Ch. 12: Michelle and Kylie hatch a plan

Two weeks had passed since Kylie's evening at the nightclub. She had responded honestly to my subsequent barrage of questions about her coupling with David. Had she enjoyed it? Did it make her hot? Did she think about me as they fucked?

Kylie replied that she had enjoyed it, but a lot of her enjoyment came from the fact she was indeed cuckolding me. In fact she stated that as David's cock plunged into her the thought of me sat here at home, my balls full and aching, and my cock nearly bursting with trembling anticipation and excitement, had made her climax several times. She said she wished that she could have seen my face as I watched her wrap her legs around his back. I dryly replied that I wished I had seen it, too. Kylie had laughed.

Naturally I had a few mixed emotions about Kylie finally bringing this fantasy to life. She sensed my unease, and hastened to reassure me that she loved me very much, and she had only had sex with David because it was a fantasy of mine. She added that while she had really enjoyed the sex, she felt no emotional attachment to David whatsoever, and that their coupling had simply been a passionate one-night stand. She had told David that she was married (as he could perhaps already see from her wedding ring), and that she was just out for a 'fling' and not a relationship.

I had, in fact, known all this, but it was still reassuring to hear Kylie tell me just the same, and I told Kylie so.

This didn't stop Kylie teasing me, though; my new nickname did indeed become 'Cuckie', and Kylie had a long, slow way of pronouncing it that sent shivers down my spine: 'Cuck-eeeee'.

I had also quizzed her about how much she had told Michelle about our unusual and kinky pastime. Kylie stated that she had told Michelle practically everything (as I already knew), and that Michelle thought that our 'little game' was very hot and sexy. She added that Michelle had shown a great deal of enthusiasm about it, and had wanted to know all the wicked details.

"Jesus," Kylie added. "She's even given me a few very kinky suggestions!"

That surprised me, and I asked Kylie to elaborate.

"Well," Kylie began. "For example, she came up with a very naughty plan. What she suggested was that all three of us - you, her, and I - go to another nightclub again, but this time you have to make out that you're with her, and not me. That way, you could sit and pretend to be with Michelle and watch me dance and flirt with other guys. She even said that if I actually hooked up with another guy, then we could all head back to her apartment. Wouldn't that be wicked, huh honey? If you were sat in Michelle's lounge room having to pretend that you were actually with her while I was sat with my new playmate - maybe sat on his lap, or even kissing him in front of you."

My mouth dropped open in both shock and excitement. What Kylie had just outlined did turn my crank - in a big way.

Kylie noted my reaction. "Ah! That idea appeal to you, baby?"

I nodded. "That's really a very, very hot idea." My cock quickly arose from its slumber, like a hound sensing game afoot.

Kylie grinned softly. "Michelle told me that she'd get a kick out of watching you if we did do that - knowing that you were going out of your mind with lust as you watched me kissing him, but that you couldn't do a thing to stop it!"

"Jesus Christ!" I blurted. "Your sister is fucking kinky!"

Kylie laughed. "I told you so, honey! " Kylie's eyes twinkled. "She also told me that she would distract you so that if I wanted, my sexy new playmate and me could sneak up to her spare room again. She said that she'd keep you busy in the lounge room as I had my fun."

I gasped. "Keep me busy? Doing what?"

Kylie tilted her pretty face sideward. "Well, she might quietly tease you about your wife getting nailed in a bedroom just up the hallway. Or she said she might make you give her a back-rub as you waited. Or get you to massage her feet - I told her that you have a little kink for feet, so that wouldn't surprise me. Knowing Michelle, I bet it would make her a little frisky, as well."

"Jesus Christ!" I blurted. My cock was now once again hard inside its metal casing, and Kylie peered at me intently.

"Hmm, does that idea make you hot, honey? To imagine me in the bedroom, getting my hot little pussy filled with some new cock as you massage Michelle's feet in the lounge room?"

"Yes!" I muttered.

Kylie now let her imagination roam as she did a little 'fishing'. "And what about if you could hear me, Lover? If you could hear me moaning in the bedroom as he fucks me. Would that make you even hotter?"


Kylie leered at me. "That way both you and my big sister would know exactly what I'm doing in there, wouldn't you both? Would that turn you into a hot, shaking, trembling little puddle, Lover?"

"You know it would!" I rasped.

"What else could I do, I wonder?" Kylie mused, her foxy little face tilting again. "Maybe I should tell Michelle that instead of massaging her feet, you should lick them instead. I should tell her how wild it drives you to suck and lick my toes. How would that be, little one? If you had to lick and suck Michelle's toes as you both listened to me fucking?"

I gave a kind of choked gasp, and Kylie homed in further on this kinky little slant to the scenario.

"Ah! You have always loved her legs, haven't you? Like most men!" Kylie laughed softly. "Maybe I will let Michelle know that, and she can stretch out those long legs of hers, and quietly tease you as you kneel on the floor, licking her feet. Wouldn't that be evil of her, Lover? Knowing her as I do, it would probably turn her on as well, Lover - making you do that as my moans and gasps float through the walls."

"Oh my God!" I softly moaned.

Kylie's face tightened into another leer. "Even better? Why don't I suggest to Michelle that she should start playing with herself as you kneel there licking and sucking her toes! How would that be, Needle-dick? If you actually watched her hand creep under her skirt, and you knew that she was whacking off as she listened to me, and as your hungry little tongue slithered around her toes!"

"Jesus Christ, Michelle wouldn't do that!" I blurted - even though I thought the lascivious scenario was incredibly hot.

Kylie raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't she? You forget that she's a single girl now Lover, and pleasing herself is the only way she can get her rocks off. You think only guys jerk off?" Kylie chuckled softly. "And I think I know her a little better that way than you do, Lover. It's just the sort of kinky thing she would do - trust me. She already told me that she heard David and I going at it a couple of weeks ago in her spare room, and it got her so hot that it took all of her willpower not to jack off as she listened!"

"Holy shit!" I gasped.

"So I might just have to tell her it would be a very wicked, kinky way to tease you - for you to helplessly watch her whacking off as I was up in the bedroom getting my little ass fucked off, hmm? Especially if you were sucking her toes as you watched! I bet that'd make that little tiny cock of yours even harder, wouldn't it?"

"Oh, my sweet fuck, yes!" I groaned.

"Mmm, now that's a kinky little plan, isn't it, little one? Just think - there would then be two hot, creamy pussies in the apartment, and you won't be getting either of them! I'll get to cum, my playmate will get to cum, and Michelle will get to cum as well. The only person in the apartment who won't get to cum is you!"

I was now panting heavily, and Kylie gave a long, soft giggle. "I will have to think about that little plan, Lover. Maybe I will have a little chat to Michelle about it that next time I talk to her. And seeing as you've been very naughty right now - getting frisky imagining hearing me fucking in the bedroom as Michelle whacks off in front of you - you'd better get that long tongue of yours into my pussy. Slide my panties off and lick me!" The last sentence was a command.

I needed no further urging, and within moments I was eagerly plunging my tongue deep inside my wife's creamy pussy.


I thought that Kylie's wicked little dialogue was just Kylie 'fishing' again. In a way it was - but this time she had hooked on to a whopper, as I was soon to find out. The next evening Kylie told me that she had called Michelle and discussed this kinky scenario with her, and that Michelle had eagerly agreed to participate the next Saturday night. I anxiously tried to discover the full scope of what the pair had discussed, but Kylie was smilingly tight-lipped and told me I would have to wait and see.

It was going to be another long week.