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Aroused by being denied

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Thought I'd pass some time here while she's out visiting her dad. A benefit of the kids being a year older is they seem to always have something to do or some place to be as again, we'll have the house to ourselves. 2 bottles of champagne in the fridge and all is well.

Yeesh - I write a lot sometimes. I look back and I can totally remember my thoughts and such but when I look at what I wrote, I think I could have made it shorter - so I'll try to be more concise.

Going back to Dana's questions. Sue said she wasn't sure if he'd taken any and to be honest, I haven't had time to ask as it's summer and, well, just a lot to do and work is insanely busy....

It's interesting that there are times when I almost need to know every detail of what they've done together - and there are other times when just knowing she's had a good time is enough (well, there is always the details I add in my head). Last night she merely shared that she'd "enjoyed being with Frank" and later on that "we were both horny.....I guess it might be the heat". It's hard to describe the kind of arousal I feel at that moment knowing where she's been and what she's been doing. But the thing that turns me on even more is her desire to wait till today to have sex with me. It works - tonight becomes the night for us to reunite.

Cocu - I am absolutely turned on that at times she "prefers" him or wants to deny me - but I don't think it's because he's a better-lover. I don't find the arousal in that, but rather in her desire to simply be with him instead of me for whatever reason. At this point, I don't think I have the fantasy desire for her to be with a "better lover". I can't say that over time I might find this more desireable but right now, it's her that turns me on and her actions, not necessarily how Frank performs. But saying that, it does turn me on intensely to know she's had countless orgasms and shared those moments with him. Not sure if that answers your question though. Right now, I don't believe her expression of preference is based on Franks sexual performance but more of her own desires and, now, how it affects/works-for me. She's been clear that one of the reasons she so enjoys Frank is the environment where she can let go of everything else that's going on.

Hank - I guess it's similar - I've already acknowledged that Frank's younger and can certainly cum more than I can. But we each, I think, reach her in different ways. She still insists she doesn't love him and that, I think also makes a difference, at least it does for us. I know she's felt more strongly about an earlier lover but I think I could feel it in her even back then.

Harry - actually I usually pull the boxers back on afterwards. I usually skip the menial details such as washing up and taking a whiz before falling dead to sleep - that's when I pull the boxers up. I guess it's a habit from when the kids were younger - we both slept nude before that. When she's not wearing panties, Sue usually will wear a long-t-shirt or night-shirt kind of thing to bed. But she has always been at ease with nudity - as she said, she's never been the modest kind. She was the one who got me to the nude beach - I'll never forget that day - she was totally calm and nonchalant about stripping right there in front of the world (now it's nothing - everyone does it - but that first time - totally hot!). And yes, she likes being naked with her lover. I know she said early on it was her way of feeling like she was his sexually and available - but now, I see her wearing one of Franks button-up shirts most of the time so that may be more of her norm now. Now that you have me thinking about it - perhaps she needed the nudity earlier on to maybe "force" herself to do it - but that over time she's relaxed and developed her own desires so she doesn't necessarily need to be nude? It did take a little while for me to get used to thinking/knowing. Wow did it get to me when she was with Brad. It might sound weird, but I do love that she is so comfortable with it.

Oh - should have added - I get naked with her at the beach. It is awesome to be at the beach nude like that. I never realized how horrible it feels to have a swimsuit on that just keeps the clammy salt water against your skin.

I shall sign off now and await her arrival....
Hey all. Sadly, Sue's dad has been returned to the hospital for more tests and such as there appears to be a lot more issues that are cropping up than earlier thought. Appears to be some digestive issues and he appears to be malnourished which we figured was going to happen existing on hospital food...

She's out there with him and should be home for dinner sometime about 7pm. Fortunately it's a lazy summer day.

