Surrendering Sarah - Chapter 5
Chapter 5
He held Sarah in his arms, grinding his cock into her belly, whispering softly close to her ear. She let her head fall back, ******** her long neck to him. He sucked sloppily, stopping now and then to feast on the white, velvet flesh. Her sudden brief cries brought a chuckle from him each time he marked her with a sudden bite.
Then it began - at first in the tiniest voice she could manage, then, each time, a little louder, until her words were unmistakable.
"Fuck me?" "Please fuck me?" "Please, Rock, put it in me?" "Please fuck me?" "Please put your cock inside me?" "Fuck me?" "Do it now, Rock." "Show him, Rock." "Show him how my belly swells with you inside me." "Show him how you stretch me until I can't take any more." "Please show my husband how much I love your cock." "Show him, Rock." "Show him." "Please?" "Please?" "Please?"
She begged him over and over while he watched me struggle to escape the chair. I knew she was coached. I knew that he gave her each and every word. I knew the moans and pleading were her only way of escaping a punishment that brought terror to her eyes.
But she used his name. He hadn't given it to either of us, and we didn't dare ask. But she knew it. She used it so easily, to beg for his cock. I fought to keep one brief seed of doubt at a distance. But it was too late. He had planted it with a word. Rock.
He shoved her toward me until her knees met mine. Taking a fistful of silky black hair, he bent her over me, until her hands found my shoulders for support. Twisting her head cruelly to the side, he put her soft lips against my ear. She knew better than to move an inch.
He circled behind her, leering at me over her shoulder. She lurched forward as he moved tightly against her, giving me a hint of what was to come.
"Do you want it, Sarah?"
She hesitated a few seconds, then began to whisper what I was to say.
"Please, Honey, tell him I'm ready. He'll punish me terribly if you don't do as he says. Just say what I tell you. They're only words. They won't mean anything if you don't let them. Please, oh god, please."
I looked up to find him grinning as her lips moved softly against my ear. I gave him what he wanted.
"She says she's ready."
The immediate laughter from Rock and little Joe was revolting.
"And what is she ready for, Sport?"
I swallowed twice and continued, using her words.
"She's ready for your big, thick cock."
"She wants *my* cock? Your precious wife is clinging to you, naked, begging for *my* cock? Why is that, Sport?"
I couldn't say it. The words refused to come. Fuck him. No.
But she cried softly, pleading with me to tell him. I had never seen her so terrified. Her body began to shake as she cried openly, repeating, "Please, I love you, please, I love you, please, I love you," until I had to be at least as strong as she tried to be.
"Because mine doesn't satisfy her anymore."
"Oh shit, Sport. That's a terrible thing for a wife to tell her husband. I'll bet that really hurts! Why would she say that? I'd want to know if she was my wife. Did she tell you why?"
"She says mine doesn't fill her cunt like yours does. She needs to be stretched inside, and mine's not big enough."
"Well, she can't blame you for being born with a tiny dick now, can she? Just doesn't seem right. I'm not sure I believe her. No man's dick could be *that* tiny. I think it's only fair to see for ourselves. C'mon Sarah. Let's see it. You can't say things like that about your husband without proof. Dig that monster out of his skivvies or quit your bitchin'."
To my utter horror, she unfastened my pants and worked them down to my knees. She tugged and tugged at my underwear, but I was so tightly bound to the chair, she couldn't get them over my hips. Finally, Rock produced a knife from his shirt pocket, leaned over, and cut them to shreds. Sarah removed the pieces one by one.
Fear and embarrassment had shrunken my cock to the size of an acorn. I had always considered it's size to be average, and Sarah had never complained in our five years of marriage. Rock's hung from his open zipper like a heavy rope. It swung like a pendulum, spilling out of his jeans, hanging like a rubbery piece of meat between his legs. Even flaccid, its size shocked me.
"Holy shit, Joe. Take a look at this! Is that really a dick? I've never seen anything like it. In fact, it's hard to see it at all! It ain't right, man. C'mon Sarah. Give him a boner. Give the guy a chance. It's gotta get a little bigger, doesn't it?"
She knelt between my legs and pulled at it, trying to stretch it far enough to milk it with her fingers. She pulled, rolled, and rubbed for ten minutes, but I was too humiliated to respond. Finally, she took me in her mouth and did all the things with her agile tongue that never failed to make me hard - without success. They laughed and joked about our frustrating attempts, which only made things worse.
