Surrendering Sarah - Chapter 9
Chapter 9
She shuddered at the image in the full-length mirror. The outfit would have been unremarkable, if she had been Stacey. But, Stacey was a size smaller and at least a head shorter. The pink silk blouse hugged her breasts and waist, molding her nipples like a second skin. Stacey's black spandex skirt covered only a few inches of thigh and molded Sarah's ass into ripe, twin globes. The absence of pantyhose made her feel practically naked.
"Ummm, you look delicious today, Barbie."
Stacey's face appeared beside hers in the mirror. They could have passed for sisters. Stacey wore a matching outfit, but on her shorter, b-cup figure, it would attract much less attention on Sarah's first day back at the office.
"I know we're going to be best friends from now on, aren't we, Barbie?"
Her hands cupped Sarah's breasts, quickly finding her nipples, rolling the hardening buttons between her slender fingers.
"Please Stacey, I - I - can't do this. I don't understand. We don't even like each other. Rock may have made me promise to stay with you for a while, but we could never be friends. We're - just, too different."
Stacey's eyes brightened as she pulled harder at Sarah's nipples.
"Betcha I can prove you wrong, Barbie. I think you're more like me than you care to admit. Anyway, just be a good girl at work today. If you're a little slow the first day back, I'll be close by to remind you of all the little things I've taught you. And, of course, there are those nasty consequences for Barbies who forget to do what they're told. After all, I'm sure you haven't forgotten last night already - "
"Stacey, please, you have to tell me, is he ok? I can't seem to remember - he looked so, so - "
"So pathetic? So weak? So helpless? Why should you care? When's the last time his cock was hard for you? When has he shown even the slightest hint of concern while you fucked and sucked your way through endless gangs of bikers? He doesn't care about you, Barbie. He probably never has."
Stacey's words triggered a procession of mental images. They returned slowly, painfully, in sequence, like the turning of pages in a worn book read by flickering candlelight -
...his erection as it jutted, pink and hard from the open robe...
...the short, powerful jets of his semen, frozen in flashes of harsh strobelight as the women brought him to orgasm, again and again...
...the terrible pain as Stacey coaxed the cum from him one last time, his open palm smashed against the switch that sent the current surging through Sarah's convulsing thighs...
...the embarrassed helplessness on his face when Shayla took his gun away effortlessly, easily lifting his nearly naked body with one arm, a haughty predator taking her prey before offering it to her young...
...the way Sport had frantically sucked on Rock's gun, his cheeks hollowed out, head pumping up and down, terrified that Rock would shoot him, willing to give his gun a blow job to live...
...the gun's muzzle torn from his mouth at the last second - the sudden vicious blow to his head, blood spurting into the falling rain as the steel butt sliced through hair and scalp...
...his drenched, pale body falling lifelessly backward into the darkness of the yawning pit.
At the same time, Stacey's relentless words, pushing and prodding Sarah to relive the worst of that night and to accept and gloat over Sport's impotence and defeat, drove her on.
She closed her eyes, no longer able to look at the reflection of what she was becoming, but the flashes of recollection only became clearer. With the memories, Sarah found that she had reluctantly accepted her betrayal. Then Stacey's lips were on hers, pressing softly, until Sarah yielded to her invading kiss. She felt Stacey's hand brush her inner thigh, then settle along the smooth slit between her legs. Distorted images assaulted her, now in random order - a frail white body, barely visible at the bottom of a dark, murky pit; thick jets of cum in slow motion, pumping endlessly from a grotesquely misshapen penis; a sea of mocking faces, captured second by second in flash after flash of brilliant white light; his face, caught half-way between grimace and grin, his cock buried in Stacey's ass; her own nude body, hips thrust forward, nipples burning, as she surrendered to the flow of current that rose from calf to thigh, then finally into her wet, open hole, warming, then boiling the juices that flowed from her.
She shuddered slightly, hesitated, then collapsed, moaning and whimpering into Stacey's embrace.
"That wasn't so bad, was it, Barbie? I told you we have a lot in common."
Stacey's cutesy smile did not reach her eyes.
The drive to work was a long one for Sarah. Stacey lectured her as she drove the red ****** through the usual early morning rush. Sarah sat in the passenger seat, afraid to look out the window for fear that someone she knew might see them together. She tugged constantly at the tiny skirt, finding it nearly impossible to keep it below the transparent, white panties that Stacey had given her to wear.
"First, a few Barbie basics. Let's start with something simple, like how to walk. No slouching, and stop walking like a man. Hold your head up, shoulders back; stick those new tits out like you're proud of them. Remember, the first parts of you to enter a room are your nipples. When you walk, cross those legs a bit; put one foot directly in front of the other so your hips sway like, well, like the office bimbo. I've seen Hank watch your ass every time you leave his office - now leave him with something he'll remember. And by the way, you're much too aloof when he hands you a compliment. I want you to smile and look into his eyes - and every man's eyes for that matter - like he's the most fascinating creature you've ever met."
"But Stacey, Hank's an arrogant lech. He's my only competition for partner. He'll think I'm coming on to him!"
"Oh come on Barbie, it won't hurt you to be nice to the guy. In fact, I insist. You do want to know what's happened to that loser husband of yours, don't you? And I don't imagine leaving a copy of your little video from last night on Mr. Burgess' desk would help your career at all. Get my point?"
Last night's distant memories resurfaced and, once again, startled Sarah with their sudden clarity. Until now, she had forgotten the glimpses of Stacey with video camera in hand, capturing her slutty performance, and the threat of ******** stunned Sarah. All composure lost, Sarah decided to humor Stacey, whatever it took, for the time being.
"Now Barbie, when you talk to a man, don't look him in the face for more than five seconds without glancing down at his cock. They love that. Play with your hair a bit. Lick your lips. If I don't see Hank with a hard-on before the day is over, the video goes to Mr. Burgess. I don't care how you do it, but you better find a way by 5:00. Understand?"
"But he'll expect me to - "
"To fuck him? Sure he will. But you won't. You have to learn how to be Cock-Tease Barbie first. And you have a lot to learn, so absolutely no sex. Now, who are you today?"
"I'm Cock-Tease Barbie."
"And who's cock are you going to tease all day today?"
"I'm going to tease Hank's big cock and give him an erection all day."
Stacey started to giggle.
"Barbie, you can be such an airhead. Bimbos like you give guys hard- ons, not an erections. Now try again."
"I'm going to tease Hank's big cock," Sarah repeated nearly in tears, "and give him a hard-on all day."
Stacey nodded at Sarah's "improvement." Sarah's sigh of relief made Stacey chuckle as she parked the car as far away from the building as possible. Sarah understood all too well. She would have to walk the hundred yards with Stacey by her side. Everyone would see them together. They would see her new clothes and her new look and her new walk. She would have to be Barbie for the rest of the day.
Stacey stopped her as she began to open the car door.
"Wait Barbie. I have a welcome-back present for you. It's in the glove-box."
Sarah opened the plastic panel and retrieved the present, wrapped in pink paper with a small silver bow.
"Open it, Barbie. Welcome back!"
Reluctantly she peeled back the wrapping to find six boxes of assorted condoms. She cringed as they fell into her lap, then looked at Stacey with a puzzled expression. She had promised, no sex.