Last night was perhaps better than I'd expected. I sometimes feel she lets so much out with Frank that she's perhaps not as eager for me - but not last night. Despite how physical they were on Thursday - by the time we were half-way through the 2nd bottle of champagne she was seemingly at full charge!!! I don't know how many times she came during foreplay - at one point she held my head against her pussy and begged me to "keep going". I could still taste the remnants of Franks semen in her amid her own copious secretions. When I finally pulled myself up to fuck her - her pussy was gaping open and drenched - but the minute she felt me fill her - she locked her legs around me and ground herself to yet another orgasm. I held her legs back and went for it - hoping that things would work (as they did) for a second time for me/us before bed. Sure enough the feeling of her opening up as I pushed her legs back coupled with her teasing me just at the right moment about Frank having left her "so wet and full" that I blasted my first load into her. As I plunged into her with each squirt she followed a moment later with a shuddering orgasm as I held her close and tight.

We giggled at the mess that we left under her butt and she yelled about always "making the mess on my side of the bed!".

Again, it just struck me as amazing the way she is after we've fucked. From just a few years ago where she'd slam her legs together and scurry off to the bathroom to wash up - now she'll lie there totally comfortable letting me see all of her including the mess between her legs!

As we lay there she rolled up on one elbow and asked me if I wanted to clean her up? Just like her lying there - this too was a bit more open. She looked at me and said "it's okay - I know you like it ..... I'd like you to if you want to". I know some guys are all hesitant to go down on their women after they've cum - they lose the urge or whatever. That's BS to me - all I need is the word of encouragement and it's my pleasure to do it. And so I lay between her legs and pushed them aside. Her sweet pussy was just waiting for me. A thick bead of cum was pooled at the bottom about to drip out and I used both hands to spread her open wider and I licked it out. When she felt my tongue probe into her she moaned and seemed to contract her muscles to push out another thick dribble of cum. And with that I pushed into her and sucked at her pussy. She giggled when I came up for air a moment later and saw that my nose was all wet from her and my cum.

But again, she didn't flinch and seemed to not have a care in the world still just lying there with her legs spread. She said I was tickling her as I ran my tongue up and down her swollen pussy lips and I joked with her that she felt a little swollen from "all the activity down here". She laughed and said "that's what you've wanted, right?".

So - as we lay there and poured just about the last glass of champagne she rolled over to me again onto her side and gently started to stroke my cock. I knew I'd be ready for a second round and it felt good to feel her stroking me getting me harder. She started to tease me a bit - again as if she was talking to my cock saying "are you ready to go back in me again?".

I was really getting into it when she said something like "there's something I want to ask you". I didn't respond right away and she said "there's something I want you to do". To which I finally rose up on my elbows and looked at her and for a moment - I was hesitant - I wasn't sure what she was about to ask.

She said that she and Frank had turned on some porn the other night and they'd gotten into watching it and she said they tried some of the same positions they'd seen in the movie. So far, whatever she wanted to ask seemed okay to me. So she kisses me and then says "one of the guys in the movie turned me on a lot". I played along with it and asked her "what about him turned you on? Was he really big?" She giggled and said "no" and then she hesitated and then said "he was shaved and he looked sooo sexy". I looked down at her and took a second and looked at her and said "are you asking me if I'll shave my pubes?". She put this angelic look on her face and said "would you? ..... I asked Frank and he said he didn't think he'd be comfortable like that ..... Would you do it for me?"

We've done this before - long before she went off with other guys - we'd done it together - she'd gotten some Nair or Neet or whatever and she'd taken scissors and trimmed everything back on me just as I did for her - then she smeared the stuff all over me and I did the same on her. Fifteen minutes later we both got in the shower and it was done. It was really erotic at first - but then when it started to grow back in - it started to itch and such.

It wasn't for a few more years - until we started going to the nude beach - that she would do it again and this time, keep up with it so it didn't grow back and didn't itch. Me, I felt kind of weird - not at the beach - but at the time I was playing a lot of racquetball and lets just say that I felt weird in the locker room.

