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Saying goodbye

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date

Your apprehension and maybe anxiety is normal in the circumstances. You cannot reverse the situation so you have to make it work for both of you. If Sue really feels that your enjoyment is part of hers, that is marvellous. Let's hope that she is not just saying that to comfort you, knowing that you may have some anxiety. Others here have advised being open and talking. I agree. Let her know that you are with her. Maybe it's good if she understands your apprehension. Enjoy your evening.
Good for STB he dodged the BUL--let one more time :D

(sorry I just had to say that to get a little humor in here)

Cheers, Harry
Well - I guess I should have just expected it.

She got home last night about 1:45am and I was eagerly waiting for her as I'd posted. But I knew from the moment I saw her that something was up. She just didn't have that same look as almost all the other times getting home from Don's. Actually, it was more her "look" after she saw that I was so "up" waiting for her.

I guess I should have expected it - again goes back to the whole "me telegraphing" things.

She came in and saw that I was ready and raring to go for her and she hugged me first but not a big welcome-home kind of hug. When I went to grab her butt and pull her into me against my raging hard-on, she pushed back at me and just said it - "I"m sorry baby but I told him I'd go bad to see him today". I knew immediately what she meant and I think she even felt my cock rapidly deflate as she said it.

All I could say was "are you sure?" And she said yes.

She said she was really tired and that things had been tense with Don in that he was still harping about not liking her being with Brad and other stuff (this is what I got at 2am - partial info) but apparently Sue assuaged him by telling him she wanted to make it up to him. He asked how and she said she just said "how about if I come back tomorrow and we continue our fun?". Obviously he said yes. She held me tightly again and said softly "I promised him that I wouldn't have sex with you until after I get home tomorrow" and she told me how that really seemed to smooth things over. She held me tightly and said she'd give me a blow-job or help masturbate me if I wanted and then she seemed to almost plead with me to let her do this and go back to him.

As I said, I suggested this to her so in some ways it's my doing - or maybe even my orchestration.

But it was really the look on her face - pleading, loving, sadness but also a calmness and no way to deny that she also seemed to want it for herself. She even said she told Don "it's almost as good as me staying over!".

Of course I said "okay" but I immediately added "this isn't a regular thing". And she hugged me again and said "no - he knows that too".

She reached down into my shorts and held my cock and said playfully "should I help you out?" And I almost said yes but then the thought of being totally horned up for her today came into my head and I sort of said "no - I'll have you tomorrow". She giggled at that and just said "II'm sure you will".

It sounded like the right thing at the moment until we got to the bedroom and I watched her get changed. Not sure if she meant it as a tease of if she did it subconsciously but she stripped naked and let me see all of her. There were some new hickies on her breasts and she knew I was staring at them when she said "I told him this was the last time" and I think she was referring to them and not the whole go-back-on-Saturday thing. But staring at her as she pulled off her panties and I could see they were wet and seeing her body knowing she'd just had sex with him so recently - I started to regret saying I'd wait.

I can't say that I saw much - no cum running down her legs or anything but there was no doubt from how swollen and reddened her bare pussy looked that she'd definitely had sex earlier.

She pulled clean panties back on and a night-shirt and went to bruch her teeth and get washed up. I will say that when she got in bed, I could smell Don and sex on her and I will definitely say that her not showering was a big turn-on.

She lay next to me and hugged and kissed me and told me stuff about how wonderful I was and how lucky she was. She caressed my still hard cock through my boxers and asked again if I was sure I wanted to wait. I just said something like "yes, I would rather wait if that's when I can have you". She smiled and hugged me and said "okay, I guess I'll have to make this up to you somehow too!".

I can't say I slept well but Sue was out like a light in a flash. I was tired by then and really needed to cum to be able to get to sleep. I eventually fell away thinking as I did so that I wouldn't be surprised if I had a wet-dream that I was so worked up. (Haven't had one of those in years it seems).

She didn't shower this morning either. Somehow that turns me on - knowing she's still as he left her. She did change her panties again this morning and yes, I did feel them on the floor and they were wet and smelled of stale cum. Even now thinking of her sleeping next to me with his cum in her is getting me all horned up.

She's downstairs now and has already told the kids (they both came home earlier) that she's going off shopping in a while and would be home later.

She says she's leaving about 10:45 and will be back "for me" (as she whispered) by about 3pm or so.

I had to put on a pair of jeans this morning as my swollen cock was making a huge bulge in my sweatpants and Sue said it didn't look appropriate in front of the kids.

