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Saturday at the Mall

It was a Saturday morning. Mike had a half day of work. I was feeling a bit depressed, feeling fat & ugly. I needed to do something to feel better but didn't know what.

I was on the computer and of course I was viewing the porn sites. I was on an amateur site and after viewing some of them, I felt a bit better about myself since a lot of them were plain looking and not the stick figures you normally see in ads.

I decided to dress up and go out in hopes of attracting appreciative glances to lift my spirits.

I put on my very short dark denim skirt (just 13"), my button-down black blouse which I leave all except the bottom two buttons undone, and a sheer white lace top under it. I applied my make-up, blew my hair, and went to my car.

I was heading to the mall near me, but really didn't want to run into anyone who might recognize me, so I decided to go to Franklin Mills which is a half an hour away. I figured after walking around a bit I could stop at Jillian's (now a Dave’s & Buster’s) for a drink and a bite for lunch. As I walked around I received several glances and quite a few stares from both men and women. I was really feeling good about myself and I found myself strutting around rather than just walking.

I stopped by the indoor skate park to watch the kids rollerblading and skateboarding. Kids? To my surprise they were more like late teens and early twenties with the majority looking about early twenties. As I was watching, my mind wandered as I was checking out the cute butts in their tight skater pants.

One in particular guy caught my attention. He looked preppy, about 6'2" & had brown hair. That isn't my type but he was good looking and as I watched him, another guy stopped by him and while checking me out, he made him aware of my stare. He smiled and waved at me. I felt my face turn red from embarrassment as I was brought back to reality. I waved, smiled and immediately went into Jillian's. I sat at the bar in the game room and ordered a red wine.
As my drink came Mike called to say he was on his way home. I told him I just got to the mall and was going to window shop for a bit and I will call if I saw anything I wanted. As I hung up, I laughed at my choice of words. How would he react if I said I saw something I wanted, like a 20y/o skater? Ha.

My mind then wondered back to the skating rink and I realized my glass was empty so I asked the bartender for another. The guy I was checking out and his friend entered. I quickly turned away as I again felt my face turn flush.

They came right next to me and ordered beers, then began playing one of those virtual snowboarding game. They each turned frequently to look my way. After the first few times I stopped turning away and getting embarrassed. They quickly downed the beers so brown-hair went for more. As he ordered the beers he smiled and said hi. With beers in hand he went back to playing. They laughed between themselves making comments to each other. I was smiling at their comments and the way they kidded each other and also because I had a great view of both their asses. The game ended and they came back to the bar sitting next to me. They began flirting with me making me feel really good and sexy about myself. Mike then called saying he was about a ½ hour from home. I told him I was at Jillian's if he'd care to come by. He said if he did it would be about an hour or so.
When I hung up Carl (the other guy) suggested they go to the pool tables. Jim asked if I'd like to go with them. I eagerly agreed. As I walked ahead I felt their eyes on my ass. I knew my skirt was short enough that they were possibly getting glimpses of the bottom of my ass cheeks.
After a few minutes and another glass of wine, (what was I doing? Two had me feeling no pain and to be honest, they go straight to my pussy) Jim suggested shooting a game of pool. Carl declined saying he was more up to bowling, but suggested I shoot pool with Jim. I thought about it and figured bowling would be a bit more "innocent" since I knew they'd be able to see my ass regardless of what I did. Shooting pool I may be too obvious if I lingered bent over the table too long.

At the entrance to the bowling alley, 3 of their friends joined us. I was introduced to them as we all entered. They must not of been skating because 1 had a nice tight pair of jeans on while the other 2 were wearing sweats.
We got a lane on the far side of the alley. I was a bit grateful for that because there was 2 families with young children at the near side where we walked in. At the same time I was a bit nervous and yet excited because here I was with 5 young men, half my age, on the far side of the bowling alley were it was dark and secluded.
Carl and I were the only ones to bowl. The other 4 stood at the rail to watch.

On my first approach I realized that this was going to be fun as I felt 5 sets of eyes on my ass.

As I turned I found five smiling faces looking my way. As I retrieved the ball for my second shot, I bent slightly forward and made my approach. I couldn't make out exactly what was said, but I knew they were commenting on the view. As I walked up to the rail for my wine I was greeted with the sight of four bulges in their pants. Due to the sweats 2 were wearing, their bulges were VERY noticeable, and sizable too.

Now as I walked to the approach as Carl finished his first frame, I notice him turn his head and look at my ass as we passed each other. Third frame, I struck. I turned and jumped shouting "Yes!" As I did my skirt rose up to give them all a very quick view of my pussy. I saw some eyes go wide & with some Oohh's and Ahhhh's. Carl missed the show because he was reaching for his ball.

"What did I miss?"

"I got a strike."

"Is that why they all moaned & groaned like that?"

"Guess so."

Jim commented "Carl, as she jumped we got a nice view up her skirt."
"Oh man. I missed it?"

I just smiled.

4th frame. As I walked past Carl he smiled and teasingly rubbed my ass as he raised my skirt slightly. Pretending to be ******* that the bottom 2 inches or so of my ass was *******, I bowled. As I turned there was no mistaken that they were really into viewing my ******* flesh. They all became a bit more friendly and flirty with me and I was loving all the attention. The music was blaring and I began swaying to the music. The guys watched and smile. I noticed that the others bowling on the near side had left. This made me bolder.