That was at least 10-15 years ago and in the time since then she'd never mentioned it (I do a little man-scaping every now and then and just trim things back). It's been years since I've played racquetball so I told her that after I go for my physical in another week or so that I'd be okay with doing it. She smiled and went down to suck my cock and with her hand she pushed all my pubes back and said "you know, you'll look really hot all bare" and a second later she said "I'd forgotten how horny that made me".

So - I have my one-up on Frank. I told Sue that after my physical on July 9th (haven't been in years so long over due) that she can "do the honors" to which she squealed and proceeded to suck my cock till it was near exploding and then she said "my turn" and she climbed up on top of me and slid my hard cock into her wet hole! As she slid down on me she said "it'll be erotic when we're both bare". I guess the thoughts must have gotten to her because she fucked herself into a frenzy before begging me to turn her over and finish her off. This time she held her own legs back and presented me with her waiting pussy - it seemed to open and close as she breathed deeply and the glistening wetness inside was all I needed to get me going.

I think I will always think of other guys fucking her as I do. It's just where my head goes. All the feelings, sounds, sensations - so intense. And I did myself proud - my second load seemed huge - enough to make her squeal as she felt me cumming deep in her.

Afterwards we just lay there together before getting up to get cleaned up before bed. And yes, last night we slept together naked. As we cuddled up and watched the end of Suits on Tivo - it turned me on to see her suddenly reach up and grab some tissues and then go down and blot up what was obviously dripping out of her.

Anyway - that was that.

Gotta run - almost time for dinner.
sorry to hear sue"s dad is not doing well again.glad to hear that friday night went so well for you both. and glad to hear that you will have one up on frank i would have thought he would jump at that wanting more from sue. and that she more than likley told him that. it turned her on alot so what was he thinking at the time. did she say why he would not do it do you think she might tell him you are. going to do it for her to get him to do it to.do you know if they have talked about going away anytime soon. keep us posted and we will pray for sue"s dad hoping he get better soon.
Dana - thanks for the concerns - her dad is hanging on - it's scary for her so I give her the support she needs. Friday night was awesome but Saturday's news put most of her desires on ice for the time being as she said she just couldn't get into having sex either night. Last night she did apologize and just said that when she's all tied up emotionally with her dad, that it's difficult for her to let herself feel sexual with me, it's like emotional overload or something for her. When she felt I was going to be okay with not having sex with her last night (I'd kind of hoped for more than just Friday night) we did lay back and talk for a while. She said if I was really horny that she'd undress if I wanted to look at her or something like that while I masturbated but that she wasn't up for sex. I told her that maybe later, before bed, that I might take her up on it.

So - we lay there and you can tell when she'd rather talk than watch TV - every few minutes or so she'd turn and talk to be - either about her father which got depressing after a bit - or about us and such. It's odd, she was ok talking about sex but not having sex - but whatever....

For - Dana - talk did turn to shaving and at one point I asked her "what's with Frank - he said 'no' when you asked him to?". She didn't seem indignant about it - instead she said "he just said he'd feel weird at the gym or anywhere else". I joked with her "or would he feel self-conscious around another woman?".... and then I asked "is he even interested in anyone else?".

She said that she's asked him about other women and apparently he's been honest with her and said that she "fulfills all his needs" right now. I know I don't mention it, but Sue's shared that he is still quite bitter about Joanne getting the house and such and it almost sounds crazy to say it but I guess Sue has given Frank what he needs. I guess if I came from that relationship, then having a weekly romp with a very willing partner would probably be what I'd want too.

Anyway - she rolled over towards me and said "but you don't mind, right?" and she reached into my boxers and kinda tugged at my pubes. I told her that two weeks from tomorrow that she can "do the honors" to which she giggled and said "guess we'll need some more champagne that night!".