Stacey grinned, then laughed out loud at the look on Sarah's face.
"They're a fashion accessory, Barbie. Part of the Cock-Tease Barbie set. Put them in your purse. Aren't they pretty?"
"Yes, they're very pretty. I'll put them in my purse now."
Stacey helped her tear the multi-colored strips into single packets, then watched as Sarah stuffed the tiny purse with them.
"Ok Barbie, ready for your first day back?"
"Yes Stacey, I guess so."
"Oh, one more thing before we go in. How about a kiss for your new girlfriend?"
Stacy placed her hand behind Sarah's neck and pulled her close. The lot was teeming with people. Sarah recognized many of them as they passed the car, now heading for her building, her floor. She resisted at first, then gave up and welcomed Stacey's tongue into her mouth. She spread her legs without thinking as Stacey's hand trailed over her ******* thighs, then up over the plump, fleshy lips of her cunt. She closed her eyes and let a quiet moan escape as Stacey found the stiff, slippery nub and rolled it between her thumb and finger.
Then, just as Sarah's hips began to rock, her flat belly tightening with each thrust, Stacey leaned on the steering wheel, sounding a long blast from the car's horn. Sarah tried to pull away, but Stacey held her by the neck, forcing her tongue deeper into her mouth. Out of the corner of her eye, Sarah noticed a group of passing women stop and stare, hands covering their mouths; then shaking their heads with disgust, they continued on toward the office building. One of the women glanced back over her shoulder just as Stacey pulled Sarah on top of her, holding her by the hair as she sucked at her open mouth. Sarah struggled, now horrified, as she saw Mr. Burgess' executive secretary turn away to rejoin her co-workers.
The morning was a total loss. Sorting through the pile of work that had accumulated while she was gone was bad enough, but Stacey made things worse with her constant visits. When she wasn't sitting on Sarah's desk chatting, she flitted in and out of the office, leaving another carefully printed note with each pass. Each small, yellow, adhesive-backed slip of paper contained a short request or errand that Sarah was required to complete before the day's end. By noon there were a half-dozen clinging to her desktop, with only her lunch hour to see to them all.
She sat behind her desk all morning, trying her best not to be seen in the tiny skirt. Hank's interest in her new look was inevitable. His eyes seemed riveted on the shameless display of nipples under the snug blouse. Stacey watched her constantly, making sure her eyes dropped to his crotch as she appeared to welcome his crude compliments. Stacey prompted her from a safe distance, stroking her hair, wetting her lips, always there to remind Sarah that Hank's hard-on was her first priority. It was embarrassing at first, but became easier as she learned the routine. Inside, a burgeoning Barbie was even excited by it. He obviously wanted her, and his attention filled an emptiness she had forgotten existed. Had she ever realized the empty spot had existed? Did other women feel this way too? Or was Stacey right?
Hank stopped by her office again at noon and offered to take her to lunch. She nervously declined, using Stacey's errands as an excuse.
"C'mon Sarah. I'll give you a lift. Stacey said you two rode together today, so you don't have a car anyway. I'll be happy to do it."
Stacey appeared in the doorway, smiling and nodding, waving good-bye with the video cassette she was holding. Helpless, Sarah twirled a short strand of platinum hair, looked longingly at Hank's crotch and accepted with her best "I can't wait to suck your cock" smile.
Stacey's errands took hours to complete. It wasn't that Hank's car wasn't comfortable; it fit Hank perfectly. The late model Lincoln floated over bumps and potholes without acknowledging them, leaning and swaying as it lumbered around turns that Sarah's BMW would have eagerly challenged at twice the speed. Inside, Sarah found more than enough room to stretch her bare legs, allowing the tiny skirt to ride up just enough to show Hank a glimpse of the thin white panties and the contour of the long, deep slit beneath them.
At each stop, Hank strolled beside her, grinning, as a constant parade of men eyed him with envy. Often, he would drop back a few steps just to watch Sarah walk. She did her best to follow Stacey's instructions. Was Stacey following her? Checking to see if Barbie did as she was told? Crossing her long legs as her hips swayed suggestively, Sarah noticed the oncoming men's looks too, and after a while found that exaggerating the motion got her even longer stares. She tossed one thigh over the other, hips bobbing, soon not caring that the tiny skirt gathered at the very top of her bare thighs. She was both bewildered and humiliated that some dark part of her psyche enjoyed the gawking attention.
Stacey's list was an odd mix of mundane and mortifying tasks. A trip to the dry-cleaners to collect Stacey's clothes was followed by a visit to an exclusive shoe store across town. She was to purchase three pairs of the highest heels she could find, in black, white, and of course, pink. The young college student that waited on her spent almost thirty minutes with his face a few feet from her tiny panties. Her skirt was nearly waist-high as she sat in the low chair. She allowed him to slide her feet into pair after pair of outrageous shoes until he found a perfect fit. She caught him staring more than once, and after the third or fourth time hoped the dampness between her legs had not yet stained the thin material stretched over her gaping slit. By the time he was finished, the boy had a raging erection. He looked up at her with a knowing smile, and she gasped suddenly when he stroked the back of her calf. A quick glance at Hank told her he was not at all amused.
They spent another thirty minutes finding each carefully described item on Stacey's grocery list, then another fifteen minutes in the checkout line. The clerk at the adjacent liquor store was wide-eyed as Sarah unloaded a cart full of bottles onto the counter by the register. Stacey's list had included enough liquor to open her own bar. Hank watched without a word as she checked the list again and paid the $1000 total with her credit card. A handful of condoms fell from her purse as she presented the card. She smiled coyly at the clerk and left them behind.
"Um, having a party, Sarah?" Hank asked with a grin.
She licked her pink lips, stroked her hair, glanced down at his cock, and asked him to help her to the car with the booze. She made sure to brush by him as he held the door for her. As her breasts moved lightly across his shirt she moved her hips forward, just grazing the front of his pants. He was hard as a rock.
It was almost 2:30 when they found time for lunch. Hank sweated and leered at her as he inhaled a huge sandwich and drank his second beer. Sarah ordered per Stacey's instructions - a small salad and three Manhattans. She rarely drank, and by the time they finished it was all she could do to stay on her feet.
The last stop required a drive to the south side of the city. Once there, Hank parked the car and followed her into one of the many sex shops crowded side-by-side along the narrow street. He stared in wonder at the assortment of bondage paraphernalia displayed on shelf after shelf. He followed Sarah, his mouth agape as he passed under a canopy of leather harnesses and restraints that hung ominously from the ceiling.
Sarah approached the clerk and tried to read Stacey's list, but the alcohol had her mind reeling. She gave up and handed the list to the old man, remembering to smile and stare at his crotch as she asked for his help. They waited at the counter as he shuffled about the cramped shop filling several well-worn grocery bags with merchandise. Sarah felt some relief as she noticed that much of it was obviously not intended for her. Hank winced as he watched the bags filled with unfamiliar but frightening items - "cock rings", "ball-stretchers", "butt plugs", and an varied array of leather goods made to bind and torture male genitalia in ways he could have never imagined. Sarah smiled at Hank, lowered her eyes to his cock, licked her lips, and even ran her hand lightly over her right breast beneath the pink silk, but to her chagrin, his erection was gone.
