Ch. 3 The Mystery Woman Returns

Lizzie and I were lying by the pool some days later, me in the shade as usual, Lizzie going browner by the minute in the sun, when a shadow made us both look over our reading material to see who had stopped next to us.

With a tingle of pleasure, I realized it was the woman who had masturbated with Lizzie not 100 feet away from where we were now a few nights ago. She was wearing a one-piece costume, barefoot, with a flimsy shawl covering her shoulders. Water was running off of her, forming a small puddle at her feet as the remnants of her swim dried in the sun.

"Hey," said the woman.

"Hi," said Lizzie, smiling warmly at the woman. I said, "Hello," and, remembering my manners, stood and moved to sit on the lounger to my right, leaving the newcomer the vacant one between Lizzie and me. I gestured to it, and she set her back more upright and sat, crossing her ankles and watching the swimmers intently.

“I’m Rae," she said casually.

"Lizzie," said my wife, and then, gesturing lazily in my direction, “He’s Charles.”

Rae nodded, still looking absently straight ahead.

It was a very relaxed, contented atmosphere. Three old friends gathered around a pool, happy with shared silence, which was odd considering Rae and Lizzie had watched each other come on their own a few nights ago.

“I went to your room and found you here.” Her accent was lovely, Southern, warm, slow, but not a drawl—considered.

“Would you like to go to our room with us?" asked my wife quietly, with no urgency.

“Sure. I’d like a Mojito first, though. Do they do those?”

“They do everything. I’ll hail a passing waiter, I said, catching the eye of a young man smartly dressed in a shirt and bow tie.Not ideal for these temperatures.

Nobody spoke until her drink arrived, then Rae asked Lizzie, gesturing at her bikini bottoms, “They’re really small; don’t leave much to the imagination. I was wondering, They’re so skimpy; you must be shaven, right?”

Lizzie chuckled, “Waxed. All over.”

“They do that? I mean, the waxing places will do the whole thing."

"Sure, I’ve been having it done for years.”

Rae seemed to ingest this information, and then, dragging her gaze from my wife’s crotch, she stood and stretched. “Ready?”

We were ready. Five minutes later, we shut our room door behind us and stepped into air-conditioned opulence.

“This is nice," said Rae. “Our hotel is nice too, but the room is a little small for us and the kids."

We took some champagne from the fridge out to the balcony and sat in silence looking at the sea, stunning at that time of the afternoon with the warm orange sun reflected in its surface.

"So... Rae," began Lizzie, emphasizing Rae’s name as if she enjoyed saying it aloud. “What do you want?”

Rae turned to Lizzie, considering her for a moment, and then said, “I’m not sure, but I think it begins in bed with you.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

Rae spoke again: “I haven’t done anything with a woman for so many years, since college. What we did together the other night has stayed with me, and I want to do more and go further. It struck a chord with me—something I’m missing, even if only for a little while until I don’t miss it any longer. I came so hard, though. So hard. I was thinking about it last night when Howard, my husband, fucked me. He must think he’s suddenly the world’s greatest lover; I couldn’t stop coming.”

Lizzie stood and extended her hand, which Rae took, standing, and followed her to the bedroom.

I sipped my drink, and not until I could hear moaning did I slip into the room and sit in the corner armchair to watch.

Rae had her back to me, naked, sitting on Lizzie’s face, her palms against the wall above the headboard, bracing herself as she ground rhythmically against my wife’s face. Lizzie’s arms were locked around Rae’s thighs, holding her tight to her as her tongue flicked over Rae’s cunt lips, darting inside every few seconds. I had a very clear view from where I sat, and my cock was harder than iron as it pushed against my shorts.

Rae exclaimed, louder, with an intake of break, “OH!" and I saw her shiver and pause with her grinding before starting again with renewed enthusiasm. I could see that Lizzie had her tongue deep into Rae’s anus, something that had obviously not been a regular feature of Rae’s sex life to date, but she was definitely enjoying it.

Lizzie’s legs were splayed, her feet against the headboard, and her knees bent, completely ******** her to Rae above her.

