Chapter 3: The Office Flirt

Natalie's eyes fluttered open. Had she fallen asleep? She wiped her mouth and looked at her watch. 9:30! She had been asleep over two hours! Panicked, she got up and hurried to the front desk. She already liked her new job and surely didn't want to lose it!

Her belonging were still where she had left them. The telephone on her desk was beeping. She heard Buck in the next office answer it.

“He’s going to be so mad.” She worried. “I hope he doesn’t fire me.”

The phone conversation in the next office was brief. She heard Buck hang up. Getting up her courage, she walked into his office.

“Well, there’s our little Sleeping Beauty!” Buck exclaimed. “So, you decided to finally grace us with your loveliness.”

Once again, Natalie blushed. She laughed and covered her face with her hands.

“Oh, don’t say that!” She giggled. “ I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

“That’s okay, precious.” Buck said standing. “As pretty as you are, I just wanted to stare at you some more.”

Natalie raised her eyes to meet his, her little mouth in a puckered smile.

“You are so bad, Buck.” She responded playfully. She stared coyly, seductively into his coal black eyes.

“Well,” he said softly. “I am just happy to have you working here. Can’t you tell?”

He made two quick thrust of his groin. Glancing down, Natalie could see that his penis was a raging hard on! Giggling she hid her face in her hands again.

“I’m not looking!” She laughed loudly.

“Do you like it?” He asking smiling broadly.

“I’m not saying!” Natalie said with a sudden snort that only made her laugh harder.

“Well, I guess I need to get you situated and started on something.” Buck walked over and wrapped his arm around her waist. Natalie’s face was a crimson mask. Buck thought she looked girlish and adorable. She did not shy away from his proprietary grasp. Even when he ‘accidentally’ brushed his manhood against her.

He had her sit down and showed her the phone system and briefly went over some programs on her computer. She made frequent contact with her hands against his. Sweetly saying ‘thank you’ when she had enough to keep her busy.

She worked until almost lunchtime. Professionally answering all the incoming phone calls. She got the hang of the copy machine very quickly. She liked it when that same guy from earlier in the morning stared at her butt when she bent down to retrieve her finished copies. She purposely kept her knees straight as she bent low making her butt stick out nice and round. She knew he was looking. She felt guilty. But, it made her hot imagining what he was thinking about her. She felt her vagina getting wet between her legs. She felt sick inside and tried to think about something else.

After lunch, Buck sent her to the warehouse to take the warehouse manger a parts order that

was needed on a job site. All the men stopped what they were doing when they saw her. She heard whistles again. She smiled and waved the direction they came from.

The office manager, Ray Ford, stood when she came in.

“Holy shit, you’re purty!” He blurted in a heavy southern accent. “And, just what is you name, good-lookin?”

“My name is Natalie.” She said smiling at him. Her tongue peeked ever so slightly between her lips.

“Damn, girl! I bet you could go all night!”

“Oh, my gosh! I think I better be getting back over to the office!” She said giggling.

“Don’t be a stranger.” Ray chuckled.

Natalie looked back over her shoulder. “We will see each other again. I‘m sure.” She said sweetly.

She walked back across the parking lot towards her office. Her hips naturally swaying in a feminine way. Two men were loading a machine onto a big truck. She smiled at them as she passed.

From behind her, she heard one of the men banging the side of the truck.

BOOM! Boom, bah, BOOM! Boom, bah, BOOM! Boom, bah, BOOM!— to the motion of her hips and butt.

She looked back. With a huge grin on her face she wagged her finger at them. Then, her little shoulders rose and fell demurely. And, she continued toward the building. Behind her, the two men applauded.

Back inside the building, the wetness between her legs was undeniable. She went into the bathroom, locked the door and quickly fingered herself to climax. She could not believe she had done that. She felt slutty, as if she had done something wrong. But, it was the only way she could continue working that day.

As it came time to go home, Buck called her into his office.

“Natalie, I just wanted to tell you again before you go, how happy I am that you have joined our little team. I think you are going to be a fine addition to the cast.”

“Thank you, Buck.” Natalie said proudly. “I already love it here.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear it.” His eyes fixed on her chest. “Yes, a fine addition.”

Instinctively, Natalie stuck out her little A cup breasts.

“That will be all for today, sweetie. You can go.”

“Thank you, Buck. Have a good night.”

The rest of the week Natalie went about learning her new role with the company. It was obvious that she was a very conscientious and capable worker. She quickly learned her tasks and proved quite efficient. Buck knew he had hired the right girl for the job.

Every morning, Natalie reported to the old man who had hypnotized her. Her growing desires towards her male coworkers had become a fixation for her. It did not interfere with her job performance. But, she was horny all the time.

Thursday afternoon, she was standing atop a three step ladder in the supply room. When Dub, the big, bearded man walked in.

“Hey, Dub!” She said melodiously.

“What’s up buttercup?” He greeted.

“I’m just getting some stuff down from here.”

“I can see that.”

Just then he pretended to ‘drop’ his ink pen on the floor. He bent way down to purposely get an up-skirt view of Natalie’s ******* panties.

“What are you doing?” She asked feigning exasperation.

“Hunting beaver.’ He drawled.

“I can’t believe you!” She exclaimed.

He held his place, continuing to stare straight up her skirt.

Natalie turned back to her chore. But, knowingly widened her stance on the ladder, putting her panty covered snatch clearly on display.

“Yep.” Dub declared. “That’s a beaver.”
Next page: Chapter 4: Charles
Previous page: Chapter 2: The Dream
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