Finally, she just gave up.
"I'm so sorry, Honey. I don't know what else to do. Can't you get just a little bit hard? I don't want them to laugh at you, but I've tried everything I can, and nothing seems to work."
Rock yanked her to her feet.
"I hate this whining. That's as big as he's gonna get. Give it up, bend over, and we'll finish what we started."
She leaned over me, her lips again brushing my ear. Rock moved in close and rubbed the tip of his cock into the tight slit between her legs.
"Let's hear some chatter, bitch. Now!"
I heard her gasp as he rocked her forward.
"Mmmm, he's putting the head of his cock inside me. I'm so wet. I want all of him. He's sliding it inside me. Deeper, deeper. Oh god, such a huge, hard cock, buried in your wife's tight cunt. I can feel his balls pressed against my clit. I'm so full of him. He's fucking me now, so hard, so deep. Can't you feel how my body moves with him, impaled on his giant prick? Yes, that's it. Faster. Faster. He's ready to cum in me, Honey. I've taken his cock so many times, I can tell. Yes. Yes. Yes, Rock! He's cumming inside me now, long, hot jets of cum, filling me, flooding your wife's pussy. Empty your balls in me, Rock. More. More. More. It feels so good to hold his sperm inside me, deep inside where you've never been. It's flowing out of me now, sticky and warm on my legs. Sooo good. So good, Rock. So good, so good."
I listened as a familiar sound grew louder. They arrived over the next thirty minutes, bike after bike filling our driveway. They paraded through the house like it belonged to them, helping themselves to our most private possessions. TVs, stereo, microwave oven, anything of any value, was stripped and hauled away. Small souvenirs collected from our many vacations, picture albums, including one with the only memories of our wedding, and even our clothes, were thrown into cartons and carried off into the night.
The looting quickly became a party. Music blared from the living room and the hiss of beer cans opening was everywhere. Rock made his appearance and returned to the bedroom with six members of his gang.
"Guys, these are our hosts, Sarah, and her husband, Sport. Sarah's not too happy with Sport tonight. What was it you said, Sarah? There never seems to be a cock around when you need one? So they begged me to help her out."
The room rang with their laughter as they pointed at my shriveled dick.
"Now, what was it you told your husband to tell me? Think hard, Sarah. I know that's a tall order for a bimbo like you, but it was just a little while ago."
"I-I-I told him I was ready for a big, thick, cock."
Howls filled the room again. They leered at her as she hung her head, trying not to look any of them in the eyes.
"Damn! Look at that body! She doesn't look like any wife I've ever seen. Looks more like a Barbie doll to me! A livin', breathin', Barbie doll. Hey, Barbie, here comes Ken!"
Ringo was a mountain of fat and sweat. She stood there, shaking, as she watched his enormous bulk come to a stop in front of her. The biker grabbed her breasts and squeezed, over and over, dwarfing them with his bear-like paws. Rock went to her side, watching with a new fascination.
"Hey, I like that, man. Barbie. . .Barbie. . .it's perfect! Hard little body, clueless as they come, stays in any position as long as you want - yeah, Barbie the fuck toy."
The biker mauled her breasts while Rock took her by the hair and turned her face to meet his.
"I never liked 'Sarah'. My sister's name is Sarah. It's disrespectful. You like 'Barbie' better anyway, don't you?"
She nodded her head the best she could while he twisted her neck as far as it would go to one side.
"Speak, Barbie. I know you can do it. Try reeeal hard."
"I like 'Barbie' better than 'Sarah'."
"Good girl! Now, what's your full name?"
She looked terrified.
"I-I don't know what to. . ."
"Christ! What an empty headed bitch! OK, we'll do this real slow, so even you can remember. Ready?"
She nodded quickly, afraid of what would come next.
"Fuck. . .toy"
"Now, all by yourself. What's your name?"
She eyed the group of bikers around her, glanced quickly at me, then looked immediately back at Rock.
"Barbie Fucktoy"
Rock's hands shot into the air, high-fiving the cheering mob that now filled the room. The crowd edged toward her, backing her up against the foot of our bed. Rock took her hand and stepped up onto the mattress, towing her behind him. The mob looked up at them and quieted as Rock held his hands in the air again, this time to get their attention.
"Hey, quiet down, you freaks! Barbie has something she wants to say. OK, Barbie, this may hurt that tiny little brain of yours, but try really, really hard to remember. Now, go ahead, you mindless little piece of meat, tell them what you want."