So - come closer to bed-time after the kids have said good-night - she cuddles up next to me and says "I would like to watch you if you wanted to". I wasn't sure she was really up for it so I said "are you going to give me something to look at" (my way of saying she should strip and at least spread her legs for me or something). She giggled and took off her night-shirt and then said in this half-kidding/half-serious voice "it's Sunday so you can see me" and with that she spread her legs and turned to let me see her sweet pussy. After so long I can sometimes figure out what she's thinking and as she ran her finger up and down her pussy and spread it open I realized that while she may not have been all that horny herself to have sex - that she was horny enough to want to enjoy the moment with me.

As I started to masturbate she had turned so her head was down towards my waist and her spread legs were up towards my head - as I turned my head to the left I could see her fingers gently probing into her pussy. She asked me "are you going to be okay waiting till later this week?". I asked her if she was going to see Frank on Thursday? She said "if that's okay with you, then yes, I think".

She again apologized and said that she just didn't want to get all emotional with me and I calmed her down and said "it's okay, I understand" and then, saying what she probably may have known, I just said "it's okay" and I went for it, I told her "it turns me on that you want it from him" or something like that - from what my head was thinking, I knew that my cock must have been huge in my hand and that she had to know it all turned me on - I say that because at that point she started to say things like "it might be good for you to wait" and "maybe I should make you wait". I know I grunted out what I thought were moans of arousal but I also know that she knew it was turning me on.

I was stroking away and she continued and said "maybe you should just jerk-off this week? what do you think about that?".

There are still times when I wonder about myself and all of this whether it's really what I want or whether it's some fantasy on steroids that's out of control - but at that moment - the involuntary response from my hand and my cock surely confirm that I'm a cuckold.

As second after she said that she let out this moan and said "oh my, I guess that turned you on!". I can only guess that my cock must have throbbed at that moment and I know I felt a dribble of pre-cum run down my fingers. And with that she seemed to turn up the teasing. One became two and then three fingers in her pussy as she moaned that "maybe this should just be for Frank this week?" and "you'll just have to take care of yourself instead". Oh my - I knew I was horny as I'd hoped to have been fucking last night - but instead - hearing her tease me like that was perhaps even more intense. I felt her hand on my thigh and then slowly cradling my balls as I jerked off. "these feel so heavy" and then a moment later "mmm - I'll bet you're going to cum a lot". And then she whispered "too bad it won't be in here" and she made a fucking motion with her fingers in her pussy.

I was definitely moaning away by this point and she rolled up onto her elbow and then cooed at me "this turns you on doesn't it?" .... "that I don't want you to cum in me?" ..... "come on let me see". And just as I was about to cum she said in this really erotic voice "you like thinking it'll only be Frank in me this week, don't you?" and then she wiggled her finger in her pussy and said "just him in here...." and that was it - whew - even she jumped back when I let out a grunt and a huge squirt of cum (huge for me for sure!!!) damn near hit me in the chin and the next few followed close behind!

I lay back as I finished the last few strokes and Sue was all "oooh" and "ahhhh" and all of that. She surprised me by, instead of gathering up all of the cum with her fingers, that she leaned down and licked most of it off my stomach and then, which wasn't a surprise, she scooted up and kissed me and shared it with me. How erotic is that to share a snowball like that!!!! She cooed in my ear how sexy that was and how it got her wet to see me cum like that "so much!!!". As she talked sexy to me she then did start to push my cum around into a big pool in my navel! As she did she said very casually - "I was only kidding you know" and she looked at me out of the corner of my eye.

In a moment of comfort I really still can't believe I can feel with her - I looked at her and said "it's okay if you want to - it does make me horny to have to wait for you". To which she giggled and cooed and gave me a huge kiss and said "we'll see. It might be me that wants YOU come the end of the week". And with that she got up out of bed and walked to her dresser and then came around to my side of the bed and said "say goodbye" and as I watched, she pulled a pair of panties up her legs. She leaned towards me and let me kiss the top of her pussy and then she jokingly said "you pull them up". Despite having just cum like that - damn if pulling her panties up didn't get my cock throbbing again!!!!

