Surrendering Sarah - Chapter 7
Chapter 7
A week passed without a word from Rock or Sarah. On Sunday I opened the door to find one of Rock's friends holding a small package. He thrust it toward me, hitting me in the chest with end of the cardboard box. I reached for it and took a step backward, expecting him push by me, or to at least tell me where Sarah was, or when she would be back. He just stood there and grinned, finally breaking into uncontrollable laughter before climbing on his bike and riding away.
Inside, I opened the box to find a letter. It was written by Sarah, probably with Rock's help, and was stained with streaks of sweat and beer.
Dear Husband,
I'm writing to let you know that I've spent the week with Rock and his friends, and that I'm doing my best
to please them. My new tits are perfect, a very full c-cup, thanks to Rock and Betty. Rock told me I've
learned to suck cock so well, and have swallowed so much biker cum, that he'd keep his promise not to
make me a freak with double-d tits. I'm really proud of them; now I look just like a Barbie. Even Betty
agrees. I want you to thank them for my new tits. I have - over and over again. They're so firm and round,
and bounce just a little when I walk or suck cock. They're wonderful - so much better than my old little titties.
Now I can be a real Barbie and make Rock of proud of me.
Last night Rock threw a celebration party for me and my new tits. He really is so good to me. He invited
three more biker clubs to a cookout, and I was the guest of honor. The guys ate steaks and drank beer
while I danced for them. They all loved my new tits too. When I got tired and sweaty from dancing, they
sprayed me with beer from head to toe to cool me off. After a while, they even let me drink some; in fact,
they wouldn't take no for an answer. I guess I drank a lot, because I don't remember too much after that.
Later, Rock let me lie down on a nice soft blanket by the fire. He told me how proud he was, and how
beautiful my face looked, covered with layers and layers of beer and cum. I couldn't take my eyes off
his; it felt so wonderful to please him. Then, his cock was inside me, stretching me, filling me with its
own praise. After a while, I couldn't help myself. His words, his cock, his strong body sliding over my wet
belly and thighs; it was just too much, and I wanted to please him so badly, to be the Barbie he wanted
me to be. Finally, it happened. I'm so sorry Darling, but I lost all control. I became Rock's fucktoy, moaning,
screaming, and thrashing while he buried his fat prick in me until he came too, filling me with stream after
stream of his hot cum.
I'll be home this evening to show you my new Barbie tits. I'm sure you'll love them as much as I do. The
tape is a present from Rock. He knew you would want to see my party. I'm so sorry you couldn't be there,
but Rock said that he wanted me to taste everyone's cum, and we all know that you wouldn't even be able
to get hard, much less cum in my mouth. Rock says your limp little dick is wasted on me, and now that I've
had biker cock, you'll never satisfy me again. It hurts when he tells me things like that. I want so much for
your cock to be big and hard like his. I want you to fuck me and make me cum like Rock can. You never
used to have trouble getting hard. I'm worried that you don't find me attractive anymore. Maybe when
you see my new Barbie tits you'll like my body again, and will be able to stay hard long enough to make
me cum. Rock says I'm a clueless little bitch when I say things like this, but I still have some hope for you.
Rock wants you to watch the tape before I get home so you can see what a good girl I was at my party.
Please do as he says so he doesn't get angry. He promises he can make both of us so much more miserable
if we don't obey him. I don't want to see you hurt, and he's capable of almost anything, as you know.
I have to go now. Betty's waiting to clean me up so I can come home to you. We've showered together every
day this week. She loves to tie my wrists to the showerhead and play with me while the hot water washes
over us. My nipples get so hard when she sucks on them. She slides her vibrator into my pussy, then my ass.
I never knew that could feel so good. I can't cum for her yet like I did with Rock, but I'm really trying hard to
please her. After the hot water is gone, she unties me and lets me lick her pussy until she cums. She says
watching me on my knees, shivering under the cold water while I eat her is my best Barbie trick yet.
Had she become the fucktoy Rock had promised to make her, or was Rock telling her what to write? I couldn't accept that she had become Barbie in such a short time. Her letter hinted that she was still Sarah, or at least a part of her was, but I still couldn't be sure, even after the third read.
