Nicola saw a new teacher today running around the school. Tonight she will find herself in a bar with this same man and more. Her husband will be at home ******* of the debauchery. Reach out if you want to see your wife in a similar situation.
Nicola always prided herself on two things, being a great wife and an excellent teacher. She had been married to the same man for the better part of 15 years and teaching nearly as long. Her high school students always said that she was their favorite and she came into each new school year with the expectation of surpassing her standards from the last year. Each year she had to deal with the same things. The students hitting on her and the male teachers doing the same. She knew that she was attractive and while her husband Kevin told her so every day, she knew that she couldn’t get a big ego because of it. When all was said and done, she wasn’t going to be respected because she had tits that defied gravity but because she was smart enough to know when and how hard to push herself and her students. Nicola played in bed as her alarm went off. She always set it to the radio so that she didn’t start her day with a harsh tone but rather the melody of one of her favorite artists. She enjoyed the idea of Eric Clapton or Matchbox Twenty serenading her as she woke up, it put her in a good mood.
She rolled out of bed as Kevin began to stir next to her and walked to their bathroom. While taking off her black tank top and thong panties that she wore to bed she looked herself in the mirror. She took stock of her body and her face. She used today as the gauge of her aging. The first day of school seemed appropriate, there would be new faces and they will all be in her class for the first time. Some will have remembered her briefly from last year and some may not but either way she always wanted to look her best. She hopped in the shower and let her mind wander through her list of things to get done today and absent-mindedly washed herself. She was completely oblivious to the fact that Kevin stood outside the shower enjoying the show. ‘Man, I could sell tickets to this show and neither one of us would ever have to work again!’ Kevin thought as he watched his wife soap up. Her petite frame seems to glisten and glow as the water slid effortlessly over her body. Her blond hair was slick with the water that had been run through it and rested on her shoulders. Kevin still found her to be extremely attractive but had started to like the idea of her with other men but only as a fantasy. The actual idea of her cheating on him made him extremely jealous.
Nicola had her eyes closed but something told her that she wasn’t in the bathroom alone any longer. “If you’re going to just watch then the least you could do is wash my back for me.” She stated without opening her eyes. Kevin didn’t need any more encouragement and hopped in the shower behind her. He took the soap and lather up a loofa and went to work on her back. His imagination was going wild thinking about all the men that would be undressing her today. His cock was growing, and she felt him press against her ass. “You’re incorrigible, you know that? How am I supposed to get clean if you are just going to rub your dick all over me?” She told him as she turned around to face him. “You need to put that thing away.” She lifted her leg up and put it around Kevin’s hip then with one hand she reached between them and guided his cock into her pussy. “What has you so worked up today?” She asked him as she began sliding him in and out of her.
“You just looked so beautiful in here that I couldn’t help it.” He told her. He knew he wouldn’t last long. He either seemed to struggle with cumming to early or not keeping his dick harder. Today the issue was cumming to early. Before he wanted to, he could feel himself losing the battle with her pussy. He pushed his load as deep inside of her as he could then as his cock lost its rigidity it slipped out of her and hung uselessly between his legs.
“Now I have to worry about your cum in me today as well? Great!” She said sarcastically as she was already in the process of cleaning herself again. She allowed the cum to slide out of her and down her legs then as she neared the end of the shower, she kicked Kevin out then cleaned the remaining cum off her legs and checked to make sure no more was coming out of her. She turned off the water and dried herself off in front of the mirror over their sink. “Are my tits saggy?” She asked Kevin who had gone in the other room already. She was lifting each one up in turn and then releasing it to let it drop into place. As she got older, she had seen many of her friends lose the fight with gravity and so far, she had been immune to his grasp, but she wondered for how long.
Kevin walked back in and looked at her lifting and releasing her breasts and forgot how to talk. “Well?” Nicola asked him.
“If that’s what you consider saggy than I would hate to hear what you think is happening to Shelly next door. Her tits are almost to her knees.” Kevin said with a grin as he started reaching for one of her soft pink nipples. Nicola playfully slapped his hand away and walked out of the bathroom. She rummaged through her underwear drawer and pulled out a pair of ‘Cheeksters’ style panties. She liked how they showcased her ass but also gave her the sense that she wasn’t just out there for the world to see. They were light blue and cotton, but they felt great as she pulled them on. When Kevin gave these to her at the end of the school year last year she laughed and thought that she would be tossing them in the trash before the start of school. The writing on the back said, ‘Hot for Teacher’ in white script and that worked for their roleplaying but wasn’t typically her style. Since then though she’s found herself wearing them more and more because of how comfortable and sexy they were. Most of her underwear was thongs and she knew they didn’t show up when she wore pants or her tighter skirts but they often felt uncomfortable, especially when she was very horny and she would feel the fabric rub across her clit as she moved around the class or sit or stand or even when she would bend over.
Often when she wore thongs to work, she would have to play with herself in the bathroom stall of the faculty break room between classes. This was always chancy because between classes it was always filled with the other teachers and while it was exciting, she didn’t want them gossiping about her. Today she felt that even though Kevin got her motor started that she wouldn’t need to play during school hours. After she put on one of her black lace bras and adjusted her breasts she went to her closet and pulled out a cute red dress. It had a collared neckline with short sleeve arms and white polka dots covering the entire outfit. She slipped it on and was smoothing it out as Kevin came into the room. He Looked her up and down and realized even after 15 years he still assessed her like a piece of meat at the market. He knew that other men did as well. He took pleasure in watching it happen and always knew that at the end of the day she either didn’t care about the attention or was oblivious to it. “Lookin’ good babe!” He told her while shaking his hand in a mimic to touching a hot stove. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t get asked out by more than one of your students and a few teachers as well. But be sure to come home to me.” He continued.
Nicola laughed his comments off and walked to the door he had walked through to their room. She stretched up and kissed him on the lips then continued past him to the kitchen. Kevin had already filled up her to go cup with hot coffee. “Two sugars and cream right babe?” She called back to the bedroom. She knew he would be back in bed again because on days like this he didn’t move to quickly except to get her day started right.
“Unless you don’t like it that way and didn’t tell me.” Was the reply that came back to her. “Have a great first day Hun.” He then said through the open door.
“Don’t forget, you’re taking me out to dinner tonight. Our therapist said that we need to make sure we take time for ourselves in order to keep our marriage alive.” Nicola told him as she was walking out the door. She grabbed an umbrella, a small bag for her workout clothes, if she wanted to work out on her free period and a sweater, then said, “Love you, talk later.” She then closed and locked their front door and walked to her car. At her car she placed the cup on the roof of the sedan and used her free hand to open her rear door. She placed everything she had grabbed at the door in the car then closed the door. She then opened her driver’s door and as she sat in her seat, she felt the skirt ride up her leg and she noticed how dangerously high the skirt had ridden but she was in her own car alone, so she left it and backed out. As she drove away, she was happy, and she got distracted at something she thought that she forgot.
Suddenly she saw red and blue lights light up behind her and give her a playful ‘BLIP, BLIP’ then the lights went off as she pulled over. Nicola was scared. She had just left her house and didn’t know what she could have done. The officer walked to her window then said, “In a hurry ma’am?” He looked in her car and Nicola watched as his eyes completely passed her own eyes and settled on her toned legs and as she looked in her lap, she saw her blue panties just peeking out of a gap where the buttons of her dress met. Nicola reached down and pulled the hem, so she was not as displayed.
“Was I speeding Rick?” She said playfully and with familiarity. She knew Rick and when she saw him, she was relieved. Rick was a neighbor a few doors down and up until now they had simply been a wave and brief hello as Kevin and herself walked around the neighborhood. In their predominantly white neighborhood, it was rare to have a black neighbor like Rick but even rarer still was that he was a cop. As she was looking up at him, she was a little taken aback by the sheer mass of him. He seemed to fill up her window and intimidated her.
Rick broke his gaze at her soft white thighs and looked her in the eyes as his hand went to the top of her cars roof. “I love pulling over pretty white wives to hit on whenever I can.” He told her with a wide smile that suddenly broke into a deep and genuine laughter. He pulled the hand on her roof and held her coffee in his large hand. She instantly felt ridiculous and reached for it. As they passed the cup their hands slid by each other and Nicola felt electricity from his touch. She felt it so strongly that a shiver ran down her spine and goosebumps rose on her thighs and arms. “Have a good day Nicola. Wish I had you as my teacher in school. I still wouldn’t have passed but at least I would have enjoyed the view while I failed.” He said as he smacked the top of her car, took one last look at her and walked back to his cruiser. She settled herself as she felt the remaining adrenaline from being pulled over drained from her body.
‘So much for not getting worked up today’ she thought as she watched Rick drive past her. She put her car in drive and was behind him for about a mile before she turned down a different street and soon arrived at her school. She got out and walked in. She loved catching up with her fellow teachers and the returning students she remembered. She got a lot of hugs and high-fives throughout the first half of the day. During lunch she returned to her car and drove to a local deli for a sandwich. When she returned, she parked her car in an open spot that was directly in front of the track. Running around the track was an unfamiliar face. He had dark hair cut short and professional and a well-maintained beard. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but he didn’t need to. He was in great shape; his body was lean and athletic. It wasn’t skinny fat like Kevin’s or Weightlifter big like Ricks. This mystery man reminded her of how Jared Leto looked in Fight Club and she spent many years thinking about him as Kevin would fuck her or when she found herself alone.
His arms and torso were filled with tattoos and while she couldn’t tell what they were from this far away she still found herself absent-mindedly running her fingers up and down her thigh. She was moving them higher and higher as she watched him run laps around the track in his shorts and the sweat glistening off his chest. Nicola looked around her car then folded up her dress to her waist, ******** her panties. She opened her legs as far as the confined space would allow and pushed a hand down her delicate underwear. She slid past her neatly trimmed bush and already found her clit hardened and her pussy creating more than enough moisture to make this an easy task. She pushed two of her fingers inside up to the knuckle and gasped audibly then pushed her other hand inside her panties and attacked her engorged clit.
She was ruthless when it came to her own pleasure and she was moaning loudly until she felt herself climax then she removed her hands and found them soaked with the juice from her pussy. Her mystery man was finishing up and drying off and she realized she had spent her entire lunch playing with herself and didn’t eat. She raced back inside and, in her haste, didn’t notice the person pulling the door at the same time she arrived. She basically ran directly into him and only then did she look up and realize that it was her runner. He was now in a long-sleeved burgundy button-down collared shirt and beige slacks. “Are you new here?” She asked him.
“I am. Names Garrett, and yours?” He said as he held out his hand.
“I’m Nicola, pleased to meet you.” She replied and took his hand in hers; she smiled warmly and shook it gently. “Isn’t it difficult being in long-sleeves when you’re so hot?” She said then realized her error and tried to correct it as she pulled her hand away. “When it’s so hot out. I meant.”
Garret laughed out loud, his laugh was infectious and the smile on his face was the kind of smile that took over his entire face and lit up the area. It was contagious and Nicola found herself laughing as well. As he calmed down, he said, “Thank you for that. I love laughing. I wear this because I find that if the kids could get distracted with the tattoos on my arms. I wasn’t always a strait-laced teacher and before this I had quite the past. What kind of perfume are you wearing? It’s very enticing.” Garrett asked.
“Tattoos huh?” She asked as she raised an eyebrow, “Also, I’m not wearing perfume.” She added onto her statement.