It was after 4:00 when they returned to work. Hank helped her carry the bags and cartons to her office, then quickly retreated to try to recover what was left of the afternoon. Stacey had watched them get off the elevator. She stood with two of the other secretaries, all of them giggling as Stacey whispered to them. She appeared in Sarah's doorway seconds after Hank's hasty exit.
"Where have you two been, Barbie? Mr. Burgess has been looking for you all afternoon - something about some figures he needs by the end of the day. I hope you had a good time. Did you get all my stuff?"
Sarah stared at her, boiling beneath a fragile exterior.
"Yes, Stacey. I found everything," she answered icily.
"Well, I didn't see Hank wearing a big hard cock when he left your office. Were you nice to him, Barbie?"
"Yes, Stacey. I was very nice to him. And for the record, he had an erection, I mean ... a hard-on, almost all afternoon. It seems he was a little squeamish after our last stop. But of course, you knew that, right?"
"Now Barbie, don't blame me if you couldn't get him hard. You didn't have much luck with your husband either, did you? I don't think you're trying. Be creative. Be sexy. Be Barbie. You have less than an hour. See ya!"
What could she do? Work was out of the question. The drinks from her late lunch made it impossible to concentrate. Anger and fear overwhelmed her as she sat behind the desk that hid her bare, trembling thighs. A large tear formed at the corner of each eye, threatening to combine with a second, then spill over her cheeks, carrying dark streaks of eyeliner with them. Then, she knew what she had to do. Barbie knew.
She worked the sheer panties over her hips and let them slide down her legs, leaving them on the carpet under her desk. At 4:45 she was leaning against Hank's open door, leering at him, asking for his help. By 4:50 he was standing in her office again, watching her from behind as she tried to lift one of the cartons of liquor from the floor to her desk. The skirt rose over her ass as she bent at the waist, giving Hank an inviting view of her pouting cunt. Just as Betty had trained her, Sarah began to work her cunt open and closed, inviting her penetration. She froze for a few seconds, then looked back at him and grinned. Hank stepped up behind her quickly, his hand cupped between her spread legs. She could feel a finger worm its way into her, stroking and rubbing the length of her watery slit. She studied his reflection in the mirrored wall that faced them. She was still repelled by his familiar smirk, the red, puffy cheeks, and drooping eyelids. So why did it feel so good? Why did she want him to slide two fingers, then three, or finally his entire hand inside her? She arched her back, opening her cunt to him, wanting not only his hard-on, but a thick, long cock that could fill her to her limit, a cock that could stretch her painfully, pound relentlessly into her until the hot cum flowed from her like a fountain.
Just as Hank pulled his cock through the open zipper of his slacks, Stacey burst through the door with her usual exuberance.
"Hi, guys! What's up? Whooops, it looks like Hank's up! Sorry big guy, but we've gotta go! C'mon Barbie, you two can play tomorrow."
Sarah was shaking, trying to keep her legs together in the small ******. Stacey gently stroked her thighs with her long nails.
"Are you still horny, Barbie?"
Sarah groaned. She couldn't believe the display she had made of herself ... and with Hank of all people. He would tell all of his sexist bastard friends at work. She wanted to finger herself, plunge her hand right into her cunt and bring herself off. But Stacey had said No Sex.
"Yes, Stacey, I'm still horny."
"Who's horny? And let's hear some details."
Sarah burned beet-red.
"Cock-Tease Barbie is horny. She spent all day teasing Hank's cock. Hank had his finger in her hot pussy. Barbie wanted him to fuck her hard but Barbie is not allowed to have sex with Hank, just tease his cock."
"That's right. You're just a cock-tease for now. Later, when you're so horny that all you can think about all day is big cocks, when you stare at guys cocks all the time and look up at their eyes every minute or so, when you wiggle your ass because you want some guy to bend you over a desk and fuck you, maybe then we can start on a new Barbie game. Meanwhile, you just work on your lessons."
Sarah sat sullenly.
"Now pay attention because this is going to be hard for an airhead like you to understand," Stacey taunted. "You see, the reason you love to tease cock is because guys' cocks get so hard. And you love to stare at guys' hard cocks because then you can see who has the biggest cock. See, you don't want to fuck a guy with a dinky cock. You want a really big one, a cock that rips your cunt up bad. Only really big cocks can make you cum, so you need to keep getting guys' cocks hard until you find one big enough to fuck you."
Slowly, Stacey's hidden message dawned on Sarah. Stacey wanted her to make a display of herself with every guy at work until she found the one with the biggest cock. In the meantime, Stacey planned to keep her on sexual edge, increasingly frustrated and begging for release.
Sarah remembered the first cock that had made such a lasting impression on her, a cock bigger and thicker than any she had ever seen. Rigid, powerful, throbbing with an intricate network of branching veins, its image, disembodied, looming enticingly in her mind's eye, refused to leave her. She could almost feel the head of it prying her open, stretching and filling her in a way she had never known. What was it Rock had said to her when she had surrendered to him, lost in an orgasm so intense she would have sacrificed everything for a few more seconds of it?
"You've always been a fucktoy, Sarah, always hungry for a bigger cock, never really satisfied with a puny one. I can see it in your eyes. Let yourself cum, Sarah. It's what you want. It's what you've always wanted."
She could still see his eyes, dancing with flickering orange highlights from the fire behind them. They faded, now replaced with a familiar set of eyes - eyes filled with pain and weakness, pleading with her to reject the warm, thick shaft that filled her, to abandon that which gave her more pleasure than she could ever have imagined. She shivered as Stacey's nails traveled up along her inner thigh. It was the first time she felt pity as she gazed into her husband's eyes.
In the weeks that followed, Sarah found each day more frustrating than the last. Stacey never left her alone for more than a few minutes at a time. The lunch-hour errands Stacey required of her became a daily ritual, and since Stacey always drove them to work, she had to ask one man after another at the office for transportation.
The outfits Stacey chose for her became more outrageous each day, so she usually had no trouble attracting a different "date" for every lunchtime outing. There was always a opportunity to prance and wiggle in front of them, and if that didn't work, a few extra buttons undone on an already revealing blouse, or the promising offering of her shaved pussy as she bent to recover a dropped condom from her purse always made them hard.
Almost without realizing it, she became fascinated with the variety of cock sizes and shapes. She marveled at how some of the largest men's pants barely bulged at all, while a few slender, quiet types she would have never looked at twice were excitingly impressive. She began to collect business cards from each of them, scribbling a guess at the size of his hard-on on the back of it when she returned. She arranged the cards in neat rows on her desktop, sorted from biggest cock to smallest. Each afternoon when she returned, she re-sorted them based on another observation, or when she added a new card. She could never quite decide who was the biggest. Even when she thought she knew, she daydreamed about finding the next cock, one that would be a little longer, or just slightly thicker.
She became the office joke, "a real bimbo" as more than a few of the women muttered when Sarah pranced through the office. Worse yet, there never seemed to any time for work. The long lunches, the three- Manhattan-buzz afterward, and her growing obsession with finding a bigger cock kept her mind occupied the entire day.