The tape was four hours of endless agony. Each scene led to yet another that was almost too disgusting to watch. The four hours must have been only part of a much longer party, and God knows what the tape didn't show. But, Rock would have been sure to include the worst of the worst, knowing I would have to watch my wife offer her soft, innocent body to more men than most women would have in a lifetime.
It was dark, so dark that the only visible features were those within twenty feet of the huge bonfire. Sarah stood in front of the raging fire, her ankle held by a ten-foot chain anchored to a nearby tree trunk. She looked frightened and a little dazed as she waited nervously in her tiny, pink "Fucktoy" T-shirt and matching panties. Music blared from somewhere in the background, and an unseen crowd of bikers began to chant, "Dance, dance, dance!" She did as she was told, and I was shocked at the way she thrust her hips suggestively while running her hands up and down over her swaying body.
In just minutes the chanting turned to, "Strip, strip, strip!" Without the slightest hesitation she pulled the T-shirt up over her head and threw it into the crowd. Her new breasts jutted from her chest, two hard, round mounds that seemed to defy gravity. Rock hadn't made her a double-d cup, but the swollen bubbles of flesh looked far from natural on her tall, slim frame. Rock and Betty had succeeded in making her the closest thing to a living Barbie that I had ever seen.
She lowered the panties over her hips, letting them slide down her long thighs to the ground. She stepped out of them and tossed them into the crowd to a sudden burst of cheers and applause. She approached the crowd, dancing the best that she could until the chain stopped her. Her hands were everywhere - squeezing and twisting her hardened nipples, running seductively down over her belly, and finally trailing between her legs where two fingers disappeared into the long, narrow slit that glistened in the red light of the flames behind her.
Her dancing slowed as she masturbated for the bikers, one hand still caressing her new breasts. The crowd was in a frenzy by the time Rock appeared beside her. They hushed as he raised both hands to quiet them. He turned to Sarah and waited. She stopped and returned a look of sober uncertainty. Rock grinned and waited, until his patience grew thin. "Well? What do you say to greet a biker, Barbie? Come on, you cum- hungry little slut, use that empty head for something other than a sperm bucket!"
I could see the humiliation in her eyes as she finally understood.
"Please Rock, may I drink your cum?"
"What? Just my cum? That's not very polite, Barbie. What about your guests?"
She turned her head slowly, taking in the surrounding mass of over one hundred men, now more hungry for Barbie than steak. Her lower lip trembled, and she had to try twice to get the words out.
"P-Please let me drink everyone's cum."
The crowd went wild with cheers while the men closest to her fought to get to her waiting mouth, their bobbing erections closing in on her in a tight circle. I saw her take an immense penis in her mouth just before she disappeared behind a wall of eager volunteers and the scene faded to black.
The next scene was horrifying. The fire had died a bit, but Sarah was still chained in front of it, now alone on her knees, sobbing quietly. Her face was almost unrecognizable under the thick layer of semen. Her shoulders, breasts, and belly were slick and sticky, and globs of cum fell from her hair and chin, adding to a small puddle that formed slowly on the trampled earth before her. How long had it been? How many bikers had masturbated into her mouth and face? One hundred or more? Impossible. I just couldn't believe it.
Rock appeared next to her and helped her to her feet. He wiped the cum from her eyes with both hands, then, grinning, placed his sticky fingers on her lips until she sucked them clean.
"Time to dance for your guests again, Barbie. They're getting bored, and my parties are never boring."
She stared wildly at him, barely able to stand on her own.
"Please Rock, I don't think I can. I want to, but I'm so tired. I feel like I'm going to be sick. I've never swallowed this much cum before. Please don't make me dance again. Please Rock. I just can't."
"You whining little bitch! This is your party! And you don't even appreciate it! You really are a stupid bimbo, aren't you? AREN'T YOU?"
The muscles of his face twitched with rage as she cowered and cried.
"Yes Rock, I'm a stupid bimbo! Please don't hurt me! I'm a slut, an empty-headed cum-drinking slut. I'm sorry, I'm sooo sorry Rock. I'll do it. I'll do it for you, Rock. I'll dance for them. You'll see. I'll dance and play with myself and let them do anything they want to me. I'll - I'll. . ."
"Now that's my Barbie! We'll clean you off, and you'll be just like new again, ok?"
Sarah nodded her head, relieved and shaking.