“Are you sure?” He smelled his hand that he shook hers. She watched this happen then had a realization on what it was he was smelling. She watched frozen as he reached out for her hand and smelled it on her fingers. “There it is. It’s very familiar and smells fantastic.” He told her as he released her hand and watched him open the door and hold it for her. She blushed so much that the color on her face almost matched the deep red of her dress.
She passed him at the door as he held it. “Thank you, It’s a new lotion of mine. Pleasure to meet you, see you later.” She said but couldn’t bring herself to look in his green eyes before she hurried away down the hall back to her class. She hid in her class and taught the rest of her classes uninterrupted until the final bell rang. As she was gathering her stuff a friend name Erik walked in with an invitation.
“One of the new guys wants to start a new custom. He’s saying that every Friday we should get a bunch of us teachers together and hit one of the towns dive bars. I told him that I was up for it and that I would drag you along with me. I’ve always wanted to check them out, but I know with my sensitive nature I wouldn’t last in there alone. You better come bitch, or I’ll slash your tires.” He told her and smiled as he held her hands then lifted them and smelled them and gave her a strange look. “Really Nicola, It’s the first damn day. What could have worked you up so much already.” He said to her.
“I’m not sure. It was all kinds of sudden, but it happened and here we are. Who was it that recommended the new idea?” She asked.
Erik was Nicola’s sounding board and she had told him years ago that she sometimes had to blow off steam in the middle of the day. He thought it was hilarious and him and his husband often laughed about it when they would all have lunch together. Erik’s husband was the Principal and loved the idea of being in charge of Erik at work but being submissive to him at home. He was the replacement after the previous Principal got caught up in a sex for money issue with a few of the students.
“That new drink of delicious, Garrett. If only he was batting for my team, I would ask for a switch hitter for my dull husband. You are most definitely coming on Friday.” He said before he turned on his heel and walked out of the door.
The rest of the day was a blur as she drove home then went out for dinner with Kevin. She talked in parsed words and the entire time her mind kept wandering back to Garrett. The more she thought about him the hornier she seemed to get and that night as they returned from the restaurant, she stopped Kevin before he opened the door to their car. She reached over after unbuckling his belt and unzipped his pants. Expertly she removed his still soft penis and began stroking it up and down. Kevin sat quietly and watched this happen. He was afraid to move for fear of breaking her trance and scaring her inside to stop altogether. As his dick began to harden, she leaned down and took him in her mouth. She bobbed up and down getting his dick and pants all wet with the amount of saliva that was coming out of her mouth.
Once she felt her was as hard as he was going to get, she laid her seat back and told him that she needed to fuck right then and there. He found a way to traverse the center console dividing them and took his place uncomfortably between her legs. She pulled her little blue panties to the side and guided his cock into her waiting hole. He began sliding effortlessly in and out of her. He looked at her face and saw that she kept her eyes tightly closed. “Ugh, ugh, ugh.” He heard her grunting and moaning as he pushed inside. “Smell my perfume” she said as she held her pussy drenched hand up to Kevin’s nose. “Doesn’t it smell good?” She asked.
“Fuck, yes it smells so good. I love the smell of your pussy. Oh shit, I’m about to cum.” He told her as he was almost to the precipice of his own excitement.
“Oh god me too. Just a little more Garrett. Please just a little more, I can take it.” She cooed in his ear. At the sounding of his name her eyes shot open wide and she struggled to recover with a lie that he might believe but before that came to mind she was rocked by a wonderful orgasm that left her fluids running down the crack of her ass into the back of her panties and finally into the seat in the car. Kevin had also finished with her at the sounding of the name that was far from his and he didn’t know why that could have sent him over the edge.
They both sat silently in their cramped position. Both looking at each other but neither wanting to speak. Nicola broke the ice. “You know I always thought that Garrett Hedlund from that Tron movie was so sexy? I thought you wouldn’t mind me trying out a fantasy of sleeping with a celebrity. Do you?” She asked after her lie. She hoped that he would believe it and not the reality that she was fantasizing of a Jared Leto type of body all tattooed up and hard at work between her legs.
“I was thinking that that must have been it. I’ve never heard of another Garrett before or since seeing him in the movie.” Kevin replied.
“Oh yeah, It’s not that common at all.” She said as they opened the door on the passenger side, and both tumbled out ungracefully in the dark of their driveway. They hurried inside and made it to bed without talking to each other much more.
The week seemed to fly by for Nicola and Friday was fast approaching. Erik kept popping by and counting down the days until Friday finally arrived. “Tonight’s the night Bitch!” He sang as he danced into her room. ‘Oh, is that what you’re gonna wear? The men are all gonna be drooling, especially if you bend over in that thing. Let’s see it without this stuffy sweater.” He said.
Nicola looked down at her outfit. She was wearing a simple white dress. Similar to the red polka dot dress from Monday but this was a light cotton material with buttons down the center to her waist. Kevin told her many times that in the right light the top was quite transparent. The skirt portion was also cotton and ended just about her knees. She always enjoyed how it laid when she wore it and it felt softer than any other dress she owned. To keep people from seeing through her top she would wear a small pink cardigan buttoned up except for the top three buttons. That way you could see her dress but not what she was wearing under the dress. Now as Erik told her to remove the sweater, she unbuttoned it slowly and played it like she was giving him a striptease.
Once she removed the sweater, she tossed it on her desk haphazardly and faced Erik with her hands on her hips triumphantly. “Sexy bra sweet. What is that, Lace?” He asked as he walked toward her and pulled her shirt out and looked down her top.
“My god Erik, if you and I weren’t friends and you weren’t so gay I would have to file a sexual harassment claim against you.” She said as she slapped his hands away and pulled her top to her chest.
“That’s true but really, I’m just making sure that you look like the tastiest treat at the bar tonight. I know you aren’t on the menu but it’s so much fun to watch the dogs beg for scraps isn’t it?” He asked her. She only smiled slyly and nodded as she thought about their previous trips to bars where Erik played a spectacular wingman and they laughed heartily at the end of all those nights. “Are you wearing matching panties as well?” He asked.
“Yes, yes I am.” She replied.
“Well don’t you look like a slutty virgin bride all in white.” He responded as he looked at her sideways from eyes to legs then back to her eyes. “Come on you hussy it’s time we get going or all the good seats will be taken.” He told her as he grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door. She barely had time to grab her small purse before he dragged her out of the classroom. Outside, Erik and her walked to his car and climbed in. As Erik drove away from the school and they chatted like the good friends they were Nicola lowered the visor on her side to allow her to see how she looked. What she saw was her typical schoolteacher look. She kept her hair in a ponytail to keep it from distracting her during the lessons and her purple rimmed glasses that helped her read better.
She pulled the elastic band holding her hair back and as it fell around her face it still held a pinch in the hair where the band had restricted it all day. She ran her fingers through her blonde hair and shook it back and forth. When she stopped and looked again her hair fell in simple waves. It was messy but to her it seemed to work. Next, she removed her glasses. She could see fine without them and typically only needed them to read. She put the glasses in her purse and the elastic around her wrist then looked over at Erik as he drove. “How do I look you slut?” She asked him.
“That’s funny, you calling me a slut, when it’s you that looks like a lioness out looking for a kill. You look like you’re gonna have trouble getting out of there tonight.” He replied back after stealing a look over at her while he drove. In short order they arrived outside of the bar they were meeting at. The bar stood separate from the other surrounding buildings and was in a more derelict part of the city. There were no windows on the building and from what they could see only a double-doored front entrance and a small back door both the front and back door looked like they had started with glass inserts by now only had plywood panels and graffiti covering the doors. The parking lot was white gravel and as Erik drove over it, they heard and felt the constant crunch under the wheels until he found a spot and put the car in park. Both Erik and Nicola looked around the parking lot and recognized a few other familiar cars and all of them seemed to still have their occupants in them. She watched as Tasha, Katy and Rachel climbed out of Rachels car and Adam and Brett came together. The other cars were empty and still.
The teachers all gathered together about 20 yards from the front doors of the bar and looked at each other apprehensively. Adam and Brett took this chance to look over the teachers and away from school they felt safer to really stare at Nicola’s body. She saw their looks and felt naked under their gaze. This feeling was broken when the front doors swung open at the same time and Garrett walked out like he owned all the space around him. He had changed from his professional look at school and now sported a T-shirt with ripped off sleeves from a concert for a band called Social Distortion and the concert date emblazoned on the shirt was five years ago. Paired with that he was wearing a pair of well-worn jeans. The material in different areas was threadbare and soft from years of wear. With those he had a pair of thick work boots with scuffs and scrapes all over them. His look didn’t resemble the other teachers and they all seemed conflicted when he approached them.
“Garrett?” Nicola asked him as he neared them.
“Who else would it be?” He said.
“You look very different from earlier today. I guess this is what you meant by the kids being distracted.” She stated as she caught herself looking at the sleeves of tattoos and wondering how long it took him to get them and how much it hurt. She was able to break her own fog of thought in time to see him watch her as she was staring. Then she averted her gaze to where the other ladies were standing, and they were all pointing at him and whispering to each other. Nicola liked them but suddenly felt territorial over Garrett. She wasn’t sure why, but she walked up to him and reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her breasts into his chest.
She then felt his arms wrap around her small waist just above the swell of her ass. He let his hands rest comfortable at the crook of her lower back and her ass. She then broke the hug and wrapped her arm into one of his and walked him toward the door of the bar. When she looked back, she saw that the girls hadn’t moved but that Brett and Adam followed them, and Erik tailed behind them. Inside she tried to see what happened to the girls and asked Erik once he made his way to her. He told her that “They scared each other out of coming in and decided instead to head back into the good part of town and get a Mimosa together where they weren’t going to catch a needle.”
At this Nicola rolled her eyes and Erik replied by hitting her lightly on the arm and said, “I know right?”
The five of them found a table in the middle of the bar with high seats and as soon as everyone was seated Garrett stood up and went to the bar. He returned a few moments later with a tray filled with shots and bottles of beer. “I have to admit a secret to y’all, I’ve been here before. In fact, I know just about everyone in here.” He told them as he passed around bottles of beer and shots to each of them. They all looked at each other held up their glasses and toasted.
“To new friends and a new year at school!” Nicola said as she looked over at Garrett who clinked her glass first then the others before he took his shot then drank his entire beer. He then encouraged everyone else do the same thing before returning to the bar and back again with another round. He repeated this a few times and already they all felt the effects of the drinks.
Erik’s phone rang and he told Nicola that he had to leave and that she should come with him. Garrett overheard his conversation and offered to bring her home later, if she wanted to. Erik thought he looked dangerous sexy but also safe and nice and looked to Nicola to make up her mind. “I’ll just catch a ride from him later. No worries, I’ll text you when I get home tonight.” She told him as she hugged Erik and kissed him goodbye. Erik walked to the door of the bar then turned around to look over the bar one last time and it looked like a pack of Hyenas here all looking at their center table and he felt a chill run down his back before he slipped out into the night air.
After Erik left Brett and Adam were starting to look green around the gills and soon also had to leave. Nicola ordered them an Uber and they left her alone without saying a word of concern for her in this dive bar in a shitty part of town. Nicolas blond hair and white dress shone like neon lights in the bar filled with blacks and rubbed brass. Garrett let them all leave before returning to the table with more drinks for them and after placing the drinks on the table he moved his chair closer to Nicola and placed his hand on her thigh. “You know I’m married Garrett? Nothing can happen here.” She told him as she looked in his eyes over the top of her drink. She told him but made no effort to remove his hand.