I could see the expression on her face as she looked down at me from where she and Rock towered over the crowd. It was an equal mix of fear, exhaustion, and surrender. She knew what would happen after she answered. She had known for hours. A fragment of what was once Sarah broke free and retreated to a place where Barbie was born. It was an act of desperation, done in a heartbeat. To Sarah, it was a fair trade.
Her words were crushing.
"I'm ready for a big, thick, cock."
Cheers burst from the encroaching mob as she was lowered to the mattress by scores of unseen hands. Four of the bikers lifted my chair, hoisting me to the top of the dresser for a better view.
They surrounded the bed, holding her arms and legs, while fifteen pairs of hands explored every inch of her body. Rock snatched a sweaty bandana from a bystander, wrapping it around her head as a blindfold. Soon, fifteen erections sprouted from the circle of men closest to the edge of the mattress.
Rock pointed to Ringo, and waved him onto the mattress. His bulk made the bed sag and groan as he crawled between her slim thighs, now stretched wide by the surrounding mob. He worked the head of his cock into her gaping slit, and with one quick thrust, buried the entire length of it in her belly. I saw her wince in pain, and heard her sudden cry as the weight of his immense body drove his cock farther inside her.
Rock appeared at her side in seconds, his jaws flexing, eyes full of rage.
"Did I tell you to speak, Barbie? Did I? Huh? I don't think so. Now stop whining like a baby and be nice to Ringo. You'll hurt his feelings. And then I'll be very pissed off. Understand?"
She gave him two tiny nods, trying to keep from crying out as Ringo plunged into her a second time. Rock stared into her face, waiting for her make the slightest sound. Ringo pulled back, took a deep breath, and grunted. He slammed into her a again, this time with enough force to batter her cervix with the bulging head of his cock. The scream was horrifying. Tears streamed down her face as she shook her head from side to side. Rock was furious.
"Can't keep your mouth shut, can you. You stupid little slut!"
Ringo stopped to watch Rock in action. He enjoyed Rock's temper tantrums, and grinned at Rock as she took his abuse. Just for fun, he twitched his cock a few times inside her to try to make her squeal again. She gritted her teeth and managed to stay quiet.
"Fine. You wanna use your mouth for something? Open it. Now. Good girl. I'll only tell you this once, so you'll have to use that empty little head of yours. Understand? Good. You'll keep your mouth open until I tell you to close it. Fuck up, and I'll cut you. Fuck up twice and I'll make your face look like a roadmap. Got all that, Barbie? You Sure?"
She nodded again, keeping her jaw open as far as she could. Her eyes followed the gleaming blade of his knife as he folded it and returned it to his shirt pocket.
"OK guys, she's all yours. Fill'er up!"
Six bikers knelt on the mattress beside her. They crowded around her, rubbing their cocks over her hair and face. Her eyes darted wildly as they smeared trails of juicy precum over her cheeks and lips. When one of the bikers ****** the bursting head of his dick into her mouth, her tongue brushed the tip of it, then pressed against it again when she tried to avoid licking it a second time. He came instantly, spraying long streams of the sticky goo against the back of her throat. With her mouth open and head back, she had no choice but to swallow as much of it as she could. One by one, all six bikers filled her open mouth as they masturbated over her. Six others took their place when they were finished, and a line began to form. A second line at the foot of the bed took turns between her legs.
I watched for hours as they used her. After a while, no one had to restrain her. She gave in to them, letting them fill her mouth and cunt with load after load of fresh semen. It collected between her legs in a slimy puddle, oozing from her every time a new cock slid inside her. Sometimes two or three of them would come in her mouth at the same time. She would choke and gag on the sudden flood of thick paste as it collected in the back of her throat while trying to take every bit of it in large gulps.
I lost count of how many men shot their cum into her before it was over. The room easily held twenty-five or thirty of them, and the line outside seemed endless. They partied until sunup, then were gone as suddenly as they had arrived. They left us naked, in an empty house.
Sarah had to free me from the chair, still perched atop the dresser. Her pretty face was ravaged with the aftermath of the night before. A thick layer of cum, now partially dried, coated every inch of her face. Even her eyelids glistened with it, leaving her eyelashes matted and stiff. Her short, black hair was drenched with pools of semen. I watched with disgust as large globs of the sticky mess left her once silky hair, landing with tiny splats on her bare shoulders.
