. The three of us were chatting, and my comfort was increasing again. Even though they walked arm in arm, I did not feel excluded from them. Somehow, I felt closer than I had since the whole thing started again. For one thing, we'd been together for a few hours now, and they hadn't had sex, and there was no talk of sex. That was unique.

Anyway, I thought we were going out for a drink.

We were just doing what normal people do. Going out to dinner. Meetings friends. Partying.

That's what I thought.

Instead, we stopped in front of "Alternate Body Creations"; a busy tattoo and body piercing "salon." I felt a knot in my stomach. "Christ, this is why she took the CB 2000 off"? I thought. Everything is happening all over again.

I turned to Annie.

"You can't do this. The holes have completely healed!"

She laughed, in a nice way.

"D, you're a lousy liar. I've seen you piss. Two streams. You piss everywhere. There's another hole on the end of your dick somewhere."

I don't know why, but I almost started laughing.

Maybe because what she said was true.

They walked in the store. I didn't follow. I had to make a decision now. If I did this I'd be crossing a very big line. If I didn't - well, I remember what happened last time and it didn't turn out so well. A few hours ago, I told her I would obey her no matter what.

My mood changed.

It had been such a good night till now. I lit a cigarette and debated in my head what to do. My head just wasn't there. I put the cigarette out. I lit another one. I don't know how much time went by. All I know is that Annie opened the door to the store and said, "Put that thing out and follow me."
I would tell the rest, but I am too tired right now. I am not trying to be coy. Hell, I can't believe I am recounting this. For all those people out there who post things about how to get your wife to cuckold you, hey, I seem to be the expert.

And you are on your own. I have no opinion to give you, because I think every relationship is personal and different, even ones with three.
Steel Trap 2

I followed Annie inside the store. The moment I set foot inside, I knew my decision had been made. I was being walked into every fantasy and submissive desire I'd ever expressed, week by week. No words of consent were asked for, and none were given. Actions, affirmative, were consent, not words.

This place had no upstairs. It had a back room. After signing the customary forms, I was escorted to the back room by a young gentleman who identified himself as Freddy. Aaron and Annie followed. No hanging around waiting this time. The two of them were going to watch. Inside the room another guy who appeared to be the technician, greeted us. Freddy told me to take off my pants and underwear and lay on the bed.

The other guy walked over to Annie and said, "I'm Dan. I'll be conducting the procedure. And you are?"

"I'm his wife," she said pointing to me. "This is my boyfriend Aaron."

"Damn. Awesome," said Dan. "Awesome."

I don't know why, but I was totally relaxed. Dan poked around down there and tried to slide something through the hole of my old PA. It hurt like hell. "Ouch!" I said.

"We'll try a smaller gauge," he said. It hurt a little, but this time, he was successful.

Next I felt my cock being placed in a hard, cool cage. The steel trap, no doubt. I was purposely not looking. My eyes stared at the ceiling.

" Who did you piss off, big boy?" said Dan.

"You talking to me?" I said.

Everybody laughed, including me.

After several minutes of maneuvering, Dan successfully managed to insert something through the head of my cock and presumably around the bars on the end of the cock cage.

"Bingo," he said. Then he said, "Who's in charge here? Should I be speaking to one of you two, or should I speak to the victim?"

Again, everyone laughed. Including me.

"Speak to us," Annie said.

He went over care and cleaning. With all of us. The tool to unlock it. Everything.

I got dressed and we were out of there. Nobody was smirking at us in this place. We must have been the last customers of the night.
I am dying to find out what her decision was and what they had to tell you.
I am very busy with work right now. We are going back to Miami Friday morning, and returning Monday. I will probably not be posting anything. I am so far behind.

I am finding it more difficult to talk about current events than to write about the past. Annie would call it shame. She says I should get over it and embrace who I am.

Maybe she is right. But I am never sure about who I am.

I have made a commitment to tell my story, but I am now running into real time. I'm not always sure what I want to reveal. In all honesty, I don't want to be called a fool, even though sometimes that is exactly what I think I am. Other times, I think I am the luckiest guy on earth to be in my situation. I am an intelligent person, but I am not sure how smart I am.

Ann is extremely bright, organized and analytical. She is way smarter than me. We are close in intelligence. There is a difference between the two. Smart and intelligent.