Rae moved to go down on Lizzie, stopping a foot or two away, as if considering something. It was obvious she wasn’t sure about this step for some reason. Lizzie took her tongue from Rae’s wet anus for a second and breathed, "Please.".

Rae dropped her head all the way between Lizzie’s legs and drew her long tongue the length of Lizzie’s engorged cunt.

Lizzie shivered and moaned into Rae’s arsehole before moving her attention back to her cunt.

Rae was really into this now—licking, grinding, and moaning, with sweat appearing in the small of her back, which I love.

Lizzie came before Rae, taking her mouth away from Rae’s cunt to breathe deeply, pushing her hips up from the bed to thrust against Rae’s face, giving a loud, “Oh Fuck!" and her thigh muscles bulging.

Rae came a few seconds later. To our surprise and Lizzie’s delight, she was a genuine squirter, and after the initial shock, Lizzie sealed her mouth over Rae’s cunt and swallowed all of it noisily. Rae was making a primal, groaning noise, shuddering with pleasure.

When she’d calmed down, she said, "I don’t always do that. I haven’t in a long time, actually. I did a little when we watched each other the other night, but it’s been a while... I’m sorry, I should have warned you.”

Lizzie laughed and said, “Never apologize for being so fucking hot, Rae. You taste amazing, and I swallowed every drop. I think he liked it too, she said, nodding at me.

Rae turned around, and her eyes went to the bulge in my shorts, lingering there for a few seconds.

“I certainly did, Rae.”

I stood and dragged my swollen cock from my shorts, where it slapped against my stomach, pointing at the ceiling and refusing to go down an inch.

“My God," said Rae, “it’s been a very long time since someone was that hard for me.”

“All fours, please," I said quietly.

Rae did as I asked, resting her head on the bed and pushing her arse high into the air.

Lizzie deftly and quickly rolled a condom over my cock, and I pushed into the wet, open cunt being pushed toward me. Rae was watching, fascinated, and staring back between her legs as I slid all the way inside her. She moaned and closed her eyes as I began to fuck her.

After a few seconds, I was slamming into her, the slapping of my stomach on her arm sending shivers down my spine. I wasn’t going to last long. I felt Rae come on my cock—not anywhere near as hard as she’d come on my wife’s tongue, but still, it felt amazing to be inside her and see her come run down my cock as she did so.

Rae suddenly reached behind her and put her hand against my stomach, stopping me as I was about to thrust into her again. She pulled my cock out of her cunt and dragged the condom off, throwing it away from her onto the floor. "I want to," she grunted.

Even more excited now, I rammed into her and felt my heart pumping from my rigid cock into Rae’s soaked cunt, the occasional shiver of her muscle contractions squeezing my shaft.

Exhausted, Rae lay back, speaking only to murmur, “My God, that’s so dirty." as Lizzie went down on her, slowly licking my come from Rae’s cunt, stopping to kiss me deeply every now and then, pushing some of it into my mouth. Rae came again, in a leisurely, comfortable way, not explosive but long-lasting and intense.

We lay on the bed, dozing in the late afternoon sunshine, with the balcony door open and sounds and smells drifting in from the holidaymakers below. Rae was between us, on her back, eyes closed, breathing heavy and docile.

After an hour or so, Rae said, “I’d better get back," but she didn’t sound at all like she wanted to leave.

Lizzie changed the subject: “Tell me about your family; who were all those people at your table?”

“Two older kids, boys, are mine. The elderly couple are Howard’s parents. The younger kids, three of them, belong to my sister, the dyed blonde with the loud laugh.”

Lizzie smiled. “I remember her."

“Everyone does," said Rae.

I examined Rae closely for the first time. She was not beautiful—a little plain, if anything. Flat chest and toned flat stomach, which obviously took some maintenance and some stretch marks. Her legs were shapely, her thighs a little dappled with cellulite, and she could do with a few days of lying in the sun. Her cunt hair was trimmed neatly; she razored herself no doubt. In short, she was amazing, and I’d never seen anything so erotic as at that moment, with the warm sunlight drifting over her body.