He held Sarah in his arms, grinding his cock into her belly, whispering softly close to her ear. She let her head fall back, ******** her long neck to him. He sucked sloppily, stopping now and then to feast on the white, velvet flesh. Her sudden brief cries brought a chuckle from him each time he marked her with a sudden bite.
Then it began - at first in the tiniest voice she could manage, then, each time, a little louder, until her words were unmistakable.
"Fuck me?" "Please fuck me?" "Please, Rock, put it in me?" "Please fuck me?" "Please put your cock inside me?" "Fuck me?" "Do it now, Rock." "Show him, Rock." "Show him how my belly swells with you inside me." "Show him how you stretch me until I can't take any more." "Please show my husband how much I love your cock." "Show him, Rock." "Show him." "Please?" "Please?" "Please?"
She begged him over and over while he watched me struggle to escape the chair. I knew she was coached. I knew that he gave her each and every word. I knew the moans and pleading were her only way of escaping a punishment that brought terror to her eyes.
But she used his name. He hadn't given it to either of us, and we didn't dare ask. But she knew it. She used it so easily, to beg for his cock. I fought to keep one brief seed of doubt at a distance. But it was too late. He had planted it with a word. Rock.
He shoved her toward me until her knees met mine. Taking a fistful of silky black hair, he bent her over me, until her hands found my shoulders for support. Twisting her head cruelly to the side, he put her soft lips against my ear. She knew better than to move an inch.
He circled behind her, leering at me over her shoulder. She lurched forward as he moved tightly against her, giving me a hint of what was to come.
"Do you want it, Sarah?"
She hesitated a few seconds, then began to whisper what I was to say.
"Please, Honey, tell him I'm ready. He'll punish me terribly if you don't do as he says. Just say what I tell you. They're only words. They won't mean anything if you don't let them. Please, oh god, please."
I looked up to find him grinning as her lips moved softly against my ear. I gave him what he wanted.
"She says she's ready."
The immediate laughter from Rock and little Joe was revolting.
"And what is she ready for, Sport?"
I swallowed twice and continued, using her words.
"She's ready for your big, thick cock."
"She wants *my* cock? Your precious wife is clinging to you, naked, begging for *my* cock? Why is that, Sport?"
I couldn't say it. The words refused to come. Fuck him. No.
But she cried softly, pleading with me to tell him. I had never seen her so terrified. Her body began to shake as she cried openly, repeating, "Please, I love you, please, I love you, please, I love you," until I had to be at least as strong as she tried to be.
"Because mine doesn't satisfy her anymore."
"Oh shit, Sport. That's a terrible thing for a wife to tell her husband. I'll bet that really hurts! Why would she say that? I'd want to know if she was my wife. Did she tell you why?"
"She says mine doesn't fill her cunt like yours does. She needs to be stretched inside, and mine's not big enough."
"Well, she can't blame you for being born with a tiny dick now, can she? Just doesn't seem right. I'm not sure I believe her. No man's dick could be *that* tiny. I think it's only fair to see for ourselves. C'mon Sarah. Let's see it. You can't say things like that about your husband without proof. Dig that monster out of his skivvies or quit your bitchin'."
To my utter horror, she unfastened my pants and worked them down to my knees. She tugged and tugged at my underwear, but I was so tightly bound to the chair, she couldn't get them over my hips. Finally, Rock produced a knife from his shirt pocket, leaned over, and cut them to shreds. Sarah removed the pieces one by one.
Fear and embarrassment had shrunken my cock to the size of an acorn. I had always considered it's size to be average, and Sarah had never complained in our five years of marriage. Rock's hung from his open zipper like a heavy rope. It swung like a pendulum, spilling out of his jeans, hanging like a rubbery piece of meat between his legs. Even flaccid, its size shocked me.
"Holy shit, Joe. Take a look at this! Is that really a dick? I've never seen anything like it. In fact, it's hard to see it at all! It ain't right, man. C'mon Sarah. Give him a boner. Give the guy a chance. It's gotta get a little bigger, doesn't it?"
She knelt between my legs and pulled at it, trying to stretch it far enough to milk it with her fingers. She pulled, rolled, and rubbed for ten minutes, but I was too humiliated to respond. Finally, she took me in her mouth and did all the things with her agile tongue that never failed to make me hard - without success. They laughed and joked about our frustrating attempts, which only made things worse.