So there you have it. Again I feel like I'm setting myself up with this stuff. But I can also say that despite the angst I feel right now I am also very turned on at what Sue will be doing - going back for more of Don.

I'm sure I'll have time to post more later, right now I want to say goodbye and hang with her for a little longer till she leaves.
Very much looking forward to your next set of updates, STB. It sounds like you and Sue still have a lot to talk about.

Thank you STB for a very interesting and exciting update. I don't know how you refrained from at least "cleaning her up" after she broke the news about going back today. All of your fans will be interested in what Sue meant by "this is the last time" I am sure you will seek clarification. Perhaps Sue is a bit tired of Don's drama.

I recall one of Sue's statements to you "if it turns you on, why wouldn't I do it" I believe she will want to have reassurance that this latest exploit still does. Can't wait.
Wow, I really thought you had some backbone STB. I can't believe you're enabling Don to act like a little kid like this. You seriously might as well get a divorce at this point, she cares way more about Don than you.
Amazingly, both kids just left for the rest of the afternoon including both of them saying "do we have to be home for dinner?" - so I have the house to myself until Sue gets home and then we will have our time, finally.

Joecondon - to be honest about last night - I knew from when we'd first talked about her going back to Don's the next day that she wouldn't want any sexual contact with me in between. If I remember right, she wanted it to feel as if it were just an extension of the night before only without the overnight sleepover. I do sort of understand that and for as difficult as it may have been to be okay with last night, I also did know what she wanted - and I guess, in the circumstances, what she wanted to give to Don. So despite my desires to be with her in any way, including even "cleaning her up", I knew that she'd not want it.

It's okay. I was kind of down earlier this morning after she left - watching her pull out of the driveway in the rain, knowing she was going back to him. In the bathroom her clothes were there in the hamper including both pairs of panties. I'd be lying if I didn't say I got hard looking at them knowing it's their cum that was "crusty" in the crotch.

Also, as I looked back - I can see why Joecondon was confused, Sue's reference to "the last time", I am pretty sure, was related to the hickies he'd left on her again. As I said, Sue's never been fond of them - once, maybe twice when we were starting out I'd given some to her and she always hated them. I do wonder if that may have been part of Don's mentally reclaiming her and "marking" her for others to see - regardless of who - me or Brad, etc.

It's about 1:15pm now so maybe 2 more hours till she's home and then, finally, we can reconnect. I can say that despite my whatever feelings, that I am definitely turned on by what she's doing. I know it must be something she wants, not just Don, for her to get up and get out in this weather. There's something about knowing she wants to fuck him again - even if it's something she wants just to make him feel better.

For me to be as content as I feel right now, it really lets me know I am happy with my place as a cuckold. As others here probably know from wherever they found their comfort in their relationships - when you are as content and eager for her return as I feel right now, to me, it says that I truly am a cuckold. I've encouraged Sue to explore and accept her sexual desires and it really does feel great. And right now, I'm focused on having the house to ourselves, maybe lighting some candles in the bedroom and having a cozy rainy afternoon fuck.

Regarding Joe's last paragraph - there's no concern there, she already knows that despite my reluctance/apprehension of the situation, that when she did leave, the goodbye kiss we shared - at least I think - foretold of what the two of us will want when she gets home and her knowledge and evidence of my perpetual hard-on at what she's doing has already told her that I am enjoying it and that I certainly WILL enjoy it even more when she returns.

I guess I'm content that she "chose" to go back and see him today as opposed to the other possibilities she had to give him something special. I'd actually say that this is far easier than in the past when she's gone straight to him after her period ended. And I've even considered how I'd feel if she were to want to give him more - be it today as an example, or something else. I really do think that if she were to ask me honestly, that within limits (as in nothing forever, permanent or un-do-able) that I probably would say okay. In my heart I want her to do it - I want to feel the emotions of her wanting someone else, even to further exclusion of me if that's what she wants. I can't explain it but it turns me on to no end. But, isn't that all part of being a cuckold? However, as someone else said in another thread here, just because it's a turn-on, doesn't mean you want it all the time.