I think we are both more intelligent than Aaron, and I pray he doesn't somehow, some way ever read this and know who said it. That is why I have been vague about certain things. I am a bit afraid of him. He may be smarter than both of us, though. In some ways, he's way smarter.

I am afraid to use his computer. No wireless there. And I am not really comfortable reporting current events anyway. I am more of a storyteller.

So I will probably be gone for 4 days. Miami again. If I have time tomorrow I will try to post. But I am in a period where I don't know what to say because - well, no matter how submissive someone is, they don't want to be a fool.

At least I don't. And it is way too early, I think, to draw any conclusions about this. I already feel guilty about what I have done. I feel guilty about starting all of this, and about where it is going. I wonder if it would be possible for someone like me to get excited about this without guilt.

I also feel like it is the most natural thing that could ever happen to me. Sometimes I feel like it is the most natural thing for me since being born. A gift. That I was born to be exactly this. I am serious too. I wake up with my dick throbbing in pain against whatever is locked around it and think I'm a really lucky guy. You gotta wonder about a guy who thinks he's lucky to be me. I think about that all the time.

Maybe my conflicting thoughts are natural, given the fact that I really have lost control. Or given it away. Or surrendered it. You decide.

Anyway, the weekend was amazing and I haven't even written about the whole thing yet. And another is about to start.
Ask her the following three questions.

If she will ever fall in love with you again.

If she will ever show you the kind of intimacy that Aron shows her and she shows him.

If she could be happy without that kind of intimacy.

You are human and not different from any other person on this blue earth. Sex aside, you need intimacy in the same ways she needs intimacy. Every thing you described only Aron and your wife enjoys, their closeness. You are jealous because you haven't felt that kind of intimacy in years. Very few people can live without it and...I know I will receive flack for saying this...those who can have psychological problems of their own.

This is not a game and you need to take your needs and feelings seriously. You said yourself, you treat life like a game. Well, you only get one chance to play it.
This Is It

Annie revealed her plan to me this weekend. Actually, she and Aaron explained it to me. They didn't ask me, they told me. It is very simple, really.

They plan to be married. Legally married. She plans to divorce me. Very soon. He plans to move into our home at that time. He is quitting his job and moving here. They plan to keep me as their slave. They didn't use that word, but that is precisely what it is.

Annie said she has no intention of hiding her relationship with Aaron. She figured it would be easier to explain me remaining in my own house after they marry than to explain him moving in with us while we were still married.

My public role? The magnanimous ex-husband who remains great friends with his ex-wife; whose bonds remain so strong, he's ok remaining with her and her new husband for a few months until he decides what to do. Of course, the real plan is that I remain forever, and that's almost the same role I play now, minus the audience.

They will play it cool when family and children visit. The D/S element of our relationship will remain mostly private.

I will remain chaste; their housemaid; their cook; a mouth to lick them clean, or to get them off, etc; a source of income; someone to be owned, like an object, (this is straight out of one of the crazy letters I used to write to her way back when).

That's it in a nutshell. There was a lot of emotion, and I don't want to recount it now.

Since no consent was sought (Annie says I consented dozens of times already in past letters and emails), I wasn't asked for a yes or no. So it's a take it or leave it situation. Again, there's so much yet so little to say. I'm shocked, but not surprised at this point.
Wow! What a shocker... or maybe not I suppose. Perhaps deep down you saw this coming? Regardless, it's still an emotional kick in the guts.

Please do not make any rash decisions though. Give it time and think it through. Some good will come of it. It is after all a chance of a lifetime... Many men dream of it, you can live it and even come to love it.

I know my greatest fantasy is for my wife to find a permanent live-in lover that will also dominate me and we can live as a big poly family. Divorce in no way plays into my fantasies, but having an extended household does.

Good luck and keep us posted please.
Don't Be an Idiot--SEE A GOOD LAWYER!

The cuckold lifestyle is great fun and games when both husband and wife are participating in good faith, but you are about to be royally shafted. DON'T BE STUPID!!! Talk to a good lawyer about protecting your legal rights.

Divorce goes beyond the fantasy and role playing world of the cuckold. Your world is being shattered. Please, SEE A LAWYER!!!

devavu2009 said:
This Is It

Annie revealed her plan to me this weekend. Actually, she and Aaron explained it to me. They didn't ask me, they told me. It is very simple, really.