Finally, she just gave up.
"I'm so sorry, Honey. I don't know what else to do. Can't you get just a little bit hard? I don't want them to laugh at you, but I've tried everything I can, and nothing seems to work."
Rock yanked her to her feet.
"I hate this whining. That's as big as he's gonna get. Give it up, bend over, and we'll finish what we started."
She leaned over me, her lips again brushing my ear. Rock moved in close and rubbed the tip of his cock into the tight slit between her legs.
"Let's hear some chatter, bitch. Now!"
I heard her gasp as he rocked her forward.
"Mmmm, he's putting the head of his cock inside me. I'm so wet. I want all of him. He's sliding it inside me. Deeper, deeper. Oh god, such a huge, hard cock, buried in your wife's tight cunt. I can feel his balls pressed against my clit. I'm so full of him. He's fucking me now, so hard, so deep. Can't you feel how my body moves with him, impaled on his giant prick? Yes, that's it. Faster. Faster. He's ready to cum in me, Honey. I've taken his cock so many times, I can tell. Yes. Yes. Yes, Rock! He's cumming inside me now, long, hot jets of cum, filling me, flooding your wife's pussy. Empty your balls in me, Rock. More. More. More. It feels so good to hold his sperm inside me, deep inside where you've never been. It's flowing out of me now, sticky and warm on my legs. Sooo good. So good, Rock. So good, so good."
I listened as a familiar sound grew louder. They arrived over the next thirty minutes, bike after bike filling our driveway. They paraded through the house like it belonged to them, helping themselves to our most private possessions. TVs, stereo, microwave oven, anything of any value, was stripped and hauled away. Small souvenirs collected from our many vacations, picture albums, including one with the only memories of our wedding, and even our clothes, were thrown into cartons and carried off into the night.
The looting quickly became a party. Music blared from the living room and the hiss of beer cans opening was everywhere. Rock made his appearance and returned to the bedroom with six members of his gang.
"Guys, these are our hosts, Sarah, and her husband, Sport. Sarah's not too happy with Sport tonight. What was it you said, Sarah? There never seems to be a cock around when you need one? So they begged me to help her out."
The room rang with their laughter as they pointed at my shriveled dick.
"Now, what was it you told your husband to tell me? Think hard, Sarah. I know that's a tall order for a bimbo like you, but it was just a little while ago."
"I-I-I told him I was ready for a big, thick, cock."
Howls filled the room again. They leered at her as she hung her head, trying not to look any of them in the eyes.
"Damn! Look at that body! She doesn't look like any wife I've ever seen. Looks more like a Barbie doll to me! A livin', breathin', Barbie doll. Hey, Barbie, here comes Ken!"
Ringo was a mountain of fat and sweat. She stood there, shaking, as she watched his enormous bulk come to a stop in front of her. The biker grabbed her breasts and squeezed, over and over, dwarfing them with his bear-like paws. Rock went to her side, watching with a new fascination.
"Hey, I like that, man. Barbie. . .Barbie. . .it's perfect! Hard little body, clueless as they come, stays in any position as long as you want - yeah, Barbie the fuck toy."
The biker mauled her breasts while Rock took her by the hair and turned her face to meet his.
"I never liked 'Sarah'. My sister's name is Sarah. It's disrespectful. You like 'Barbie' better anyway, don't you?"
She nodded her head the best she could while he twisted her neck as far as it would go to one side.
"Speak, Barbie. I know you can do it. Try reeeal hard."
"I like 'Barbie' better than 'Sarah'."
"Good girl! Now, what's your full name?"
She looked terrified.
"I-I don't know what to. . ."
"Christ! What an empty headed bitch! OK, we'll do this real slow, so even you can remember. Ready?"
She nodded quickly, afraid of what would come next.
"Fuck. . .toy"
"Now, all by yourself. What's your name?"
She eyed the group of bikers around her, glanced quickly at me, then looked immediately back at Rock.
"Barbie Fucktoy"
Rock's hands shot into the air, high-fiving the cheering mob that now filled the room. The crowd edged toward her, backing her up against the foot of our bed. Rock took her hand and stepped up onto the mattress, towing her behind him. The mob looked up at them and quieted as Rock held his hands in the air again, this time to get their attention.
"Hey, quiet down, you freaks! Barbie has something she wants to say. OK, Barbie, this may hurt that tiny little brain of yours, but try really, really hard to remember. Now, go ahead, you mindless little piece of meat, tell them what you want."