Bye for now.
clkx - just saw your post. Can't say I understand it though. Yes, Don's acting like a little kid and Sue is soothing his hurt ego. Can't see where your last sentence comes from. I would still say honestly that if I really had wanted her last night or today or for her not to go with him that she would have. Maybe one day I'll have to test that out? But not now.
Guess I'll have to change my post To say that STB Got BULL'ed again and lost the game even though we are all rootin for him. Sue will have to 'wrestle' the BULL, put him down and find a good guy to treat her right.
Cheers, Harry
This has become a "cuck&bull" story, haha! Why dont I find that funny!
You sure are handling some stuff at the moment, including some complete rubbish on the posts. I think it is all going as expected almost. I certainly don't see any long term damage to you or Sue or your relationship. This short term turbulence with Don came up because Sue Sue showed him, diplomatically but clearly that he was at the bottom of the totem pole. He didn't like it, but she still still likes what he can do for her in a certain way (I'm sure it's not ALL about sex), so she needs to assuage him. He is childish so he can be bought in childish ways. At some point, like any child, he might also need to be brought back into line if he tantrums again later. Sue must do this alone even if you discuss it together first. The relationship will always have conflicts, you have lines in the sand (which can change - in both directions), Don has his desires and Sue may wish to explore new things (including new lovers) even if, having sampled some things, she doesn't wish to go there again. The key to conflict resolution is always dialog and there is no sign at all the this shows any degree of reducing. You're OK, this is a turbulent moment and you should expect to be a bit more on edge than normal. It would be very strange if you didn't. The same goes for Sue remember. Don't forget of the 3 of your, she is still the only one still grieving a little that Brad has actually gone.
Apologies for my last post. My humour was in bad taste.
This STB guy is living a internet fantasy, nothing more. Any guy spending this much time posting crap like this guy is probably living at home with his Mother.
Luvtowatch, even if it is only in his mind (nobody else thinks so) why blow it out of the water. We are all enjoying and participating in this pleasure/pain journey.
Once again peakmb hits this nail on the head.
SoonToBe said:
clkx - just saw your post. Can't say I understand it though. Yes, Don's acting like a little kid and Sue is soothing his hurt ego. Can't see where your last sentence comes from. I would still say honestly that if I really had wanted her last night or today or for her not to go with him that she would have. Maybe one day I'll have to test that out? But not now.

See what I mean? Maybe one day but not today? You're not going to test it out.

As for what I meant in the last sentence of my post, it seems pretty clear to me. Don's childish behavior is just such a flimsy excuse to go back to him. You both identify his behavior as childish. He has asked Sue to sleep with other men in the past, so this whole possessive side just comes off as such nonsense.

Look at it this way... would you raise your children this way? Teach them to have tantrums and then indulge them when they become too unruly? No, because that's not how people should act. So why is Sue indulging childish behavior? She's clearly putting him as a child over you as an adult. The only one acting like an adult in this situation is you, STB, and it seems that you are the only suffering any negative consequences as well.

I think this was a situation for you to step up and be a man, and be the man of your house as it regards your wife, I really think you let her as a husband to not give her some guidance in this situation, instead of passively nodding yes when she wanted to run off with her little boy.
Sue is grieving the loss of her relationship with Brad. Don is making that more difficult for her by acting like a child as she's trying to deal with it. If STB were to put his foot down now, she would likely see that as him piling more crap on her plate at a time when she already has enough to deal with.

They can talk about it all in the days ahead, and I'm sure they will, but STB was being supportive by allowing her to go back to Don on Saturday. He was demonstrating that he's the one guy in her life right now who's hassle free.

I've said before that Don is doing STB a huge favor by acting the way he does, and I still believe that to be true. If Sue were married to Don, he likely wouldn't be up for allowing her to fuck other men the way STB does. By acting like a child, Don makes it crystal clear to Sue just how special STB is in comparison, and how lucky she is to be married to a man like him. Don being a jerk serves to keep him firmly at the bottom of the totem pole in Sue's eyes.
The last 2-3 posts, Especially 'Mary' are very well put and advise worthy of STB's attention. We are essentially watching a movie where someone else has written the script, Someone else has chosen the cast and someone else has chosen the director. We may like ,or dislike, the screenplay but we have little influence on the outcome. At this point, we can only advise the character who has placed himself in the weakest roll. 'The Cuck'

I Just hope it all turns out well.
Cheers, Harry
STB: At one point you indicated that you weren't into chastity devices but a good way to keep you ready and waiting would be to lock little stb up when Sue goes cock free on wednedays. This way you wouldn't have to wear jeans in front of your kids! LOL! Then Sue could unlock you when her and Don are ready for you to reclaim her pussy.
  • #100
STB wrote ‘She didn’t shower this morning either.’ A short simple sentence which seems to have passed without remark but I think there is a world of psychology contained in those words, especially remembering Don’s notorious fastidious nature.

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