Then, just when she thought things couldn't get worse, and her days became frighteningly routine, Stacey would find a new and sadistically clever way to humiliate her. The nights were often worse than her days. Stacey toyed with her, kept her on edge for hours while they watched X-rated videos of guys with enormous cocks. One horrible trick that Stacy loved drove Sarah crazy. Stacey would slowly work a long slim dildo into Sarah's aching cunt, and then do nothing at all with it. Stacy would play with her nipples and clit, but that hard rod in her cunt was there to torment her. Just when Sarah was nearing a tremendous orgasm, Stacy would pull the fake cock out and leave Sarah hanging.
Three weeks after Sarah's return to work, Stacey was waiting in her office when she stumbled in after what now was a four-drink-minimum lunch. By afternoon, Sarah routinely was in a haze of drunken lust and frustration. Stacey closed the door, grinning at Sarah's unsteady gait as she made her way to her desk, wobbling in the hot-pink thigh-high boots.
"Have a nice lunch, Barbie? I see you got my groceries."
"Yes, Stacey," she answered, while juggling the overfilled bags.
"Who was it this time? Was his cock big enough?"
"It was Stu, and yes, he has a huge cock."
"You mean st-st-st-stuttering Stu? From the mailroom? Barbie, you're such a slut."
"You shouldn't make fun of him. He was nice to me. Much nicer than Hank."
"Well of course. Hank hates you, now that he's figured out that you never intended to fuck him. So, does Stu go to the top of the list?"
"Stu doesn't have business cards. But he's. . . "
"No, I guess a mailroom clerk wouldn't."
Stacey smirked as Sarah tore a page from a small notepad, folded it until it was the size of a business card, quickly wrote a few lines, and placed it above the first row of cards on her desk.
Stacey walked behind the desk and opened the blinds covering the wall of windows. She looked out over the construction site adjacent to their building. The steel framework was already higher than their floor, and a swarm of workers in hardhats were busy erecting interior walls for the new offices.
"Oh look, Barbie! Look at all those big, strong, sweaty guys! All those cocks...I wonder how big they are? Let's find out. Wave to them, Barbie."
Sarah rose and turned toward the window. Stacey was right. It was a steamy August day, and the young workers bodies gleamed with a shiny layer of sweat. Their bare chests and thin, lean waists would have provided hours of eye-candy for any woman, but Sarah was more interested in what they carried between their legs. Her gaze lingered on the tightly stretched denim just below each shallow navel. She was barely conscious of her right hand, now waving furiously at the window.
It didn't take long for a row of the men to assemble along the nearest beam, waving and whistling back across the fifty feet that separated the buildings. Sarah's pulse quickened as she waved and smiled back at them. Unconsciously, she was bouncing on tiptoe in her platform heeled boots, setting her tits ajiggle.
"Strip Barbie. It's the only way you'll be able to tell which one has the biggest cock."
Stacey stood just out of sight, to one side of the windows. She fiddled with the radio, finally tuning it to a local pop station. Sarah knew immediately what she was to do, and started to sway in time to the music. She ran her hands over the pink latex micro-dress, rubbing her breasts with both hands, then stretched her arms in the air over her head. The slick material worked its way up over her hips, ******** her hairless cunt as she gyrated and thrust it at the cheering men.
"The desk, Barbie. They can't see you're pussy. Get up on your desk."
Sarah glanced at Stacey and sighed. Then, as she climbed onto the large oak desk, a change came over her. She stood there looking down at the growing crowd of construction workers. She didn't see faces, only the hard, tanned torsos and the outlines of more swollen cocks than she could count. A quick tug on the large gold ring opened the zipper that ran the length of the tiny dress. A wiggle and a shrug, and she was naked, except for the flashy, pink plastic thigh-high boots. The men let out a howl that could be heard for blocks. Her dancing became wilder. She used every suggestive gesture she could remember, then made up a few of her own. Her moves became a frenzied blur. She squeezed her tits, pulled and twisted her nipples, grinned and drooled as she witnessed the men's responses. Finally, now no longer in control of her own urges, she brought both hands between her legs, plunging two fingers inside her while holding her cunt open with the other hand. She wanted, needed, the biggest cock of the bunch. But which one? Who was the biggest? There were so many. Frantically, her eyes roved the crowd.
Stacey brought her back to reality with an unexpected tug on her right boot. She held a huge cucumber, one item on the long list of produce purchased as instructed during Sarah's lunch outing.
"Show them what you really want, Barbie."
Sarah stared in horror, backing away and shaking her head.
"No, Stacey. Please, no. I can't . . . don't make me, please . . ."
Stacey just grinned, offering the massive object to her until she gave up and accepted it.
"Hold it up so they can see it, Barbie."
She raised all ten inches of it in the air, waving it for the men to see. The crowd was larger now, and exploded with cheers. She saw smaller groups of men here and there fighting for the use of a few sets of binoculars.
After more of Stacey's threats, Sarah put the end of the cuke between her legs and began to push. It felt gigantic - even bigger than she had imagined. The three-inch diameter stretched her painfully at first, but after coating a few inches of it with her juices, she was slowly able to bury nearly eight inches of it inside her grasping vagina. She watched the men watching her, imagining the hard presence inside her sprouting from one of the sweaty, naked torsos that cheered her on. Her breathing became quicker and deeper as she worked. It felt so good, so big. Her finger stroked her clit, now slippery and engorged to it's full size. Stacey recognized her frequent sideways glances as desperate pleas for permission to finish it, to cum in front of her audience.
"You want to cum, don't you, Barbie?"
Sarah couldn't bring herself to say it, but her eyes gave Stacey her answer.
"Well, you've been a good Barbie today; if you tell me what you really want, I let you go ahead."
"I want ... I mean, Cock-Tease Barbie wants to cum in front of all these guys so that she'll know who has the totally biggest cock, and Barbie can go ask to fuck him."
Stacy nodded.
"Go ahead, show all the guys just what you want - if their cocks are big enough, that is."
Sarah dropped to her knees on the spacious desk. With a quick sweep of her arm she cleared the top of it, sending pens, paperclips, and stacks of unfinished paperwork flying. Then after rolling onto her back, pink-booted legs in the air, she found her hungry little clit and went to work.
The men with binoculars had the best view. Her cunt faced them, stuffed with the giant cucumber. One hand held it in place, twisting and pumping it in short rapid strokes, while the fingers of her other hand danced over her clit like an angry insect. Her legs formed a large V in the air above her, framing her hard breasts and nipples as they too pointed at the ceiling, bouncing just a little as her hips twisted and jerked.
She no longer cared that she was naked on her desk at work, masturbating for a crowd of strange men. When she closed her eyes, the best and biggest of them was inside her, his immense cock filling her, possessing her, as surely as a sturdy lance had skewered her, pinning her to the cold, hard oak. Was it one man or more than one? Many? The face in her mind kept changing. Only the cock remained the same - huge and totally filling.
There was no warning. She came suddenly and violently. Her loud moan filled the room as one long exhalation of satisfaction. Minutes later, curtains drawn, Stacey tried to calm Sarah down and pull her back together. Sarah continued to clutch both hands against her cunt, forcing her fantasy cock deeper, mumbling incoherently. Stacey stroked her hair, planting small kisses over her face, waiting, waiting, until Sarah's words fell softly and breathlessly on her waiting ear.
"No . . . you can't have it . . . I found him . . . it's mine . . . I won't let you take it . . . mine . . . all mine . . . all mine . . . "
This time, Stacey's smile lit up her entire face.
