Chapter 7: The Choice

“Hello, Natalie. How are you today?” The well-known voice whispered to her.

“Mmmm…… I’m good.” Natalie responded from her trance.

“I am happy to hear that.” The old man leaned very close to Natalie. His eyes were very intense. “Natalie, today we are going to do something a little different. Would you like that?“


“Very good. I am going to ask you some very important questions. I want you to answer them very honestly. Your answers must be what you truly feel. Do you understand?”


“Good, Natalie. You’ve been with us almost a year now. Do you enjoy working here at Harden Construction Company?”

“Yes. I love my job.”

“And, do you know you do a very good job?”


“Do you know that Buck loves the work you do. And, that everyone here loves having you as a co-worker?”

“I hope that is true. I want everybody to like me.”

“Oh, they do, Natalie. They surely do love you and love having you here. Does that make you feel good?”

“Yes. It makes me happy.”

“You have been very happy working here haven’t you?”

“Yes. I don’t want to work nowhere else.”

“I am so happy to hear that. Everyone else will be, as well.”

“I am glad.”

“How do you feel about all the guys feeling you up and doing all kinds of nasty things to you?”

“I really like it.”

“Do you want them to stop?”

“No. It makes me feel special.”

“How do you feel about them calling you Jugs instead of your real name?”

“I really like it. I love how they talk about my big boobs.”

“Does it make you horny?”

“Of course. It makes me hot… ready to fuck.”

“You get fucked here a lot don’t you?”

“Yes. Buck fucks me all the time.”

“Do you like him fucking you?”

“Of course. It is my FAVORITE thing about my job!” Even in her dream state, a smile formed on Natalie’s lips.

“Doesn’t it bother you that he is not your husband?”

“Not at all. Charles never made me feel like Buck makes me feel. I love, Charles. But, his little peeny is so teeny-weeny. And, Buck has got a big ol’ pecker! It feels so good when he is inside of me!”

“Do you feel guilty about fucking him when you never even let your husband near you?”

“No. I love Charles. Me and him do all kinds of other stuff together. Charles knows he isn‘t no good at fucking anyway. And, he knows how hot Buck makes me feel.”

“Do you ever feel guilty about how much you flirt with all the men here. Do you feel guilty because you encourage them to do all the nasty things they do to you?”

“No. Why should I?”

“It doesn’t make you feel guilty to be such a slut?”

“No. I really like it.. I am not hurting anyone. If other people don’t like it, that is their problem.”

“How do you feel about your massive tits that are too big for your body?

“I love my huge honkers! They are like watermelons on my chest! AND, They are NOT too big for my body.”

“So, you like having watermelons on your chest?”

“Of course. All the guys here love them, too.”

“Very good. Now, Natalie, I want you to think back. Think back to the day you started working here. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes. I can remember.”

“Good, girl. Do you remember looking different in any way? Think about your body on that day.”

“I was flat-chested. I didn‘t have no boobs. No, I-I had boobs. But, they were really little.”

“Did you like having breasts so little?”

“Oh, no. I hated it. Guys couldn’t tittyfuck me good or nothing. I wanted them to be bigger.”

“They are bigger now. Much, much bigger. In fact, they are so overdeveloped, that on a girl as petite as you, they look like exaggerated cartoon tits.”

“I know.”

“Your giant tits are what everybody thinks about when they think of you. Do you like that?”

“Yes. I love it. I love that I am known for my tits. That‘s why everybody calls me, Jugs.”

“I see. But, wouldn’t you prefer to go back to they way you were before- with tiny breasts?”

“No! I wouldn’t never want that! I love my humungous hooters!”

“I am so glad you feel that way.” He paused for a moment. “Now, dear, think back. Do you remember how you felt when you arrived here for your first day of work.”


“What else did you feel that morning before you and I had our talk?”

“Horny. Horny and… guilty? What did I have to feel guilty about?”

“You used to feel guilty all the time. Guilty about how men found you attractive and guilty about how it made you so hot and sexy.”

“I-I remember. I didn’t like it. I hate feeling guilty.”

“I know you do. Do you think your life is better now that you do not feel sick from all that guilt?”

“Oh, yes. I am more happy now than I have ever been.”

“So, you would not want me to allow you to feel guilty again like you use to feel?”

“No way.”

“But, you would feel like a good girl again.”

“I am a good girl now. Being sexy don’t make me bad. I do a lot of good things.”

“I know you do. You do all kinds of good things You are a very good girl.”


“There is one last thing I want you to do for me.”

“What is that?”

“I want you to remember all the conversations we have ever had. All of them, going all the way back to your job interview. Do you remember what we talked about then?”

“Yes. I remember. You said I was a born flirt.”

“Yes I did.”

“That is actually one of the main reasons we hired you. I want you to understand something, Natalie. Buck and I knew from your interview that you had all the qualifications we desired. You were more than perfect for the positions we needed to fill. You were pleasant, and professional, courteous and well-trained. You came across as extremely dutiful and competent. We were certain you were capable of being an outstanding office manager.

But, the abilities to run an office were not the only traits we were seeking. During your interview with Buck, it was apparent that you were extremely naturally flirtatious with a remarkable instinct to tease and entice. A born hussy men would want to fuck every time they saw you. You were cute and yielding with a strongly repressed longing to be the submissive object of men’s lust. You see, not only did we want an office manager, we wanted an office slut. And, you were perfectly suited for that position as well. Do you agree?”


“And, do you remember telling me you did not feel as sexy as you wanted to feel.”


“Do you remember telling me what you needed to make you feel sexier?”

“Yes. I told you I wanted bigger boobs so guys would look at me.”

“And, you said you would like them gawking and staring at you, didn’t you?”


“And, I promised to give you bigger boobs didn’t I?”


“And, I promised to take all of your guilt. So, you could enjoy being a flirt and never feel bad about it. Didn’t I.”


“And you realize now, I have done the things I promised. Don’t you?”


“Now, Natalie. You said you love your job. You said you love your gigantic tits. You said you love being a flirt. You love getting fucked and felt up. And, it doesn’t bother you if people think you are a slut. If you are happy with the things I have done for you, you need to tell me, ‘thank you’.”

“Thank you. I do like what you have done for me.”

“You‘re welcome. Now, I want you to rest. You will come out of your dream state and remember everything you and I have ever talked about. You will remember how you used to be. And, you will remember that you have chosen to be the way you are now. You will never feel the old guilt you used to feel. You will only feel happy and excited to continue your life as Jugs, the office slut. And you will understand, that is the position you have accepted.”

The old man rose and placed his hand gently upon Natalie’s slumbering cheek.

“Good bye, Jugs. It has been a pleasure.”

Natalie awoke about a half hour later, now fully and willfully aware of the type of services she had been hired to perform. She looked at her watch.

“Oh my gosh!” She thought. “It is almost 2:30! Buck will be getting back from his trip anytime now!”

She eagerly rushed out of the room and down the hallway towards his office, smiling and giggling. Her braless gazongas made slapping noises as they whapped against her tiny body. She wanted to be ready when Buck arrived. He always wanted a good tittyfuck and blow job after long trips.

“He will want to see me!” She laughed.
Previous page: Chapter 6: Jugs
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