They plan to be married. Legally married. She plans to divorce me. Very soon. He plans to move into our home at that time. He is quitting his job and moving here. They plan to keep me as their slave. They didn't use that word, but that is precisely what it is.

Annie said she has no intention of hiding her relationship with Aaron. She figured it would be easier to explain me remaining in my own house after they marry than to explain him moving in with us while we were still married.

My public role? The magnanimous ex-husband who remains great friends with his ex-wife; whose bonds remain so strong, he's ok remaining with her and her new husband for a few months until he decides what to do. Of course, the real plan is that I remain forever, and that's almost the same role I play now, minus the audience.

They will play it cool when family and children visit. The D/S element of our relationship will remain mostly private.

I will remain chaste; their housemaid; their cook; a mouth to lick them clean, or to get them off, etc; a source of income; someone to be owned, like an object, (this is straight out of one of the crazy letters I used to write to her way back when).

That's it in a nutshell. There was a lot of emotion, and I don't want to recount it now.

Since no consent was sought (Annie says I consented dozens of times already in past letters and emails), I wasn't asked for a yes or no. So it's a take it or leave it situation. Again, there's so much yet so little to say. I'm shocked, but not surprised at this point.
I told her tonight no way. Found out there is warm blood in her veins. Won't be back for awhile.
Good luck. I hope you find love again.

devavu2009 said:
Annie revealed her plan to me this weekend. .... They plan to be married. Legally married. She plans to divorce me. Very soon. He plans to move into our home at that time. He is quitting his job and moving here.

That's interesting. Is Aaron's profession or occupation "portable"? Does he have a new job offer in your area? If not, is he confident it's just a matter of him moving into your wife's and your home, then looking around, because finding a "good" job is not likely to be a problem?

Suppose Aaron does not find new employment anytime soon in your area. Who, among the three of you, will support the three of you and pay for things that are expensive, like your mortgage (if that isn't paid off)? Is that going to be you?

Sorry about all these questions. They came to mind more-or-less instantly.

devavu2009 said:
They plan to keep me as their slave. They didn't use that word, but that is precisely what it is.

How nice for them. This sounds like an offer you can't refuse, as gangsta's put it.

devavu2009 said:
Annie said she has no intention of hiding her relationship with Aaron.

Why should she? It doesn't sound like she's ever done that in the past, nor do your posts imply you've ever asked her to do that.

devavu2009 said:
She figured it would be easier to explain me remaining in my own house after they marry than to explain him moving in with us while we were still married.

Um.... why should you have to explain to anyone why you're continuing to live in your own home? There must have been a leap in logic I missed, somewhere.

devavu2009 said:
My public role? The magnanimous ex-husband who remains great friends with his ex-wife; whose bonds remain so strong, he's ok remaining with her and her new husband for a few months until he decides what to do.

Yeah, yeah.... since you're evidently going to accept being your ex-wife-to-be's and her new-husband-to-be's "slave," it looks a whole lot like you "deciding what to do" will be deciding to give them your home and land in response to their request — which you, of course, will agree to (they assume, evidently).

devavu2009 said:
Of course, the real plan is that I remain forever, and that's almost the same role I play now, minus the audience.

Who's "the audience"?

devavu2009 said:
They will play it cool when family and children visit. The D/s element of our relationship will remain mostly private.

I'd say that's optimistic. People — especially children, family, and friends — have a way of figuring out what's going on, especially when it's as obvious as the half-baked "plan" your soon-to-be ex-wife and her (apparently) soon-to-be deadbeat new-husband have cooked up.

devavu2009 said:
I will remain chaste; their housemaid; their cook; a mouth to lick them clean, or to get them off, etc; a source of income; someone to be owned, like an object, (this is straight out of one of the crazy letters I used to write to her way back when).

How convenient for them. As I mentioned above, the attractiveness of this "offer" on their part is stunning. I'm blown away. I especially like the part where you are their source of income.

devavu2009 said:
That's it in a nutshell. There was a lot of emotion, and I don't want to recount it now.

I can see why.

devavu2009 said:
Since no consent was sought (Annie says I consented dozens of times already in past letters and emails), I wasn't asked for a yes or no. So it's a take it or leave it situation. Again, there's so much yet so little to say. I'm shocked, but not surprised at this point.

Why should they ask your opinion, since they've stated you're going to be their "slave" and you've accepted that (or at least, given every indication you intend to accept that)?