I looked at my wife, who was propped on her elbow, closely examining Rae too. She caught my eye and said, “Isn’t she perfect?”

I nodded, smiling. Rae opened her eyes. I was expecting her to protest—mock indignation, that kind of thing. Instead, they said simply, “Thank you."

“What did you tell your family?” Asked Lizzie.

“I said I was coming here for a spa treatment.”

Lizzie thought for a little while. “This is what we’ll do, Rae. You call Howard and tell him you bumped into an old college friend—you're local, right?" At this, Rae nodded. “Good, so it’s plausible—that might happen. Tell him you met Hazel—I'll be Hazel—and you’re going to dinner with her and might stay over if you have a drink. It’s been so many years, and it’s so good to see her.”

Rae considered this. “He knew me in college. Let’s say high school. He knew a lot of my friends there too, later in life. He might be suspicious.”

Lizzie giggled. “Rae – Howard does not sound like the suspicious type. Also, I’ll speak to him; well, Hazel will. It’ll be perfect, trust me. Do you want to?”

Rae nodded. “Oh yes, I want to.”

My cock was rocking hard again at the thought of having this wonderful creature stay with us for a whole night. I was absently stroking her erect nipple with the back of my hand, my cock gently pushing against her side.

“Ok, call him, and when I say to pass him over, just tell him Hazel wants to say hello."

Lizzie grabbed Rae’s phone from her handbag and passed it to her. Rae pressed a shortcut and put the phone on the pillow between her and Lizzie, who were looking at each other longingly.

Just as the call was answered, I put my hand on Rae’s and gently rolled her onto her side, facing Lizzie.

As a man’s voice said, “Hi, Rae, how’s it going? You on your way? Kids are starving apparently. I put my hand between Rae’s thighs and lifted, parting her legs, pulling her toward me. I slipped my cock into her still-soaking cunt, easily to the hilt, straight away.

Rae pushed back against me as I slowly fucked her, maintaining the same pace and being relentless, and still she talked to her husband.

Howard interrupted his own diatribe on whether to eat out or in the hotel and the various costs and problems associated with each option to ask, “Are you OK? You sound out of breath.”

“Fine, fine. After the spa, I finished off in the gym. Bit pooped.”

Our rhythm was perfect now, moving in complete sync with each other, me pulling almost all the way out as she moved away from me, then sliding all the way back in as she slowly pushed back. I was holding her nipple between thumb and forefinger, and it was like a little hard pebble.

Lizzie, watching Rae intently, nodded at her. Rae gave Howard the story: she bumped into Hazel, amazing really, hadn’t seen her in years, here on her own, having dinner, might even stay.

Howard was a bit indignant at this; most fussed, it seemed, over who was going to handle dinner arrangements. Rae suggested his mother could get involved for once, to which Howard agreed that “might work." Rae was keeping it together well for a woman with a cock inside her while on the phone to her husband, with only the slight whimper and tiny groan escaping, which Howard didn’t seem to notice at all.

As Rae had indicated, Howard was curious about this “Hazel” and was sure he’d known her from Rae’s circle of friends many years ago. He did a great job describing a completely fictional person and her life, and Rae agreed with some of it—those bits that sounded like they could even be true—letting him waffle on for minutes while a man she’d met a few days ago slid his hard cock into her again and again. As he was talking, Rae had absently put her arm up so she could stroke my face gently with her hand and nestled back into me so that our bodies were touching everywhere, her head laying back against my chest and my chin on top of her head.

I could see that Lizzie was going mad with desire watching this, and I could also see that it was desire for Rae.

“Hold on," breathed Rae. “Hazel is here; I’ll put her on.”

Lizzie took the phone and sat on a chair on the balcony, having first moved it so she could see clearly into the room to watch us.

"Hi, Howard?" said my wife. “It’s Hazel!”.

Lizzie went on to explain that she thought she’d moved away before she’d really gotten to know Howard, but they had met a few times and she was having such a great time with Rae, so would he be a total sweetheart and spare her for one night?

Howard, meanwhile, seemed completely comfortable with staying overnight; it was that he couldn’t recall what Hazel looked like that was bothering him.