"C'mon all you freaks! Barbie needs a shower!"
The unruly mob appeared at once out of the darkness, again closing in around her. Fifty cans popped at once, as jets of cold beer hit her from every angle. She shrieked and covered her face with both hands as the freezing spray soaked her, all the while trying to dance for Rock. He stood there and clapped as the last of the beer dripped from her body.
"Nice try Barbie! Now you get to learn a new trick. It's called a bottle dance. Now concentrate real hard, Barbie. Here's what you do."
The scene faded again, then returned. The fire burned brighter, its flames climbing high into the night sky. Sarah squatted in front of it, her naked back welcoming the heat. Rock walked to her, opened a fresh Bud long-neck, and set it on the ground under her. Slowly, carefully, she lowered herself over the bottle and sank down over the length of it, taking the slim neck inside her. Oohs and ahhs escaped the captivated crowd as she squatted naked in front of them, impaled on the cold glass. She stared straight ahead as if in a trance, then began pumping the bottle with short, furious strokes. Soon a thick foam poured from her, flowing over her slender hands in a sudden gush. She continued to shake the bottle until half the beer had escaped inside her, then removed it, brought it to her mouth, and chugged the rest.
By the third bottle, I was shaking violently, barely able to watch the degrading spectacle. Sarah was expressionless, her eyes locked somewhere in the distance, as another small piece of her was taken, used, and discarded. The scene faded after the sixth bottle.
Seconds later, Betty was beside her watching with fascinated amusement. Sarah was surrounded by more empty bottles than I could count. No longer able to squat over the bottles, she sat in the dirt with legs spread, clumsily trying to stuff one more long-neck into her reddened slit. Betty reached down and took the bottle from her, now laughing out loud.
"Why Barbie, you little slut. I think you're *****! What would your husband say if he saw you like this, trying to fuck beer bottles in the the dirt like a sow in heat?"
Sarah lowered her head in shame as beer continued to trickle from her swollen pussy onto the ground between her legs. She lost her balance, fell to one side, caught her fall with an outstretched arm, and pushed herself upright again, now looking up at Betty with tears in her eyes.
"I'm s-s-sorry, Betty. I d-don't feel so good. I-I'm just sooo dizzy. I can't - "
"'I can't, I can't, I can't.' Is that all you know how to say, slut? You're dizzy all right. You're dizzy enough to be Barbie's retarded sister! How dare you get ***** and ruin Rock's party! You're the entertainment, for Christ sake!"
"I'm s-sorry Betty. I'm d-doing the b-best I can. . .but -"
"Quit your blubbering, slut. You'll just have to do something extra now to make Rock's party a success. He gets furious when someone fucks up a good party. Do you hear me, slut? Answer me!"
"I hear you, Betty. I'll do whatever you want me to. P-please don't tell Rock I ruined his party. I'll do anything. . ."
"You're damn right you will."
Betty retrieved the end of the chain from a nearby tree, then moved the other end from Sarah's ankle to a thick leather dog collar that she secured tightly around her neck. She gave the chain a few hard tugs, then pulled Sarah to her feet.
"Since you seem to like wallowing in the dirt like an animal, you'll be my pet cunt for the rest of the evening. Tonight you're a cunt on a leash, nothing more. You'll follow me on your hands and knees wherever I go, do whatever I say, without any whining. Do you understand, Cunt?"
"Y-yes Betty. I'll try to be a good cunt for you. I promise."
"Quiet, Cunt! Unless I tell you to speak, a nod of that empty head is how you answer. Understand?"
Sarah nodded quickly, trying to focus on her instructions through a drunken haze.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Get down in the dirt where you belong!"
Sarah fell to her knees, choking and gagging when the chain pulled her collar tight. Betty chuckled, then let her have enough chain to crawl on her hands and knees. Sarah looked up, waiting for her first instructions.
"Don't look at me, Cunt! You're only a cunt, remember? Cunts don't have faces. Keep your head down, and don't embarrass the guests! Understand?"
Sarah lowered her head and nodded, not daring to look away from the beer-soaked mud beneath her.
Betty circled her a few times, inspecting her new pet.
"Oh my, Cunt. It looks like you're in heat! Your pussy's so red and juicy! Are you in heat, Cunt?"