She shuddered at the image in the full-length mirror. The outfit would have been unremarkable, if she had been Stacey. But, Stacey was a size smaller and at least a head shorter. The pink silk blouse hugged her breasts and waist, molding her nipples like a second skin. Stacey's black spandex skirt covered only a few inches of thigh and molded Sarah's ass into ripe, twin globes. The absence of pantyhose made her feel practically naked.
"Ummm, you look delicious today, Barbie."
Stacey's face appeared beside hers in the mirror. They could have passed for sisters. Stacey wore a matching outfit, but on her shorter, b-cup figure, it would attract much less attention on Sarah's first day back at the office.
"I know we're going to be best friends from now on, aren't we, Barbie?"
Her hands cupped Sarah's breasts, quickly finding her nipples, rolling the hardening buttons between her slender fingers.
"Please Stacey, I - I - can't do this. I don't understand. We don't even like each other. Rock may have made me promise to stay with you for a while, but we could never be friends. We're - just, too different."
Stacey's eyes brightened as she pulled harder at Sarah's nipples.
"Betcha I can prove you wrong, Barbie. I think you're more like me than you care to admit. Anyway, just be a good girl at work today. If you're a little slow the first day back, I'll be close by to remind you of all the little things I've taught you. And, of course, there are those nasty consequences for Barbies who forget to do what they're told. After all, I'm sure you haven't forgotten last night already - "
"Stacey, please, you have to tell me, is he ok? I can't seem to remember - he looked so, so - "
"So pathetic? So weak? So helpless? Why should you care? When's the last time his cock was hard for you? When has he shown even the slightest hint of concern while you fucked and sucked your way through endless gangs of bikers? He doesn't care about you, Barbie. He probably never has."
Stacey's words triggered a procession of mental images. They returned slowly, painfully, in sequence, like the turning of pages in a worn book read by flickering candlelight -
...his erection as it jutted, pink and hard from the open robe...
...the short, powerful jets of his semen, frozen in flashes of harsh strobelight as the women brought him to orgasm, again and again...
...the terrible pain as Stacey coaxed the cum from him one last time, his open palm smashed against the switch that sent the current surging through Sarah's convulsing thighs...
...the embarrassed helplessness on his face when Shayla took his gun away effortlessly, easily lifting his nearly naked body with one arm, a haughty predator taking her prey before offering it to her young...
...the way Sport had frantically sucked on Rock's gun, his cheeks hollowed out, head pumping up and down, terrified that Rock would shoot him, willing to give his gun a blow job to live...
...the gun's muzzle torn from his mouth at the last second - the sudden vicious blow to his head, blood spurting into the falling rain as the steel butt sliced through hair and scalp...
...his drenched, pale body falling lifelessly backward into the darkness of the yawning pit.
At the same time, Stacey's relentless words, pushing and prodding Sarah to relive the worst of that night and to accept and gloat over Sport's impotence and defeat, drove her on.
She closed her eyes, no longer able to look at the reflection of what she was becoming, but the flashes of recollection only became clearer. With the memories, Sarah found that she had reluctantly accepted her betrayal. Then Stacey's lips were on hers, pressing softly, until Sarah yielded to her invading kiss. She felt Stacey's hand brush her inner thigh, then settle along the smooth slit between her legs. Distorted images assaulted her, now in random order - a frail white body, barely visible at the bottom of a dark, murky pit; thick jets of cum in slow motion, pumping endlessly from a grotesquely misshapen penis; a sea of mocking faces, captured second by second in flash after flash of brilliant white light; his face, caught half-way between grimace and grin, his cock buried in Stacey's ass; her own nude body, hips thrust forward, nipples burning, as she surrendered to the flow of current that rose from calf to thigh, then finally into her wet, open hole, warming, then boiling the juices that flowed from her.
She shuddered slightly, hesitated, then collapsed, moaning and whimpering into Stacey's embrace.
"That wasn't so bad, was it, Barbie? I told you we have a lot in common."
Stacey's cutesy smile did not reach her eyes.
The drive to work was a long one for Sarah. Stacey lectured her as she drove the red ****** through the usual early morning rush. Sarah sat in the passenger seat, afraid to look out the window for fear that someone she knew might see them together. She tugged constantly at the tiny skirt, finding it nearly impossible to keep it below the transparent, white panties that Stacey had given her to wear.
"First, a few Barbie basics. Let's start with something simple, like how to walk. No slouching, and stop walking like a man. Hold your head up, shoulders back; stick those new tits out like you're proud of them. Remember, the first parts of you to enter a room are your nipples. When you walk, cross those legs a bit; put one foot directly in front of the other so your hips sway like, well, like the office bimbo. I've seen Hank watch your ass every time you leave his office - now leave him with something he'll remember. And by the way, you're much too aloof when he hands you a compliment. I want you to smile and look into his eyes - and every man's eyes for that matter - like he's the most fascinating creature you've ever met."
"But Stacey, Hank's an arrogant lech. He's my only competition for partner. He'll think I'm coming on to him!"
"Oh come on Barbie, it won't hurt you to be nice to the guy. In fact, I insist. You do want to know what's happened to that loser husband of yours, don't you? And I don't imagine leaving a copy of your little video from last night on Mr. Burgess' desk would help your career at all. Get my point?"
Last night's distant memories resurfaced and, once again, startled Sarah with their sudden clarity. Until now, she had forgotten the glimpses of Stacey with video camera in hand, capturing her slutty performance, and the threat of ******** stunned Sarah. All composure lost, Sarah decided to humor Stacey, whatever it took, for the time being.
"Now Barbie, when you talk to a man, don't look him in the face for more than five seconds without glancing down at his cock. They love that. Play with your hair a bit. Lick your lips. If I don't see Hank with a hard-on before the day is over, the video goes to Mr. Burgess. I don't care how you do it, but you better find a way by 5:00. Understand?"
"But he'll expect me to - "
"To fuck him? Sure he will. But you won't. You have to learn how to be Cock-Tease Barbie first. And you have a lot to learn, so absolutely no sex. Now, who are you today?"
"I'm Cock-Tease Barbie."
"And who's cock are you going to tease all day today?"
"I'm going to tease Hank's big cock and give him an erection all day."
Stacey started to giggle.
"Barbie, you can be such an airhead. Bimbos like you give guys hard- ons, not an erections. Now try again."
"I'm going to tease Hank's big cock," Sarah repeated nearly in tears, "and give him a hard-on all day."
Stacey nodded at Sarah's "improvement." Sarah's sigh of relief made Stacey chuckle as she parked the car as far away from the building as possible. Sarah understood all too well. She would have to walk the hundred yards with Stacey by her side. Everyone would see them together. They would see her new clothes and her new look and her new walk. She would have to be Barbie for the rest of the day.
Stacey stopped her as she began to open the car door.
"Wait Barbie. I have a welcome-back present for you. It's in the glove-box."
Sarah opened the plastic panel and retrieved the present, wrapped in pink paper with a small silver bow.
"Open it, Barbie. Welcome back!"
Reluctantly she peeled back the wrapping to find six boxes of assorted condoms. She cringed as they fell into her lap, then looked at Stacey with a puzzled expression. She had promised, no sex.
Stacey grinned, then laughed out loud at the look on Sarah's face.