I could see the expression on her face as she looked down at me from where she and Rock towered over the crowd. It was an equal mix of fear, exhaustion, and surrender. She knew what would happen after she answered. She had known for hours. A fragment of what was once Sarah broke free and retreated to a place where Barbie was born. It was an act of desperation, done in a heartbeat. To Sarah, it was a fair trade.
Her words were crushing.
"I'm ready for a big, thick, cock."
Cheers burst from the encroaching mob as she was lowered to the mattress by scores of unseen hands. Four of the bikers lifted my chair, hoisting me to the top of the dresser for a better view.
They surrounded the bed, holding her arms and legs, while fifteen pairs of hands explored every inch of her body. Rock snatched a sweaty bandana from a bystander, wrapping it around her head as a blindfold. Soon, fifteen erections sprouted from the circle of men closest to the edge of the mattress.
Rock pointed to Ringo, and waved him onto the mattress. His bulk made the bed sag and groan as he crawled between her slim thighs, now stretched wide by the surrounding mob. He worked the head of his cock into her gaping slit, and with one quick thrust, buried the entire length of it in her belly. I saw her wince in pain, and heard her sudden cry as the weight of his immense body drove his cock farther inside her.
Rock appeared at her side in seconds, his jaws flexing, eyes full of rage.
"Did I tell you to speak, Barbie? Did I? Huh? I don't think so. Now stop whining like a baby and be nice to Ringo. You'll hurt his feelings. And then I'll be very pissed off. Understand?"
She gave him two tiny nods, trying to keep from crying out as Ringo plunged into her a second time. Rock stared into her face, waiting for her make the slightest sound. Ringo pulled back, took a deep breath, and grunted. He slammed into her a again, this time with enough force to batter her cervix with the bulging head of his cock. The scream was horrifying. Tears streamed down her face as she shook her head from side to side. Rock was furious.
"Can't keep your mouth shut, can you. You stupid little slut!"
Ringo stopped to watch Rock in action. He enjoyed Rock's temper tantrums, and grinned at Rock as she took his abuse. Just for fun, he twitched his cock a few times inside her to try to make her squeal again. She gritted her teeth and managed to stay quiet.
"Fine. You wanna use your mouth for something? Open it. Now. Good girl. I'll only tell you this once, so you'll have to use that empty little head of yours. Understand? Good. You'll keep your mouth open until I tell you to close it. Fuck up, and I'll cut you. Fuck up twice and I'll make your face look like a roadmap. Got all that, Barbie? You Sure?"
She nodded again, keeping her jaw open as far as she could. Her eyes followed the gleaming blade of his knife as he folded it and returned it to his shirt pocket.
"OK guys, she's all yours. Fill'er up!"
Six bikers knelt on the mattress beside her. They crowded around her, rubbing their cocks over her hair and face. Her eyes darted wildly as they smeared trails of juicy precum over her cheeks and lips. When one of the bikers ****** the bursting head of his dick into her mouth, her tongue brushed the tip of it, then pressed against it again when she tried to avoid licking it a second time. He came instantly, spraying long streams of the sticky goo against the back of her throat. With her mouth open and head back, she had no choice but to swallow as much of it as she could. One by one, all six bikers filled her open mouth as they masturbated over her. Six others took their place when they were finished, and a line began to form. A second line at the foot of the bed took turns between her legs.
I watched for hours as they used her. After a while, no one had to restrain her. She gave in to them, letting them fill her mouth and cunt with load after load of fresh semen. It collected between her legs in a slimy puddle, oozing from her every time a new cock slid inside her. Sometimes two or three of them would come in her mouth at the same time. She would choke and gag on the sudden flood of thick paste as it collected in the back of her throat while trying to take every bit of it in large gulps.
I lost count of how many men shot their cum into her before it was over. The room easily held twenty-five or thirty of them, and the line outside seemed endless. They partied until sunup, then were gone as suddenly as they had arrived. They left us naked, in an empty house.
Sarah had to free me from the chair, still perched atop the dresser. Her pretty face was ravaged with the aftermath of the night before. A thick layer of cum, now partially dried, coated every inch of her face. Even her eyelids glistened with it, leaving her eyelashes matted and stiff. Her short, black hair was drenched with pools of semen. I watched with disgust as large globs of the sticky mess left her once silky hair, landing with tiny splats on her bare shoulders.