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Saying goodbye

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Do you ever see a day coming like shidave talks about? I know you said that periods of long denial wouldn't be of interest in the past, but how about if she was taking care of you in other ways like when she is helping you out? Or do you just need that sweet love hole?
Hey all, finally some free time to post.

Going back to last Friday and her time with Don. Some people here seemed to think he was abusive to her in some way - maybe I conveyed the wrong thing regarding the hickies I found on her - I was more surprised by them than anything else. But regarding how physical he was with her - I guess that's just her/our way of saying that he "fucked the shit out of her". What I may not have properly conveyed was that she was NOT complaining at all - more explaining than complaining...

Last night was a nice diversion - got to see the Devils whip the Rangers butts - 6-3 was the final score. Not sure how many of you are in NJ but the new Prudential Center where the Devils play is awesome, but getting in and out of there is a horror story - I've never seen such poor traffic-control in my life. Next time I'll do mass-transit to get there and leave the car home. When I got home about 10:30pm I hung out with Sue for a bit. I knew better than to ask if she was keeping herself for Don - but we did take the opportunity to talk a bit and she asked me if I wanted some "alone time". After she confirmed she wanted to wait for Don she asked me if she could "help me out" and I simply told her that I always enjoyed her help. So, as we talked a bit more she helped me out of my pants and she stroked me for a bit, giggling at how quickly I got hard in her hands. She even broke down at one point and pulled her panties aside and said "you can look but not touch tonight!" and then, continued with her teasing in between what we were discussing. I know that she could feel my cock throb as she told me that "she was Don's" for now. We talked on and off in between her taunting and teasing. She giggled and squealed when I finally let loose all over my stomach and chest when she told me how she "can't wait for Don's cum to be in her on Friday!".

After cleaning me up (yes, to those of you wondering - I have no qualms about eating my own cum and Sue loves to get it on her fingers and let me lick them off) - we continued talking about much of what we'd been discussing all week. To succintly sum it up - she didn't like that Don felt hurt and upset by what she'd done, even though she wouldn't have changed a thing if she could do it again. I told her again how she shouldn't have told Don everything (or as much as she did) and she simply said that she didn't feel right not telling him. I said she should have waited till he asked instead of her just saying what a great time she had. Reluctantly she's agreed.

The theme that keeps coming up in what she's said and has conveyed from last week - yes, was that she spent the night with him and all of that but when I asked her for more details, it seems to me that Don's - and I don't know if annoyed is the right word - but that he's annoyed that she'd let, and wanted, Brad to cum in her so much!

She's already told me that she wants to do something "nice for Don" as she put it, to "make it up to him". I asked her what that may be and she hemmed and hawed and was non-committal - I had asked if that might mean she would want to go back on Saturday as we'd discussed in the past - and all she said was "maybe". She said she'd see what happens tomorrow night when she sees Don again. I did not give her any suggestions other than that and I have stayed away from putting other ideas in her head. But given the focus of Don's complaints - I would be foolish to think that she may not give more consideration to his "issues".

To answer ShiDave's question. Two or three weeks ago I'd have said your scenario isn't in the cards, but now, I would be lying if I said that I didn't think it was possible. I know in the back of my mind that she may very well want the "something special to make up to Don" to give him what he wants. It's no secret that even the 2 days that she currently gives him - Wednesday and Thursday - is less then he'd like. While she hasn't said that it's something he's come out and said that much, Sue has said that the times when she hasn't been with me - and has gone straight to him after her period - she says he is much more oral with her, that he will go down on her much more often and more readily. So whether it's something he's doing intentionally or whether it's subconscious - Sue has concluded that it's that she's been with me earlier in the week.

So yes - to all of you who say they may have seen this coming - I guess you may be right. And honestly, if she came to me and said that for a week or so, that she wants to just "be Dons" - I would probably say okay. My biggest fears and concerns are that this is a big step down the slippery slope. I know I'd be okay for a week or maybe even two, but certainly not longer than that. And, as I said, I am NOT going to offer this up to her as a suggestion. I'd rather see her go back to him on a Saturday as we discussed. But no matter what, I want her to come to me and ask/tell me what she wants. As I've said before, I believe I am telegraphing Sue some of what is going on - this is one of those times I want to see what she wants for herself.

I asked her more about the hickies and she said that Don hadn't really asked her if he could give her them. More that in the course of, as she put it, "his passion" that it just happened. I told her that I thought it was that he was "re-claiming her" and leaving his marks on her (to echo another thread on the forum). She giggled and said "could be, I didn't think of it that way" and then she said that while she really hates hickies, that when she saw them on herself that it was a bit of a turn-on - and she admitted to me that part of her turn-on was knowing I'd see them (as if seeing his cum in her all the time wasn't enough?).