"They're a fashion accessory, Barbie. Part of the Cock-Tease Barbie set. Put them in your purse. Aren't they pretty?"
"Yes, they're very pretty. I'll put them in my purse now."
Stacey helped her tear the multi-colored strips into single packets, then watched as Sarah stuffed the tiny purse with them.
"Ok Barbie, ready for your first day back?"
"Yes Stacey, I guess so."
"Oh, one more thing before we go in. How about a kiss for your new girlfriend?"
Stacy placed her hand behind Sarah's neck and pulled her close. The lot was teeming with people. Sarah recognized many of them as they passed the car, now heading for her building, her floor. She resisted at first, then gave up and welcomed Stacey's tongue into her mouth. She spread her legs without thinking as Stacey's hand trailed over her ******* thighs, then up over the plump, fleshy lips of her cunt. She closed her eyes and let a quiet moan escape as Stacey found the stiff, slippery nub and rolled it between her thumb and finger.
Then, just as Sarah's hips began to rock, her flat belly tightening with each thrust, Stacey leaned on the steering wheel, sounding a long blast from the car's horn. Sarah tried to pull away, but Stacey held her by the neck, forcing her tongue deeper into her mouth. Out of the corner of her eye, Sarah noticed a group of passing women stop and stare, hands covering their mouths; then shaking their heads with disgust, they continued on toward the office building. One of the women glanced back over her shoulder just as Stacey pulled Sarah on top of her, holding her by the hair as she sucked at her open mouth. Sarah struggled, now horrified, as she saw Mr. Burgess' executive secretary turn away to rejoin her co-workers.
The morning was a total loss. Sorting through the pile of work that had accumulated while she was gone was bad enough, but Stacey made things worse with her constant visits. When she wasn't sitting on Sarah's desk chatting, she flitted in and out of the office, leaving another carefully printed note with each pass. Each small, yellow, adhesive-backed slip of paper contained a short request or errand that Sarah was required to complete before the day's end. By noon there were a half-dozen clinging to her desktop, with only her lunch hour to see to them all.
She sat behind her desk all morning, trying her best not to be seen in the tiny skirt. Hank's interest in her new look was inevitable. His eyes seemed riveted on the shameless display of nipples under the snug blouse. Stacey watched her constantly, making sure her eyes dropped to his crotch as she appeared to welcome his crude compliments. Stacey prompted her from a safe distance, stroking her hair, wetting her lips, always there to remind Sarah that Hank's hard-on was her first priority. It was embarrassing at first, but became easier as she learned the routine. Inside, a burgeoning Barbie was even excited by it. He obviously wanted her, and his attention filled an emptiness she had forgotten existed. Had she ever realized the empty spot had existed? Did other women feel this way too? Or was Stacey right?
Hank stopped by her office again at noon and offered to take her to lunch. She nervously declined, using Stacey's errands as an excuse.
"C'mon Sarah. I'll give you a lift. Stacey said you two rode together today, so you don't have a car anyway. I'll be happy to do it."
Stacey appeared in the doorway, smiling and nodding, waving good-bye with the video cassette she was holding. Helpless, Sarah twirled a short strand of platinum hair, looked longingly at Hank's crotch and accepted with her best "I can't wait to suck your cock" smile.
Stacey's errands took hours to complete. It wasn't that Hank's car wasn't comfortable; it fit Hank perfectly. The late model Lincoln floated over bumps and potholes without acknowledging them, leaning and swaying as it lumbered around turns that Sarah's BMW would have eagerly challenged at twice the speed. Inside, Sarah found more than enough room to stretch her bare legs, allowing the tiny skirt to ride up just enough to show Hank a glimpse of the thin white panties and the contour of the long, deep slit beneath them.
At each stop, Hank strolled beside her, grinning, as a constant parade of men eyed him with envy. Often, he would drop back a few steps just to watch Sarah walk. She did her best to follow Stacey's instructions. Was Stacey following her? Checking to see if Barbie did as she was told? Crossing her long legs as her hips swayed suggestively, Sarah noticed the oncoming men's looks too, and after a while found that exaggerating the motion got her even longer stares. She tossed one thigh over the other, hips bobbing, soon not caring that the tiny skirt gathered at the very top of her bare thighs. She was both bewildered and humiliated that some dark part of her psyche enjoyed the gawking attention.
Stacey's list was an odd mix of mundane and mortifying tasks. A trip to the dry-cleaners to collect Stacey's clothes was followed by a visit to an exclusive shoe store across town. She was to purchase three pairs of the highest heels she could find, in black, white, and of course, pink. The young college student that waited on her spent almost thirty minutes with his face a few feet from her tiny panties. Her skirt was nearly waist-high as she sat in the low chair. She allowed him to slide her feet into pair after pair of outrageous shoes until he found a perfect fit. She caught him staring more than once, and after the third or fourth time hoped the dampness between her legs had not yet stained the thin material stretched over her gaping slit. By the time he was finished, the boy had a raging erection. He looked up at her with a knowing smile, and she gasped suddenly when he stroked the back of her calf. A quick glance at Hank told her he was not at all amused.
They spent another thirty minutes finding each carefully described item on Stacey's grocery list, then another fifteen minutes in the checkout line. The clerk at the adjacent liquor store was wide-eyed as Sarah unloaded a cart full of bottles onto the counter by the register. Stacey's list had included enough liquor to open her own bar. Hank watched without a word as she checked the list again and paid the $1000 total with her credit card. A handful of condoms fell from her purse as she presented the card. She smiled coyly at the clerk and left them behind.
"Um, having a party, Sarah?" Hank asked with a grin.
She licked her pink lips, stroked her hair, glanced down at his cock, and asked him to help her to the car with the booze. She made sure to brush by him as he held the door for her. As her breasts moved lightly across his shirt she moved her hips forward, just grazing the front of his pants. He was hard as a rock.
It was almost 2:30 when they found time for lunch. Hank sweated and leered at her as he inhaled a huge sandwich and drank his second beer. Sarah ordered per Stacey's instructions - a small salad and three Manhattans. She rarely drank, and by the time they finished it was all she could do to stay on her feet.
The last stop required a drive to the south side of the city. Once there, Hank parked the car and followed her into one of the many sex shops crowded side-by-side along the narrow street. He stared in wonder at the assortment of bondage paraphernalia displayed on shelf after shelf. He followed Sarah, his mouth agape as he passed under a canopy of leather harnesses and restraints that hung ominously from the ceiling.
Sarah approached the clerk and tried to read Stacey's list, but the alcohol had her mind reeling. She gave up and handed the list to the old man, remembering to smile and stare at his crotch as she asked for his help. They waited at the counter as he shuffled about the cramped shop filling several well-worn grocery bags with merchandise. Sarah felt some relief as she noticed that much of it was obviously not intended for her. Hank winced as he watched the bags filled with unfamiliar but frightening items - "cock rings", "ball-stretchers", "butt plugs", and an varied array of leather goods made to bind and torture male genitalia in ways he could have never imagined. Sarah smiled at Hank, lowered her eyes to his cock, licked her lips, and even ran her hand lightly over her right breast beneath the pink silk, but to her chagrin, his erection was gone.