Sarah nodded enthusiastically, remembering to keep her face lowered.
"Well, my little pet. If you behave, maybe we can find a nice big cock for you tonight. Would you like that, Cunt?"
Sarah nodded again as she felt the thick leather collar dig into the soft skin beneath it.
"I'll bet you would, you little tramp. But you have to let all those big cocks know that you're ready for them. Since you're a poor dumb animal, I'll have to teach you how. Listen carefully, Cunt.
"When you're not crawling along in the dirt, I mean each and every time we stop to visit a guest, you'll arch your back, spread your legs, and hold that wet, ripe pussy in the air, just like an animal in heat should. Now, let me see you try it."
And then, like a bitch in heat, Sarah thrust her ass in the air and spread her knees as far as she could. Her swollen labia protruded obscenely, still moist with beer. Betty had reduced her to less than an animal. She was a cunt, and only a cunt. It was a disgusting sight.
"Good, Cunt. Very good! Now for the most important part. Make that hungry little pussy move. Open and close it, again and again. C'mon, Cunt! Use the same muscles that you use to milk Rock's prick. Tighten them, then relax. Let all those big hard cocks out there see what it can do to them! That's it! Excellent! Good Cunt!"
Her pussy unfolded, then tightened, over and over, showing its wet, pink depths for a few seconds, then hiding them again with plump, freshly shaved flesh. How could I have let it come to this? Would Sarah ever be the same? Somehow, I had to stop this, before we were both changed forever.
The camera followed them as they wandered through the crowd, stopping occasionally to film Sarah silently beg for the nearest cock with her small, round ass in the air. Few of the bikers could resist. They rode her like an animal, humping her as she struggled to stay still and quiet. As the word spread, a line formed. Betty stood at the head of it, telling each waiting biker how cock-hungry her new pet was, and that the harder they fucked her, the better she liked it. One of the men slammed into her brutally, pushing her face into dirt before exploding violently inside her.
As the last biker buried his cock inside her, Betty knelt beside her, lifting Sarah's face to look into her eyes.
"Moan a little for me, my pet. Let him know how good his cock feels inside you. Moan like you moan for your husband, then moan louder, like you moan for a real man."
She began softly, with the familiar little noises I knew all too well. Betty moved closer, placing her mouth over Sarah's, stabbing at her with her tongue. She kissed her hard and deeply, muffling Sarah's quiet moans. Then came the sounds I had never heard before, deep long, throaty moans that were more like an animal's than my wife's. They grew louder and louder as Betty sucked at Sarah's mouth, and the biker plunged into her from behind. Her fragile body rocked back and forth as they invaded her from both ends, until the last of the bikers emptied his cum into her and left. The scene faded as Betty led her away at the end of her leash into the darkness.
The final scene was the worst. The party had become quiet bits of conversation here and there by those still sober enough to stay awake. The fire had died to a wide circle of glowing embers, releasing a column of gray ash and smoke into the night sky. Silhouetted by the red glow, Sarah mounted him, guiding the head of his cock between her legs. She lowered herself on it slowly, until the full length of it was buried inside her. Her eyes were locked on his, and the faint light showed just enough detail to make out Rock's sickening grin. She began to rise and fall on his rigid meat, impaling her slim body with the thick shaft of warm flesh that stretched and filled her in ways I never could. She moved faster, panting and drooling as she fucked him. Small little cries that I recognized from our own lovemaking escaped her, evenly spaced between gasping breaths. Rock urged her on, whispering to her as his gaze paralyzed her. Sarah's words stabbed at me from the darkness.
"Oh, feels so big and hard inside me...Barbie loves your cock...Barbie wants you to cum inside her...Barbie wants you to make her cum too...oh God, you're so huge...sooo good, fucking good...fuck me, Rock...fuck me harder...I'm your fucktoy...harder, Rock...please, harder...oh God, you're making me cum, Rock...I'm cumming now, Rock. . . "
In a second he was on top of her, pumping and grinding his cock inside her heaving belly. Her fingers dug into his ass as she tried to pull more of him inside. He grunted sharply as the first jet of semen entered her. Sarah moaned one last time, a long, low, guttural tone, the sound she had only made looking into my eyes. The scene faded slowly as she thrashed and cried, cumming wildly at the end of Rock's plunging prick.