This morning - she was incredibly loving and said "thank you" many times to me for leaving her be last night and just as she was about to pull her clothes on she came over and hugged me and said "I love being with you".

I didn't really need to hear anything else. Watching her pull her dress-pants up over her panties gave me the most perverse pleasure!
I will think a Good Thought for Sue and Her Dad. This is not an easy time for any of You.
great post sue is very much in control and she now wants frank more than you, we have put sue and her dad in or prays and she did get you to take care of your self last night and she has gone back to the panties for the week. let us know if anything changes.
Sometimes it seems that we have the most communication when we're not actually going to have sex.

Last night continued in that path. She came to me last night after she'd come home from the hospital from her dad and said she wanted to talk - so upstairs in the bedroom she shared a lot of her concerns on her dad - how much longer he has and how frail he seems. I comforted her as best as I could. That was when she looked up at me and said "I hope you're okay about what we talked about last night". She held me tightly and said in a quiet voice "I thought about it some more and if you're okay with it, I'd like to just take a break for a bit .... you know, having sex with you". I held her and just let her talk and said in a supportive way "I guess, if you think that's what you need". She held me and said that she thought it'd be good for her mentally if she didn't have to focus what little emotional capacity she has on me for a bit. "I think you'll do okay with your right hand for a little while" .... "sure seemed like you enjoyed it last night" (meaning Sunday night). I could hear some wavering in her voice so I just said "you let me know what feels right to you". She hugged me and said again that I was "the best".

But before we totally broke up this moment she looked at me and said "are you going to be okay if I see Frank this week?". I gave her a reply of "uh huh" to which she replied "you know it's good for me to see him - he takes me away from all of this" and then she held my face and kissed me and said "I love you so much".... "and that's why I need to see him - because I don't love him - I can just leave it all behind". I hugged her but didn't say anything until she sort of whispered "besides, it turns you on - doesn't it?". I know she felt my cock stirring in my pants because she reached down and felt it and she said "it's okay - lets try this just for a while - it'll be good for both of us". I managed to ask her "how long" and she said "how about we set a date for our own fireworks on July 4th? .... We're off from work - the kids will be gone the whole day". I nodded yes and said "if that's what you want".

Now when we got into bed last night after saying goodnight she cuddled up to me and said "I kind of like what we talked about earlier". I was quiet but moaned my agreement. She turned to me and kissed me and said that she wanted to ask me something. "It's been a long time since I've asked you to not have sex with me when you know I'll be with someone else" - she hugged me and said "I think the last time was when I was with Don, wasn't it?" I told her that it felt that way when she went to the wedding too. She held me tightly and said "but you said that turned you on too, right?". And with that she reached into my boxers and held my hardening cock and said "it's good to make 'him' wait a bit every now and then, don't you think?" which was followed by a little giggle. But she then rolled up on one elbow and continued to stroke my cock as she continue to talk to me.

I guess it's her version of a lie-detector test - the more she talked, the harder my cock got. "you enjoy thinking about the wedding still, don't you?" I moaned yes back to her. She said again how free she felt when she didn't have her rings with her and she said how it let her really let go with Frank. "Mmm, I can feel it turns you on to think about that". In a moment of passion I opened up and told her that thinking of her being "his" for those 3 days always gets me horny. She said that she felt the same way. She leaned in close to me and said "waking up in bed with him was really something for me to experience" and she went on to tell me how by the end of their time together that she'd felt so much more free and how the sex - with him AND ME - only seems to have gotten better. She hugged me and said "I know you're horny" and then she giggled "you're always horny!" and continued "but I think it'll be good to take a little break from sex with me". And as if she'd had a revelation she said "come to think of it, you used to wait two weeks and sometimes more for me in the past!!!" I moaned a reply as she now had me all hard and horny. She could obviously feel it from how she was stroking me now - very deep and passionately - she said "I'll help you out if you want .... but maybe we should go back to that for a while". And a second later she whispered in my ear "I think it turns you on to think that you can't have me until next week" .... "Consider it Franks till then".