It was after 4:00 when they returned to work. Hank helped her carry the bags and cartons to her office, then quickly retreated to try to recover what was left of the afternoon. Stacey had watched them get off the elevator. She stood with two of the other secretaries, all of them giggling as Stacey whispered to them. She appeared in Sarah's doorway seconds after Hank's hasty exit.
"Where have you two been, Barbie? Mr. Burgess has been looking for you all afternoon - something about some figures he needs by the end of the day. I hope you had a good time. Did you get all my stuff?"
Sarah stared at her, boiling beneath a fragile exterior.
"Yes, Stacey. I found everything," she answered icily.
"Well, I didn't see Hank wearing a big hard cock when he left your office. Were you nice to him, Barbie?"
"Yes, Stacey. I was very nice to him. And for the record, he had an erection, I mean ... a hard-on, almost all afternoon. It seems he was a little squeamish after our last stop. But of course, you knew that, right?"
"Now Barbie, don't blame me if you couldn't get him hard. You didn't have much luck with your husband either, did you? I don't think you're trying. Be creative. Be sexy. Be Barbie. You have less than an hour. See ya!"
What could she do? Work was out of the question. The drinks from her late lunch made it impossible to concentrate. Anger and fear overwhelmed her as she sat behind the desk that hid her bare, trembling thighs. A large tear formed at the corner of each eye, threatening to combine with a second, then spill over her cheeks, carrying dark streaks of eyeliner with them. Then, she knew what she had to do. Barbie knew.
She worked the sheer panties over her hips and let them slide down her legs, leaving them on the carpet under her desk. At 4:45 she was leaning against Hank's open door, leering at him, asking for his help. By 4:50 he was standing in her office again, watching her from behind as she tried to lift one of the cartons of liquor from the floor to her desk. The skirt rose over her ass as she bent at the waist, giving Hank an inviting view of her pouting cunt. Just as Betty had trained her, Sarah began to work her cunt open and closed, inviting her penetration. She froze for a few seconds, then looked back at him and grinned. Hank stepped up behind her quickly, his hand cupped between her spread legs. She could feel a finger worm its way into her, stroking and rubbing the length of her watery slit. She studied his reflection in the mirrored wall that faced them. She was still repelled by his familiar smirk, the red, puffy cheeks, and drooping eyelids. So why did it feel so good? Why did she want him to slide two fingers, then three, or finally his entire hand inside her? She arched her back, opening her cunt to him, wanting not only his hard-on, but a thick, long cock that could fill her to her limit, a cock that could stretch her painfully, pound relentlessly into her until the hot cum flowed from her like a fountain.
Just as Hank pulled his cock through the open zipper of his slacks, Stacey burst through the door with her usual exuberance.
"Hi, guys! What's up? Whooops, it looks like Hank's up! Sorry big guy, but we've gotta go! C'mon Barbie, you two can play tomorrow."
Sarah was shaking, trying to keep her legs together in the small ******. Stacey gently stroked her thighs with her long nails.
"Are you still horny, Barbie?"
Sarah groaned. She couldn't believe the display she had made of herself ... and with Hank of all people. He would tell all of his sexist bastard friends at work. She wanted to finger herself, plunge her hand right into her cunt and bring herself off. But Stacey had said No Sex.
"Yes, Stacey, I'm still horny."
"Who's horny? And let's hear some details."
Sarah burned beet-red.
"Cock-Tease Barbie is horny. She spent all day teasing Hank's cock. Hank had his finger in her hot pussy. Barbie wanted him to fuck her hard but Barbie is not allowed to have sex with Hank, just tease his cock."
"That's right. You're just a cock-tease for now. Later, when you're so horny that all you can think about all day is big cocks, when you stare at guys cocks all the time and look up at their eyes every minute or so, when you wiggle your ass because you want some guy to bend you over a desk and fuck you, maybe then we can start on a new Barbie game. Meanwhile, you just work on your lessons."
Sarah sat sullenly.
"Now pay attention because this is going to be hard for an airhead like you to understand," Stacey taunted. "You see, the reason you love to tease cock is because guys' cocks get so hard. And you love to stare at guys' hard cocks because then you can see who has the biggest cock. See, you don't want to fuck a guy with a dinky cock. You want a really big one, a cock that rips your cunt up bad. Only really big cocks can make you cum, so you need to keep getting guys' cocks hard until you find one big enough to fuck you."
Slowly, Stacey's hidden message dawned on Sarah. Stacey wanted her to make a display of herself with every guy at work until she found the one with the biggest cock. In the meantime, Stacey planned to keep her on sexual edge, increasingly frustrated and begging for release.
Sarah remembered the first cock that had made such a lasting impression on her, a cock bigger and thicker than any she had ever seen. Rigid, powerful, throbbing with an intricate network of branching veins, its image, disembodied, looming enticingly in her mind's eye, refused to leave her. She could almost feel the head of it prying her open, stretching and filling her in a way she had never known. What was it Rock had said to her when she had surrendered to him, lost in an orgasm so intense she would have sacrificed everything for a few more seconds of it?
"You've always been a fucktoy, Sarah, always hungry for a bigger cock, never really satisfied with a puny one. I can see it in your eyes. Let yourself cum, Sarah. It's what you want. It's what you've always wanted."
She could still see his eyes, dancing with flickering orange highlights from the fire behind them. They faded, now replaced with a familiar set of eyes - eyes filled with pain and weakness, pleading with her to reject the warm, thick shaft that filled her, to abandon that which gave her more pleasure than she could ever have imagined. She shivered as Stacey's nails traveled up along her inner thigh. It was the first time she felt pity as she gazed into her husband's eyes.
In the weeks that followed, Sarah found each day more frustrating than the last. Stacey never left her alone for more than a few minutes at a time. The lunch-hour errands Stacey required of her became a daily ritual, and since Stacey always drove them to work, she had to ask one man after another at the office for transportation.
The outfits Stacey chose for her became more outrageous each day, so she usually had no trouble attracting a different "date" for every lunchtime outing. There was always a opportunity to prance and wiggle in front of them, and if that didn't work, a few extra buttons undone on an already revealing blouse, or the promising offering of her shaved pussy as she bent to recover a dropped condom from her purse always made them hard.
Almost without realizing it, she became fascinated with the variety of cock sizes and shapes. She marveled at how some of the largest men's pants barely bulged at all, while a few slender, quiet types she would have never looked at twice were excitingly impressive. She began to collect business cards from each of them, scribbling a guess at the size of his hard-on on the back of it when she returned. She arranged the cards in neat rows on her desktop, sorted from biggest cock to smallest. Each afternoon when she returned, she re-sorted them based on another observation, or when she added a new card. She could never quite decide who was the biggest. Even when she thought she knew, she daydreamed about finding the next cock, one that would be a little longer, or just slightly thicker.
She became the office joke, "a real bimbo" as more than a few of the women muttered when Sarah pranced through the office. Worse yet, there never seemed to any time for work. The long lunches, the three- Manhattan-buzz afterward, and her growing obsession with finding a bigger cock kept her mind occupied the entire day.