I guess maybe the time with Brad has brought out a bit more posessiveness by Don towards her - or maybe made him more aware of how much she isn't his. I asked her something like that and she just said "could be" and she giggled at that too and said "that'd be cute if he was".

So a lot of stuff will hopefully get cleared up tomorrow night. I had oriiginally planned/thought I'd join them tonight - but in light of the issues between them, I think that giving them some alone time to work through things more might be more appropriate. Last week, after Brad and before she'd seen Don again, we'd talked and both thought that I would probably join them tomorrow night - but even up to last night, she hadn't mentioned it again. I'll leave it to her to bring it up and if not, I'll go out anyway as we already told the kids that we were both going out tomorrow.

Anyway - I've rambled enough and need to finish out my work-day....

I should have more time later tonight.
Wonderful insight! Do we see STB's sex with Sue once a week as a reclaiming and then back to the panties and spilling the seed with your or her hands :)? I just love it! Thanks for sharing!
I keep wondering...

if at some point Don is going to bring up sharing her with one of his friends again. When he was reluctant to have STB participate, he brought up the if he does, then can one of my friends. Keep wondering if at some point "making it up to him" might go that direction?
Stb, it looks like you ARE sliding down the "slippery slope". Just hope that Sue realises in time that it could be the slope to disaster. Currently she has the best of both worlds; boyfriends who give her exciting mind blowing sex and a doting loving husband who only has her gratification at heart. You seem content,as long as she is happy, but she could blow it. Everybody has a point where pushed too hard pushes them over the edge.
Maybe Sue is purposely leading STB "down the slippery slope" and knows exactly where she wants him to go...or maybe Don is manipulating her to lead him. Myabe deep down STB wants to go there!
Steev, there is no doubt that Don is manipulating Sue. As to Sue and Stb....maybe, yes maybe.
Well I hope they let you watch and maybe this time you will clean up Don's mess in front of him... After each time they fuck like a good cuck should. Don't be shy this time. And then have to wait until you get home to claim your lady. Then that is just how I would like to see it go, lol.
Thought I'd comment on the last few posts....

Danwcap - until I read your post I had forgotten that Don had asked that of Sue a while ago. She hasn't ever mentioned it to me since then, but I guess it's a possibility. I don't really see Sue having sex with someone just because Don asked her to. If she does, I guess that would say a lot. Again, not something I'm going to bring up.

Steev and Shidave - I've made it clear here in many of my posts that, yes, I think I would enjoy experiencing her asking me to abstain with her for a while. But that has to be her coming to me and wanting it. To me it just doesn't feel right or feel the same if it's something I suggest. I can't really explain it but it is definitely one of the "harder" cuckold things that does get me aroused for sure. Many of the stories that I thoroughly enjoy on my Wednesday fun-nights have a strong "denial" theme to them. In many ways it is what excites me on Wednesdays and Thursdays. In my head - to her her tell me she "only wants Don" this week or whatever, my god it is incredibly arousing. But it also has to be her asking me for it - that she wants it. Even if she wants it for Don. He's asked for it many times - it's what led to Wednesday and Thursday. I also know that he'd be overjoyed if she told him that she'd only be with him - or more aptly, that his would be the only cum in her.

Yet at the same time, I have to say that I am a bit scared if she were to ask that. I mean I know I'd say yes "but only till....". As I said, a slippery slope.

I don't know that I see Don manipulating Sue. I'm not sure how that would be - he's rather clear in what he wants and thus far, she's rather clear in what she wants.

Far2easy - in my head I would love to do just what you said. But there is a part of me that is a bit reluctant to be so out in the open about it. Yes, Sue has told Don that I "clean her up" when she gets home. My recollection of Don's response to that was more surprise than arousal at it - again, my feeling I get is that he doesn't like or enjoy my being sexual with Sue when we're together - I don't think he'd look at it in a cuckold-way, but I think he'd probably look at it as my intruding in his time with Sue - my intruding on his time with Sue's pussy to be specific. But I could be wrong. But it doesn't seem like it's been something that would have worked thus far in the times I've been with them. Yes, she's usually been naked and such - but she's not directing her sexuality towards me - she sits so Don can see her. After they have sex, she's with Don and not me - she's oriented towards him. I guess, in some ways, I'd feel like I was intruding on them if I crawled over and went down on her. It's also something she's said, that she likes being "his" when she's with him and I just think that she'd feel torn or conflicted in giving me some of the intimacy that's his otherwise.