“Happen? No, I was just wanting to make sure I had your full attention. I wanted to tell you that I placed that perfume you were wearing on Monday. If I’m not mistaken that was the smell of a sweet pussy. Wasn’t it?” He asked her without shame. She was mid swallow of her beer and as he said that she forgot how to swallow and ended up spilling her beer and Garrett watched it run down her chin and drip onto her chest before she tipped the bottle back up. She wiped her face, but Garrett was distracted by the beer that was glistening on her chest. He felt that this was a great excuse for his next move.
He grabbed a napkin from the table and quickly moved it to her chest, “You spilled a little beer here.” He told her as he made contact on her skin.
“I can do that.” She assured him and reached for his hand and the napkin.
“Sure thing, but I almost got it all.” He said as he slid the napkin further down her chest to where the buttons of the dress were. Then once there he pulled his hand back. The entire time he was pulling his hand back he was putting pressure on that top button that already seemed flimsy and willing to pop open. Sure enough, as his hand returned to himself her top button had come undone. He stared at her cleavage that began to present itself and felt his cock begin to grow. He was thankful to have worn jeans because if this happened at work, he would have a lot of explaining to do.
“HEY CLYDESDALE, tell your woman to open those legs. We wanna see what’s under that skirt!” A yell came across the bar. It surprised Nicola how much it startled her in this already noisy bar.
“Fuck all the way Off Tiny, she’s with me and I don’t share my toys.” Garrett yelled out in response. Nicola stood up with a disgusted look on her face. She grabbed her purse and walked away from Garrett at the table. As she was leaving, she remembered that she didn’t have her car and that she had to pee badly.
“I’m going to the restroom, When I get out you are taking me home and we will not ever talk about this again. Do you understand me?” She said with anger in her eyes.
“That’s fine. You knew this was a dive bar and you can’t expect the cucumber sandwich eating fairy boys that all talk about their boring lives to be here. If I didn’t say what I did then they would have you spread out on the pool table with your panties in someone’s pocket and cock in all of your available holes.” He told her matter of factly. She turned on her heel and on a quick scan of the room, found the toilet. She walked to it and opened it angrily.
The bathroom matched the rest of the establishment. It was dirty and smelled of piss. There were sinks that seemed unused and dirty on a black countertop. On the opposite wall were two urinals and next to those were two stalls. The stall with the wall next to the urinals was available and the stall by that one had the door torn off and hanging by a single hinge. Nicola ducked into the stall with the working door. She lifted her dress and wrapped it tightly around her, pinching the fabric with her arms before pulling her panties down just enough to be able to squat and relieve herself. As she peed, she thought about what Garrett had said just then and she began to see his logic. She felt as though she were too harsh, and he had done nothing but be nice to her up to this point. ‘Perhaps she was wrong to act so hostile.’ She thought.
As she was finishing, she heard the door to the bathroom open and two men laughing as they walked in. They were talking to each other about her. “Did you see the slut all in white that Clydesdale brought in?” One man said.
“She’s in here you idiot.” The other said. Then she heard a loud Whack sound as one of the men punched the other.
“Oh Yeah? Must have missed that.” The men walked to the urinals and she heard them receiving themselves as she tried to quietly pull her panties up after wiping and smooth out her dress. She wanted to wait for the men to leave the bathroom before she came out because they didn’t seem like ones that she wanted to meet. While she waited, she heard them both finish and looked to the wall shared with the urinal and to her surprise a cock was pushed through and nearly touched her hand.
She screamed loudly and batted at the hard cock sticking out of the wall. From the other side she heard a man cry out in pain and the cock withdrew from the hole. “YOU FUCKING CUNT!” One of the men said. Nicola tried to open the door quickly and run out. As she was reaching for the bathroom door a pair of strong hands grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back. She fell backward on the floor and then struggled to get up as she was being pulled back by the root of her hair. The man with the grip on her hair stood her in front of himself and pointed to his ******* cock. There was a red scratch where her wedding ring had caught it and it seemed to run the length of his member. “You need to say sorry to my dick with your mouth NOW!” He commanded her and grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his cock. She was too scared to do anything and looked to the other man in there with them for help. He looked on and gave her a gesture that said, ‘You’re either gonna do it of your own free will or he’s going to do it anyway.’ Resigned to the idea that she was about to be sexually molested in the bathroom that she shouldn’t have come to in the first place was sinking in. She heard the bathroom door open and feared that more men would be joining in.
Instead she heard a hard impact and the man’s cock slipped out of her hands as the body was sliding to the floor. She looked into his face once more and saw that his eyes were vacant and empty. The man behind him stepped forward to meet the same fate and she once again heard a damaging impact followed by a second one and that man joined his friend on the ground. A pair of gentle hands helped her up and turned her around. She was face to face with Garrett.
Upon seeing him she burst into tears and cried into his shoulder. “You have no idea what they were going to do to me.” She sobbed. He didn’t speak to her and just let her cry on his shoulder. He waited for her to calm down before looking at her.
“That shouldn’t have happened in here. With me you are safe. How about we let you relax a little bit and have a beer.” She nodded her head gently and they walked out together. She clung to his side and he wrapped his hand around her. He let it sit on her right flank and felt her bra and the side of her breast. She didn’t seem to mind
After two more beers she seemed to be coming around again and though it was past midnight she was again enjoying herself in his company. “Why do they call you Clydesdale?” She asked him.
“Yes of Course.” She said.
“It’s because there’s not a lot of men that can match me in size.” He told her as he briefly looked down at his pants. She followed his gaze, then blushed lightly after she snapped her head up from looking at his crotch. Garrett only smiled at her with a self-confident smirk.
“But I saw you on the track at school on Monday and you had these short running shorts on. There’s no way you could hide a monster in those things.” She told him.
“I could prove it to you if you like.”
She looked back down in his lap and bit her lower lip. She thought about Kevin at home and felt guilty about wanting to see something that other men found so impressive it required a nickname like that. She looked up and he told her, “You keep looking at me like that and you’re not gonna have to ask to see it. You’re just gonna get hit by it.”
“Bullshit, you wouldn’t pull it out here.”
“What do I get if I do?” He replied.
“What do you want?”
“How about we play some pool and you don’t get all slap happy if I take a few liberties along the way?” He asked her as he put his hand in his lap and held his dick in his hand. In the dark of the bar she couldn’t see what he was holding.
“After what happened in the bathroom, I think that I can deal with a little handsy. But that’s a moot point because there are too many people in here for you to pull it out.” She said with conviction
That was until he stood up from the chair and she heard a large man at the bar with a big beard call out, “Clydesdale’s about to show it off!” Then she knew she already lost this round. She watched with amazement as he stood near her and unbuttoned his pants then unzipped his pants. The sound of the zipper etched in her mind and felt like a hundred hands grabbing at her mind telling her to run but her fascination was stronger. Once unzipped he opened the flaps to the sides and pushed a hand inside. Nicola still felt that he was making it up until she saw him pull his hand back up and in his grip was a fleshy snake. Her mouth gaped open and once it was fully out, she pulled her hands to her open mouth.
“Tell me, do you want to be stripes or solids?” He asked with a huge smile.
“……It’s so big!…..How do you…..Can a girl take…Oh My God!” She finally was able to spit out. She felt her nipples harden and her pussy moisten at the size of his cock and the fact it was so near her. She hadn’t held another cock since her Bachelorette party and Kevin didn’t know about that night either.
“I’ll answer all of your questions, don’t worry. First, let’s go play some pool.” He told her as he put away his cock but left his pants unzipped and unbuckled. He gripped her hand with his and led her over to the back of the bar that had an empty pool table. She first noticed that he was holding her hand with the same one he was just holding his enormous cock with and the other was how many stains seemed to be on the pool table. To her it seemed that these players were very reckless with their balls. When they got there, Garrett turned to face her and held her close by wrapping one hand around her waist and with the other he reached up to Nicola’s top. He looked directly in her eyes and unbuttoned three more buttons of the top of her dress. Then he released her and looked her over. “Now you are ready to play me in Pool at this table.” He said as he turned grabbed a pool cue and handed it to her. He then grabbed a cue for himself.
Nicola looked down and saw the deep valley between her breasts. She knew that a lot of what she saw was the work of the bra pushing them together but looking down at them she was proud of how sexy it looked. ‘Kevin loves this bra…’ She thought and then felt a pang of guilt wash over her. She began trying to close the top with one hand, but Garrett walked over and pulled her hand away before telling her that she could break. She released her shirt and walked to the head of the table. The pool table was placed so that it ran lengthwise from the wall in the back of the room to the opening to the rest of the bar. When she was at the head of the table she could look up and view everything and everyone in the bar. When she did that she felt like an animal at the zoo. All eyes seemed to be on her and not only that, she didn’t see another woman in there.
As that sank in, she tried desperately to find at least one. She was finally able to find one…no, make that two other women. She still had her hand on the cue ball and her other on the stick, but those women made her take pause. They were openly blowing a couple of guys in the bar. Since it wasn’t large, she could see them doing it but the dark of the bar precluded her from seeing much detail. She felt excited that this would happen so openly and thankful to be her with Garrett who could clearly take care of her. She also wondered if Kevin would have made her feel the same way.
Once she was brought back to the pool table by Garrett when he clapped in her line of sight she leaned down over the table and lined up her stick. Garrett stood at the other end of the table and watched her. Her white lace bra spilling out as her body twisted to shoot and her breasts begging to be set free from their cage. He was more than ready to put her on the pool table and fuck her until she begged him to stop but he knew they weren’t there yet. She hit the ball and it veered off to the right sharply. “That’s a scratch.” Garrett told her calmly. She lined up the ball again and again he enjoyed the view. Once more she hit the ball and this time it jumped off the table, hit the side rail and bounced to a roll on the floor until it hit the side wall.
Nicola looked up at him and smiled meekly, “It’s been a while since I played pool.” She told him.
“Let me give you a hand then.” He said as she walked over to where the ball was on the floor. Garrett reached it first and leaned down to get the ball. From his new view he was looking up at her. He saw well up her skirt and her long legs. He had his hand on the ball but didn’t move. “I gotta say, to see this every day, your students are a lucky group. He made it clear where he was looking and didn’t try to look away as he said it. She looked at him and flattened out the skirt in front of her to block his view. He looked up into her face and she smiled playfully before grabbing the bed of the skirt and quickly flaring it up enough to make a view from his angle spectacular. When she began her skirts movement, he quickly corrected his gaze to be on the skirt and was rewarded with a shot of her panties and to his pleasure they matched the color and texture of the bra she was wearing. “Well I can’t wait to see more of that!” He said emphatically as he stood up. He handed her the ball and then walked with her to the head of the table where she placed the ball down.
“Who says you’re gonna see more of that?” She asked with a wry smile. He didn’t answer and only looked at her. She felt herself weaken at the knees but played it cool, or at least she hoped that she did. “Now stop staring and help me here.” She said as she turned toward the table and leaned over it.