A week passed without a word from Rock or Sarah. On Sunday I opened the door to find one of Rock's friends holding a small package. He thrust it toward me, hitting me in the chest with end of the cardboard box. I reached for it and took a step backward, expecting him push by me, or to at least tell me where Sarah was, or when she would be back. He just stood there and grinned, finally breaking into uncontrollable laughter before climbing on his bike and riding away.
Inside, I opened the box to find a letter. It was written by Sarah, probably with Rock's help, and was stained with streaks of sweat and beer.
Dear Husband,
I'm writing to let you know that I've spent the week with Rock and his friends, and that I'm doing my best
to please them. My new tits are perfect, a very full c-cup, thanks to Rock and Betty. Rock told me I've
learned to suck cock so well, and have swallowed so much biker cum, that he'd keep his promise not to
make me a freak with double-d tits. I'm really proud of them; now I look just like a Barbie. Even Betty
agrees. I want you to thank them for my new tits. I have - over and over again. They're so firm and round,
and bounce just a little when I walk or suck cock. They're wonderful - so much better than my old little titties.
Now I can be a real Barbie and make Rock of proud of me.
Last night Rock threw a celebration party for me and my new tits. He really is so good to me. He invited
three more biker clubs to a cookout, and I was the guest of honor. The guys ate steaks and drank beer
while I danced for them. They all loved my new tits too. When I got tired and sweaty from dancing, they
sprayed me with beer from head to toe to cool me off. After a while, they even let me drink some; in fact,
they wouldn't take no for an answer. I guess I drank a lot, because I don't remember too much after that.
Later, Rock let me lie down on a nice soft blanket by the fire. He told me how proud he was, and how
beautiful my face looked, covered with layers and layers of beer and cum. I couldn't take my eyes off
his; it felt so wonderful to please him. Then, his cock was inside me, stretching me, filling me with its
own praise. After a while, I couldn't help myself. His words, his cock, his strong body sliding over my wet
belly and thighs; it was just too much, and I wanted to please him so badly, to be the Barbie he wanted
me to be. Finally, it happened. I'm so sorry Darling, but I lost all control. I became Rock's fucktoy, moaning,
screaming, and thrashing while he buried his fat prick in me until he came too, filling me with stream after
stream of his hot cum.
I'll be home this evening to show you my new Barbie tits. I'm sure you'll love them as much as I do. The
tape is a present from Rock. He knew you would want to see my party. I'm so sorry you couldn't be there,
but Rock said that he wanted me to taste everyone's cum, and we all know that you wouldn't even be able
to get hard, much less cum in my mouth. Rock says your limp little dick is wasted on me, and now that I've
had biker cock, you'll never satisfy me again. It hurts when he tells me things like that. I want so much for
your cock to be big and hard like his. I want you to fuck me and make me cum like Rock can. You never
used to have trouble getting hard. I'm worried that you don't find me attractive anymore. Maybe when
you see my new Barbie tits you'll like my body again, and will be able to stay hard long enough to make
me cum. Rock says I'm a clueless little bitch when I say things like this, but I still have some hope for you.
Rock wants you to watch the tape before I get home so you can see what a good girl I was at my party.
Please do as he says so he doesn't get angry. He promises he can make both of us so much more miserable
if we don't obey him. I don't want to see you hurt, and he's capable of almost anything, as you know.
I have to go now. Betty's waiting to clean me up so I can come home to you. We've showered together every
day this week. She loves to tie my wrists to the showerhead and play with me while the hot water washes
over us. My nipples get so hard when she sucks on them. She slides her vibrator into my pussy, then my ass.
I never knew that could feel so good. I can't cum for her yet like I did with Rock, but I'm really trying hard to
please her. After the hot water is gone, she unties me and lets me lick her pussy until she cums. She says
watching me on my knees, shivering under the cold water while I eat her is my best Barbie trick yet.
Had she become the fucktoy Rock had promised to make her, or was Rock telling her what to write? I couldn't accept that she had become Barbie in such a short time. Her letter hinted that she was still Sarah, or at least a part of her was, but I still couldn't be sure, even after the third read.