Sorry about seeming so unenthusiastic. It's just that when your wife who likes having a lover (I mean, that's reasonable, right?) makes the transition to telling you she's going to divorce you, AND her lover is going to quit his job and move into your home (thereby becoming a deadbeat), AND she wants you to continue living with them AND provide them with income, AND be their slave, then

--> that doesn't sound like sexual fantasy anymore. It just sounds like a con and a rip-off. Of you. <--

Have a nice life of slavery, supporting the bums who will be living in your home. Until, that is, they ask for the title to your home and property, and you give it to them. Then, of course, it will be their home and property and there will be no more pretending. You really will be their slave.

Take it from a lawyer, get a good lawyer and get it over with. Also, forget the material things, you have children, do you even want them to suspect your submissive role and your wife's cuckolding of you?

Or, maybe, this is, in fact, what you really wanted all along? To be used, discarded as a husband and demoted to a slave. It sure sounds like it. Get your mind out of the fantasies and sexual thoughts and look at what's really going on here. You, obviously, according to key points in your posts, don't pay attention to your wife (in small ways, i.e. the picture and in even larger ways). Your wife is right, what did you expect to happen when all this started? Snap out of it and make some wise decisions.
Thoughts, Part 1

I have greatly enjoyed reading this account, and I hope that Devavu will continue to keep us all informed about his situation.

That said, I must confess that I am greatly dismayed by the advice I’m reading here suggesting that Devavu abandon his wife and Aaron. Perhaps I am reading his story differently from everyone else, but I see his leaving the relationship as a horrible mistake. He has told us, over and over again, just how excited, alive, and happy he feels while submitting to them both, why on earth should he leave a situation that fills him with Joy?

My perspective is different, very different, but I feel compelled to post it here, to provide Devavu with rationale for a perhaps better course of action. Sorry if my post is overly long, but alas, it is a long thread.

First of all, I think it needs to be said that in reading Devavu’s story, it’s become apparent to me that he has caused at least some of the problems they have all faced in the past. I point these out not to criticize Devavu, for certainly what he is doing is extremely difficult, but in the spirit of helping, of giving a dominant woman’s perspective, perhaps a perspective similar to that of his wife, so that he can maybe see how some of his actions may have appeared to her.

The first thing that strikes me is that Devavu seems to harbor deep insecurity within himself. His wife has told him, repeatedly, that she will never abandon him. Indeed, her actions have proven this to be the case. Devavu did not, as he says, loose his wife, when she had to do so, she chose him. When I read Devavu’s account, I am struck by an apparent lack of a healthy sense of self worth, and I hope that can be improved.

Submitting, as he does, to his wife and his lover does not, as he seems to think, indicate weakness on his part. Rather his actions indicate tremendous strength. What he has submitted to is something that very, very few men could ever accept. It is not strong to fly into a jealous rage whenever one suspects one’s mate of cheating, any coward can do the same. It is tremendously strong to calmly listen as another man fucks your wife. It is not strong to fling a woman on to a bed and fuck her till she cums, countless millions of men do it each and every hour of the day. It is tremendously strong to lay on a bed and eat another man’s cum out of your wife’s ass. It is not strong to have the ability to cum whenever one desires, every boy entering puberty can do so. It is tremendously strong to submit to an order to not cum for months. I see Devavu as a pillar of strength, proven by that which he endures, I am saddened that it does not seem as if he views himself in the same way.

I am struck by the fact that Devavu apparently sees his desires for submission, chastity, and cuckolding as deviant and wrong. I must presume that this view of his needs has contributed to the lack of self-esteem I find in his writings.

He writes that he and his wife, presumably Aaron as well, have found the greatest of joys while engaged in their very out of the ordinary relationship together. Finding joy and fulfillment through the exploration of sexuality between consenting adults cannot, by its very nature, be considered deviant or wrong. It is sad that he feels it must be.

In reading the account it seems to me that Devavu has a bad habit of asking for modes of domination when they are not being offered, then rejecting them, or treating them with disdain when they are.

He says for example:
“When I am deep into subspace, I always say this sort of thing, and I mean it. At the time.”

He attributes his wife as saying, on the same subject:
“Do you think this is all some big game? It’s not a game for us. You’re fucking with people’s lives. With my life.”