Garrett stepped so close to her that as she bent over the table is crotch was in contact with her ass. She wiggled slightly and then settled in position. Garrett placed his hands on her hips, “We are going to generate power using all of your body. He slowly moved his hands up her body and let both hands land on her breasts. Though she knew that Kevin wouldn’t approve she did tell Garrett that she didn’t mind a little groping after he displayed himself to her.
To her surprise though Garrett pulled her breasts out of her cups and she felt his fingers circle her nipples. She whispered to him, “Garrett you shouldn’t do that. People can see us.”
“Well, look at them. Does it look like they mind at all?” He asked her. She looked up and to her amazement she saw a row of men staring at them from the edge of the room. All of them looked like they hadn’t seen a woman in decades and all of them seemed to be rubbing their pants as they stared at her ********. “In fact. I think it would do you a world of good to try this shot without this dress in the way.” As he said this, he released her breasts and lifted the dress over her head. She wasn’t sure whether it was the booze or her own libido that kept her from stopping him but soon enough she was standing at the head of the pool table with a gaggle of men staring at her in a shitty bar on the outskirts of town. Garrett reveled in her acceptance of his actions and without saying anything he unclipped her bra from the back and she let it fall to the floor.
Nicola closed her eyes as she felt the cool breeze tease her body and allowed herself the time to be excited before she put a stop to this. She only opened them again when she heard footsteps come toward them in the pool room. The man that approached them was a mountain. By the look of him Nicola thought he must be over 300lbs and well over 6ft 5in. He was round and burly. His hair was jet black with strings of gray throughout it and it didn’t look like he had ever heard of a comb. He too had a beard and as she stole looks around the bar, it was damn near impossible to find a man without one. “Garrett, Mind if I have a shot?” He said. The way he asked it made it sound like a demand and not a question.
“I don’t know Tiny, I’m not sure if she’s ready for you.” He said to him.
“Tiny? Does that mean that you’re?” She asked without finishing her sentence but instead held up her pinky and wiggled it in front of him. “Tiny” she finished saying.
“You know how sometimes nicknames can be accurate to what a person is or does and other times it can be the opposite?” Garrett tried to explain to the panty wearing housewife standing precariously in a bar with horny ***** men and teasing one of the biggest.
Tiny was already unzipping his pants as Garrett said this and caused him to stop talking. Tiny fished his own cock out of his pants and laid it on the edge of the table. It’s size nearly matched that of Garrett, and she suspected that had he not been obese that it would dwarf Garretts. “Umm, that’s not tiny.” She said as she kept staring at it.
“Touch it.” Tiny said as he grabbed her hand with the stick in it and pulled the stick out before resting her hand on his shaft. She tried briefly to pull it back but that only caused her to stroke him back and forth as his meaty paw held her firmly. ‘Yeah, just like that. Stroke it you dirty slut.” He said as he reached out his other hand and groped for her breasts.
She tried to back up, but Garrett was still in place and didn’t seem to want to move. Instead he dove his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down to pool at her feet. “I’m married. I have to go. Please stop. I don’t want to…” She pleaded with them, but they didn’t care to hear her. Her pleas were weak and as Tiny kept his hand on her to prevent it from moving he found that she was stroking him on her own now. Her eyes were mesmerized by how it was growing and how her small hand couldn’t even wrap around it. Garrett behind her slid his hand between her legs and found her cunt soaking wet. She was so excited that her fluids were leaking down her legs.
“Hey Tiny, it seems this lady was playing with herself at school when she was watching me run the other day.” He told Tiny over her shoulder as he began inserting a finger in and out of her already sopping wet pussy. “She shook my hand that day and it smelled like this.” He said as he removed his finger and held it out for Tiny to smell. Nicola was mortified. These men were talking about her like she wasn’t even here.
Tiny removed his hand from hers and she continued to stroke him. Garrett put his finger back inside Nicola and began fingering her pussy slowly. Tiny let her continue to stroke him but moved around the corner of the table which separated them and gripped the base with one hand while continuing to grope at Nicola’s bared breasts. He paid special attention to her nipples that seemed to stand up with ease and begged for his attention. Tiny saw from her expression that she was still conflicted as her left hand stroked his still hardening cock. Her wedding ring shone brightly in the dim light of the bar. The conflicting he saw was quickly vanishing and being replaced with a pure willingness to that which was happening.
She felt Garrett push her upper body forward as he curled his finger inside of her to keep her lower body from moving forward. As she leaned forward Tiny gripped the base of his cock and pointed it upward with her hand still attached like it was glued on. She saw the head of his cock approaching her face and it looked like a train was about to slam full force into her. As she opened her mouth to protest, his head pressed against her lips. Feeling the fleshy tip of his cock with her lips she surprised herself by trying to open wider until the entire head was now inside of her mouth. “Look at your cunt Garrett. This bitch looks like she’s in heat and ready to breed.” Tint released her breast in order to place both hands on her head and pull her deeper onto himself. Garrett watched her oral assault and instead of intervening he inserted two more fingers inside of her. She began moaning as she was being assaulted in two ways.
Finally, Garrett removed his fingers and quickly fished his cock out of his pants. At this point it was quite the feat to watch as he was fully engorged and once freed from his jeans, he ended up hitting the back of her thighs and ass as it bounced up. He lined up the head with her opening that now glistened pink and from her being bent over he was presented with a clear target. As he pushed forward Nicola’s eyes opened wide and she tried to move away from him but that just shoved Tiny even further down her throat. She stopped trying to get away from him and felt the girth of his head pass by her lips and then felt him slide in deeply. She had her eyes open, but her field of vision was only to the sides of Tiny and there wasn’t anything there but a wall. She closed her eyes and wrapped her hands around Tiny for balance and imagined the other people. She climaxed two times from just this position and as she neared a third, she felt Tiny unload in her mouth.
She felt like she was choking and tried to swallow it but when he pulled himself out, she still saw and felt a lot of cum drip out. Garrett turned her onto the table facing the crowd and began pounding harder into her. He lifted her leg up and pushed it forward onto the table so that her knee was resting on the table and her foot dangled off the edge. He piston in and out forcefully and reached forward grabbing a shock of her blond hair and pulled it back toward him.
She had never been treated so badly or felt so excited. She tried to lift up to lessen the pull but had to keep lifting until her breasts raised from the table. “Say hello to your fan club.” Garrett said as he kept fucking her. She opened her eyes to see seven men at the edge of the table. All of them had their dicks out and were stroking them. She recognized just two of the men as those from the bathroom that Garrett had knocked out earlier. The one whose cock she had hit and scratched was seemingly more ginger with how he stroked his cock. That now made her feel sad for hurting him. She also wondered where the rest of the people went. “We closed the bar to give you this private party. My friends love to help out a schoolteacher in need and judging by how quickly you made Tiny cum, I would say you are in need of a lot more.
She felt Garrett push deep into her then stayed hard against her ass as he filled her with his load. As he pulled out, he released her head and she fell flat on the table. She could feel her breasts squish against the green felt material and she felt empty when his cock was finally removed. As Garrett removed himself, he walked away from her and left his cock to hang limp between his legs and motioned for the men to come closer.
All seven men came over at the same time and she immediately felt 14 hands grabbing at her and penetrating her and pinching her and pulling her off the table. She came face to face with her bathroom attackers and he kissed her deeply. She returned his kiss and could taste stale beer and smelled cigarette smoke all over him. While she was kissing him, another man had a finger buried up to the knuckle in her asshole and two others had lifted her legs off the ground and spread them apart. Her bathroom molester broke their kiss then grabbed his cock and found his way to her floating cunt. She could still feel Garretts cum dripping out of her until this new cock with the scratch filled her void. He stood still with a vicious grin as his friends pulled her up and down hard on his cock until he winced and came inside of her as well. Two other men took their time in mauling her breasts as he was filling her with cum. Her breasts were becoming tender and red from the continued abuse.
The man fingering her ass continued his assault and was able to turn her away from the table as he sat down on the edge and had the other men lift her up and as they lowered her down she felt his fingers come out and for an instant there was nothing happening until she felt the pressure at her back door again. This time however it was bigger than a finger but not as bit as Tiny. She told herself to relax and they pushed her down. Nicola didn’t like it when Kevin tried to play with her ass, but this was different. She felt like she was being split in half and she needed something to hold onto. A very tall man walked between her legs and she quickly wrapped her arms around him as she sank fully onto his lap. The many hands around her again ****** her up and down as new hands took their place on her breasts and she felt them pinched and a few times a piercing shot of pain ripped from her nipples to her head. She was too busy to look down and see what damage was being done to her. Her support body in front of her wasn’t there to help her but rather to help himself. His friends pulled her legs open and he found her pussy gaping open and a pool of cum slowly dribbling out. He pushed himself easily into her sloppy cunt that was turning red from abuse. He rocked back and forth into her as she was lifted up and down and all three of them climaxed at the same time. The men filling her with cum were to slow to move out of the way and the remaining four men pulled her off the table and kneeled her down in the middle of them as they ****** their cocks in her face. She greedily took the nearest one in her mouth and gripped a cock in each hand which left one remaining cock ignored. This man wasn’t going to be ignored and instead he wiggled his way under her, and she released a cock long enough to guide him to her willing cunt. As she sat down, she reached up and grasped the last cock.
The four of them were energetic and though her own energy was waning she knew that she could finish them off. Nicola took turns in sucking one cock then the next then the next and moved between the three of them until the cock to her right unexpectedly shot a stream of cum into the side of her head and it dripped down onto her shoulder and to the tip of her breast. Then another came as soon as his cock entered her mouth. She kept him in her mouth until she had swallowed all of the cum that came out then released his now limp dick. This left the man on the left and the cock in her pussy to focus on.
She gripped the man’s dick with both hands and jerked him with as much talent as she possessed, and he soon slapped her hands away and took a grasped of his own cock. He aimed it at her face and shot the first shot across her face then the remaining shots he aimed at her breasts and body. He then backed away and all the men watched as she leaned forward, in reverse cowgirl, she placed her hands on the sticky concrete flooring and began rocking back on and off his dick. The man between her legs was holding her hips and occasionally slapping her ass. She looked down her body and saw the cum drip from her nipples but there was something shiny that caught her attention. She saw that each of her nipples now sported a piece of jewelry. A silver barbell was in each breast and with that realization she climaxed then fell onto the floor. The guy who failed to finish wiggled out from under her and pulled her ass up enough to force himself into her again. He jammed his way in and out a few more times until he pulled out and shot his load across her back. Then he also stood up and the nine men stood around her looking down at her. She was covered in sweat and cum and as she rolled over, they all laughed at the site of her.
Garrett held out his hand and she reached up to him. He helped her stand up and he handed her a bar rag. She could smell the stink of the bar and wondered if it had ever been cleaned. She decided that at this point it didn’t matter and wiped off as much cum as she could from her body and tried to be ginger with her nipples since they were hurting more and more. Once she felt that she was semi-clean she took the dress that Garrett was handing her and put it back on. She looked around for her bra and panties but couldn’t see either.
“That was impressive Nicola. Usually a woman can’t take more than four of us before begging to stop.” He said as he guided her to the exit of the bar. Someone handed her the purse she came in with and once they were outside and in Garretts car she pulled out her phone to look at the time. She saw that it was now 3am and when she launched the messages app there were new messages from both Kevin and Erik. To her horror there were messages back and forth from her phone to both of them including pictures of her gang-bang. Kevin had sent a picture of his hardened cock and she read about how excited he was. She couldn’t handle anymore tonight and instead shut off her phone and rested her head on Garretts shoulder.