The tape was four hours of endless agony. Each scene led to yet another that was almost too disgusting to watch. The four hours must have been only part of a much longer party, and God knows what the tape didn't show. But, Rock would have been sure to include the worst of the worst, knowing I would have to watch my wife offer her soft, innocent body to more men than most women would have in a lifetime.
It was dark, so dark that the only visible features were those within twenty feet of the huge bonfire. Sarah stood in front of the raging fire, her ankle held by a ten-foot chain anchored to a nearby tree trunk. She looked frightened and a little dazed as she waited nervously in her tiny, pink "Fucktoy" T-shirt and matching panties. Music blared from somewhere in the background, and an unseen crowd of bikers began to chant, "Dance, dance, dance!" She did as she was told, and I was shocked at the way she thrust her hips suggestively while running her hands up and down over her swaying body.
In just minutes the chanting turned to, "Strip, strip, strip!" Without the slightest hesitation she pulled the T-shirt up over her head and threw it into the crowd. Her new breasts jutted from her chest, two hard, round mounds that seemed to defy gravity. Rock hadn't made her a double-d cup, but the swollen bubbles of flesh looked far from natural on her tall, slim frame. Rock and Betty had succeeded in making her the closest thing to a living Barbie that I had ever seen.
She lowered the panties over her hips, letting them slide down her long thighs to the ground. She stepped out of them and tossed them into the crowd to a sudden burst of cheers and applause. She approached the crowd, dancing the best that she could until the chain stopped her. Her hands were everywhere - squeezing and twisting her hardened nipples, running seductively down over her belly, and finally trailing between her legs where two fingers disappeared into the long, narrow slit that glistened in the red light of the flames behind her.
Her dancing slowed as she masturbated for the bikers, one hand still caressing her new breasts. The crowd was in a frenzy by the time Rock appeared beside her. They hushed as he raised both hands to quiet them. He turned to Sarah and waited. She stopped and returned a look of sober uncertainty. Rock grinned and waited, until his patience grew thin. "Well? What do you say to greet a biker, Barbie? Come on, you cum- hungry little slut, use that empty head for something other than a sperm bucket!"
I could see the humiliation in her eyes as she finally understood.
"Please Rock, may I drink your cum?"
"What? Just my cum? That's not very polite, Barbie. What about your guests?"
She turned her head slowly, taking in the surrounding mass of over one hundred men, now more hungry for Barbie than steak. Her lower lip trembled, and she had to try twice to get the words out.
"P-Please let me drink everyone's cum."
The crowd went wild with cheers while the men closest to her fought to get to her waiting mouth, their bobbing erections closing in on her in a tight circle. I saw her take an immense penis in her mouth just before she disappeared behind a wall of eager volunteers and the scene faded to black.
The next scene was horrifying. The fire had died a bit, but Sarah was still chained in front of it, now alone on her knees, sobbing quietly. Her face was almost unrecognizable under the thick layer of semen. Her shoulders, breasts, and belly were slick and sticky, and globs of cum fell from her hair and chin, adding to a small puddle that formed slowly on the trampled earth before her. How long had it been? How many bikers had masturbated into her mouth and face? One hundred or more? Impossible. I just couldn't believe it.
Rock appeared next to her and helped her to her feet. He wiped the cum from her eyes with both hands, then, grinning, placed his sticky fingers on her lips until she sucked them clean.
"Time to dance for your guests again, Barbie. They're getting bored, and my parties are never boring."
She stared wildly at him, barely able to stand on her own.
"Please Rock, I don't think I can. I want to, but I'm so tired. I feel like I'm going to be sick. I've never swallowed this much cum before. Please don't make me dance again. Please Rock. I just can't."
"You whining little bitch! This is your party! And you don't even appreciate it! You really are a stupid bimbo, aren't you? AREN'T YOU?"
The muscles of his face twitched with rage as she cowered and cried.
"Yes Rock, I'm a stupid bimbo! Please don't hurt me! I'm a slut, an empty-headed cum-drinking slut. I'm sorry, I'm sooo sorry Rock. I'll do it. I'll do it for you, Rock. I'll dance for them. You'll see. I'll dance and play with myself and let them do anything they want to me. I'll - I'll. . ."
"Now that's my Barbie! We'll clean you off, and you'll be just like new again, ok?"
Sarah nodded her head, relieved and shaking.