5th frame. I really wasn't into bowling any more. I got on the approach and really played it up for the guys watching. I bent a bit forward and wiggled my ass and as I made my approach I leaned forward really ******** my ass. As I turned I felt eyes staring and realized my skirt had risen up so that now my crotch was in view. I smiled at them and as I pulled my skirt down said "No fair peeking." They only smiled and laughed. Another wine was ordered for me and now I really "couldn't" bowl. I looked at my watch and realized Mike would be here soon. I wasn't sure how he would react to seeing me in this condition, horny & ***** with 5 well-built, good looking young men. I decided I didn't want to wait and find out. So I decided it was now or never.
I began to dance a bit more as I stepped back from the lanes to the side of the bar. Now anyone walking in could not see me unless they walked all the way to the back.

Two of the guys (Tom & Paul) began to dance with me. They weren't bashful at all. We got right into it with Tom grinding his left leg into my crotch & Paul grinding a sizable bulge into my ass. Due to the wine & the suddenness of how quickly they sandwiched me, I got hot right away. I began riding the leg by moving my pussy up & down it as I leaned back into the one dry humping my ass.
Carl & Jim came over. Jim said "Hey, this ain't fair. She was with us first." Before anyone could respond, I reached out my left hand and groped Jim's crotch and told Carl to move to my right.
It felt so naughty to be sandwiched between two hard cocks while stroking two more. I couldn't wait to feel them inside me.

Up against the wall was a couch. I maneuvered my way over to it. Once near enough, I backed up causing Paul to fall onto the couch. I gladly followed as I fell onto his lap.

The other 3 laughed as I fell. In one motion I leaned back up against Paul as I rubbed my ass against his cock. His hands quickly found my tits as he began to rub & squeeze them.

Reaching back my hand found his waist band and I reached in to stroke his cock. Tom moved to my left so his back was to the bar. I reached into his sweats and ******* his cock. Without hesitation I leaned over and sucked him deep into my throat. It felt great.

At the same time I felt Paul's hand under me, then I felt his cock against my ass. He pulled me back until I was on his lower stomach. I looked down & saw his cock upright near my pussy. Without letting go of the cock in my mouth, I used my right hand to guide Paul's cock into my pussy. I quickly began to grind. I knew Tom was close to shooting off down my throat so I began grinding harder into Paul while his cock was deeply buried in my pussy. I began to cum hard. Thankfully the music was so loud & I had a cock down my throat. As soon as I subsided, Tom and Paul began to cum almost at the same time. This caused me to have another hard orgasm.

As soon as they finished cumming I got up & noticed a few more people in the bowling alley. Although the other 3 wanted there share & didn't care who would see. I decided it was time to leave because my husband was due here any moment. The kids were disappointed (especially Carl, Jim, and I forget the last one’s name) so I gave them my number saying they should call next week if they’ll be around again.

As I was exiting the bowling alley, I saw Mike. I ran up to him gave him a kiss and said "Hi! I drank too much and I'm so horny. Take me home?"

He smiled, “ Looks like I missed the fun."

"Hmmhmm. You did, but I'll tell you about it at home.... in bed."
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Meet a couple & I am invited to join them. Once in their room, she is between us as she turns to her right to kiss him, then to her left to kiss me. We start to fondle her as she gropes us. We undress her and then ourselves. As she again kisses me, she lowers us to our knees as she is still playing with his cock. Once on our knees, she guides him in front of us as she licks his cock from the tip, to base, to tip again, then kisses me. She then repeats licking him, as she is looking me in the eyes. She kisses me again as she softly, but firmly pushes me closer to his cock. She asks me, "Do you want to?" As she yet again goes from tip to base to tip. Then, with her hand on the base of his cock & one on my head, she moves us, so his cock is in front of me.

"Go ahead, lick it. Please? I can tell you like looking at it. Go ahead, touch it." She takes my hand and places it on his cock.

She giggles and says, "See? It won't bite." I smile at that comment as his cock is now touching my face.

"C'mon. Just a lick. It would be so hot to watch you suck his cock. Please? For me?" She moves in and kisses me. As she does, his cock is now at our lips. She opens her mouth, and our tongues are now licking the sides of his cockhead. She then turns my face until his cock is in my mouth. I don't move so she begins to move my head up and down on his cock. After a few moments she realizes I am sucking his cock on my own. As she moves her hand slowly down my back to my ass, she says to her husband, "See? I told you I can get him to suck your cock."

Then to me, "You look so hot with a cock in your mouth. Suck that cock good. That's it."

I soon feel her hand rubbing my ass, then her fingers are sliding up and down my crack, teasing my ass.

Then, I feel a finger teasing my sphincter. Another few moments, it enters me.

"Oh your ass is so tight. Does it feel good having me finger fuck that tight ass while you're sucking that cock?" as I moan my approval, she inserts a second finger.

To her husband, "Oh this ass is so tight. I'm going to love pegging him as he sucks your cock."

To me, "I'm going to fuck this tight ass of yours. You're going to look so good with us spit-roasting you."

In moments, I feel the lube being worked into my ass, then, her husband grabs my head tightly, to prevent me from stopping her. But I'm too hot, excited, caught up with all the dirty talk, I'm wanting it.

She enters and I'm so worked up, the pain is minimal and gone in moments as I am loving the feeling, knowing I will be wanting more of this.


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bklyn_40 (aka mikev9359 on eroticstories.com
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