In just one instance, he relates throughout his story how much he loves orgasm denial. How good it makes him feel. Yet when he is given it in the first relationship with Aaron, he rebels and cuts the chastity device off. When he is promised it in the second relationship, he perceives that promise to be a ‘threat.’

In my experience, dominant women abhor such behavior. If a submissive asks for a form of dominance, he should expect that the dominant just might be excited by it, and he should expect to receive it. If or when he does receive that which he has asked for, he surely should not run from it, he damn well better embrace it and gratefully thank the dominant for providing it. Anything else puts lie to his words, shows the dominant that the relationship is not worth very much to the submissive. Devavu apparently breaks this fundamental issue of fairness and reasonableness, apparently over and over again.

Deavau needs to understand that by asking for certain forms of domination from his intimate partners, he is planting the seeds of fantasy within their own minds. Sometimes that fantasy can grow and become important to the other person. Obviously he planted a seed about chastity in the minds of his wife and her lover, a seed that grew into a very powerful fantasy for them both. They wanted, very strongly, to share this fantasy of his with him. He refused. By refusing, he communicated to them both that they, the relationship, and their dominance just wasn’t very important to him. “I mean it. At the time.” Is a lie. If a submissive is going to plant the seed of fantasy in the dominants mind, he had better mean it all the time. Anything less is grossly unfair to the dominant.

Open and honest communication is fundamental to the long-term success of any alternative relationship. Cuckolding is no exception, nor is orgasm denial. I hope that Devavu can learn to communicate openly and honestly with his wife and her lover, or at the very least, shut his mouth when he is overcome with passion and speak of those ways in which he would like to be dominated only when his mind is clear.
Thoughts, Part 2

Given what happened regarding orgasm denial in the first relationship, it is not at all surprising to me that his wife and Aaron distanced themselves a great deal from him after he removed the PA, and with it their ability to deny his orgasm. In my view they perceived that they could no longer trust him, and trust is essential to such a relationship.

Devavu must, in my opinion also learn to better obey. By his own admission he has, apparently repeatedly, expressed desire for everything his wife and her lover have demanded of him. As a result, they have a right to expect his obedience. He must obey. No more cutting off of chastity devices, no more worrying about being a “fool.”

The good news of course is that when Devavu truly learns obedience, he will be free to give himself to feeling, sensation. Completely and absolutely free to simply let go. To accept the orders he is given and obey them. To find joy in a life without worry over what he should do, over what other people would think if they knew about his relationship. He can simply obey, and ride the wave of joy he will find in doing so. He will no longer have to worry about being the “fool” for he will be without the right to exercise his own will. He has found tremendous joy in obedience in the past, and he will find it again with heightened obedience leading to heightened joy and fulfillment. In this, his wife is absolutely correct. Devavu needs to put shame behind him and accept who and what he is.

Devavu’s wife seeks divorce from him so that she may marry her lover. Most on this thread apparently see this as cause to end everything. I do not. I see it as a rather odd course of action on her part, but is not all consensual cuckolding odd? I have a lover, he is beside me in bed as I type this and before I began tonight we both had a wonderful orgasm. My husband is downstairs in his own bedroom, where I’m quite certain he heard every moan. My lover lives here at my house about half the time. It is, I will admit, awkward at times with the relatives. I don’t flaunt my outside relationships in front of relatives, but surely they must know that something strange is going on. I don’t hide it at all in front of our friends and neighbors, they all know exactly what that strangeness is. I guess this confession is my way of saying that being divorced from Devavu and married to Aaron will be no less strange than remaining married to Devavu and letting Aaron move in. Both will be perceived as mighty strange by anyone who knows about the living arrangements. Who cares?

I do not though see where Devavu’s wife’s plan is in any way a reason to destroy the relationship. He should, in my view, ensure that he gets a fair settlement in the divorce, and he should put those assets he receives away to ensure a secure future for himself. Beyond that, he should accept her desire, and obey it.

I very strongly disagree with the advice given Devavu to end it all. Instead he should remain, serve, give up his orgasm, and provide whatever sexual services are required. As his wife pointed out to him, he has already consented to it all in his many letters to her.

Perhaps where I may fundamentally disagree with some other posters, is that they seem to view Devavu’s relationship as a kind of predatory one. They seem to see his wife and her lover as having a relationship separate from Devavu, and that relationship as being predatory towards him and his relationship with them both.