She would deal with today, tomorrow.
Nicola always prided herself on two things, being a great wife and an excellent teacher. She had been married to the same man for the better part of 15 years and teaching nearly as long. Her high school students always said that she was their favorite and she came into each new school year with the expectation of surpassing her standards from the last year. Each year she had to deal with the same things. The students hitting on her and the male teachers doing the same. She knew that she was attractive and while her husband Kevin told her so every day, she knew that she couldn’t get a big ego because of it. When all was said and done, she wasn’t going to be respected because she had tits that defied gravity but because she was smart enough to know when and how hard to push herself and her students. Nicola played in bed as her alarm went off. She always set it to the radio so that she didn’t start her day with a harsh tone but rather the melody of one of her favorite artists. She enjoyed the idea of Eric Clapton or Matchbox Twenty serenading her as she woke up, it put her in a good mood.
She rolled out of bed as Kevin began to stir next to her and walked to their bathroom. While taking off her black tank top and thong panties that she wore to bed she looked herself in the mirror. She took stock of her body and her face. She used today as the gauge of her aging. The first day of school seemed appropriate, there would be new faces and they will all be in her class for the first time. Some will have remembered her briefly from last year and some may not but either way she always wanted to look her best. She hopped in the shower and let her mind wander through her list of things to get done today and absent-mindedly washed herself. She was completely oblivious to the fact that Kevin stood outside the shower enjoying the show. ‘Man, I could sell tickets to this show and neither one of us would ever have to work again!’ Kevin thought as he watched his wife soap up. Her petite frame seems to glisten and glow as the water slid effortlessly over her body. Her blond hair was slick with the water that had been run through it and rested on her shoulders. Kevin still found her to be extremely attractive but had started to like the idea of her with other men but only as a fantasy. The actual idea of her cheating on him made him extremely jealous.
Nicola had her eyes closed but something told her that she wasn’t in the bathroom alone any longer. “If you’re going to just watch then the least you could do is wash my back for me.” She stated without opening her eyes. Kevin didn’t need any more encouragement and hopped in the shower behind her. He took the soap and lather up a loofa and went to work on her back. His imagination was going wild thinking about all the men that would be undressing her today. His cock was growing, and she felt him press against her ass. “You’re incorrigible, you know that? How am I supposed to get clean if you are just going to rub your dick all over me?” She told him as she turned around to face him. “You need to put that thing away.” She lifted her leg up and put it around Kevin’s hip then with one hand she reached between them and guided his cock into her pussy. “What has you so worked up today?” She asked him as she began sliding him in and out of her.
“You just looked so beautiful in here that I couldn’t help it.” He told her. He knew he wouldn’t last long. He either seemed to struggle with cumming to early or not keeping his dick harder. Today the issue was cumming to early. Before he wanted to, he could feel himself losing the battle with her pussy. He pushed his load as deep inside of her as he could then as his cock lost its rigidity it slipped out of her and hung uselessly between his legs.
“Now I have to worry about your cum in me today as well? Great!” She said sarcastically as she was already in the process of cleaning herself again. She allowed the cum to slide out of her and down her legs then as she neared the end of the shower, she kicked Kevin out then cleaned the remaining cum off her legs and checked to make sure no more was coming out of her. She turned off the water and dried herself off in front of the mirror over their sink. “Are my tits saggy?” She asked Kevin who had gone in the other room already. She was lifting each one up in turn and then releasing it to let it drop into place. As she got older, she had seen many of her friends lose the fight with gravity and so far, she had been immune to his grasp, but she wondered for how long.
Kevin walked back in and looked at her lifting and releasing her breasts and forgot how to talk. “Well?” Nicola asked him.
“If that’s what you consider saggy than I would hate to hear what you think is happening to Shelly next door. Her tits are almost to her knees.” Kevin said with a grin as he started reaching for one of her soft pink nipples. Nicola playfully slapped his hand away and walked out of the bathroom. She rummaged through her underwear drawer and pulled out a pair of ‘Cheeksters’ style panties. She liked how they showcased her ass but also gave her the sense that she wasn’t just out there for the world to see. They were light blue and cotton, but they felt great as she pulled them on. When Kevin gave these to her at the end of the school year last year she laughed and thought that she would be tossing them in the trash before the start of school. The writing on the back said, ‘Hot for Teacher’ in white script and that worked for their roleplaying but wasn’t typically her style. Since then though she’s found herself wearing them more and more because of how comfortable and sexy they were. Most of her underwear was thongs and she knew they didn’t show up when she wore pants or her tighter skirts but they often felt uncomfortable, especially when she was very horny and she would feel the fabric rub across her clit as she moved around the class or sit or stand or even when she would bend over.
Often when she wore thongs to work, she would have to play with herself in the bathroom stall of the faculty break room between classes. This was always chancy because between classes it was always filled with the other teachers and while it was exciting, she didn’t want them gossiping about her. Today she felt that even though Kevin got her motor started that she wouldn’t need to play during school hours. After she put on one of her black lace bras and adjusted her breasts she went to her closet and pulled out a cute red dress. It had a collared neckline with short sleeve arms and white polka dots covering the entire outfit. She slipped it on and was smoothing it out as Kevin came into the room. He Looked her up and down and realized even after 15 years he still assessed her like a piece of meat at the market. He knew that other men did as well. He took pleasure in watching it happen and always knew that at the end of the day she either didn’t care about the attention or was oblivious to it. “Lookin’ good babe!” He told her while shaking his hand in a mimic to touching a hot stove. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t get asked out by more than one of your students and a few teachers as well. But be sure to come home to me.” He continued.
Nicola laughed his comments off and walked to the door he had walked through to their room. She stretched up and kissed him on the lips then continued past him to the kitchen. Kevin had already filled up her to go cup with hot coffee. “Two sugars and cream right babe?” She called back to the bedroom. She knew he would be back in bed again because on days like this he didn’t move to quickly except to get her day started right.
“Unless you don’t like it that way and didn’t tell me.” Was the reply that came back to her. “Have a great first day Hun.” He then said through the open door.
“Don’t forget, you’re taking me out to dinner tonight. Our therapist said that we need to make sure we take time for ourselves in order to keep our marriage alive.” Nicola told him as she was walking out the door. She grabbed an umbrella, a small bag for her workout clothes, if she wanted to work out on her free period and a sweater, then said, “Love you, talk later.” She then closed and locked their front door and walked to her car. At her car she placed the cup on the roof of the sedan and used her free hand to open her rear door. She placed everything she had grabbed at the door in the car then closed the door. She then opened her driver’s door and as she sat in her seat, she felt the skirt ride up her leg and she noticed how dangerously high the skirt had ridden but she was in her own car alone, so she left it and backed out. As she drove away, she was happy, and she got distracted at something she thought that she forgot.
Suddenly she saw red and blue lights light up behind her and give her a playful ‘BLIP, BLIP’ then the lights went off as she pulled over. Nicola was scared. She had just left her house and didn’t know what she could have done. The officer walked to her window then said, “In a hurry ma’am?” He looked in her car and Nicola watched as his eyes completely passed her own eyes and settled on her toned legs and as she looked in her lap, she saw her blue panties just peeking out of a gap where the buttons of her dress met. Nicola reached down and pulled the hem, so she was not as displayed.
“Was I speeding Rick?” She said playfully and with familiarity. She knew Rick and when she saw him, she was relieved. Rick was a neighbor a few doors down and up until now they had simply been a wave and brief hello as Kevin and herself walked around the neighborhood. In their predominantly white neighborhood, it was rare to have a black neighbor like Rick but even rarer still was that he was a cop. As she was looking up at him, she was a little taken aback by the sheer mass of him. He seemed to fill up her window and intimidated her.
Rick broke his gaze at her soft white thighs and looked her in the eyes as his hand went to the top of her cars roof. “I love pulling over pretty white wives to hit on whenever I can.” He told her with a wide smile that suddenly broke into a deep and genuine laughter. He pulled the hand on her roof and held her coffee in his large hand. She instantly felt ridiculous and reached for it. As they passed the cup their hands slid by each other and Nicola felt electricity from his touch. She felt it so strongly that a shiver ran down her spine and goosebumps rose on her thighs and arms. “Have a good day Nicola. Wish I had you as my teacher in school. I still wouldn’t have passed but at least I would have enjoyed the view while I failed.” He said as he smacked the top of her car, took one last look at her and walked back to his cruiser. She settled herself as she felt the remaining adrenaline from being pulled over drained from her body.
‘So much for not getting worked up today’ she thought as she watched Rick drive past her. She put her car in drive and was behind him for about a mile before she turned down a different street and soon arrived at her school. She got out and walked in. She loved catching up with her fellow teachers and the returning students she remembered. She got a lot of hugs and high-fives throughout the first half of the day. During lunch she returned to her car and drove to a local deli for a sandwich. When she returned, she parked her car in an open spot that was directly in front of the track. Running around the track was an unfamiliar face. He had dark hair cut short and professional and a well-maintained beard. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but he didn’t need to. He was in great shape; his body was lean and athletic. It wasn’t skinny fat like Kevin’s or Weightlifter big like Ricks. This mystery man reminded her of how Jared Leto looked in Fight Club and she spent many years thinking about him as Kevin would fuck her or when she found herself alone.
His arms and torso were filled with tattoos and while she couldn’t tell what they were from this far away she still found herself absent-mindedly running her fingers up and down her thigh. She was moving them higher and higher as she watched him run laps around the track in his shorts and the sweat glistening off his chest. Nicola looked around her car then folded up her dress to her waist, ******** her panties. She opened her legs as far as the confined space would allow and pushed a hand down her delicate underwear. She slid past her neatly trimmed bush and already found her clit hardened and her pussy creating more than enough moisture to make this an easy task. She pushed two of her fingers inside up to the knuckle and gasped audibly then pushed her other hand inside her panties and attacked her engorged clit.
She was ruthless when it came to her own pleasure and she was moaning loudly until she felt herself climax then she removed her hands and found them soaked with the juice from her pussy. Her mystery man was finishing up and drying off and she realized she had spent her entire lunch playing with herself and didn’t eat. She raced back inside and, in her haste, didn’t notice the person pulling the door at the same time she arrived. She basically ran directly into him and only then did she look up and realize that it was her runner. He was now in a long-sleeved burgundy button-down collared shirt and beige slacks. “Are you new here?” She asked him.
“I am. Names Garrett, and yours?” He said as he held out his hand.
“I’m Nicola, pleased to meet you.” She replied and took his hand in hers; she smiled warmly and shook it gently. “Isn’t it difficult being in long-sleeves when you’re so hot?” She said then realized her error and tried to correct it as she pulled her hand away. “When it’s so hot out. I meant.”
Garret laughed out loud, his laugh was infectious and the smile on his face was the kind of smile that took over his entire face and lit up the area. It was contagious and Nicola found herself laughing as well. As he calmed down, he said, “Thank you for that. I love laughing. I wear this because I find that if the kids could get distracted with the tattoos on my arms. I wasn’t always a strait-laced teacher and before this I had quite the past. What kind of perfume are you wearing? It’s very enticing.” Garrett asked.
“Tattoos huh?” She asked as she raised an eyebrow, “Also, I’m not wearing perfume.” She added onto her statement.