But maybe it's something I'll ask her about one day. Maybe later tonight even? I'm thinking I can bring it up as part of my asking her about "when can I be there again". It's really just the uncertainty about the situation that I guess would hold me back, that plus just how the whole scene feels - sometimes the best plan is not to have one.
I'm scared. I think, without doubt, STB should join them tomorrow night. Sue seems a gracious lady who would like everyone to be happy and pleased. I re-itrerate that often times people, both men and women want what they think they can't have. Don will tell Sue how much he cares for her and how upset and hurt he was re the Brad incident. If he does this, it will strike an emotional cord in Sue and she will see "another side" to Don. I believe there is the possibility she will say or do whatever may be needed to mollify his anguish.

If that happens, Don, the manipulator, will be very pleased with himself. It will enhance his status and perhaps put a tiny chink in STB'S and Sue's relationship. Sue may ask/tell STB, in her very disarming, feminine way what Don is asking of her. Perhaps she will say"if your'e ok with it" or "I will make sure you are comfortable" STB may go along with it as she will say it is her idea.

STB I really feel you should go. Hang back at the club if you or she wishes, but go. Let her be the girlfriend, but go. Just tell her you love her so much you love to be a part of what BOTH of you are doing to stoke the home fires. I sadly had a very special lady get away from me due completely to my over confidence.

Is the cover for the kids holding? It's been a lot of rather late Fidays.
Stb, I am not surprised that you are a bit scared. I think most of us here are scared for you.Please be careful. Just hope that Sue is also careful and keeps caring for you.
There has been an awful lot of advice lately, probably at a time when you are most vulnerable as well. I am reluctant to say anything really but ..

It seems to me that Brad's farewell has thrown a rock into the pool of Sue's relationships. It has caused ripples on the surface which will take some time to settle (but they will) and some sediment to be disturbed which is currently muddying the water.

Brad himself is probably still affected by it but he's gone now and perhaps won't have any ongoing impact. Sue seems to be reaching out to smooth things (and may even subconciously resent having to take this role) and it seems to me that Don has shown himself to be rather primitive. Someone else has been playing with 'his' toy and he is reacting like a 4 year old child in one sense. He can't get at Brad, he won't upset Sue directly (counter productive) so he tries to get at you. He will go for whatever greater degree of control of yours and Sue's relationship he can. He is not interested in the things he might try to impose per se. Anything he manages to persuade Sue to do in his eyes will strenghten his position and weaken yours.

I say primitive because it seems to me that any relationship based on control is doomed to failure. Sue is not a possession of Don's or even yours. The solution therefore lies in what Sue wants and you, it seems to me, are right in trying to get this out of her. I would only suggest that whatever solution you come up with at this point be short term. The waves are still there and what seems acceptable now may not in two months.

The key as always is communication between you and Sue. I suspect the depth of Sue's feelings for Brad after this time shocked you a little too and Sue needs to know your desires at this time. They are in conflict with Don but Sue can only decide how to proceed with knowledge, another reason for temporary accomodations because she won't have perfect knowledge for some time.

Either way, the whole thing is riveting to many of us here and I'm glad you have not withdrawn from your postings during it. Thanks.
Everyone's right on one thing STB, talk to her! You both have done an amazing job with communicating up to this point, continue to do just that. I would say you should feel some solace in that Sue is not as attached to Don as she was Brad. Seems like it might be time for Sue to take on a new lover and give Don the heave-hoe?
I'm not in the "doom and gloom" crowd. I'm pretty sure you know that, STB. My take on this is pretty close to peakmb's (love the rock and ripples analogy), and like him I hesitate to offer advice, as much of the advice and commentary I've seen here recently seems a little off base, at least from what you've shared of your journey with Sue so far. I don't see much danger of Sue transferring her allegiance to Don, and him starting to dictate what you are and aren't allowed to do with her sexually, as she's demonstrated with everything the two of you have been through to date that she has a good head on her shoulders, and is very dedicated to you and your happiness.

What I would be worried about is Sue finding herself in the role of having to smooth things over with Don and, as peakmb alluded to, finding herself resenting that role, even subconsciously. In that situation it would be very easy for her, without even realizing she was doing so, to transfer her resentment to you, since you have demonstrated that you're much more tractable than Don is. It would then be likely that, if you started pushing back on what she wanted to do, she would see it as you "spoiling her fun", and would grow even more resentful towards you.

The key, I think, while the two of you navigate this slippery slope, is for you and Sue to keep talking, and with anything she wants to do to "make things up to Don" that you consider a bit extreme, that you make it clear you're agreeing to it (assuming you do) on a temporary or one-time basis, but that it isn't something you want to become habitual.