I read it differently. I read about a wife and a lover who are strikingly passionate about their dominance over the wife’s husband. I read about a wife and a lover whose relationship probably could not survive if it were not for the role that Devavu and his humiliation plays in it. I don’t, as Devavu does, view Aaron as a sexual god, or her as a sexual goddess; I view the fact that they are able to reach these extraordinary heights of passion because of Devavu. To my mind he, his submission, and his humiliation are the true keys to their amazing sex. After all, he does admit that his wife even managed to cum, without any kind of physical stimulation, just watching him lick her lover’s cock clean. That is a mighty powerful, if out of the ordinary, way for Deavu to be having tremendous sex with his wife.

I suppose that this post sounds as if I am picking on Devavu. That is not my intention. I am quite sure that all three partners have made mistakes in their relationships with each other. Alas though, Devavu is the only one we can truly know something about. I hope that my thoughts can prove helpful to Devavu; I hope that he finds true joy and fulfillment in obedience to his wife and her lover, and lastly, I hope that he will continue to post to this thread.
Except no consent was sought this time.

While you may be right on some points, there is something you did not understand. A balance had to be struck between cuckolding and intimacy between husband and wife. Annie, the wife, never could find balance and the husband did not get the intimacy he needed to feel whole. It is more than sex. It is romance. It is hugging, kissing, walking arm in arm and giving each other back rubs. Annie stopped all of that when she fell in love with Aron. To her current husband, those are the waters he drinks to survive. Without, he will die as a man in a dessert, parched. It does not matter if the fantasy is a staple of his diet or not, for the love that he had from Annie is still his water.

Annie at this point has made it clear, she is not in love with her current husband and wants Aron. For what ever reason, she did not run off with him the first time around. But now she wants it her way, even if in the end, her current husband dies a slow death.

That, my dear, is not love.

I must disagree regarding consent. Clearly, to me, he has in the very recent past openly consented to his role and her dominance. We do not seek explicit verbal consent for each and every activity that makes up a playtime; rather we seek consent for the playtime as a whole.

This with the clear understanding that consent can always be withdrawn. In a playtime, the submissive can decide he has had enough, ask to be unbound and leave the space. In this relationship he can decide that he has had enough, and leave the relationship if she is unwilling to change it to something he will continue to consent to.

If he remains, he consents to what she is doing, every minute he remains is yet another granting of his consent.

You have mentioned the hand holding, kissing, &c, in another post. I don’t read his previous post, from where you draw this argument, in the same way as you do. I read in that post that he craves those things. I did not read in it that he does not receive them from her. I think it is true that we do not know. Until he tells us, we cannot know. My own friend longs to kiss me, craves the chance to kiss me. That doesn’t mean that I don’t kiss him, I kiss him all the time and adore doing so.

That said, I do agree with your basic point that some level of intimacy is needed. Maybe holding her hand, maybe some alone time tonguing her ass, whatever makes them both happy. We cannot however know that he is not receiving that intimacy now, for he has not clearly stated the point. We have also not read about if or how she indulges his fetishes, and if that indulgence provides him a feeling of connection and intimacy with her.

I would also submit to you that relationships change over time. Assuming you are correct and he is receiving no intimacy from her now, that does not mean that she will not grant him intimacy in the future. I can see plainly that this is a troubled relationship, as I’m sure that everyone else can. As it is repaired, if it is repaired, intimacy could certainly increase.

Love too changes over time. The story clearly relates her verbally expressing her love for her husband. They have been together for a long time. If it is not the wild, passionate, all consuming love of a new relationship, that is certainly understandable. Love matures with time, becomes less intense, but no less important.

Surely a constant striving for the all-consuming love of a new relationship, a kind of love and passion that can never last forever is one of the largest reasons why so many marriages end in divorce today. It is OK when love matures, it does not mean that love has died.

I must maintain my view that he continue to explore these new possibilities, while as I mentioned, protecting himself financially if the divorce actually happens.
devavu2009 said:
Like I said, everyone was watching. Including me. For me, that kind of intimacy, the holding hands, walking arm in arm, the kissing, it makes me more jealous in many ways than the fucking.

I know I can't compete in the fucking area. But I want to be that guy walking arm and arm with that pretty woman on the beach. I want to be that close to my wife. But I'm not.

That puts it in very clear terms.
And he is withdrawing his consent.

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