She stopped stroking me (or slowed way down) and said "tell me what you're thinking? .... I need to know you're okay with this". I took a few seconds to reply and when she stopped stroking me totally and said "well?". I looked at her and told her that it made me incredibly horny to think that she would be his and I said it "just like she'd done when she was seeing Don". She cooed in my ear "mmm - so you liked that? Enough to want me to do it again?" to which I replied an affirmative "uh huh". She moaned her appreciation for my honesty in my ear and then said "maybe I should see Frank this weekend" and she seemed to enjoy the tease when she said "after all, you won't be having me, right?".

So - whether the whole emotion thing about her father is the truth, or whether it was merely her excuse to try this out, either way, she got me to agree to it. I asked her if she had already set this up with Frank for the weekend to which she giggled and said "no" and then she gently patted her pussy through her panties and said "but I'm sure he'll be happy to have some of this" and as she did so she looked over at me and said "this turns you on doesn't it?" and a second later she said "I like that". We cuddled for a moment longer when she calmly said "do you need to cum tonight?". I held her tightly back and said "no, I'm okay".

This morning she shooed me out of the bathroom when I tried to open the door and got a glimpse of her naked in the mirror before she pushed the door shut. A second later she opened it and had wrapped a towel around her waist and just said "no peeking" while she did the rest of her hair and make-up. As she sat at the edge of the bed and pulled her panties up under the towel she stood and turned to me and said "are you okay with everything we talked about last night?". I asked her if she was okay seeing Frank more as she'd hesitated about that and her reply was "every now and then it's good for him just like it's good for you!".

Now, time to head off to work....
Oh yes - Dana - yes - it does seem that Sue is taking more control. As I've said, I'm okay with it - and from how she's doing it, I don't feel threatened by it - instead, she seems to be doing it with my arousal in mind! My arousal and denial!
well she did hold back from giveing frank more of her. but after the wedding and the way it turn"s you on about her beening his for that time i think she is going to let go again and as you say denie you as she did with don. but as always you told her it was ok with you. as long as it did not hurt the both of you. i would bet that she has told frank she wants to see him on thur. and then again on the weekend. so he will at last get more of her. i wounder if they have talked about anytime away togather again soon. we keep praying for her dad. and hope things get better soon. keep us posted
Sounds like she is on the same page with you now. I bet this goes a lot further in the future. You and Sue will love it, keep going, encourage her to keep you out of Frank's pussy, that's what you both want!
Just have a moment while the barbeque heats up.

Far2 - I think you have hit the nail on the head. I've actually been thinking a lot about all of this - I've tried to put down here what I'm thinking and such. But today I sort of came to a realization of sorts and Far2 - you have it summed up just worded differently.

The realization I've come to is that I think I now feel comfortable with Sue - that I know in my heart that this is all because I and we want to explore it - but more so that I trust and am willing to, more and more, give her the control and encouragment as you've said. Thing is, what I'm realizing is that I think I'm ready to let myself feel more of this. As Far2 put, referencing it as "Franks pussy" is something that just gets to me and turns me on incredibly. I guess what I'm saying is that if Sue wants to - either on her own or with my encouragement - but if she wants to - that I would like her to deny me more like this. I know she's using the excuse of her dad and the emotions she is obligated to feel when we have sex together - me, our house, our room, etc. - as her reason.