“Let’s Facetime," said my wife excitedly.

Rae and I did not stop fucking, but we both twitched at this suggestion. This would need to be carefully orchestrated.

Howard agreed enthusiastically, and they switched to a video call. Lizzie had thrown on her bikini top but was still naked below, her legs draped open as she sat in the sunshine, out of shot, of course.

Howard was obviously impressed with Lizzie in her skimpy top and became suddenly solicitous and ingratiating—now he remembered her, of course! How could he forget?

Lizzie made sure she repeatedly moved the phone camera to give a good view of her chest and carried on discussing made-up events and people from long ago in a manner even I was finding convincing.

Rae had detected, of course, the slightly creepy change in her husband’s demeanor upon seeing Lizzie in her bikini, and her response was to push back even more firmly against my strokes.

“Say," said Howard, “you’re staying in a fancy room at the fancy hotel, right? I guess there is plenty of room for Rae then. Show me around; I’d like to see how the other half lives.”

Lizzie didn’t seem to hesitate at all. She said, “Sure! Here we go on the guided tour!" and stood with the phone in her hand.

This risk was really turning Rae on. My fingers sought her clitoral area, and I couldn’t believe how slick her cunt and thighs were. We started to fuck faster and harder, our breathing in complete alignment, as Lizzie entered the room.

There were two super-king-sized beds in our room, next to each other, and Lizzie stood between them, inches from Rae’s face, and turned on the camera.

Keeping the camera very carefully just above the height at which we could be seen, Lizzie swept slowly around in a 360-degree turn. She moved the camera slightly down as she turned to face the empty bed behind her, showing it to Howard but omitting the evidence of a second bed.

“One bed, eh?" said Howard, a funny little lascivious chuckle accompanying it. “Don’t you go corrupting my wife!”

Lizzie laughed good-naturedly and turned off the camera, placing the phone between her and Rae again on the pillow.

“Rae?" said Howard. "Are you there still?”

Rae said yes, she was still there, and as I felt my orgasm beginning to build, I started to fuck her harder, and she responded in kind, using her hips to shove herself back into me, wiggling to get every centimeter of my cock into her cunt.

“Ok, well, I guess we’ll see you tomorrow then. Don’t forget we’re doing that open garden thing with your sister, so you’ll need to be back at lunchtime. Great talking to you, Hazel! Have a fun night! Oh, hang on, I forgot, Hazel. You look just great in that bikini. Where did you get it?”

I was about to explode, and I could feel Rae starting to contract on my cock. I had my hand over her mouth, and she was licking gently at it with the tip of her tongue, but she obviously realized that wouldn’t be enough to mute her when she came. She looked helplessly at Lizzie, expecting her to hang up, fake a disconnect, or at least move the phone. Lizzie grinned and moved the device several inches closer to Rae.

Rae turned on her front, and I mounted her—my thighs splayed around her hips as I got as deep into her as I could. As I started to come, it was all I could do now—not to shout aloud, to say Rae’s name, anything for release. Rae was coming too, squirts escaping from her cunt with every contraction, soaking my cock, balls, thighs, and stomach.

Rae shouted what sounded like, "Oh... Fuck.. Mother Fucker!” into the pillow, her body shaking and her legs bending, her feet raised to touch my back as I emptied into her, rope after rope of my come filling her cunt.

Howard, seeming to hear something in our room, paused in his pervy conversation with Lizzie and, as if brought back to reality by the interruption, signed off for real and ended the call.

"What did you shout when you came, Rae?" asked Lizzie.

"I was just saying swear words that popped into my head—I don't really swear at home, and the only thing Howard thinks I would say when I orgasm is, "Yes, oh yes...""—so I thought I'd throw him off the scent.

Lizzie laughed out loud, dropped her bikini top to the floor, and, pushing me out of the way, fell to her knees behind Rae, her tongue seeking that open slit again. "Talking of scent," she said.

That night is an experience for the ages; it’s filed away deep in my consciousness and hard to describe in a way that will do it justice, but I will try in the next chapter.
Previous page: Ch. 2 Some Cuckoldry
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