"C'mon all you freaks! Barbie needs a shower!"
The unruly mob appeared at once out of the darkness, again closing in around her. Fifty cans popped at once, as jets of cold beer hit her from every angle. She shrieked and covered her face with both hands as the freezing spray soaked her, all the while trying to dance for Rock. He stood there and clapped as the last of the beer dripped from her body.
"Nice try Barbie! Now you get to learn a new trick. It's called a bottle dance. Now concentrate real hard, Barbie. Here's what you do."
The scene faded again, then returned. The fire burned brighter, its flames climbing high into the night sky. Sarah squatted in front of it, her naked back welcoming the heat. Rock walked to her, opened a fresh Bud long-neck, and set it on the ground under her. Slowly, carefully, she lowered herself over the bottle and sank down over the length of it, taking the slim neck inside her. Oohs and ahhs escaped the captivated crowd as she squatted naked in front of them, impaled on the cold glass. She stared straight ahead as if in a trance, then began pumping the bottle with short, furious strokes. Soon a thick foam poured from her, flowing over her slender hands in a sudden gush. She continued to shake the bottle until half the beer had escaped inside her, then removed it, brought it to her mouth, and chugged the rest.
By the third bottle, I was shaking violently, barely able to watch the degrading spectacle. Sarah was expressionless, her eyes locked somewhere in the distance, as another small piece of her was taken, used, and discarded. The scene faded after the sixth bottle.
Seconds later, Betty was beside her watching with fascinated amusement. Sarah was surrounded by more empty bottles than I could count. No longer able to squat over the bottles, she sat in the dirt with legs spread, clumsily trying to stuff one more long-neck into her reddened slit. Betty reached down and took the bottle from her, now laughing out loud.
"Why Barbie, you little slut. I think you're *****! What would your husband say if he saw you like this, trying to fuck beer bottles in the the dirt like a sow in heat?"
Sarah lowered her head in shame as beer continued to trickle from her swollen pussy onto the ground between her legs. She lost her balance, fell to one side, caught her fall with an outstretched arm, and pushed herself upright again, now looking up at Betty with tears in her eyes.
"I'm s-s-sorry, Betty. I d-don't feel so good. I-I'm just sooo dizzy. I can't - "
"'I can't, I can't, I can't.' Is that all you know how to say, slut? You're dizzy all right. You're dizzy enough to be Barbie's retarded sister! How dare you get ***** and ruin Rock's party! You're the entertainment, for Christ sake!"
"I'm s-sorry Betty. I'm d-doing the b-best I can. . .but -"
"Quit your blubbering, slut. You'll just have to do something extra now to make Rock's party a success. He gets furious when someone fucks up a good party. Do you hear me, slut? Answer me!"
"I hear you, Betty. I'll do whatever you want me to. P-please don't tell Rock I ruined his party. I'll do anything. . ."
"You're damn right you will."
Betty retrieved the end of the chain from a nearby tree, then moved the other end from Sarah's ankle to a thick leather dog collar that she secured tightly around her neck. She gave the chain a few hard tugs, then pulled Sarah to her feet.
"Since you seem to like wallowing in the dirt like an animal, you'll be my pet cunt for the rest of the evening. Tonight you're a cunt on a leash, nothing more. You'll follow me on your hands and knees wherever I go, do whatever I say, without any whining. Do you understand, Cunt?"
"Y-yes Betty. I'll try to be a good cunt for you. I promise."
"Quiet, Cunt! Unless I tell you to speak, a nod of that empty head is how you answer. Understand?"
Sarah nodded quickly, trying to focus on her instructions through a drunken haze.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Get down in the dirt where you belong!"
Sarah fell to her knees, choking and gagging when the chain pulled her collar tight. Betty chuckled, then let her have enough chain to crawl on her hands and knees. Sarah looked up, waiting for her first instructions.
"Don't look at me, Cunt! You're only a cunt, remember? Cunts don't have faces. Keep your head down, and don't embarrass the guests! Understand?"
Sarah lowered her head and nodded, not daring to look away from the beer-soaked mud beneath her.
Betty circled her a few times, inspecting her new pet.
"Oh my, Cunt. It looks like you're in heat! Your pussy's so red and juicy! Are you in heat, Cunt?"