Dare I say it - I wish Frank were a bit more demanding of her like Don was. I don't think I trusted her or myself or us back then - but I have this sense of feeling good about it with Frank. I guess in a way, I did give her to him for the wedding-weekend - and just thinking that way drives me crazy to now think about. So for whatever reason she's said it - that she wants me to wait to have sex with her is incredibly intense and arousing. Even more so for me now that I'm letting myself think this way is wondering if she'll even let me see her pussy before next week? Oh man - that thought just gives me a wicked hard-on. It's crazy to think this way but how can I deny it if it's true and turns me on. It's why I think I've opened up to her more and let her know that I'm okay with it. This thought will drive me crazy with desire.
you have let her take control and you have told her what turns you on and now she is going to make all your dreams come true. she said she did not want to get closer to frank but now she knows it turns you on so much thangs may change with sue and frank. it may turn out to be like her time with don. all we can do is wait and see where it leads you and sue from here. keep us posted
Steve, outside of the news about Sue's Dad, the series of recent events with Sue are very interesting. I know you have mentioned in your posts several times of wishing Frank would be more demanding ( like Don) in his relationship with Sue. It is beginning to look like a much hotter situation is developing for you. Rather than your denial being accomplished by another man demanding more from Sue, yours is going to be driven by Sue herself. As she so eloquently put it in a recent post of yours, Frank will be more than happy to get some of her. Frank will be even happer getting even more of her!

You are entering a perfect situation. Sue's motives are simple and clear, she knows this is going to turn you on and pleasing to you, plus, since she has taught Frank how to provide her maximum sexual pleasure, she has to view filling the void created by your denial with more sex with Frank as a win-win for herself.

Steve, about the emotional demands Sue was looking to get a break from in regards to sex with you, I am not sure I fully understand that part. I fully get that she uses Thursdays with Frank to just check out, leave the world behind and just enjoy being a sexual being for a few hours. Does Sue really view sex with you as emotionally demanding or is it her way of teasingly bringing you to longer denial much like the "week-end hubby" thing lead you to waiting until Fraiday night?
Would you like to be denied completly ?

Dear Steve, it seems the way the things are developing that soon you might ask for complete denial. You are surely moving towards it. Would you really want a complete denial..? (Other than some of your special days together like birthdays or anniversaries) Or do you want temporary but long periods of denial. 15 days? One month? More ? I am sure that you must be aware of the downsides as well.
STB: any thoughts on discussing with Sue the hiding of Frank's pussy? I mean since she is denying you access maybe she can at the very least let you eat some creampie and enjoy seeing her freshly fucked pussy that she is keeping from you. My dick would be sore from jerking off!:D
You seem to be in danger of trying to hard to make Sue into something you think you want. All so far suggests that she still regards you as her main source of sexual pleasure, bonding and closeness. And perhaps she regards these as related with you. Her lovers have less dimensions, they lack the ingredient that only you have with her. Which is good, of course. I think if you try and deny her enough time with you in bed there are great dangers. She enjoys doing some of this because she now knows more clearly that you enjoy it, but is there not a danger that if you try and mess with the balance too much to get what you want, you will drive her away. This is your blog, so naturally is contains your dreams and thoughts, but I can't help thinking that more denial of you is not in her dreams and thoughts. At least not to the same degree. You say you want her to take a more dominant position. In that case, where would she see her sex life evolving to? After all, denial works both ways. Its all very well saying she could make up the volume elsewhere (with Frank or others) but I just don't see that Sue would see this as the quality option. Do you?
Very skillfully worded and written. I see that Sue is working with a delicate balance in her duties as a wife, mother and daughter. With all that, she is providing Frank with an enthusiastic lover. Enough to keep him happy and give her the "unattached pleasure" she wants, which is also what Steve wants her to do. Up to now, It has been working satisfactorily. Steve should not mess with that balance by encouraging Sue into more denial of him.
Yes, i know that last Friday, (June 22nd) they had a wonderful and sexually fulfilling evening, and they are looking forward to a "retreat" coming (July 8th.). As Sue said, they have waited longer in the past.
Maybe, her coming weekend with Frank, has been calculated into this, so that he won't feel, "left out." If so, all is fine.
Just know, Steve, that Sue deserves a lot of respect for taking on the roll you have given her. She has put her emotions "on the line" with now, the third man. And, don't forget that Frank has an emotional interest in this too. He knows he cannot "love her" but I am sure Sue feels his passion more than she tells you.

Cheers, Harry

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