“Are you sure?” He smelled his hand that he shook hers. She watched this happen then had a realization on what it was he was smelling. She watched frozen as he reached out for her hand and smelled it on her fingers. “There it is. It’s very familiar and smells fantastic.” He told her as he released her hand and watched him open the door and hold it for her. She blushed so much that the color on her face almost matched the deep red of her dress.
She passed him at the door as he held it. “Thank you, It’s a new lotion of mine. Pleasure to meet you, see you later.” She said but couldn’t bring herself to look in his green eyes before she hurried away down the hall back to her class. She hid in her class and taught the rest of her classes uninterrupted until the final bell rang. As she was gathering her stuff a friend name Erik walked in with an invitation.
“One of the new guys wants to start a new custom. He’s saying that every Friday we should get a bunch of us teachers together and hit one of the towns dive bars. I told him that I was up for it and that I would drag you along with me. I’ve always wanted to check them out, but I know with my sensitive nature I wouldn’t last in there alone. You better come bitch, or I’ll slash your tires.” He told her and smiled as he held her hands then lifted them and smelled them and gave her a strange look. “Really Nicola, It’s the first damn day. What could have worked you up so much already.” He said to her.
“I’m not sure. It was all kinds of sudden, but it happened and here we are. Who was it that recommended the new idea?” She asked.
Erik was Nicola’s sounding board and she had told him years ago that she sometimes had to blow off steam in the middle of the day. He thought it was hilarious and him and his husband often laughed about it when they would all have lunch together. Erik’s husband was the Principal and loved the idea of being in charge of Erik at work but being submissive to him at home. He was the replacement after the previous Principal got caught up in a sex for money issue with a few of the students.
“That new drink of delicious, Garrett. If only he was batting for my team, I would ask for a switch hitter for my dull husband. You are most definitely coming on Friday.” He said before he turned on his heel and walked out of the door.
The rest of the day was a blur as she drove home then went out for dinner with Kevin. She talked in parsed words and the entire time her mind kept wandering back to Garrett. The more she thought about him the hornier she seemed to get and that night as they returned from the restaurant, she stopped Kevin before he opened the door to their car. She reached over after unbuckling his belt and unzipped his pants. Expertly she removed his still soft penis and began stroking it up and down. Kevin sat quietly and watched this happen. He was afraid to move for fear of breaking her trance and scaring her inside to stop altogether. As his dick began to harden, she leaned down and took him in her mouth. She bobbed up and down getting his dick and pants all wet with the amount of saliva that was coming out of her mouth.
Once she felt her was as hard as he was going to get, she laid her seat back and told him that she needed to fuck right then and there. He found a way to traverse the center console dividing them and took his place uncomfortably between her legs. She pulled her little blue panties to the side and guided his cock into her waiting hole. He began sliding effortlessly in and out of her. He looked at her face and saw that she kept her eyes tightly closed. “Ugh, ugh, ugh.” He heard her grunting and moaning as he pushed inside. “Smell my perfume” she said as she held her pussy drenched hand up to Kevin’s nose. “Doesn’t it smell good?” She asked.
“Fuck, yes it smells so good. I love the smell of your pussy. Oh shit, I’m about to cum.” He told her as he was almost to the precipice of his own excitement.
“Oh god me too. Just a little more Garrett. Please just a little more, I can take it.” She cooed in his ear. At the sounding of his name her eyes shot open wide and she struggled to recover with a lie that he might believe but before that came to mind she was rocked by a wonderful orgasm that left her fluids running down the crack of her ass into the back of her panties and finally into the seat in the car. Kevin had also finished with her at the sounding of the name that was far from his and he didn’t know why that could have sent him over the edge.
They both sat silently in their cramped position. Both looking at each other but neither wanting to speak. Nicola broke the ice. “You know I always thought that Garrett Hedlund from that Tron movie was so sexy? I thought you wouldn’t mind me trying out a fantasy of sleeping with a celebrity. Do you?” She asked after her lie. She hoped that he would believe it and not the reality that she was fantasizing of a Jared Leto type of body all tattooed up and hard at work between her legs.
“I was thinking that that must have been it. I’ve never heard of another Garrett before or since seeing him in the movie.” Kevin replied.
“Oh yeah, It’s not that common at all.” She said as they opened the door on the passenger side, and both tumbled out ungracefully in the dark of their driveway. They hurried inside and made it to bed without talking to each other much more.
The week seemed to fly by for Nicola and Friday was fast approaching. Erik kept popping by and counting down the days until Friday finally arrived. “Tonight’s the night Bitch!” He sang as he danced into her room. ‘Oh, is that what you’re gonna wear? The men are all gonna be drooling, especially if you bend over in that thing. Let’s see it without this stuffy sweater.” He said.
Nicola looked down at her outfit. She was wearing a simple white dress. Similar to the red polka dot dress from Monday but this was a light cotton material with buttons down the center to her waist. Kevin told her many times that in the right light the top was quite transparent. The skirt portion was also cotton and ended just about her knees. She always enjoyed how it laid when she wore it and it felt softer than any other dress she owned. To keep people from seeing through her top she would wear a small pink cardigan buttoned up except for the top three buttons. That way you could see her dress but not what she was wearing under the dress. Now as Erik told her to remove the sweater, she unbuttoned it slowly and played it like she was giving him a striptease.
Once she removed the sweater, she tossed it on her desk haphazardly and faced Erik with her hands on her hips triumphantly. “Sexy bra sweet. What is that, Lace?” He asked as he walked toward her and pulled her shirt out and looked down her top.
“My god Erik, if you and I weren’t friends and you weren’t so gay I would have to file a sexual harassment claim against you.” She said as she slapped his hands away and pulled her top to her chest.
“That’s true but really, I’m just making sure that you look like the tastiest treat at the bar tonight. I know you aren’t on the menu but it’s so much fun to watch the dogs beg for scraps isn’t it?” He asked her. She only smiled slyly and nodded as she thought about their previous trips to bars where Erik played a spectacular wingman and they laughed heartily at the end of all those nights. “Are you wearing matching panties as well?” He asked.
“Yes, yes I am.” She replied.
“Well don’t you look like a slutty virgin bride all in white.” He responded as he looked at her sideways from eyes to legs then back to her eyes. “Come on you hussy it’s time we get going or all the good seats will be taken.” He told her as he grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door. She barely had time to grab her small purse before he dragged her out of the classroom. Outside, Erik and her walked to his car and climbed in. As Erik drove away from the school and they chatted like the good friends they were Nicola lowered the visor on her side to allow her to see how she looked. What she saw was her typical schoolteacher look. She kept her hair in a ponytail to keep it from distracting her during the lessons and her purple rimmed glasses that helped her read better.
She pulled the elastic band holding her hair back and as it fell around her face it still held a pinch in the hair where the band had restricted it all day. She ran her fingers through her blonde hair and shook it back and forth. When she stopped and looked again her hair fell in simple waves. It was messy but to her it seemed to work. Next, she removed her glasses. She could see fine without them and typically only needed them to read. She put the glasses in her purse and the elastic around her wrist then looked over at Erik as he drove. “How do I look you slut?” She asked him.
“That’s funny, you calling me a slut, when it’s you that looks like a lioness out looking for a kill. You look like you’re gonna have trouble getting out of there tonight.” He replied back after stealing a look over at her while he drove. In short order they arrived outside of the bar they were meeting at. The bar stood separate from the other surrounding buildings and was in a more derelict part of the city. There were no windows on the building and from what they could see only a double-doored front entrance and a small back door both the front and back door looked like they had started with glass inserts by now only had plywood panels and graffiti covering the doors. The parking lot was white gravel and as Erik drove over it, they heard and felt the constant crunch under the wheels until he found a spot and put the car in park. Both Erik and Nicola looked around the parking lot and recognized a few other familiar cars and all of them seemed to still have their occupants in them. She watched as Tasha, Katy and Rachel climbed out of Rachels car and Adam and Brett came together. The other cars were empty and still.
The teachers all gathered together about 20 yards from the front doors of the bar and looked at each other apprehensively. Adam and Brett took this chance to look over the teachers and away from school they felt safer to really stare at Nicola’s body. She saw their looks and felt naked under their gaze. This feeling was broken when the front doors swung open at the same time and Garrett walked out like he owned all the space around him. He had changed from his professional look at school and now sported a T-shirt with ripped off sleeves from a concert for a band called Social Distortion and the concert date emblazoned on the shirt was five years ago. Paired with that he was wearing a pair of well-worn jeans. The material in different areas was threadbare and soft from years of wear. With those he had a pair of thick work boots with scuffs and scrapes all over them. His look didn’t resemble the other teachers and they all seemed conflicted when he approached them.
“Garrett?” Nicola asked him as he neared them.
“Who else would it be?” He said.
“You look very different from earlier today. I guess this is what you meant by the kids being distracted.” She stated as she caught herself looking at the sleeves of tattoos and wondering how long it took him to get them and how much it hurt. She was able to break her own fog of thought in time to see him watch her as she was staring. Then she averted her gaze to where the other ladies were standing, and they were all pointing at him and whispering to each other. Nicola liked them but suddenly felt territorial over Garrett. She wasn’t sure why, but she walked up to him and reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her breasts into his chest.
She then felt his arms wrap around her small waist just above the swell of her ass. He let his hands rest comfortable at the crook of her lower back and her ass. She then broke the hug and wrapped her arm into one of his and walked him toward the door of the bar. When she looked back, she saw that the girls hadn’t moved but that Brett and Adam followed them, and Erik tailed behind them. Inside she tried to see what happened to the girls and asked Erik once he made his way to her. He told her that “They scared each other out of coming in and decided instead to head back into the good part of town and get a Mimosa together where they weren’t going to catch a needle.”
At this Nicola rolled her eyes and Erik replied by hitting her lightly on the arm and said, “I know right?”
The five of them found a table in the middle of the bar with high seats and as soon as everyone was seated Garrett stood up and went to the bar. He returned a few moments later with a tray filled with shots and bottles of beer. “I have to admit a secret to y’all, I’ve been here before. In fact, I know just about everyone in here.” He told them as he passed around bottles of beer and shots to each of them. They all looked at each other held up their glasses and toasted.
“To new friends and a new year at school!” Nicola said as she looked over at Garrett who clinked her glass first then the others before he took his shot then drank his entire beer. He then encouraged everyone else do the same thing before returning to the bar and back again with another round. He repeated this a few times and already they all felt the effects of the drinks.
Erik’s phone rang and he told Nicola that he had to leave and that she should come with him. Garrett overheard his conversation and offered to bring her home later, if she wanted to. Erik thought he looked dangerous sexy but also safe and nice and looked to Nicola to make up her mind. “I’ll just catch a ride from him later. No worries, I’ll text you when I get home tonight.” She told him as she hugged Erik and kissed him goodbye. Erik walked to the door of the bar then turned around to look over the bar one last time and it looked like a pack of Hyenas here all looking at their center table and he felt a chill run down his back before he slipped out into the night air.
After Erik left Brett and Adam were starting to look green around the gills and soon also had to leave. Nicola ordered them an Uber and they left her alone without saying a word of concern for her in this dive bar in a shitty part of town. Nicolas blond hair and white dress shone like neon lights in the bar filled with blacks and rubbed brass. Garrett let them all leave before returning to the table with more drinks for them and after placing the drinks on the table he moved his chair closer to Nicola and placed his hand on her thigh. “You know I’m married Garrett? Nothing can happen here.” She told him as she looked in his eyes over the top of her drink. She told him but made no effort to remove his hand.