As long as the two of you keep talking, keep it real, and keep your focus on your mutual enjoyment of your kink, my sense is that the two of you will be fine. Good luck, and please keep us posted.
Well I for one am looking forward to hearing how tonight's events go!
Well, it's about 5pm and I will not be joining them tonight. Sue didn't seem thrilled by the idea this morning when I raised the question - she sort of said that she wanted tonight to give her time alone with him to see how things are.

I asked her if she had any other thoughts on what she might be doing to "make up" with him. She said she wasn't sure but that if it came up and she felt it necessary she asked me how I'd be if she wanted to go back to him tomorrow for a little while. I said "okay" but only later on after we'd already gone off to work did I realize that I may have also said "okay" to having to skip sex tonight with her!!! I'm horny enough that it won't thrill me to have to wait another day - so much will depend on how her evening goes which I won't find out till she gets home later.

I thought about going to the club they hang out at but then giving them time alone but then with the rain, decided against it - especially with both kids being gone overnight tonight till late tomorrow (both have begun finding things to do on Fridays).

To the question someone asked earlier of whether the kids are getting curious - I don't see it. They are in their own worlds, especially when mom and dad are agreeable to them going over their friends houses. I know when I was a kid, my own parents went out every Friday night too. I am sure it wasn't anything sexual for them, but nevertheless, they were rarely home on Fridays..

Gotta run. I may post later but given how horney I am now, I want to avoid temptation tonight...
Lonely evening

I hope it's all better when Sue gets home.:)

With all the predictions and postulations in recent posts, it is evident that there is a lot of concern going out to you, STB and not wanting to find you riding the “slippery slope” to nowhere. My concern goes out to you too.

Just some thoughts of my own to respond to some of the recent comments.

As was already stated, Communication between you and Sue is as great importance now as it has been all along. The important thing is for you both to have discussed and agreed on what is acceptable next, so that Don does not take control.
From all the descriptions in your posts, Don appears to want to play the roll of the BULL. He certainly wants to be in charge of the ‘game’ and call the plays. We have to wonder if the “other women” he has admitted having have ‘cuckold’ husbands too. (?)
If Don wanted to offer Sue to one of his ‘friends’ It would probably be someone she has already met while at the club playing pool.
As I have advised before, and was gratified that you took my advise and you both enjoyed the outcome, I think you should continue to offer to “be there with her” on Friday nights as much as she is willing. (The neutral zone worked well) The point being that you want to support what she does with Don first hand rather than turning her over to him for his pleasure and ultimate control. If you are always willing to be there, you are letting her know that you are ‘there for her’ which will give her greater strength to be ‘in control’ with Don as well as add to your pleasure.

Cheers, Harry
It's just after 12:30, Leno just ended and I'm totally wired. I avoided getting online earlier as I just didn't want it being the only thing I'd think about once I started updating here. That said, this is always a weird time - waiting for a text message from her that she's on her way. The later it gets, the more I let my mind go at what they may be doing. Even though I'm not there - it's no less exciting, at least for me. I let my thoughts go and I sometimes even visualize more than really goes on. It is quite a feeling knowing at this very moment she is with him.
To answer some stuff in the last few posts...

To Shidave and others - I think "fear" may not be the right word, perhaps "apprehensive" would be a better description. It's my perpetual issue - wanting to experience other parts of being a cuck but at the same time, always a question of uncertainty, or, apprehension. As many here have stated, sometimes you can't go backwards and undo something. Yet, on the other hand it is so incredibly exciting to see Sue's sexual awakening/re-awakening happening. What drives me on is that I see her wanting these experiences now - not just because she knows I vicariously enjoy them - but that she enjoys them and enjoys sharing them with me. She has said at times that my enjoyment is definitely a part of hers - I thought that was interesting and comforting.

Peak - I liked your rock and ripples description. I think that's something that Sue hadn't really thought through - how she was going to feel and react both with Brad and afterwards with Don much less the other direction - how Don may react with her. But I don't see him as being posessive - I actually see him as being childish - as in not wanting to share his toys with someone who's not "his friend". He's made that clear even about me, much less Brad. So I don't see that side of it, but you and Marys-pet both have the same thoughts about whatever she does to smooth things over with Don needs to be limited and I've already made that clear both here and to Sue - but may need a reminder there to be sure!

And it's now about 1am so I'm going to end this here in the hopes that she'll be on her way shortly.
Talk about timing - there it is - just got her text that she's on her way.
Good night all... 40 minutes till my honey's home.

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