Sarah nodded enthusiastically, remembering to keep her face lowered.
"Well, my little pet. If you behave, maybe we can find a nice big cock for you tonight. Would you like that, Cunt?"
Sarah nodded again as she felt the thick leather collar dig into the soft skin beneath it.
"I'll bet you would, you little tramp. But you have to let all those big cocks know that you're ready for them. Since you're a poor dumb animal, I'll have to teach you how. Listen carefully, Cunt.
"When you're not crawling along in the dirt, I mean each and every time we stop to visit a guest, you'll arch your back, spread your legs, and hold that wet, ripe pussy in the air, just like an animal in heat should. Now, let me see you try it."
And then, like a bitch in heat, Sarah thrust her ass in the air and spread her knees as far as she could. Her swollen labia protruded obscenely, still moist with beer. Betty had reduced her to less than an animal. She was a cunt, and only a cunt. It was a disgusting sight.
"Good, Cunt. Very good! Now for the most important part. Make that hungry little pussy move. Open and close it, again and again. C'mon, Cunt! Use the same muscles that you use to milk Rock's prick. Tighten them, then relax. Let all those big hard cocks out there see what it can do to them! That's it! Excellent! Good Cunt!"
Her pussy unfolded, then tightened, over and over, showing its wet, pink depths for a few seconds, then hiding them again with plump, freshly shaved flesh. How could I have let it come to this? Would Sarah ever be the same? Somehow, I had to stop this, before we were both changed forever.
The camera followed them as they wandered through the crowd, stopping occasionally to film Sarah silently beg for the nearest cock with her small, round ass in the air. Few of the bikers could resist. They rode her like an animal, humping her as she struggled to stay still and quiet. As the word spread, a line formed. Betty stood at the head of it, telling each waiting biker how cock-hungry her new pet was, and that the harder they fucked her, the better she liked it. One of the men slammed into her brutally, pushing her face into dirt before exploding violently inside her.
As the last biker buried his cock inside her, Betty knelt beside her, lifting Sarah's face to look into her eyes.
"Moan a little for me, my pet. Let him know how good his cock feels inside you. Moan like you moan for your husband, then moan louder, like you moan for a real man."
She began softly, with the familiar little noises I knew all too well. Betty moved closer, placing her mouth over Sarah's, stabbing at her with her tongue. She kissed her hard and deeply, muffling Sarah's quiet moans. Then came the sounds I had never heard before, deep long, throaty moans that were more like an animal's than my wife's. They grew louder and louder as Betty sucked at Sarah's mouth, and the biker plunged into her from behind. Her fragile body rocked back and forth as they invaded her from both ends, until the last of the bikers emptied his cum into her and left. The scene faded as Betty led her away at the end of her leash into the darkness.
The final scene was the worst. The party had become quiet bits of conversation here and there by those still sober enough to stay awake. The fire had died to a wide circle of glowing embers, releasing a column of gray ash and smoke into the night sky. Silhouetted by the red glow, Sarah mounted him, guiding the head of his cock between her legs. She lowered herself on it slowly, until the full length of it was buried inside her. Her eyes were locked on his, and the faint light showed just enough detail to make out Rock's sickening grin. She began to rise and fall on his rigid meat, impaling her slim body with the thick shaft of warm flesh that stretched and filled her in ways I never could. She moved faster, panting and drooling as she fucked him. Small little cries that I recognized from our own lovemaking escaped her, evenly spaced between gasping breaths. Rock urged her on, whispering to her as his gaze paralyzed her. Sarah's words stabbed at me from the darkness.
"Oh, feels so big and hard inside me...Barbie loves your cock...Barbie wants you to cum inside her...Barbie wants you to make her cum too...oh God, you're so huge...sooo good, fucking good...fuck me, Rock...fuck me harder...I'm your fucktoy...harder, Rock...please, harder...oh God, you're making me cum, Rock...I'm cumming now, Rock. . . "
In a second he was on top of her, pumping and grinding his cock inside her heaving belly. Her fingers dug into his ass as she tried to pull more of him inside. He grunted sharply as the first jet of semen entered her. Sarah moaned one last time, a long, low, guttural tone, the sound she had only made looking into my eyes. The scene faded slowly as she thrashed and cried, cumming wildly at the end of Rock's plunging prick.