“Happen? No, I was just wanting to make sure I had your full attention. I wanted to tell you that I placed that perfume you were wearing on Monday. If I’m not mistaken that was the smell of a sweet pussy. Wasn’t it?” He asked her without shame. She was mid swallow of her beer and as he said that she forgot how to swallow and ended up spilling her beer and Garrett watched it run down her chin and drip onto her chest before she tipped the bottle back up. She wiped her face, but Garrett was distracted by the beer that was glistening on her chest. He felt that this was a great excuse for his next move.
He grabbed a napkin from the table and quickly moved it to her chest, “You spilled a little beer here.” He told her as he made contact on her skin.
“I can do that.” She assured him and reached for his hand and the napkin.
“Sure thing, but I almost got it all.” He said as he slid the napkin further down her chest to where the buttons of the dress were. Then once there he pulled his hand back. The entire time he was pulling his hand back he was putting pressure on that top button that already seemed flimsy and willing to pop open. Sure enough, as his hand returned to himself her top button had come undone. He stared at her cleavage that began to present itself and felt his cock begin to grow. He was thankful to have worn jeans because if this happened at work, he would have a lot of explaining to do.
“HEY CLYDESDALE, tell your woman to open those legs. We wanna see what’s under that skirt!” A yell came across the bar. It surprised Nicola how much it startled her in this already noisy bar.
“Fuck all the way Off Tiny, she’s with me and I don’t share my toys.” Garrett yelled out in response. Nicola stood up with a disgusted look on her face. She grabbed her purse and walked away from Garrett at the table. As she was leaving, she remembered that she didn’t have her car and that she had to pee badly.
“I’m going to the restroom, When I get out you are taking me home and we will not ever talk about this again. Do you understand me?” She said with anger in her eyes.
“That’s fine. You knew this was a dive bar and you can’t expect the cucumber sandwich eating fairy boys that all talk about their boring lives to be here. If I didn’t say what I did then they would have you spread out on the pool table with your panties in someone’s pocket and cock in all of your available holes.” He told her matter of factly. She turned on her heel and on a quick scan of the room, found the toilet. She walked to it and opened it angrily.
The bathroom matched the rest of the establishment. It was dirty and smelled of piss. There were sinks that seemed unused and dirty on a black countertop. On the opposite wall were two urinals and next to those were two stalls. The stall with the wall next to the urinals was available and the stall by that one had the door torn off and hanging by a single hinge. Nicola ducked into the stall with the working door. She lifted her dress and wrapped it tightly around her, pinching the fabric with her arms before pulling her panties down just enough to be able to squat and relieve herself. As she peed, she thought about what Garrett had said just then and she began to see his logic. She felt as though she were too harsh, and he had done nothing but be nice to her up to this point. ‘Perhaps she was wrong to act so hostile.’ She thought.
As she was finishing, she heard the door to the bathroom open and two men laughing as they walked in. They were talking to each other about her. “Did you see the slut all in white that Clydesdale brought in?” One man said.
“She’s in here you idiot.” The other said. Then she heard a loud Whack sound as one of the men punched the other.
“Oh Yeah? Must have missed that.” The men walked to the urinals and she heard them receiving themselves as she tried to quietly pull her panties up after wiping and smooth out her dress. She wanted to wait for the men to leave the bathroom before she came out because they didn’t seem like ones that she wanted to meet. While she waited, she heard them both finish and looked to the wall shared with the urinal and to her surprise a cock was pushed through and nearly touched her hand.
She screamed loudly and batted at the hard cock sticking out of the wall. From the other side she heard a man cry out in pain and the cock withdrew from the hole. “YOU FUCKING CUNT!” One of the men said. Nicola tried to open the door quickly and run out. As she was reaching for the bathroom door a pair of strong hands grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back. She fell backward on the floor and then struggled to get up as she was being pulled back by the root of her hair. The man with the grip on her hair stood her in front of himself and pointed to his ******* cock. There was a red scratch where her wedding ring had caught it and it seemed to run the length of his member. “You need to say sorry to my dick with your mouth NOW!” He commanded her and grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his cock. She was too scared to do anything and looked to the other man in there with them for help. He looked on and gave her a gesture that said, ‘You’re either gonna do it of your own free will or he’s going to do it anyway.’ Resigned to the idea that she was about to be sexually molested in the bathroom that she shouldn’t have come to in the first place was sinking in. She heard the bathroom door open and feared that more men would be joining in.
Instead she heard a hard impact and the man’s cock slipped out of her hands as the body was sliding to the floor. She looked into his face once more and saw that his eyes were vacant and empty. The man behind him stepped forward to meet the same fate and she once again heard a damaging impact followed by a second one and that man joined his friend on the ground. A pair of gentle hands helped her up and turned her around. She was face to face with Garrett.
Upon seeing him she burst into tears and cried into his shoulder. “You have no idea what they were going to do to me.” She sobbed. He didn’t speak to her and just let her cry on his shoulder. He waited for her to calm down before looking at her.
“That shouldn’t have happened in here. With me you are safe. How about we let you relax a little bit and have a beer.” She nodded her head gently and they walked out together. She clung to his side and he wrapped his hand around her. He let it sit on her right flank and felt her bra and the side of her breast. She didn’t seem to mind
After two more beers she seemed to be coming around again and though it was past midnight she was again enjoying herself in his company. “Why do they call you Clydesdale?” She asked him.
“Yes of Course.” She said.
“It’s because there’s not a lot of men that can match me in size.” He told her as he briefly looked down at his pants. She followed his gaze, then blushed lightly after she snapped her head up from looking at his crotch. Garrett only smiled at her with a self-confident smirk.
“But I saw you on the track at school on Monday and you had these short running shorts on. There’s no way you could hide a monster in those things.” She told him.
“I could prove it to you if you like.”
She looked back down in his lap and bit her lower lip. She thought about Kevin at home and felt guilty about wanting to see something that other men found so impressive it required a nickname like that. She looked up and he told her, “You keep looking at me like that and you’re not gonna have to ask to see it. You’re just gonna get hit by it.”
“Bullshit, you wouldn’t pull it out here.”
“What do I get if I do?” He replied.
“What do you want?”
“How about we play some pool and you don’t get all slap happy if I take a few liberties along the way?” He asked her as he put his hand in his lap and held his dick in his hand. In the dark of the bar she couldn’t see what he was holding.
“After what happened in the bathroom, I think that I can deal with a little handsy. But that’s a moot point because there are too many people in here for you to pull it out.” She said with conviction
That was until he stood up from the chair and she heard a large man at the bar with a big beard call out, “Clydesdale’s about to show it off!” Then she knew she already lost this round. She watched with amazement as he stood near her and unbuttoned his pants then unzipped his pants. The sound of the zipper etched in her mind and felt like a hundred hands grabbing at her mind telling her to run but her fascination was stronger. Once unzipped he opened the flaps to the sides and pushed a hand inside. Nicola still felt that he was making it up until she saw him pull his hand back up and in his grip was a fleshy snake. Her mouth gaped open and once it was fully out, she pulled her hands to her open mouth.
“Tell me, do you want to be stripes or solids?” He asked with a huge smile.
“……It’s so big!…..How do you…..Can a girl take…Oh My God!” She finally was able to spit out. She felt her nipples harden and her pussy moisten at the size of his cock and the fact it was so near her. She hadn’t held another cock since her Bachelorette party and Kevin didn’t know about that night either.
“I’ll answer all of your questions, don’t worry. First, let’s go play some pool.” He told her as he put away his cock but left his pants unzipped and unbuckled. He gripped her hand with his and led her over to the back of the bar that had an empty pool table. She first noticed that he was holding her hand with the same one he was just holding his enormous cock with and the other was how many stains seemed to be on the pool table. To her it seemed that these players were very reckless with their balls. When they got there, Garrett turned to face her and held her close by wrapping one hand around her waist and with the other he reached up to Nicola’s top. He looked directly in her eyes and unbuttoned three more buttons of the top of her dress. Then he released her and looked her over. “Now you are ready to play me in Pool at this table.” He said as he turned grabbed a pool cue and handed it to her. He then grabbed a cue for himself.
Nicola looked down and saw the deep valley between her breasts. She knew that a lot of what she saw was the work of the bra pushing them together but looking down at them she was proud of how sexy it looked. ‘Kevin loves this bra…’ She thought and then felt a pang of guilt wash over her. She began trying to close the top with one hand, but Garrett walked over and pulled her hand away before telling her that she could break. She released her shirt and walked to the head of the table. The pool table was placed so that it ran lengthwise from the wall in the back of the room to the opening to the rest of the bar. When she was at the head of the table she could look up and view everything and everyone in the bar. When she did that she felt like an animal at the zoo. All eyes seemed to be on her and not only that, she didn’t see another woman in there.
As that sank in, she tried desperately to find at least one. She was finally able to find one…no, make that two other women. She still had her hand on the cue ball and her other on the stick, but those women made her take pause. They were openly blowing a couple of guys in the bar. Since it wasn’t large, she could see them doing it but the dark of the bar precluded her from seeing much detail. She felt excited that this would happen so openly and thankful to be her with Garrett who could clearly take care of her. She also wondered if Kevin would have made her feel the same way.
Once she was brought back to the pool table by Garrett when he clapped in her line of sight she leaned down over the table and lined up her stick. Garrett stood at the other end of the table and watched her. Her white lace bra spilling out as her body twisted to shoot and her breasts begging to be set free from their cage. He was more than ready to put her on the pool table and fuck her until she begged him to stop but he knew they weren’t there yet. She hit the ball and it veered off to the right sharply. “That’s a scratch.” Garrett told her calmly. She lined up the ball again and again he enjoyed the view. Once more she hit the ball and this time it jumped off the table, hit the side rail and bounced to a roll on the floor until it hit the side wall.
Nicola looked up at him and smiled meekly, “It’s been a while since I played pool.” She told him.
“Let me give you a hand then.” He said as she walked over to where the ball was on the floor. Garrett reached it first and leaned down to get the ball. From his new view he was looking up at her. He saw well up her skirt and her long legs. He had his hand on the ball but didn’t move. “I gotta say, to see this every day, your students are a lucky group. He made it clear where he was looking and didn’t try to look away as he said it. She looked at him and flattened out the skirt in front of her to block his view. He looked up into her face and she smiled playfully before grabbing the bed of the skirt and quickly flaring it up enough to make a view from his angle spectacular. When she began her skirts movement, he quickly corrected his gaze to be on the skirt and was rewarded with a shot of her panties and to his pleasure they matched the color and texture of the bra she was wearing. “Well I can’t wait to see more of that!” He said emphatically as he stood up. He handed her the ball and then walked with her to the head of the table where she placed the ball down.
“Who says you’re gonna see more of that?” She asked with a wry smile. He didn’t answer and only looked at her. She felt herself weaken at the knees but played it cool, or at least she hoped that she did. “Now stop staring and help me here.” She said as she turned toward the table and leaned over it.
Garrett stepped so close to her that as she bent over the table is crotch was in contact with her ass. She wiggled slightly and then settled in position. Garrett placed his hands on her hips, “We are going to generate power using all of your body. He slowly moved his hands up her body and let both hands land on her breasts. Though she knew that Kevin wouldn’t approve she did tell Garrett that she didn’t mind a little groping after he displayed himself to her.