Then, just when she thought things couldn't get worse, and her days became frighteningly routine, Stacey would find a new and sadistically clever way to humiliate her. The nights were often worse than her days. Stacey toyed with her, kept her on edge for hours while they watched X-rated videos of guys with enormous cocks. One horrible trick that Stacy loved drove Sarah crazy. Stacey would slowly work a long slim dildo into Sarah's aching cunt, and then do nothing at all with it. Stacy would play with her nipples and clit, but that hard rod in her cunt was there to torment her. Just when Sarah was nearing a tremendous orgasm, Stacy would pull the fake cock out and leave Sarah hanging.
Three weeks after Sarah's return to work, Stacey was waiting in her office when she stumbled in after what now was a four-drink-minimum lunch. By afternoon, Sarah routinely was in a haze of drunken lust and frustration. Stacey closed the door, grinning at Sarah's unsteady gait as she made her way to her desk, wobbling in the hot-pink thigh-high boots.
"Have a nice lunch, Barbie? I see you got my groceries."
"Yes, Stacey," she answered, while juggling the overfilled bags.
"Who was it this time? Was his cock big enough?"
"It was Stu, and yes, he has a huge cock."
"You mean st-st-st-stuttering Stu? From the mailroom? Barbie, you're such a slut."
"You shouldn't make fun of him. He was nice to me. Much nicer than Hank."
"Well of course. Hank hates you, now that he's figured out that you never intended to fuck him. So, does Stu go to the top of the list?"
"Stu doesn't have business cards. But he's. . . "
"No, I guess a mailroom clerk wouldn't."
Stacey smirked as Sarah tore a page from a small notepad, folded it until it was the size of a business card, quickly wrote a few lines, and placed it above the first row of cards on her desk.
Stacey walked behind the desk and opened the blinds covering the wall of windows. She looked out over the construction site adjacent to their building. The steel framework was already higher than their floor, and a swarm of workers in hardhats were busy erecting interior walls for the new offices.
"Oh look, Barbie! Look at all those big, strong, sweaty guys! All those cocks...I wonder how big they are? Let's find out. Wave to them, Barbie."
Sarah rose and turned toward the window. Stacey was right. It was a steamy August day, and the young workers bodies gleamed with a shiny layer of sweat. Their bare chests and thin, lean waists would have provided hours of eye-candy for any woman, but Sarah was more interested in what they carried between their legs. Her gaze lingered on the tightly stretched denim just below each shallow navel. She was barely conscious of her right hand, now waving furiously at the window.
It didn't take long for a row of the men to assemble along the nearest beam, waving and whistling back across the fifty feet that separated the buildings. Sarah's pulse quickened as she waved and smiled back at them. Unconsciously, she was bouncing on tiptoe in her platform heeled boots, setting her tits ajiggle.
"Strip Barbie. It's the only way you'll be able to tell which one has the biggest cock."
Stacey stood just out of sight, to one side of the windows. She fiddled with the radio, finally tuning it to a local pop station. Sarah knew immediately what she was to do, and started to sway in time to the music. She ran her hands over the pink latex micro-dress, rubbing her breasts with both hands, then stretched her arms in the air over her head. The slick material worked its way up over her hips, ******** her hairless cunt as she gyrated and thrust it at the cheering men.
"The desk, Barbie. They can't see you're pussy. Get up on your desk."
Sarah glanced at Stacey and sighed. Then, as she climbed onto the large oak desk, a change came over her. She stood there looking down at the growing crowd of construction workers. She didn't see faces, only the hard, tanned torsos and the outlines of more swollen cocks than she could count. A quick tug on the large gold ring opened the zipper that ran the length of the tiny dress. A wiggle and a shrug, and she was naked, except for the flashy, pink plastic thigh-high boots. The men let out a howl that could be heard for blocks. Her dancing became wilder. She used every suggestive gesture she could remember, then made up a few of her own. Her moves became a frenzied blur. She squeezed her tits, pulled and twisted her nipples, grinned and drooled as she witnessed the men's responses. Finally, now no longer in control of her own urges, she brought both hands between her legs, plunging two fingers inside her while holding her cunt open with the other hand. She wanted, needed, the biggest cock of the bunch. But which one? Who was the biggest? There were so many. Frantically, her eyes roved the crowd.
Stacey brought her back to reality with an unexpected tug on her right boot. She held a huge cucumber, one item on the long list of produce purchased as instructed during Sarah's lunch outing.
"Show them what you really want, Barbie."
Sarah stared in horror, backing away and shaking her head.
"No, Stacey. Please, no. I can't . . . don't make me, please . . ."
Stacey just grinned, offering the massive object to her until she gave up and accepted it.
"Hold it up so they can see it, Barbie."
She raised all ten inches of it in the air, waving it for the men to see. The crowd was larger now, and exploded with cheers. She saw smaller groups of men here and there fighting for the use of a few sets of binoculars.
After more of Stacey's threats, Sarah put the end of the cuke between her legs and began to push. It felt gigantic - even bigger than she had imagined. The three-inch diameter stretched her painfully at first, but after coating a few inches of it with her juices, she was slowly able to bury nearly eight inches of it inside her grasping vagina. She watched the men watching her, imagining the hard presence inside her sprouting from one of the sweaty, naked torsos that cheered her on. Her breathing became quicker and deeper as she worked. It felt so good, so big. Her finger stroked her clit, now slippery and engorged to it's full size. Stacey recognized her frequent sideways glances as desperate pleas for permission to finish it, to cum in front of her audience.
"You want to cum, don't you, Barbie?"
Sarah couldn't bring herself to say it, but her eyes gave Stacey her answer.
"Well, you've been a good Barbie today; if you tell me what you really want, I let you go ahead."
"I want ... I mean, Cock-Tease Barbie wants to cum in front of all these guys so that she'll know who has the totally biggest cock, and Barbie can go ask to fuck him."
Stacy nodded.
"Go ahead, show all the guys just what you want - if their cocks are big enough, that is."
Sarah dropped to her knees on the spacious desk. With a quick sweep of her arm she cleared the top of it, sending pens, paperclips, and stacks of unfinished paperwork flying. Then after rolling onto her back, pink-booted legs in the air, she found her hungry little clit and went to work.
The men with binoculars had the best view. Her cunt faced them, stuffed with the giant cucumber. One hand held it in place, twisting and pumping it in short rapid strokes, while the fingers of her other hand danced over her clit like an angry insect. Her legs formed a large V in the air above her, framing her hard breasts and nipples as they too pointed at the ceiling, bouncing just a little as her hips twisted and jerked.
She no longer cared that she was naked on her desk at work, masturbating for a crowd of strange men. When she closed her eyes, the best and biggest of them was inside her, his immense cock filling her, possessing her, as surely as a sturdy lance had skewered her, pinning her to the cold, hard oak. Was it one man or more than one? Many? The face in her mind kept changing. Only the cock remained the same - huge and totally filling.
There was no warning. She came suddenly and violently. Her loud moan filled the room as one long exhalation of satisfaction. Minutes later, curtains drawn, Stacey tried to calm Sarah down and pull her back together. Sarah continued to clutch both hands against her cunt, forcing her fantasy cock deeper, mumbling incoherently. Stacey stroked her hair, planting small kisses over her face, waiting, waiting, until Sarah's words fell softly and breathlessly on her waiting ear.
"No . . . you can't have it . . . I found him . . . it's mine . . . I won't let you take it . . . mine . . . all mine . . . all mine . . . "
This time, Stacey's smile lit up her entire face.