To her surprise though Garrett pulled her breasts out of her cups and she felt his fingers circle her nipples. She whispered to him, “Garrett you shouldn’t do that. People can see us.”
“Well, look at them. Does it look like they mind at all?” He asked her. She looked up and to her amazement she saw a row of men staring at them from the edge of the room. All of them looked like they hadn’t seen a woman in decades and all of them seemed to be rubbing their pants as they stared at her ********. “In fact. I think it would do you a world of good to try this shot without this dress in the way.” As he said this, he released her breasts and lifted the dress over her head. She wasn’t sure whether it was the booze or her own libido that kept her from stopping him but soon enough she was standing at the head of the pool table with a gaggle of men staring at her in a shitty bar on the outskirts of town. Garrett reveled in her acceptance of his actions and without saying anything he unclipped her bra from the back and she let it fall to the floor.
Nicola closed her eyes as she felt the cool breeze tease her body and allowed herself the time to be excited before she put a stop to this. She only opened them again when she heard footsteps come toward them in the pool room. The man that approached them was a mountain. By the look of him Nicola thought he must be over 300lbs and well over 6ft 5in. He was round and burly. His hair was jet black with strings of gray throughout it and it didn’t look like he had ever heard of a comb. He too had a beard and as she stole looks around the bar, it was damn near impossible to find a man without one. “Garrett, Mind if I have a shot?” He said. The way he asked it made it sound like a demand and not a question.
“I don’t know Tiny, I’m not sure if she’s ready for you.” He said to him.
“Tiny? Does that mean that you’re?” She asked without finishing her sentence but instead held up her pinky and wiggled it in front of him. “Tiny” she finished saying.
“You know how sometimes nicknames can be accurate to what a person is or does and other times it can be the opposite?” Garrett tried to explain to the panty wearing housewife standing precariously in a bar with horny ***** men and teasing one of the biggest.
Tiny was already unzipping his pants as Garrett said this and caused him to stop talking. Tiny fished his own cock out of his pants and laid it on the edge of the table. It’s size nearly matched that of Garrett, and she suspected that had he not been obese that it would dwarf Garretts. “Umm, that’s not tiny.” She said as she kept staring at it.
“Touch it.” Tiny said as he grabbed her hand with the stick in it and pulled the stick out before resting her hand on his shaft. She tried briefly to pull it back but that only caused her to stroke him back and forth as his meaty paw held her firmly. ‘Yeah, just like that. Stroke it you dirty slut.” He said as he reached out his other hand and groped for her breasts.
She tried to back up, but Garrett was still in place and didn’t seem to want to move. Instead he dove his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down to pool at her feet. “I’m married. I have to go. Please stop. I don’t want to…” She pleaded with them, but they didn’t care to hear her. Her pleas were weak and as Tiny kept his hand on her to prevent it from moving he found that she was stroking him on her own now. Her eyes were mesmerized by how it was growing and how her small hand couldn’t even wrap around it. Garrett behind her slid his hand between her legs and found her cunt soaking wet. She was so excited that her fluids were leaking down her legs.
“Hey Tiny, it seems this lady was playing with herself at school when she was watching me run the other day.” He told Tiny over her shoulder as he began inserting a finger in and out of her already sopping wet pussy. “She shook my hand that day and it smelled like this.” He said as he removed his finger and held it out for Tiny to smell. Nicola was mortified. These men were talking about her like she wasn’t even here.
Tiny removed his hand from hers and she continued to stroke him. Garrett put his finger back inside Nicola and began fingering her pussy slowly. Tiny let her continue to stroke him but moved around the corner of the table which separated them and gripped the base with one hand while continuing to grope at Nicola’s bared breasts. He paid special attention to her nipples that seemed to stand up with ease and begged for his attention. Tiny saw from her expression that she was still conflicted as her left hand stroked his still hardening cock. Her wedding ring shone brightly in the dim light of the bar. The conflicting he saw was quickly vanishing and being replaced with a pure willingness to that which was happening.
She felt Garrett push her upper body forward as he curled his finger inside of her to keep her lower body from moving forward. As she leaned forward Tiny gripped the base of his cock and pointed it upward with her hand still attached like it was glued on. She saw the head of his cock approaching her face and it looked like a train was about to slam full force into her. As she opened her mouth to protest, his head pressed against her lips. Feeling the fleshy tip of his cock with her lips she surprised herself by trying to open wider until the entire head was now inside of her mouth. “Look at your cunt Garrett. This bitch looks like she’s in heat and ready to breed.” Tint released her breast in order to place both hands on her head and pull her deeper onto himself. Garrett watched her oral assault and instead of intervening he inserted two more fingers inside of her. She began moaning as she was being assaulted in two ways.
Finally, Garrett removed his fingers and quickly fished his cock out of his pants. At this point it was quite the feat to watch as he was fully engorged and once freed from his jeans, he ended up hitting the back of her thighs and ass as it bounced up. He lined up the head with her opening that now glistened pink and from her being bent over he was presented with a clear target. As he pushed forward Nicola’s eyes opened wide and she tried to move away from him but that just shoved Tiny even further down her throat. She stopped trying to get away from him and felt the girth of his head pass by her lips and then felt him slide in deeply. She had her eyes open, but her field of vision was only to the sides of Tiny and there wasn’t anything there but a wall. She closed her eyes and wrapped her hands around Tiny for balance and imagined the other people. She climaxed two times from just this position and as she neared a third, she felt Tiny unload in her mouth.
She felt like she was choking and tried to swallow it but when he pulled himself out, she still saw and felt a lot of cum drip out. Garrett turned her onto the table facing the crowd and began pounding harder into her. He lifted her leg up and pushed it forward onto the table so that her knee was resting on the table and her foot dangled off the edge. He piston in and out forcefully and reached forward grabbing a shock of her blond hair and pulled it back toward him.
She had never been treated so badly or felt so excited. She tried to lift up to lessen the pull but had to keep lifting until her breasts raised from the table. “Say hello to your fan club.” Garrett said as he kept fucking her. She opened her eyes to see seven men at the edge of the table. All of them had their dicks out and were stroking them. She recognized just two of the men as those from the bathroom that Garrett had knocked out earlier. The one whose cock she had hit and scratched was seemingly more ginger with how he stroked his cock. That now made her feel sad for hurting him. She also wondered where the rest of the people went. “We closed the bar to give you this private party. My friends love to help out a schoolteacher in need and judging by how quickly you made Tiny cum, I would say you are in need of a lot more.
She felt Garrett push deep into her then stayed hard against her ass as he filled her with his load. As he pulled out, he released her head and she fell flat on the table. She could feel her breasts squish against the green felt material and she felt empty when his cock was finally removed. As Garrett removed himself, he walked away from her and left his cock to hang limp between his legs and motioned for the men to come closer.
All seven men came over at the same time and she immediately felt 14 hands grabbing at her and penetrating her and pinching her and pulling her off the table. She came face to face with her bathroom attackers and he kissed her deeply. She returned his kiss and could taste stale beer and smelled cigarette smoke all over him. While she was kissing him, another man had a finger buried up to the knuckle in her asshole and two others had lifted her legs off the ground and spread them apart. Her bathroom molester broke their kiss then grabbed his cock and found his way to her floating cunt. She could still feel Garretts cum dripping out of her until this new cock with the scratch filled her void. He stood still with a vicious grin as his friends pulled her up and down hard on his cock until he winced and came inside of her as well. Two other men took their time in mauling her breasts as he was filling her with cum. Her breasts were becoming tender and red from the continued abuse.
The man fingering her ass continued his assault and was able to turn her away from the table as he sat down on the edge and had the other men lift her up and as they lowered her down she felt his fingers come out and for an instant there was nothing happening until she felt the pressure at her back door again. This time however it was bigger than a finger but not as bit as Tiny. She told herself to relax and they pushed her down. Nicola didn’t like it when Kevin tried to play with her ass, but this was different. She felt like she was being split in half and she needed something to hold onto. A very tall man walked between her legs and she quickly wrapped her arms around him as she sank fully onto his lap. The many hands around her again ****** her up and down as new hands took their place on her breasts and she felt them pinched and a few times a piercing shot of pain ripped from her nipples to her head. She was too busy to look down and see what damage was being done to her. Her support body in front of her wasn’t there to help her but rather to help himself. His friends pulled her legs open and he found her pussy gaping open and a pool of cum slowly dribbling out. He pushed himself easily into her sloppy cunt that was turning red from abuse. He rocked back and forth into her as she was lifted up and down and all three of them climaxed at the same time. The men filling her with cum were to slow to move out of the way and the remaining four men pulled her off the table and kneeled her down in the middle of them as they ****** their cocks in her face. She greedily took the nearest one in her mouth and gripped a cock in each hand which left one remaining cock ignored. This man wasn’t going to be ignored and instead he wiggled his way under her, and she released a cock long enough to guide him to her willing cunt. As she sat down, she reached up and grasped the last cock.
The four of them were energetic and though her own energy was waning she knew that she could finish them off. Nicola took turns in sucking one cock then the next then the next and moved between the three of them until the cock to her right unexpectedly shot a stream of cum into the side of her head and it dripped down onto her shoulder and to the tip of her breast. Then another came as soon as his cock entered her mouth. She kept him in her mouth until she had swallowed all of the cum that came out then released his now limp dick. This left the man on the left and the cock in her pussy to focus on.
She gripped the man’s dick with both hands and jerked him with as much talent as she possessed, and he soon slapped her hands away and took a grasped of his own cock. He aimed it at her face and shot the first shot across her face then the remaining shots he aimed at her breasts and body. He then backed away and all the men watched as she leaned forward, in reverse cowgirl, she placed her hands on the sticky concrete flooring and began rocking back on and off his dick. The man between her legs was holding her hips and occasionally slapping her ass. She looked down her body and saw the cum drip from her nipples but there was something shiny that caught her attention. She saw that each of her nipples now sported a piece of jewelry. A silver barbell was in each breast and with that realization she climaxed then fell onto the floor. The guy who failed to finish wiggled out from under her and pulled her ass up enough to force himself into her again. He jammed his way in and out a few more times until he pulled out and shot his load across her back. Then he also stood up and the nine men stood around her looking down at her. She was covered in sweat and cum and as she rolled over, they all laughed at the site of her.
Garrett held out his hand and she reached up to him. He helped her stand up and he handed her a bar rag. She could smell the stink of the bar and wondered if it had ever been cleaned. She decided that at this point it didn’t matter and wiped off as much cum as she could from her body and tried to be ginger with her nipples since they were hurting more and more. Once she felt that she was semi-clean she took the dress that Garrett was handing her and put it back on. She looked around for her bra and panties but couldn’t see either.
“That was impressive Nicola. Usually a woman can’t take more than four of us before begging to stop.” He said as he guided her to the exit of the bar. Someone handed her the purse she came in with and once they were outside and in Garretts car she pulled out her phone to look at the time. She saw that it was now 3am and when she launched the messages app there were new messages from both Kevin and Erik. To her horror there were messages back and forth from her phone to both of them including pictures of her gang-bang. Kevin had sent a picture of his hardened cock and she read about how excited he was. She couldn’t handle anymore tonight and instead shut off her phone and rested her head on Garretts shoulder.
She would deal with today, tomorrow.